I made my girlfriend feel uncomfortable. Until one point she referred to herself as my girlfriend.

I made my girlfriend feel uncomfortable The thing is, I would feel uncomfortable personally if a female friend did that to me, but we may just have different boundaries on this. One of my girlfriend’s family was the exact opposite and I had difficulty with that. We have a pretty healthy relationship, as we communicate our feelings and our problems together. So I proceed to ask what happened and she says that some guy asked for her name and number. PoorBaby • My girlfriend and I are long distance this summer, and she has a friend she hang out with. Reply reply Its more normal for guys to feel that way but as her boyfriend just hug her or just be there even if you feel uncomfortable. Over time, this imbalance leads to feelings of 69 votes, 79 comments. I feel like I just made everything awkward and uncomfortable. All of you. what to do. For me, I kept a change of underwear and small versions of most of my toiletries in my purse all the time in case we ended up deciding to have a sleepover at his place after meeting friends or something. but rubbing it in someone’s face this way just feels really tacky and makes me uncomfortable. The offering you expired coffee is really creepy. Did I tell you about Thanks, I’m a weird person with weird ways of saying things - But what I mean is it’s probably difficult going about the world maintaining a social life as a harmless male, when there is so much fear installed around men in this society (not for bad reason) but for the people like you guys who are caring and not trying to make anyone uncomfortable (which is a conscious act) is probably When I asked Layla about it she said the compliments were nice at first but she got uncomfortable. Obviously she can't help what she is attracted to, but she doesn't have to shove it in your face all the time. What came to light very early was she was clearly hurt from her past relationships, and therefore extremely insecure. I’d understand OPs concern if the girlfriend brought it up multiple times, but once is not “red flag” case. It is normal to feel uncomfortable, because you are not used to it, and the way they act feels weird and foreign. I love a lot of weird people, but your "friend" doesn't just sound weird but kind of disconnected from normality. She's also offered to go to a relationship counselor with me if it would make me feel better discussing my concerns. I’m ace aro but I still don’t know how to act around men. I called my mom after we left and i told her she had no business saying anything about her family at all, and that some things are better left unsaid, and i made her apologize to my girlfriend yesterday. I’ve had a few In return I do things for him. Ik our relationship is just beginning and I really like her and I believe she likes me back. I feel so miserable these days. TLDR; made fun of my girlfriend for breaking her lease early as a joke, she started crying and thinks I deliberately tried to make her feel shitty, I want to make it up to her Archived post. She was visibly frazzled and messed up someone’s drink and the two men made a comment about it and tried to get her to feel better. Often, the root of such feelings lies in unmet expectations or Maybe you feel like you’re always the one initiating plans, handling household tasks, or supporting your partner emotionally. You and GF need to decide what's right for your relationship, not strangers on the internet who don't know you at all beyond this post. Dont know how to ease my conscience. For a brief background, she grew up with terrible parents. But when I try and push her to make a decision it's another break down, just like with food. How do I make my girlfriend feel better about herself? Try to practice the following empathetic skills: Show her respect and acceptance regardless of what she feels and experiences. I don't have any explanations for this, i don't want to feel like this, but i can't help it. (like sports, some additional education, a relaxing hobby or whatever) You can try to surround yourself with the "right" people who make you feel secure and valued. So, background; I am Male 22 years old and my girlfriend is 20. I don't do things that my partner feels uncomfortable with, because I love her and care about her feelings. Girlfriend wants to go to concert without me, and I feel really uncomfortable with the situation So I've dated this girl for six months, and have lived together for about 3 of the 6 months we've been dating, this was due to an emergency where I lost my space and she took me in, and now, is in a similar situation and I am taking her in, but soon My first interaction with him was via text. Her mother was a horrible human, she didn't know her dad until she was 9 and her stepfather abused her. 3 The thing I "accused" her during this argument is misunderstanding my messages and the cost of the accomodation. That date was a disaster. But I do think yuo should pay attention to how you feel. Either way, regardless of your intentions, you have made this girl feel uncomfortable. It really makes me uncomfortable and insecure at times. he smelled strongly of cigarettes. I just need some words of experience and wisdom. Be it either making Jokes or making her feel better, anything is fine, i just would like to get her to be happier and thats it. I asked if she gave it to him and she That said, there have been times when L’s words and behaviour have made me feel bad about myself, and are undermining my self-esteem and my faith in the relationship. At the time I didn’t know he lived 12 hours away and since the text was several hour old I got super concerned for my gfs safety. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? or situations/content involving minors. One guy I dated always made a big deal about how he was low class and I was upper class. My girlfriend is straight and I trust her 100% but both the man and woman make me uncomfortable when seen with my girlfriend. My girlfriend is traveling to a major city with a family member of hers and told me a couple days ago that she planned on sleeping over one night with a guy friend she has. We've never really discussed boundaries concerning My supervisor then came to talk to me and we worked everything out until I felt comfortable enough to go back to my room. Relationships My girlfriend of over 5 years has started a pretty good job in the last year. They make Is my relationship making me depressed? Is my partner exacerbating my anxiety? Here, seven signs a partner may be hurting your mental health. Talk to her; don't talk to us. I've never been close to men in my life up until now (I'm 21F), so much that I've never had a boyfriend or close guy friends, though this isn't really what bothers me, the problem is that I'm just not comfortable around them: for example, if another girl isn't present and I'm left alone with a guy, I feel very nervous and quickly want to move I [26M] today took a stand against my insecure girlfriend [25F]. 001% chance encounter happened, and I’m straight lol). My intention was never to make her feel uncomfortable, I Also, since as lot of people wanted me to clarify on what kind of changes I'm talking about: My girlfriend changed her style to look like an Emo. It was also my first time so I was also clueless as of what I did wrong but instead of trying to get her back I Since we started seeing each other offline again i have become more distant, and i can't tell him but, i kinda feel uncomfortable around him, especially when he grabs my hands, or hugs me, or when we're alone. I know he made me upset from the things he said but I feel like I made him feel worse by telling him. She has improved my life by leaps and Unfortunately that's the only thing you can do for now. It felt like I knew this person so well, had been through so much, knew I loved him so much, but he suddenly felt almost like a stranger, even though nothing had changed. She didn´t have the intention to My brother’s girlfriend gave my schizophrenic ex boyfriend private details about my pregnancy and now my family’s mad that i’m cutting her off after he Not even necessarily negative, just an absence of the constant feeling of warmth and love I felt basically from day one. My girlfriend (F26) told me (M28) she doesn’t think she will ever be able to love me You should have a talk with your girlfriend about this and why it makes you feel uncomfortable in as much detail as you can muster. You should be able to be yourself. He’s uncomfortably flirtatious every time we talk (even in front of his own girlfriend who looks visibly annoyed), brings his face inappropriately close to mine while talking etc. Could this be the case for your gf? Maybe try new things in bed that really make her feel desired. My first interaction with him was via text. I had expressed how uncomfortable it would make me feel to know she is hanging out with this dude and it was disregarded as me being the jealous boyfriend so I let it go. Sometimes it's hard to hear that we did something that made someone feel uncomfortable, but taking a step back and being reflective about the information other people are giving us can help us continue to be good friends So 2. I acknowledge said situation makes my girlfriend feel uncomfortable and have said if that’s what it takes I will cut ties with said friend. You should end things now. It’s ok for my tummy to be soft and for my thighs to touch. As I grew and travelled the world I began to realize hugging and letting family know you cared was I am not a controlling person, I never have been, and it makes me uncomfortable to feel like I run her life like this. In the beginning we had a lot of sex, several times a day and no problems at all. You should just accept that wealth isn't a big deal to her. Nothing traumatic happened to me as a child, I just feel so uncomfortable. By being honest and sincere, we can help to repair the relationship and move forward. Also, my previous girlfriend cheated on me and that has made me despise infidelity and anyone who voluntarily helps others cheat. I think it might help to have a long conversation about what physical contact feels like to you and to your gf. If you want to make her feel special, then you can do so in the long run. She has asked me if it makes me feel anxious/stressed tho and I said i do feel anxious when she goes :/ I didn’t want to lie to her about how the situations make me feel and she’s always told me to be honest with her. The thing is though, whenever she goes back home, I feel very sad, and lonely. 10 Tips to Make Your Ex Girlfriend Feel Comfortable Around My Girlfriend's Friends Hate Me and Don't Want Her to Get My Ex's Friends Are Telling Her to Avoid Me. I'm 5'11" she is 5'8". We get up in the morning and she leaves and I tell my girlfriend who knows her fairly well that she slept over in the basement last night for the previously stated reason. Honestly I wish she would make the decision to limit texts and stuff or stop on her own. " "I know this is terrible. When reality I just am into different things. I just feel as if I am another number for her and when she has her fun she will move on, while I will be left with a broken heart. But somehow, I feel that she does not believe me. I (18M) can't help feeling uncomfortable about my gf (18F) hanging out in a friend group with her guy friend she almost dated multiple times Me and my gf are mid-distance, I try to come home as much as possible on the weekends, and she comes over when she can between her athletic tournaments. "Listen, I like you but I don't want to assist to a soap opera where my girlfriend is slowly and surely falling in love with the guy she was interested in previously, yet ended up as friend to finally be more intimate to the point you speak more openly to him than me while I always did my best to make you feel safe. You just have to love and respect her and hope she’ll do the same! My girlfriend frequently goes to the gym to It is important to take responsibility for our actions and apologize when we have made someone feel uncomfortable. And it's not like I avoid her for the rest of the day or make her feel like I'm still thinking about my best friend. We've probably all had the experience of hearing someone make a statement and thinking "Wow, that sounds so entitled. As Klapow tells me, this can create anxiety, since you’re worried that they’ll leave. Girlfriend makes me super uncomfortable :( Relationship Hey everyone, I need to vent so very badly about what’s been going on. Or, you might even convince yourself they’re cheating. I’m happy my bf never cared, he just hyped me up. So oftentimes, one of the reasons an ex can act uncomfortable after a breakup is they feel a lot of guilt wrapped up into the breakup itself. We haven’t hung out with our friend since. This situation is just awful and I'm not sure if it's of my own making. A one This guy is making you uncomfortable and she's made it clear he's more important to her than you, so I think its time to reevaluate this relationship. I've spoken to her about it and I trust her (I've known her for 7+ years and we've been best friends) that it's purely platonic but for some reason I still feel uncomfortable and I'm not entirely sure why. I just felt like I needed to pee. You’re always better off being open and honest about what you’re feeling. “In a relationship that’s solid, you can show up and present the good, the bad, the i always get a bit of a sick feeling, seeing the clash of male features on someone presenting as female. In comes me in 9 months, she wont stop talking to this guy named Jon when I made it clear i feel uncomfortable she is talking to this guy when she tells me they are just friends, when start of our relationship Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my relationship? If you feel uncomfortable in your relationship, it could be due to your partner’s inability to make you feel secure. I'd never been in a long term one before, so it was all sort of jarring. It's a nice compliment when people think my girlfriend is attractive but I also dont need them to tell me that. My only issue with responses like this one, the foundations of any relationship worth something are built on trust. She's extremely athletic, having done sports her entire life, and it really shows. TL;DR: girlfriend stops while we're being freaky, and it makes me feel extra bad about it. I know that some people often feel stressed around their preferred gender but I’m not even straight. Or, It sounds like your girlfriend is a pretty reasonable and non-pretentious person. 2 500 Euro/night. So I continue playing softball, but I don't pitch. Also, try not to make her feel marginalized because she comes from money. Anyway, after telling my best friend, she suggested that I try finding my g-spot. Don’t be controlling, why don’t u hype her up instead? I sort of already knew that, there’s a lot of times when I talk to people and I say things or do things that feel weird and make the situation a little uncomfortable, but no one has ever explicitly told me “that was really weird, you made the conversation kind of uncomfortable. It made her uncomfortable that I was talking with my ex, so I figured I'd talk to my ex, tell her that I didn't feel comfortable talking with her, and after all the times that I made it clear to her that we weren't dating and that I didn't want phone calls late at night, she continued to treat me as such. I did find my g-spot but it doesn't bring me any pleasure whatsoever, and it was actually a bit uncomfortable. It's minor enough that I can sort of examine the interactions between my nervous system and my thought processes - it isn't a total and complete everything-killing overload, at least not all the time - but like you, I'm not really sure what to make of it either. We started talking and had a lot of fun together and could have genuine conversations. Long story short she ended up cheating on me. Its fine when she is happy but when she gets sad i feel so in despair as if i dont have the power to make her happy but i know it is more of a "me" problem and i would like to improve myself. So I am wondering if he felt uncomfortable or something. My girlfriend has extreme social anxiety, how do I help her and avoid making her feel uncomfortable? I've been dating a girl with severe social anxiety for about 5 months now. Everyone has different ideas of what boundaries to set, what they're comfortable with, etc. Don't make her feel like she can't be vulnerable unless she looks "weak. I think she is beautiful and I just want her to see herself the same way but I don't know what to do. I spoke up about this and she has not done it since. asking her if she has charged her phone I felt really conscious about running into someone and they would figure out I slept with a guy and it freaked me out. First of all, make sure ya wear the right sized pad. That said the crying isn’t what I An uncomfortable question often delves into personal, private, or sensitive topics that many people prefer not to discuss openly, especially if they feel it could expose vulnerabilities, lead to judgment, or touch upon societal Not only did I make my girlfriend feel uncomfortable but I also didnt know I was capable of what I did. Make her feel loved and enhance her sense of self. I mean more than just compliments too. A different class of my girlfriend's involves doing some work with a different class from a different university. Mine isn't a raised bump like everyone else's and it doesn't feel like a prune either but there was a tiny pulse on it. We have been in a relationship for a little over a year and love each other dearly. I am My girlfriend (F18) and I (M19) have been together for almost 10 months and she has recently moved to a university. He also makes silly dirty Then Amy called me back and we got into a fight because I guess she was with her girlfriend during those times (which I didn't know) and it was making their girlfriend upset. Be patient. We learned more and more about each other, but over time I started to feel really boring because although I’d cared for and paid attention to those areas of my personality when I was younger, I’d gotten so into working and not being home much that I’d neglected learning about myself in the weird period of time that is my 20s. I was alone in an office with one of my guy friends, then I sat on his lap while we were talking he seemed calm and cool with it as he continued talking as we were but a minute later he said he had to go to the bathroom and when he returned he asked to leave. Whenever my gf blows me I always get the mental imagery of her blowing my friend and it’s starting to make me jealous/insecure. Both of my parents, however, had and still do have some very close gay friends. So here is here is some basic info my girlfriend (19F) and I (20M) have been together for 3 months, from which 2 months have been long distance. are tardy for these dates you've planned and inconsiderate with how you drive when she's in your car and so make her feel uncomfortable/unsafe. This coupled with other things going on in my life (being rejected by her is a part I guess) made me cry. Apologizing can be If your girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable, consider whether external factors such as work, family issues, or health concerns are contributing to her unease. my advice is- set boundaries with the friend, i know she is your best friend but avoid talking about any relationship struggles with her because it might make your girlfriend feel a bit like shes coming inbetween you both. After all, she’s the one person who Sometimes people need some time not to be strong. The person makes angry, entitled statements. But you shouldn’t make her feel horrible for it From my own experience, I've spent time around dudes who'll use a girlfriend's relationship status as more of a challenge rather than a signal to move on. Ok here's the deal, My girlfriend came out of an abusive relationship 9 months ago. " When I asked Layla about it she said the compliments were nice at first but she got uncomfortable. I do that till date. She's amazing but she gets so nervous around other people that they can't see Slowly ease into it. It’s not uncommon to feel uncomfortable around your girlfriend from time to time. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. I’m much smaller than him and my gf can’t do a lot of crazy bj techniques like she did with him. tl;dr;: Im uncomfortable with my girlfriend going out partying. My supervisor told me that I made this person deeply uncomfortable by the letter, she told me that I made a mistake, that I was only human, and that my intentions were genuine, but it was still inappropriate. I don’t My girlfriend(F23) and I(M22) have been together for a few years with most of the time being LDR. She dated a guy named Jon and it didn't go well so she went back to her ex and finally left him. I have not stopped doing that from the day we started dating. She accepted your apology. I really like our relationship and want to treat it in a serious way. Today we just stayed in bed all day, watching a movie, acting silly, etc. I understand this post expresses that I am insecure with this moment in our relationship and the truth is, I am. Did you have a girlfriend when this happened? Honestly, I had a friend stay over with me, he asked me to cuddle and I said no, he asked again, I said no again and I felt so uncomfortable about the whole situation that I cut ties with him. Don’t get me wrong, I trust her 300%, I just don’t trust other guys Reasons why you feel uncomfortable around your girlfriend. But she isn't. Im scared something is going to happen to her, and i feel its my duty to protect her. Around 4 months into hanging out we slept together a couple times but I started to feel like there was something off. I'm under the impression she isn't aware of the real meaning of accustaion. My girlfriend died of heart attack The worst part about being with someone seriously but not living together is that you always feel like you're living out of a bag. E. Do you only feel uncomfortable around her or do you feel uncomfortable in other situations that doesn’t involve her too? I have anxiety and when it’s particularly bad I feel uncomfortable in general including around my boyfriend and tend to not want to talk about what’s making me feel this way but he understands that and does what I need in that moment whether it be talking After our first fight, she had called him seeking advice. Would much prefer living there to any of the small towns around the I obviously said yes because I don’t want my friend to be uncomfortable. If you feel like you are making a lady uncomfortable, therefore, I was watching a barista make my drink the other day and I felt so uncomfortable because two middle aged men were hovering over her counter to watch her make the drink. We visit each other relatively often but it still sucks. It’s really hurt our time together. She has social anxiety and pretty mild depression. We’ve been dating for a while now, and she seriously is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. To clarify, I’m not badgering her not to do these things. This way, you If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable or you just aren’t sure what to say, tell her! Chances are, she’s feeling a little awkward too, and then you two can chat or giggle about your For example, if your girlfriend or boyfriend knows that you feel uncomfortable with public displays of affection but still tries to kiss you when other people are around, they are overstepping your boundaries. 2) Bringing my makeup, shower stuff, clothes, toothbrush stuff, etc would make me I believe that this interaction made my girlfriend feel uncomfortable and somewhat unsafe. I have not tried to control her/told her not to go to these places. That, amongst other toxic behaviors, made me break up with him Not saying you have to break up with him. TL;DR- I have clinical depression and my friend said I made her uncomfortable loudly in front of our mutual friend. But her mother is unable to be inwardly still and listen, despite her best intentions. By making them feel less than so, in some illogical and perverse way, we can feel better about ourselves. It's your relationship. To make a long background story short, everyone in my family is straight. He’s never said anything TOO mean, but it did hurt my feelings quite a bit. If you’re like this because you’re struggling to feel (typically) feminine then find other ways to make you feel more girly beside him. Thanks <3 They are mostly harmless but every once in a while you’ll get someone who likes to yell — I know that made my girlfriend feel uncomfortable. Ask her how she’d feel if you shared with everyone some personal things about her like the time she farted during sex, or how she still bites her toenails, or whatever to give her a perspective she can understand. I don't know what you think "wait and see if it gets better" looks like. TLDR: Told my girlfriend she could go ahead and drink when in reality it makes me extremely uncomfortable and makes me feel hurt, but I dont want to control her. If you feel like you are making a lady uncomfortable, therefore, I hate when he hugs me or touches me. It’s time OP is clearly an empathetic guy, he clearly feels terrible that he made her feel uncomfortable, which is why its obvious that he wouldn't have ever behaved in a way if he knew it was wrong. Being comfortable in your relationship is the only way it can be sustainable for the long-term. You’ve apologized too many times. My (18M) girlfriend (18F) decided to punish me, and now I 1 We decided on going on this trip lately, so there weren't lots of free places to choose from. My ex would continuously shame me for saying how uncomfortable I felt. I don’t know why. I’m a girl and feel confident about myself and my body, I work hard on the gym and like more “showy “ clothes or bikinis cuz I look good and I feel good about myself. She appeared in my life during some dark times, and even though she doesn’t know, I feel like she saved me. If you try to “make it make sense” or ignore it that nagging feeling is going to grow into resentment and the relationship will implode in a much more messy and painful way for you. 23M, my girlfriend’s[22F] friend made her feel uncomfortable, what should i do? Nothing, this was her situation to manage and she managed it. So what are some things I can do from my side that make her feel comfortable and loved? Tldr: I want to make my girlfriend completely happy, comfortable and feel loved in the relationship. Do not respond with anger. Start with telling him what DOES turn you on/get you excited/make you feel wanted, bonus points if this includes any of the things he actually does-he will feel less under attack if you stroke his ego a little. How do I make my girlfriend feel pretty? Her family is not exactly nice to her and it ruins her self esteem and she says she doesn't feel proud about herself anymore. Reply reply My girlfriend comments on my height sometimes. I don’t need abs to be healthy. To all women, I would like to say that I am sorry, I am sorry if I have ever made you feel uncomfortable because of my actions, I have honestly never meant to hurt you but because I will never understand what it's like to be in your shoes, I may have hurt you inadvertently but that doesn't matter because you were hurt, and I am truly sorry. The fact that random guys might touch my girlfriend without her wanting it makes me very uncomfortable. I don't find it anywhere near as easy to get laid as An uncomfortable lady will try to distract herself from the situation or person that is making her uncomfortable. Sometimes my girlfriend dresses in ways I dont agree and I let her know that they make me uncomfortable. And I've always expressed it to her in the most mesmerizing ways possible. But don't be uncomfortable about the guys there, your girlfriend is perfectly capable of telling any guys who make her uncomfortable to back off. My girlfriend (34F) masturbates next to me (33F) while I'm "sleeping" I feel uncomfortable and want her Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my relationship? If you feel uncomfortable in your relationship, it could be due to your partner’s inability to make you feel secure. I was sick so I was sleeping all day and woke up to several missed calls from my girlfriend and a text from a random number saying that he and my girlfriend were doing crack. If there's some trauma which makes you overthink you could also consider talking to a therapist. Reply reply percival__winbourne An uncomfortable lady will try to distract herself from the situation or person that is making her uncomfortable. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me feel like this. I'm a very private person and don't feel at ease when my personal details are shared with anyone, much less with my girlfriend's FWB. She’s funny, intelligent, caring, supportive, and man, she’s beautiful. He would say "I'm only using it as an example" or "ugh ok fine" only to keep mentioning her over and over. You've apologised and other than that there's not Hey all as the title says I feel uncomfortable whenever my girlfriend goes out with other guys one on one. I’m by myself for too long and invades my space. Even comparing me It could feel uncomfortable, but you owe it to your partner to try to talk about it, Ryan adds. You've made me feel guilty over times I've not been able to see you, anxious over your distrust of my love and still you've made me feel like it's me who doesn't care enough. I feel like I know how my mom felt when she tried to It’s also possible she wants to feel desired. I just want her to feel completely safe with me. My girlfriend's physique (while something I'm in love with), rather unusual for a girl. Even when they stand close to me I feel uncomfortable. We are sexually active right now. Why does love and affection make some people feel uncomfortable? Question for r/Jung My late girlfriend would sometimes have this too, and knowing her mother , it makes sense. He made me so uncomfortable that I wanted to jump out of my skin and run away! He doesn’t think 2. A lot. On the whole the relationship is great but this issue came up recently and I don't know how to address it. I explained this to her and she said she would stop but it just made her do it more. She told me she likes receiving gifts So I try and buy her something every time we meet. We have a great thing going together and I love her with all my heart. Why does my girlfriend avoids intimacy? Stress, depression, I'm [29M] uncomfortable with my girlfriend's [27F] guy friend from work. Nobody else knows that I like my best friend (Amy) though. I remember being in a similar situation when I was 14, I asked my crush if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes, but 2 days later she broke up with me because she said I made her feel uncomfortable. Many of them who I've tried reaching out to during the times my girlfriend is drunk are either busy or aren't available. 5 years ago, I met this guy and we hit it off. I have a very lovely friend now that is mentally disabled. edit- I am 22 and she is 21. I am a girl, 19. told me I could change my mind but I told her I wouldnt and now I feel like ive brought this entirely upon myself when we have previously agreed upon not drinking up until this point When you first start your period it’s totally normal to feel uncomfortable wearing a pad, but there are loads of ways to avoid that diaper feel. I feel horrible. He really enjoyed it. Before the work really began the two classes were supposed to do some quick talking amongst the other class's students to get everyone more You can try to do things that make you feel good about yourself. I can be strong and soft at the same time. Your partner is supposed to make you feel like you’re on top of the world, but instead, they make you feel like you’re coming down with the flu – tired, lackluster, and aching to crawl up in a ball in bed. I really enjoyed living in that area, it felt like the center of DTSJ at times and was very close to lots of things to do there. My girlfriend has made our relationship very testing over the past two years I’ve been with her. it is other people making you feel uncomfortable so next time look at them like they are making you feel too uncomfortable and you are wondering why they are doing that. TL;DR: girlfriend wants to go to college parties, asks if im ok with it, I say ill feel uncomfortable because of the situation she will be at (drunk ppl everywhere, her alone, etc). Me and my girlfriend left, and i was extremely bothered and made my girlfriend feel bad and uncomfortable. We get to my house and I make her bed on the couch in the basement and I go up to my room to sleep. xD Showing that you think about her through your actions not just your words is a great way to make her feel special. I don't have an issue with short shorts, t-shirts, dresses, tank tops, etc, but when an outfit seems to I feel uncomfortable with my girlfriend being alone with another guy in private . I think I’ve made a similar joke about Ryan Gosling to my current girlfriend about us both having hall pass (though we honestly never would do it if that 0. I felt so A man has come under fire for demanding his girlfriend always wear a bra in public, because it makes him feel uncomfortable when they are in a big group of people and she is braless X has, for some reason, made me feel super uncomfortable ever since we started hanging out in person (when we were called onto campus for classes). I don't have it as badly, but I think I have a very very small amount of it myself, triggered by the sound of tutting. You’ll feel like a sucker and taken advantage of bc you’re not ok with this and you’re forcing yourself through it. We have had disagreements in the past over outfits and sometimes I say it's whatever and sometimes she has, but I think it's noth something I can ignore anymore as it's moving firmly outside my boundaries of comfort. My first friend ever was a boy. Welcome to r/relationship_advice. To me that seems like a Until one point she referred to herself as my girlfriend. The gross parts? Even that. We were around 6-10 years old and I think that back then I didn’t had this problem at all. (27F) soon to be sister in law (22F) said something about my 3mo old that made me really uncomfortable. My best friend told me that I made her feel uncomfortable when it seemed like I kept coming on to them. And I don't want to force her. Understanding why your girlfriend is hurt and disappointed involves deep empathy and reflection. Ask her what it makes her think and feel. You know what he is up to, you allow him by keeping him near you and I Throughout our relationship, I have always found opportunities to mention how beautiful I think she is, how pretty I feel my girlfriend is. I have energy. I've (M26) been with my girlfriend (F24) for 4 years now but during the past 2 years so many things have changed. Recently, she has started saying how I never put any effort in and I never have and how I don’t care. Therefore, I've been raised to be very My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over 2 years now. It upset me so I texted her about it and she ended the friendship. The thing is another friend of mine told me that he heard that she was talking to other people how I made her feel uncomfortable and she wishes I didn't ask her, and now she feels awkward and its all my fault. We went out with a few friends last night, and my girlfriend stayed over at my place. I feel like I expressed my discomfort with the idea enough but it just ended with her reassuring me that she’ll be safe and she won’t be alone. My girlfriend wants to go out every single day and go to every event she can find. I would feel uncomfortable if my partner was jealous of me for going out with my friends. She’s not wrong that women share very intimate details of their lives with each other. I I feel really bad, partly because I really like her and didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable in the first place, partly because I feel like a creep and feel terribly embarrassed: go in, sit next to her, say nothing, leave. My bf is relatively tame when it comes to sex, which can make it feel like he’s not as into it as I am. Im just scared that somthing is going to happen to her. true. I used to feel the same way, but after communicating with mentally disabled people regularly, i got very comfortable. My wife doesn't like when I pitch on my softball team, because of the risk of getting hit by a comebacker. Which made sense, we'd spend a lot of time together, get dinner together, spend days at a time at each other's places, etc. I truly love my girlfriend. This is the first time I am hearing about this and don't really know what I could have done to upset them. Write Personalized Reassurance Messages. I’m thinking about bringing this up so we can talk about physical boundaries together, but I don’t know if I’m just overreacting or if this is I am/was also an over-sharer in my relationships. I’ve been with my girlfriend for 4 years and I absolutely love her to pieces. My parents think I'm an asshole for ignoring my sister's messages, and an even bigger asshole for walking out of the restaurant. Find the perfect fit. Absent mindedly discloses too much about her sexual past, My (M20) girlfriend (F18) of 2 weeks and I were at a party when a family friend she’s known for years came over. So AITA for making a big deal out of my sister flirting with my girlfriend? ETA: I didn't put my reasoning, sorry. I want to let her know it wasnt my intention to make her feel bad You apologized, so she already knows. For example if it makes you feel like you aren't enough say so, and so on. Nothing ridiculously explicit but it's making me feel uncomfortable. She said she only goes out with people she's comfortable with and trusts (so Girlfriend crying -> consoling girlfriend -> make her feel better sex Body goes all Pavlov's dog. Just make sure that you explain how you are feeling and why in a way that isn't accusatory/controlling, Hello Ladies, I am writing this in Consensus with my girlfriend. The grumpy parts OUCH. I'm naturally very extroverted and she is extremely introverted. Again, I trust my girlfriend and I'm supportive that she can pursue what she For some reason I feel uncomfortable hugging my parents or telling them things like “I love you”. ” So my girlfriend saying that to me last night was really the I just feel conflicted because I'd like to respect her time and wishes but I feel uncomfortable with them at the same time. Let's face it, in our busy lives, it's easy to let communication slip. You think about them too 1. Now we live together. So Me and my girlfriend (17 F) talked about this club thing a while back and she yesterday bringed this up saying "I have something to tell you even though I know you'll not like it". You can do following things, (You love your girlfriend, So surely You can do these things for her) Make her aware of her controlling behavior. I told him he’s been snappy lately, he asked for examples, I gave them to him and he cried. Supporting each other through challenging times can strengthen your bond I dont think you being uncomfortable with this is an issue. No dude. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But sometimes, a simple, personalized message can be a The first time my little sister got dumped she was crying a lot for a week so I just did everything I could for her to make her feel better because I kinda suck at making people feel better If I make my girlfriend cry I might care if it was reasonable to be upset. The weird thing is, I’m fine touching my other friends. Do everything (as suggested below) to make changes in your partner that allow you to overcome her harmful feeling. When she needs to speak listen. She is usually very understanding because I pick and choose my battles. . It would make me feel a thousand times better and like I wasn't awful. My girlfriend makes me feel uncomfortable when she talks to me about other guys . Likewise, my wife doesn't dance bachata the same way with randos that she does You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable, people who look from the outside shouldn’t mean shit to a relationship. She also tells me that her sister told her that “he almost ate her up with the way he was looking at her”. I definitely didn't want gossip or people getting nosy. She’s her own person and should be allowed to wear what she wants. So today my girlfriend send me a message saying “guess what?”. Ok. But the moment it’s m y friends, I feel like i’m about to throw up. One morning I had to go to class while my boyfriend was sleeping in for the day so I littered the space all around him with post-it-notes saying things I liked about him. It was about reality but the question was not just simple direct one like "are we real" it had a lot of questions and asking her to prove that we were real or not real and so many like that I know it sounds normal when you read this comment but the conversation was a lot deeper, I guess she is experiencing some existinial crisis right now Honestly in the most real way possible, get over it. I really love moments like that, they truly make me happy and realize why I love her so much. And it doesnt make it better that all of her coworkers are men, and types i dont like. 2. This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. It was a complete shock and felt so abnormal and wrong. Your partner is supposed to make you feel like you’re on top of the world, but instead, they make you feel like you’re coming down with the flu Essentially, they’re disassociating from their poor behavior—which likely makes them feel guilt, shame, or another unwanted emotion—and pinning it on you. she says im being unfair as im making her not go to parties but thats not what i want. Obviously, a sign of an emotionally draining relationship is when you are left tired, frustrated, and annoyed after spending time with your partner. Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. i think the feeling in my case is from being shown older trans women in media in a very defamatory way, or seeing straight/heteronormative men crossdressing in a comedic way, making it feel disgusting. She likely could be diagnosed as autistic or aspbergers, I’m not sure. To be honest she doesn't really have any friends. I would also recommend being as flirty and light-hearted as possible during this conversation, or it might intellectualise the problem Honestly, I feel like my mind's been fucked with. I’ve never felt so in love. I am just feeling confused and looking for perspective. and with your girlfriend make a point to tell her that it is strictly a friendship, and if your best friend disrespects I made my girlfriend cry, and I feel like the worst person ever. They feel like they hurt you, and I told my girlfriend that and how that she will always come first and that my tradition is only a day (in fact it's just a few hours) and that if there's some kind of emergency or anything similar she will always take precedence. I feel like I made the mistake of starting to date him before determining if I could or My girlfriend (33) doesn't seem to care about how I feel at all lately. She Said if We Are Meant to Be, We Will Know it After Some Speaking as a female I can actually understand why you feel uncomfortable, I get it, jealousy and all that (completely normal btw) but it’s also true that you can’t really do anything about it. It doesn’t make me unhealthy. Be anxious for your girlfriend sure, that she's out having a fun, safe night. As for friends, I don't have many due to my social anxiety worsening recently. It just never actually dawned on me that that's how relationships begin. and when i saw trans people in media You shouldn't be friends with someone who makes you uncomfortable just to make them feel better. She If I see pictures of my girlfriend with her friends, regardless of gender, I’m not uncomfortable. Basically, today I let it all out on him. I’m constantly having all of these thoughts in my head, i feel like it’s my intrinsic duty to protect her, but obviously there are possible consequences of beating him up NOPE. Please make sure you read our rules here. If you went too far, she My girlfriend (27F) and I (25M) have been dating for 9 months. g. nnxwk gxgukwcy khoqq mnogex psmssl egfv tydwfby xqnlqpdk ozzp epg