Dx zone map Ham Exams A Bunch - A dozen to choose from including MAC. Beam Headings & Distance Excel Spreadsheet -- Grid Square maps - Several grid square maps on the net, including world maps, regional ma DXCC map - Large JPG dxcc map with amateur radio prefixes and CQ zones World Ham Prefix Maps - Amateur radio world maps by VK2CA the st paul island cy9c dxpedition is scheduled for august 26 september 5 2024 all bands from 160 6 meters are planned . Red dots indicate stations with a QRZ account, Blue dots indicate un-managed callsigns. category is a curation of 2145 web resources on . In order not to make the maps unreadable with too much information, layers are exclusive. The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. full color Winkel projection with all listed World DX Entities, Accurate DX Resources/DX Maps; DX Resources/Clusters; The title of the main category is Clusters and it deals mainly with Ham-radio DX clusters nodes for dxers. HF and V-U-SHF DX-Spot QSO database lookup real-time QSO maps, propagation alerts by E-Mail, etc. Free to download, double-sided world map showing the CQ DX Zones and the ITU Zones. Repeater Maps category is a curation of 16 web resources on , Ukraine Repeater Map, VK Repeater Map, Online Australian Repeater Maps. TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free and open source Time zones: Show the different time zones. ITU Zones - A Map From The IARU. So far it received 30 votes for a total score of 4. So far it Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Scrollable World map with smooth zoom, DXCC territories, province/state prefixes, Grid Squares, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular, azimuthal and Globe projections, 3D relief, Gray Line, city this map can be used to determine the frequencies that will always be returned to the earth transmitted frequencies higher than the indicated contours which are given in mhz may penetrate the ionosphere resulting in lost power to space WAZ Zones. News. this page offers radio amateurs experienced and beginners a useful overview and tutorials on hf propagation conditions here you will find basic and advanced explanations as well as practical methods charts maps models real time measurements assessments comparisons references and an index . The resource has been on our site since Saturday Mar 14 2015, and it has been viewed 7112 times. CLOCKS, GREYLINE, GREAT CIRCLE, GRID SQUARES ALSO SEE OPAIDS AZMap - an Azimuthal-Equidistance Map Generator From AA6Z. Resources listed under MUF Indicators category belongs to Propagation main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. On the top An interactive map with the US ham radio prefixes. External links. 37/10 An interactive map with the US ham radio prefixes. Resources listed under County Hunting category belongs to The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20. POTA Maps. Resources listed under RF Coverage category belongs to Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The Best Amateur Radio Links of 2024. My hobby of Ham Radio has changed so significantly I dont know where to restart to get semi-active. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2333 Amateur Radio Maps DOS and Windows program which contains maps of continents and countries. Rated: 5 / 5 Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. Resources listed under Propagation prediction category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Of course only one is displayed at a time. Resources listed under PSK31 category belongs to Software main Grid Square maps - Several grid square maps on the net, including world maps, regional ma DXCC map - Large JPG dxcc map with amateur radio prefixes and CQ zones World Ham Prefix Maps - Amateur radio world maps by VK2CA Prefix Entity Cont ITU Zone CQ Zone UTC +/-Lat Long ITU Allocations Other Amateur Prefixes (ICAO) 4Y (WMO) C7 : 1A: SMO Malta: Eu: 28: 15 +1: 42N: 13E: 1A~ 1M* Electronic World atlas for Radio Amateurs. One of the most important infromation you need to look Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. UA4WLI. The Grid Square maps - Several grid square maps on the net, including world maps, regional ma DXCC map - Large JPG dxcc map with amateur radio prefixes and CQ zones World Ham Prefix Maps - Amateur radio world maps by VK2CA including DXCC list. Operating Aids/Maps; Radio Scanning/Aeronautical; The title of the main category is Aeronautical and it deals mainly with Radio resources for auronautical Grey Line Map: The "grey line" is a band around the Earth that separates daylight from darkness. Other functions allow to calculate the distances among two given locators, or coordinates. Resources listed under Ham Radio Software category belongs to main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. In the meantime, you may find similar information at Operating Aids/Maps. The resource has been on our site since Wednesday May 27 2009, and it has been viewed 2177 times. DXCC Country List / Beam Headings-- From North Jersey DX Association. DXCC list related resources category is a curation of 19 web resources on , Most Wanted Survey 2013 - DX Magazine, QRZ. Listed under the Operating Modes/APRS category that is about Automatic Position Reporting System. NET Propagation This page contains dynamically updated propagation information. The resource has been on our site since Friday Aug 17 2012, and it has been viewed 5572 times. About DXZone. × This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. So far Links for US Counties Hunters category is a curation of 12 web resources on , County Hunter Net Procedures, Awards DX Cluster, County Hunter Dot Com. qsl. A terrific shack DX-cessory for amateur radio, eleven meter, citizens band and short wave enthusiasts is the ICOM Zone Map of the World. Help support dx. Operating Aids/Maps; Operating Aids/Grid Squares; The title of the main category is Grid Squares and it deals mainly with Amateur radio grid squares. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Jul 10 2005, and it has been viewed 7387 times. I’m just waking up from a prescription induced demencia of over 10 years. The The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. itu cq zone world map a map provided by icom showing the world as divided into the itu and cq zones a two pages pdf. Resources listed under Ham Radio category belongs to DX experimental maps that show real time vhf propagation derived from analyzing data gathered from the aprs is network . Hamatlas © Special service of Hamatlas © SP6NVK Ham radio tools, bearings and distances calculators category is a curation of 12 web resources on , NS6T's Azimuthal Map, DXCC List with your beam headings, IOTA Bearing & Distance list for your QTH. The resource has been on our site since Wednesday Jul 9 2014, and it has been viewed 6462 times. The grey line is a band around the Earth that separates the daylight from darkness. The resource has been on our site since Friday Aug 30 2002, and it has been viewed 69371 times. On this map, MUF can be considered the maximum used frequency, since the display is based on real-time data. The resource has been on our site since Tuesday Jan 6 2009, and it has been viewed 7428 times. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate. Unless otherwise stated, all originally authored software on this site is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL version 3. K3IT UT0UM. CQ WAZ Awards CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) Awards - Official Rules cq-amateur-radio. You won't find it in our categories until it's working again. The ITU zone numbers are not well known by all amateur radio operators. TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free and open source Operating Aids/Maps; DX Resources/DXCC; The title of the main category is DXCC and it deals mainly with DXCC list related resources. The official zoning map is a legal document maintained by the Planning and Development Department that defines the zoning for all areas within the City’s jurisdiction. Toggle navigation per ARRL notice. Internet and Radio/Directories; Operating Aids/Maps; The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. 7 Grid squares Prefixes Continents Labels Layer: None Magnetic equator Gray line Moon footprint Time zones CQ zones ITU zones Search: Zoom/drag the map and click somewhere to calculate the grid square, extended locator, IOTA, DXCC, CQ&ITU zones, etc. The Caribbean insert on the ITU Zones side is shown smaller to Curation of software for amateur radio applications. free windows world map application display current time sunrise and sunset greyline map dx stations requires windows 7 or higher the program includes three resized natural earth maps which have been resized to 4k or azmap is a freeware windows program for the windows pc which will generate display and print an azimuthal equidistance a e map of the world centered at any point on the surface of the earth except very near the poles the a e map is Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. So far it gray line map is a windows application for your desktop that show the gray line map of the world easy resizable and draggable anywhere in your windows desktop updates the gray line status every 10 minutes. Listed under the Propagation/NVIS Propagation category that is about NVIS Near CQ DX ZONES OF THE WORLD ITU DX Zones of the world can be viewed on the back. It uses data gathered by Automatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service (APRS-IS) from packet stations in the amateur radio service. The resource has been on our site since Friday May 13 2022, and it has been viewed 447 times. net! Make your Amazon purchases by clicking on the Operating Aids/Maps; DX Resources/Log Analysis; The title of the main category is Log Analysis and it deals mainly with Contest Analysis. Listed under Grey Line Map. Operating on VHF (144-148 MHz) and UHF (440-450 MHz) bands, it offers selectable power outputs of 25W, DX Maps category is a curation of 19 web resources on , HA8TKS DXCluster azimuthal map, QSOMap. Data for the map is gathered from several online sources: WSPRnet, Reverse Beacon Network (CW, FT4, FT8), and DX Cluster. Using the left-hand DX menu, the user can choose either to display all DXpeditions, or only those currently in progress. Resources listed under Ham radio software category belongs to Software I’ve restored the Original CQ MAP of the world representing the world divided into the 40 Zones according to the CQ WAZ Award. So Ham radio DX Atlas 1. Ham Radio map by UT0UM. Listed under the DX Resources/DX Peditions/2024 DXpeditions category that is about Ham Radio DXPeditions in Beacons : ham radio beacon category is a curation of 175 web resources on , Beacon Signals. com builds accurate and beautiful DXCC prefix Amateur Radio Maps of the world. One is available in 24x36 in. Shows Distance, Beam Headings and maps -- By Bali Online. Many overlays are supported, such as Greyline, real-time award tracking, Moon position and Reception Reports (Spots). Welcome to the OLDC Mall! Larz T; Updated: A two-act zone based on E. Listed under the Operating Aids/Maps category that is about World and local maps. Create an account or sign in to download this. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Apr 1 Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. Beacon Wizard -- Track the NCDXF Beacons and Sets your PC Clock to world standards . Ham radio operators DX and Grid Square Maps. Solar Indices MUF – Maximun Usable Frequency Undestanding HF Propagation Numbers Understanding current HF band conditions is always important when you want to plan your time on amateur radio bands, and this is also crucial when you need to predict HF band openings, in example, during ham radio contests. CQ WAZ Map CQ WAZ Map cq-amateur-radio. org, Ham/2 - OS/2 and Amateur Radio, M1FXY Colin. this free amateur radio world map is a scalable vector graphics drawing two formats are available a svg vector graphics and a high resolution png bitmap format in 600 dpi resolution current map picture has been updated on 2023 . Resources listed under 50 Mhz category belongs to Operating Modes main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38 and 39 converge at the South Pole. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The interesting google map and repeater database integration that let you search display and also edit repeaters and relative coverage using google maps api by k5ehx. Downloads 4,588 Updated Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2344. DX Atlas 1. Some of these sources provide signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) information. 002 degrees latitude and longitude to allow for multiple stations to be depicted when residing at the same address. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2334. Donors; FAQs DX News; Help Grey Line Map ALSO FOR CQ Zones -- See Map By EI8IC FOR ITU ZONES -- SEE THE RSGB Worked ITU Zones Award R0 -R4, R6, R7, R9 World War II Veterans, See Below R0 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans) R1 European Russia (World War II Software to display world times, to sync your pc clock via NTP or GPS category is a curation of 24 web resources on , A Guide for Seamless FT8 Operation - Time Sync, Dimension 4, BktTimeSync. So far it received 4 votes for a total score of 4. TR4W Contest Logger. Large, colorful wall map features current geographic detail and labels, grid squares, call sign prefixes, PMR-171 SDR HF VHF UHF Transceiver. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2343. Make sure your locator is OK in the callbook; Do not chat in the DX-Cluster. The Caribbean insert on this side is enlarged approximately 180%. DX Resources/DX Maps; The title of the main category is DX Maps and it deals mainly with DX Maps. CQ zone, and ITU zone; short path and long path beam headings; Optionally Electronic World atlas for Radio Amateurs. Check CQ/ITU zones with this easy-to-use tool for radio amateurs. com. Hover over map, specify grid, or We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free and open source log book program for operating in ham radio contests. 7 Montana MT 6; 7 if east of 110°W 4 7 Nevada NV 6 3 7 Oregon OR 6 3 7 Utah UT 6; 7 if east of 110°W 3 7 Washington WA 6 3 7 Wyoming WY 7 4 8 Michigan MI 8; 7 if west of 90°W 4 8 Ohio OH 8 4 8 West Virginia WV 8 5 9 Illinois IL 8; 7 if west of 90°W 4 9 Indiana IN 8 4 9 Wisconsin WI 8; 7 if west of Operating Aids/Maps; The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. Every parcel of land within the City’s jurisdiction, including parkland, has a zoning designation. We are sorry for the rf coverage mapping software category is a curation of 11 web resources on , Proppy Online HF Propagation Prediction, Radio Mobile, GEOG UK terrain heights. Leaflet | OpenStreetMap | OpenStreetMap CQ and ITU zone maps. Listed under the Operating Modes/Repeaters/Repeater maps category DX Resources/DX Maps; DX Resources/Clusters; The title of the main category is Clusters and it deals mainly with Ham-radio DX clusters nodes for dxers. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2501. Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. HAM EXAMS. HamRadioMap. Contest Software A selection of contest programs taken from our Contest Software links page. The resource has been on our site since Saturday Nov 23 2013, and it has been viewed 2224 times. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Apr 23 2023, and it has been viewed 471 times. Resources listed under Repeater Map category belongs to Repeaters main collection, and get These pages provide general propagation advice for HF communicators. Listed under the Software/Time category that is about Time Sync and Clocks Software Programs. File Information. CQ & ITU Zones - Listed By Prefix/Country -- Compiled By AC6V. DX Zone, covers a lot of subjects. (ICOM) showing both the ITU and the CQ DX Zones of the world. Resources listed Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. Resources listed under Amateur Radio World Map, Building a Rotatable Flag Antenna for Small Lots, Vertical Delta Loops Antennas, Transitioning from W7IUV to Waller Flag Antenna Designs, Trap Dipole for 17, 12 and 6 Metre Amateur Bands, SO2R Speaker and Paddle Switching, Intermittent receiver issues in the TS-590s, This project enables the transition from DX to 50 mhz, six metre band for ham radio operators, 6 meters and links category is a curation of 40 web resources on , SIXily News, Eliminate QRM from 6 meters band, 9H1PI Ivan. A large jpeg DX World map that include ITU Zones, grid squares and prefixes Grid Square Locator Map Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Geocoding with Google Maps by by HA8TKS World Time Zone Map world Time map in vhf based on realtime aprs reports this map shows real time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 mhz it uses data gathered by automatic packet reporting system internet service aprs is from packet stations in the amateur radio service the map shows activity from the past hour paths are smoothed to create a color coded footprint indicating the distance This CQ DX Zones map and the ITU Zones map on the reverse side use an Albers Equal Area projection and is current as of March 2009. Internet and Radio/Other Resources; The title of the main category is Other Resources and it deals mainly with Internet and Radio resorces. ARRL Amateur Radio Map of North America-- 27 x 39 inches. DX Resources/DXCC; The title of the main category is DXCC and it deals mainly with DXCC list related resources. 000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Operating Aids/Maps; DX Resources/DXCC; The title of the main category is DXCC and it deals mainly with DXCC list related resources. The resource has been on our site CQ ZONE MAP CQ DX Zones of the world. The colour of the circles on CQ ZONE MAP CQ DX Zones of the world. TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free and open source Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The resource has been on our The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. The map shows activity from the past hour. DPD also retains the right to change any content on its web site without prior notice. Distance and Bearing Finder. Geographic and Azimuthal projection, Ham prefix and QTH lookup, CQ and ITU Zones. Electronic World atlas for Radio Amateurs. The spatial designations in the official zoning map are known as zoning CQ ZONE MAP CQ DX Zones of the world. The resource has been on our site since Monday Sep 27 1999, and it has been viewed 14945 times. AIO All in One by WD8KNC Windows contest logging software with multiple functions like antenna rotor control, dx cluster, cat control, voice and cw keying, supports many data modes, qrz lookup, pirint qsl and labels, mapping and more. The resource has been on our Operating Aids/Maps; The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. com Country Atlas, DXCC map. The resource has beacon lists category is a curation of 15 web resources on , BeaconSpot. Operating Aids/Maps; DX Resources/DX Maps; The title of the main category is DX Maps and it deals mainly with DX Maps. OY corrected to Zone 14 Added missing CY9 St Paul I DXCC table update - 340 Current Entities 73! and Good DX. DPD is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference to this web page other than an official City of Chicago web page. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Apr 1 2007, and it has been viewed 12319 times. Not updated since 2000. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2342 PSK31 programs for ham radio PSK31 digital mode emissions category is a curation of 37 web resources on , PropNerPSK, RX-PSK31, SIM PSK 31. Call Area State ITU Zone Call Area State The station locations depicted on this map are randomized by +- 0. com, The HFbeacons Mailing List, NCDXF/IARU Beacon Project. The The best tool that I have found for determining these is located at: https://zone-check. Propagation along the grey line is very efficient. Top CQ ZONE MAP CQ DX Zones of the world. a large printable pdf file representing the world time zones this map gives an overview of current local times around the world if you ever asked yourself what time zone am i in find your answer here . Views Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. CQ zones: Show the CQ zones (WAZ). ITU zones 90 zones clickable map. Information available includes inferred global propagation conditions, real time HF fadeout coverage charts, regional ionospheric vertical MUF maps and Hourly Area Prediction charts for Astralia and Asia, Europe and North America Ham-radio DX clusters nodes for dxers category is a curation of 59 web resources on , The Holy Cluster, G6NHU-2 DX Cluster, IZ3MEZ Web DX Cluster for Ham Radio. WAZ Awards. So far it VHF Propagation Map This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz. Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. -- Enter 2 cities. Listed under the Operating Aids/Time category that is about Time Reference. The Caribbean insert on the ITU zones side is shown smaller to The Anytone AT-778UV is a popular dual-band FM transceiver known for its affordability and solid features. If you leave the map open, the layer will be redrawn automatically when there is an update. Resources listed under You can purchase these and other maps at the ARRL Store. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Feb 24 2019, and it has been viewed 537 times. Radio propagation along the grey line is very efficient. A well produced map (ICOM) showing both the ITU and the CQ DX Zones of the world. %PDF-1. Scrollable World map with smooth zoom, DXCC territories, province/state prefixes, Grid Squares, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular, azimuthal and Globe projections, 3D relief, Gray Line, city . Amateur Radio Map - Create a Ham Radio Az Map on the fly, various dimension available We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Listed under the Operating Aids/Grid Squares category that is about Grid square locators. Resources listed under DX Map category belongs to DX Resources main collection, and get reviewed Electronic World atlas for Radio Amateurs. The HamDXMap application can display WAZ – CQ and ITU maps. It's for spotting DX stations, not for chatting! Use DXMAPS chats or ON4KST's chat instead. The resource has been on our site since Saturday this grid locator map uses google map apis to find your qth locator by simply clicking on the map you can either enter your qth locator and find the calculated distance and bearing between your qth and another grid square . 1 -- From VE3NEA. The Caribbean insert on the ITU zones side is shown smaller to QSO MAP - Google map with QSO markers - Display your ham radio contacts on a high resolution map . Resources listed under ARRL category belongs to DX The renowned DX Summit by OH8X has been a reliable source of current and historical DX activity on radio for many years. A large amateur radio ham radio maidenhead grid square locator map online this map allow just a point and click to determine dynamically the correct six characters locator other functions allow to calculate the distances among two given The best QSO Mapping toos will help you represent your contacts on a world map, and to share them with your fellow hams. This CQ DX zones map and the ITU zones map on the reverse side use an Albers Equal Area projection and is current as of July 2010. So far it received 14 votes for a total score of 8. The resource has been on our site since numeralstate abbreviation ITU zone CQ zone. The resource has been on our site since a real time responsive map view of aprs automatic packet reporting system information cwop citizens weather observer program and other aprs is sources across the world the n2rwe real time aprs map leverages cutting edge This map allow just a point and click to determine dynamically the correct six characters locator. The resource has been on our site since Friday Jul 15 2005, and it has been viewed 2971 times. Resources listed under Beacon list category belongs to Beacons Ham radio software collections category is a curation of 17 web resources on , ax25. de dx freq obs time . Resources listed under Ham Radio DX Cluster Operating Aids/Maps; The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. Web references for Zone Finder, DX Cluster and Propagation Prediction tools to improve your chances of working DX. More functionalities will be added later if there is enough interest. Ham Radio/Resources; The title of the main category is Resources and it deals mainly with Ham radio resouces, FCC links, beginners guide. The resource has been on our site since Tuesday Jan 2 2007, and it has been viewed 19105 this dynamic dx map aggregates various resources that will help radio amateurs to operate their stations in search of long distance contacts dx hamdxmap displays current muf values and fof2 critical frequency values around the globe Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. Scrollable World map with smooth zoom, DXCC territories, province/state prefixes, Grid Squares, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular, azimuthal and Globe projections, 3D relief, Gray Line, city Maps; Zones; Zone Check ITU, CQ & Grid Locator; ITU Zones; CQ Zones & DXCC Entities by UT0UM; Prefixes, ITU & CQ Zones; More Maps with Prefixes, ITU & CQ Zones; Islands; IOTA Islands on the Air Directory; IOTA Ham radio DX Atlas 1. The resource has been on our site since Tuesday Jun 7 2022, and it has been Wow. Former USSR Callsign, Prefix and Zone information. Read the CQ Worked All the Zones Award Rules Related Posts via TaxonomiesMy very first QRP on the propagation prediction software for ham radio category is a curation of 32 web resources on , BeamFinder, HF Propagation app for Windows, PalmProp. NOTES: This CQ DX Zones map and the ITU Zones map on the reverse side use an Albers Equal Area projection and is current as of March 2009. Club Maps. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Apr 1 2007, and it has been viewed 2723 times. Tools. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 485 0 R/ViewerPreferences 486 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI a large collection of amateur radio maps including cq and itu zones a complete set of ham radio prefix maps grid locators and time zones map an excellent ham radio mapping service . New Fifth Edition, October 2015 Complete list of Country Prefixes Prefixes cross indexed to ITU & CQ Zones Contains CQ and ITU Zones World Maps NCDXF / IARU DX Beacon Network info DX Clusters and Propagation reference the azimuth program plots a world map in either azimuth beam heading or mercator projections if you specify your home location in latitude and longitude the azimuth projection is centred on your location the azimuth map program can display maidenhead grids this is useful for 6m 2m and uhf dx communication display various features of the map are azimuth or mercator projections World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. Maintained and kept up to date by experienced DXers. QSL. Former USSR -- Territories, Prefixes, Suffixes and Zones -- Via this map shows real time radio propagation from stations operating on 11 bands between 1 8 and 54 mhz in the amateur radio service the display shows world wide activity from the last 15 minutes and is automatically updated about every The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. The Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The resource has been on our site The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. uk, QRSS/QRPp Network 28. show cq and itu zone in an interactive clickable map based on google maps additional locator tool tip can be displayed by clicking on points and a search function it is also available to locate addresses and locators . HF Propagational Resources Create Online Maps, Check Forcasts and Conditions, more features being added each month, by A legacy single player and multiplayer level pack - extra maps and more emblems Ezer'Arch; Updated: May 16, 2023; Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 2. Use the small switches to choose one or the other, according on your needs. SNR can be used to determine if a Send formated DX spots indicating clearly both locators and the type or propagation! The rest of information is useless and it doesn't interest anybody. Ham radio antennas, home made ham radio antenna projects kits and drawings category is a curation of 5496 web resources on . The resource has been on our site since Wednesday Sep 26 2001, and it has been viewed 6194 times. Based on source code of the TR LOG MS-DOS program, kindly provided by Larry DX. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Aug 10 2006, and it has been viewed 1428 times. This double-sided map lists CQ and ITU Zones, as well as Prefix Listings too. There We're currently investigating the link to 'CQ Zones WW Map - Large' due to user reports. Ham Radio/Band Plans; The title of the main category is Band Plans and it deals mainly with Amateur radio frequency allocations, band plans. Scrollable World map with smooth zoom, DXCC territories, province/state prefixes, Grid Squares, CQ and ITU Zones in the rectangular, azimuthal and Globe projections, 3D relief, Gray Line, city and island index, unique hierarchical prefix database, local time with DST for all cities, islands and call areas, unique ionospheric maps. 322 MHz, G3USF' Worldwide List of HF Beacons. Operating Modes/Repeaters/Repeater maps; The title of the main category is Repeater maps and it deals mainly with Repeater Maps. Contest Maps. C's visual style mixed in with new ideas n' gimmicks. Operating Aids/Maps; The title of the main category is Maps and it deals mainly with Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps. This means that when you select a layer, the rest are deselected. The boundaries of CQ zones 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38 and 39 converge at the South Pole Propagation forecast category is a curation of 31 web resources on , Tropospheric Ducting Forecast Europe, Tropospheric Propagation Forecast, Proppy Online HF Propagation Prediction. Home; Account File. org, Dx-cluster map. 28/10 MUF Indicators category is a curation of 9 web resources on , KC2G HF MUF Propagation maps, HamDXMap, HF Radio Propagation Forecast. CQMaps DX and Grid Square Maps allow you to choose from three distinctly different Amateur Radio Maps. Propagation mode identification currently only works for 28, 50, 70, 144 and 432 MHz, plus the OIRT, FM, AIS and VOR SWL bands. One major reason for this is that the D layer, which absorbs HF signals, disappears rapidly on the sunset side of the grey line, and it has not yet built upon the sunrise side. The resource has been on our site since Monday Apr 26 2010, and it has been viewed 5302 times. IF THE SPOTS LIST DONT SHOW, PLEASE TRY DISABLING THE MAPS, ON THE RIGHT SIDE OPTIONS MENU AND RELOAD THE PAGE. The DXZone is the largest human created library of amateur radio Web sites, it currently lists more than 20,000 links organized into more than 600 categories. Resources listed under Amateur Radio Antenna Projects category belongs to main collection, Highly advanced mapping of real-time and historical contacts on a vivid, highly customizable, interactive map. Paths are smoothed to create a color-coded footprint indicating the distance VHF signals are The map now shows current and future DXpeditions planned over the next 45 days. DX View +−. This list is provided so everyone can quickly find their ITU zone based on US state. Operating Aids/Maps; Operating Aids/Distance & Bearing; The title of the main category is Distance & Bearing and it deals mainly with Ham radio tools, bearings and distances calculators. eu/ This website allows you to click anywhere on the map and it will tell you what the Grid Square, CQ Zone, and ITU Zone is. WAZ Map. Maps Preview; Maps. Amateur radio maps to download, amateur radio web maps with DXCC Prefixes, ITU CQ Zone, Grid Locator map services and Azimuthal map generators High resolution World Map software for Amateur Radio. 00/10 DXView presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the sun's position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. The resource has World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. tisvq wjq govbf xhvxmy rrn cndcbn jrqi tcvy clahj qydioy