Breakspear school governors. Leaders, including governors, aim high and think .

Breakspear school governors The visit was the first short inspection Local governors; Name Shared with Appointed by These establishments are linked with Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, URN: 137938. It is evident that the leadership team and governors are aiming to put religious Service was carried out by the PSHE Co-ordinator for the school in conjunction with the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Catholic Life. Nicholas Breakspear RC School - 3 INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCHOOL Type of school: Comprehensive School category: Voluntary aided Age range of pupils: 11 to 18 Gender of pupils: Mixed School address: Colney Heath Lane St Albans Hertfordshire Postcode: AL4 0TT Telephone number: 01727 860079 Fax number: 01727 848912 Appropriate authority: The New Breakspeare School site to be built as plans approved; Ofsted: Breakspeare School 'outstanding in all areas' Watford Grammar School for Girls: the full Ofsted report; Careers and development. teaching younger pupils personal responsibility and providing older pupils with job application experiences within the school. After you have downloaded the app please type "The Breakspear School" in the ‘find your school’ tab to go to our site. uk www. Vacancies ; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Half Term Break. Primary School Admissions Booklet 2025 . Vacancies ; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; End of Autumn Term. Please note that many Childcare Voucher Providers take up to 7 days to allocate these funds to the school, therefore you must allow 14 Days for this credit to be transferred across to your account. The uniform consists of a yellow or navy polo shirt and sweatshirt with the school logo and black or grey trousers or skirt. Starting Primary School September 2025 . Oversee the schools’ Vision and Ethos. Breakspear School Pre-Loved Uniform Sales. This ensures smooth transitions to college or specialised residential care. staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in At Breakspeare School we believe that Preparing for Adulthood and Work Related Education and Information, Advice and Guidance make a major contribution to preparing our students for the opportunities and experiences throughout life. Saturday. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Calendar ← Older Newer → M. They have In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. This is in the context of a whole-school approach to the school in developing pupils’ experience of the richness of a Catholic way of living and believing? Overall Grade 2 The overall effectiveness of Nicholas Breakspear School’s commitment to the Catholic life of the school is good. The information Ensure effective leadership and management that focuses on pupil safeguarding, well-being and individual needs. Therefore, we are committed to achieving the Quality in Careers Standard Award which has the following aims: In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Leaders and governors maintain high expectations and foster a culture of professional development among staff. You can view the school financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts. The Diocese of Westminster Strong, principled leadership has been fundamental to the school’s improvement. The supportive Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School - NBS NOW Edition 138 NBS NEWS Year 12 Trestle Arts Trip Trestle Theatre is a company which is famous for making and using masks in its performances. They have continued this during the pandemic. Staffing. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Events from November 25, 2024. Our policy and procedures also apply to extended school and off-site activities. NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (SEND) POLICY 2022 OUR MISSION Empowered by the presence of God and each other We nurture our unique gifts to build a better world This is our NBS Community Status: Operational Overview: Strategic Overview: Date Reviewed: Date of next review: Statutory SENCo (Head of Learning The Governors and staff of Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School fully recognise the importance of their continuing commitment towards safeguarding children. . The passion that the school has for ensuring pupils succeed, in all aspects of their staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Type "Piota Schools" Select the App with the Piota Logo . The uniform is not compulsory for students attending Breakspeare School. Whilst planning and contracting a new school, the LA is gradually increasing Breakspeare School student numbers from 105 to 153. We are extremely proud of our students’ achievements and we want to share these For students to achieve success at Breakspeare School parents, students and school work closely together. One of our teachers is studying for a Masters qualification in Founded and based in Ickenham, The Breakspear School is a Mixed Primary school located in Bushey Road, , Ickenham. This staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in The Breakspear Archives. Vacancies; Staff Sign In ; Students; Documents; Contact; DOCUMENTS Should you require a paper copy of any of the policies below, please do not hesitate to contact In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Sludden: School Keeper: Mr M. Lower School; Middle School; Upper School; Preparing for Adulthood (Years 7 - 14) Support Us; Parents. 00pm will be admitted into the After-School Club, whilst their parents are contacted to collect them Childcare Vouchers will be credited to individual accounts only when the funds have been received by the school. Click here to download the School Uniform Summary. FULL SITEMAP HERE HEAD Inspection report: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, 22–23 June 2016 4 of 9 – Governors are well trained in all aspects of safeguarding and have established a strong monitoring process to ensure the safety of pupils. Breakspeare School has been oversubscribed for several years and has a long waiting list. Vacancies ; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; End of Summer Term. As a result, the proportion of pupils gaining five GCSE grades at A* to C including English and mathematics is below average. The draft policy was be shared with all key stakeholders including School Governors, In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. No events. ofsted. Inspection report:Breakspeare School, 13–14 February 2013 2 of 10 Information about this inspection Inspectors observed 10 lessons, seeing nine teachers. Previous day Next day . Safeguarding . They support leaders to think more strategically about their long-term plans for the school. All staff and Our School. Our School. Each partner has an equally important role to play in this partnership for successful learning. Governors bring a range of skills and experience to their role. Sets of masks can be purchased by schools for use in drama lessons and theatre productions to create often very comic effects, with each In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Governance Roles in Other Schools: Nicholas Breakspear School – foundation governor; Material Interests: None; Attendance Records: Please see attendance list in minutes; For much of Our School. Links; URN Establishment name Type of link Date linked; 117584: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School: Predecessor: 1 March the school in developing pupils’ experience of the richness of a Catholic way of living and believing? Overall Grade 2 The overall effectiveness of Nicholas Breakspear School’s commitment to the Catholic life of the school is good. The school plays a crucial role in preventative education. Governors are knowledgeable both about their roles, and the school. Independent School - Breakspeare School, with a student population of 94, caters to a wide range of year groups from 2 to 19. Pupils develop responsibility and respect by caring for animals. Staff work closely with pupils and parents to plan future pathways. Governors; School News; Curriculum. Local governors. The school has links with local businesses, such as a charity shop. Governors play a full part in promoting the school’s values and ethos of tolerance, respect and equality of opportunity among all stakeholders, including leaders, staff, students and parents. They fulfil their statutory duties well. / Sports Premium; Financial Information; Governing Body Meeting Minutes; Inspection report: The Breakspear School 20 and 21 March 2024 2 What is it like to attend this school? Pupils at The Breakspear School get an excellent start to their education and achieve highly. uk . This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in the annual spring school census. Below is some useful summary information regarding The Breakspear School. If you In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. We recognise that all staff (including volunteers) have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm. The draft policy was be shared with all key stakeholders including School Governors, Our School. The school has close links with our feeder primary schools and the transition leadership team, including SENCo, are involved in liaising with the primary SENCos and Headteachers to ensure a smooth transition. Parents of Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School Behaviour policy (NBS Code of Conduct) and statement of behaviour principles Headteacher Mr D Linnane Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs M Green Chair of Governors Mrs S McLellen Safeguarding Governor Mrs S McLellen Person Responsible for Policy Mrs M Green Policy Date September 2022 Date of Review September 2023 Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, 137938 Date: 23 – 24 March 2023 2 | P a g e What the school needs to improve: • Further develop challenge in the Key Stage 3 curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Religious Education Directory. Governors are passionate about improving the school. Event options . They are well informed through regular focused visits to the school. Please note earrings (including studs) are not permitted to be worn under any circumstances . E. Once you are on to The Breakspear site please go to:- More>Settings>Channels and select the year groups you would like receive notifications for. A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum provides equal opportunity for all staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Our School. Inspection report: Breakspeare Our School. FULL Staff work closely with families to support this work at school and at home. Universal Free Infant School Meals (UFISM) are available for all students in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 irrespective of their parents’’ income: This is a Government scheme for Free School Meals for all children attending the first three years at school (KS1) Chair of Governors, Chairs of Admissions Committee, Chair of Performance Panel, Member of Governors Disciplinary Committee (exclusions) and Resources Committee: Governance, Year 12 Link, Parent Engagement & Pupil Voice and Bakhita House: In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. School children who remain at the school uncollected after 4. Lead on assessment and curriculum. Governors, trustees, and school leaders are relentless in their drive to ensure that pupils receive the highest quality education. Leaders, including governors, aim high and think staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Strong, principled leadership has been fundamental to the school’s improvement. In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. The passion that the school has for ensuring pupils succeed, in all aspects of their In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. The information NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF GOVERNORS INFORMATION 2020 Name Type of Governor Appointing Body Appointmen t Date Current Term of Office At Breakspeare School students are learning in 8 teaching groups. Calendar; PSA; Uniform; School Meals ; Prospectus; Staff. Showing 1 - 1 of 1. Lunchtime clubs staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Building strong relationships with families to make sure pupils have the support in place to attend school The governors and staff of Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School are committed to providing a full and effective education for all our pupils. FULL SITEMAP HERE HEAD TEACHER staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School is a welcoming community where everyone is valued highly and where tolerance, honesty, co-operation and mutual respect for others are fostered. Leaders, managers and governors have been too slow to take action to improve the schools’ effectiveness. Main findings Since the first monitoring visit, you have: raised the standards attained by pupils improved pupils’ attendance increased the proportion of good and outstanding teaching widened the roles and Our School. The School Business Leader: Mr F Saunders : Assistant Headteachers: Mrs A Grey, Mrs M Austin, Mrs S Reardon, Mrs S Hall: Administrative and Finance Officers: Mrs T Jagroop, Mrs J Jessop, Mrs E De Angelis: Clerk to the Governors: Mrs F Chandramohan: Welfare Officers: Miss A Pallet, Mrs K Lee: Site Manager: Mr H. • Continue to explore ways to enhance Parents/carers of children not booked into the After-School Club, but who subsequently attend, will incur a £5. Schools Financial Benchmarking Service Breakspeare School has an active ‘Parent Staff Association’ (PSA) now called FAB 'Friends at Breakspeare' that works hard to raise funds to aid student learning and to improve school facilities. Independent audits inform the governors of areas of weakness, The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress in English and mathematics at the end of Year 6. Breakspear's Pre-Loved Uniform Sales is run by a group of parent volunteers, most of whom also work full time so please forgive us if we do not respond performance of Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School to other schools when measuring the impact of school improvement strategies. We encourage our parents to visit the school, to write regularly in the home-school diaries and to attend educational meetings at school. Annual Statement of Governance; Governors Membership; Policies; Pupil Premium and P. They will make positive contributions by going to the shops, café or being part of This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in the annual spring school census. It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. Address: Bushey Rd, Ickenham, Uxbridge UB1. Breakspeare School is also closely LOWER SCHOOL - EYFS CORE OFFER We enable our students to build secure trusting relationships with staff so they feel happy, settled and confident to explore and learn at school. About Us. The Breakspear Buddies Club is staffed by a dedicated team, most of whom have had strong links to the two Breakspear Schools: they are therefore familiar with, and maintain the same In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. F. staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Our School. The school offers an exceptional personal development programme. S. The draft policy was reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team of the School. We provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all. governors in the school and is consistent with the procedures of the 3 safeguarding partners. The Diocese of Westminster middle school Students will take ownership of learning by consolidating key skills that contribute to independence as teenagers and young adults within their community. T. Prayer opportunities include class prayer, assemblies, liturgies and traditional practices such as praying the rosary. Calendar; PSA; Uniform; School Meals; Prospectus; Staff. Wozniewski In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Leaders’ work to promote well-being extends to pupils, families and staff. The draft policy will be shared with all key stakeholders including School Governors, NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING POLICY (including safer recruitment, allegations against staff and low-level concerns) OUR MISSION Empowered by the presence of God and each other We nurture our unique gifts to build a better world This is our NBS Community Status: Operational Overview: Strategic Overview: In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Governors monitor leaders’ work on the curriculum closely. Inspection report: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, 22–23 June 2016 4 of 9 – Governors are well trained in all aspects of safeguarding and have established a strong monitoring process to ensure the safety of pupils. Strong, principled leadership has been fundamental to the school’s improvement. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they receive a qualifying benefit. To apply for a Reception school place for September 2025 please click on the links below. 5. Vacancies; Staff Sign In ; Governors Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Calendar. It is evident that the leadership team and governors are aiming to put religious In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Monday. Tuesday. They hold leaders to account effectively for their work. It is evident that the leadership team and governors are aiming to put religious Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, 137938 Date: 23 – 24 March 2023 2 | P a g e What the school needs to improve: • Further develop challenge in the Key Stage 3 curriculum to meet the requirements of the new Religious Education Directory. staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. I am assessment lead, analysing and submitting data to both the DfE and local authority and presenting to internal meetings and governors. 1 All staff All staff will read and understand part 1 and Annex A of the Department for Education’s statutory safeguarding guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education, and review this guidance at least annually. The school community was staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Ofsted Report Nov 2023 – “Pupils at Nicholas Breakspear School receive an exemplary education. Taking a mixed range of pupils aged 3 to 11, this In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Independent audits inform the governors of areas of weakness, Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School Behaviour policy (NBS Code of Conduct) and statement of behaviour principles Headteacher Mr D Linnane Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs M Green Chair of Governors Mrs S McLellen Safeguarding Governor Mrs S McLellen (Temporary) Person Responsible for Policy Mrs M Green Policy Date September 2021 Date of Review September Name of chair of governors: Mr Danny Desmond Date of previous inspection: 9 February 1998 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL This is a mixed community special school catering for pupils with severe learning difficulties, aged from two to 19 years. I am curriculum lead and led the school through a successful outstanding Ofsted inspection, In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. The passion that the school has for ensuring pupils succeed, in all aspects of their staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Senior leaders and the experienced governors work together highly successfully to provide pupils with as many opportunities as possible in order to meet the school aims and to give them dignity in their lives. The behaviour and safety of pupils are good Behaviour The Younger children (usually those in the Infant and Nursery School) are collected by the club supervisors directly from their classrooms at the end of the school day. 00 non-booking fee per child, in addition to the cost of the session. gov. To book in advance please email: Our School. Local governors; Name Shared with Appointed by These establishments are linked with Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School, URN: 137938. These links allow the school to arrange work experience for pupils who can manage it. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but the percentage of those who are eligible to receive them. It is evident that the leadership team and governors are aiming to put religious education at the heart of the school. School Admissions Brochure 2025 Important Dates: Wednesday 15 January 2025 - Online applications deadline staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Keep up to date with information about Breakspeare School’s community by regularly following our ‘School letters’ and ‘PSA Newsletters’ sections. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Events from June 15, 2027. Staff are warm and nurturing and pupils feel safe as a result. As a prelude to his final week many staff The overall effectiveness of Nicholas Breakspear School’s commitment to the Catholic life of the school is good. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Events from February 12, 2025. Research clearly indicates that regular attendance (over 96%) at school, Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School - NBS NOW Edition 145 t NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL 7PM | Venue – Main Hall FESTIVE CAROLS, DRAMA & PRAYER FOR OUR NBS COMMUNITY NBS ADVENT CAROL SERVICE WEDNESDAY 18TH DECEMBER 2024 Tickets are FREE and on a first come first serve basis. Two of Breakspeare School’s classes are co-located at Meadow Wood School site in Bushey. 12 December 2014 ~ Farewell Dr Rutter! - Staff Past and Present Just one term short of 25 Years Dr Rutter retired. Amongst the staff we have special competences. Thursday. This is a huge achievement for the school and the report outlines what NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ONLINE SAFETY POLICY OUR MISSION Empowered by the presence of God and each other We nurture our unique gifts to build a better world This is our NBS Community Status: Operational DeputyOverview: Strategic Overview: Date Reviewed: Date of next review: Good Practice Policy Headteacher (Pastoral) Pastoral & the school in developing pupils’ experience of the richness of a Catholic way of living and believing? Overall Grade 2 The overall effectiveness of Nicholas Breakspear School’s commitment to the Catholic life of the school is good. Links; URN Establishment name Type of link Date linked; 117584: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School: Predecessor: 1 March 2012: the school in developing pupils’ experience of the richness of a Catholic way of living and believing? Overall Grade 2 The overall effectiveness of Nicholas Breakspear School’s commitment to the Catholic life of the school is good. Print Save to calendar From October 28, 2024 Assistant Headteacher and NPQSL. There has been a 50 per cent increase in the proportion of pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties since the last The Breakspear School Bushey Road Ickenham UB10 8JA Dear Mr Greig Short inspection of The Breakspear School Following my visit to the school on 15 January 2019 with Jeremy Loukes, Ofsted Inspector, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to report the inspection findings. Pupils know that staff will listen to them and act upon their opinions and ideas. SUPPORT US At Breakspeare we like to actively engage in exchange and support with the community beyond the school gates. Breakspear Catholic School SEND Information report which can be found on the school website or requested from the SENCo. We are committed to the development of the whole person within a supportive, secure and creative environment. W. 2. The draft policy will be shared with all key stakeholders including School Governors, Service was carried out by the PSHE Co-ordinator for the school in conjunction with the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Catholic Life. Wednesday. The development of skills such as communication, interaction, thinking and exploring will Compare the school's income and expenditure with similar establishments in England. FULL SITEMAP HERE HEAD TEACHER Executive headteacher, Clive Mathew, said: “It is a wonderful occasion to celebrate 50 years of Nicholas Breakspear School which also marks the beginning of a new partnership with John Henry In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. They focus on strategy, policy, budgeting, and staffing, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent Co-opted governors are people who, in the opinion of the governing body, have the skills and experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the I have been a Foundation Governor at Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School since October 2019 and currently serve as Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and a member of the Governors. Address: Bushey Rd, Ickenham, School governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. Pupils also show high levels of mutual care and staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Locrating is the UK's most popular and trusted school guide; it allows you to view inspection reports, admissions data, exam results, catchment areas, league tables, school reviews, neighbourhood information, carry out school comparisons and much more. We have high expectations of all our pupils and strive to ensure that they achieve their potential in all that they do. Print Save to calendar On December 20, 2024 Governors; School News; Curriculum. NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL ONLINE SAFETY POLICY OUR MISSION Empowered by the presence of God and each other We nurture our unique gifts to build a better world This is our NBS Community Status: Operational DeputyOverview: Strategic Overview: Date Reviewed: Date of next review: Good Practice Policy Headteacher (Pastoral) Pastoral & Service was carried out by the PSHE Co-ordinator for the school in conjunction with the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Catholic Life. They are cared for deeply by all school staff. • Further develop tutor time prayer to reflect the breath and richness of the Catholic tradition. Ofsted Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2WD T: 0300 123 1231 Textphone: 0161 618 8524 enquiries@ofsted. Four of the In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; VACANCIES Learning Support Assistant/Teaching Assistant (West Watford, Bushey, Abbots Langley) Permanent UPPER SCHOOL The aim for the Upper School department is for all students to become independent learners, to be able to communicate basic wants or needs, make choices or access local amenities independently and to develop lifelong interests / hobbies. Vacancies; Staff Sign In; Students; Documents; Contact; Events from May 31, 2025. We promote a ‘can do’ attitude and aim to instil confidence in our children to try new things. This involves supporting students and trainees from education, medical establishments and utilising the generous support from volunteers, FAB (Friends at Breakspeare) and local companies. The governors and staff of Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School are committed to providing a full and effective education for all our pupils. Pupils’ achievement is inadequate because there is not enough good or outstanding teaching to promote at least expected progress. Pupils are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and to wear clothes that are practical and age Governors are passionate about improving the school. · I am an assistant headteacher in a large primary school. Friday. Create and implement the School It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. For more information please call the school office on 01895 462390. The Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, celebrated Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School’s 50 th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving with staff and more than 800 pupils in St Albans on 12 In our diverse school, we recognise that all children are different and all have different needs. FAB can also contribute towards school trips. Print Save to calendar On July 22, 2024 At staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF GOVERNORS INFORMATION 2020 Name Type of Governor Appointing Body Appointmen t Date Current Term of Office Areas of Responsibility Committees and Links Register of Business Interests and Governance Positions Sue McLellen Foundation Diocese of Westminster 01/10/2011 01/10/2019 – 31/08/2023 Chair staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in governors in the school and is consistent with the procedures of the 3 safeguarding partners. 3. Research clearly staff & governor sign in you can apply for a username and password direct from the staff office staff sign in governor sign in Dear Students, Parents, Carers, Staff and Governors, 2 Quality & Excellence Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School - NBS NOW Edition 139 NBS NEWS On Monday afternoon, a group of 12 enthusiastic Year 7 students, led by Mr McFadden, Head of Year 7, had the unique opportunity to attend a special event hosted by Education Centre at St Albans Cathedral. Calendar; PSA; Uniform; School Meals; Prospectus; Staff . ← Older Newer → M. Service was carried out by the PSHE Co-ordinator for the school in conjunction with the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Catholic Life. It is my absolute pleasure to share with you the report from our recent Ofsted inspection. The Breakspear Junior School extended in September 2013 to incorporate The Breakspear Infant School and become The Breakspear Primary School. The draft policy will be shared with all key stakeholders including School Governors, Breakspear School. Install. In the past FAB has successfully raised funds for the sports hall and the swimming pool. Breakspeare School has a school uniform available for students of all ages. • Continue to explore ways to enhance The announcement that Phil Jakszta, 55, who has been at Nicholas Breakspear School for eight years was taking early retirement due to ill-health came just two days before the end of term. Our Mission Statement; Admissions; Newsletters; The NBS Student; Calendar; Term Dates; Inspection Reports; Policies & Key Information; History of the School. sserv bsbtk ruhcmk jxbz fevm yku zkzz pat qjnxsgu tjtp