Normal sperm count report Understanding this report: This report shows ideal results in green and other results in amber. Dr. Feb 4, 2021 · A normal sperm count is about 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or more. The World Health Organization provides reference values for these parameters to determine if your sperm falls into a normal or abnormal range. By assessing these parameters, healthcare professionals can evaluate male fertility potential and identify any potential issues that may affect conception. Let’s say it says 15million/ml. Your sperm count is measured as either sperm concentration or the total number of Jan 2, 2023 · Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to have a high percentage of sperm that are deformed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a “normal” sperm concentration is 15 million or more sperm per milliliter of semen. Total motile sperm count is approximately 15 million motile sperm. Morphology was 70% normal forms and 30% abnormal forms. This result is:, 152) A sperm motility report graded 2. This is the number of sperm in Understanding Sperm Count. A sperm count is considered low when you have less than 15 million sperm/milliliter, or fewer than 39 million total sperm per sample. Your semen analysis report provides information about various parameters that can affect fertility. Total Sperm Count: Concentration x Volume 8. (So look at the semen volume – it may be 3ml, and then look at your concentration. This means at least 50% of your sperm are motile. The ranges can vary from one lab to the next depending on how the sperm was assessed. 5-3. Of those couples, 40–50% struggle with male factor infertility, which could be caused by sperm-related conditions such as oligospermia (low sperm count) and azoospermia (zero sperm count). Such results indicate a higher likelihood of fertility and successful conception. The assessment of male infertility involves a comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed medical and sexual history, a thorough physical examination, and Apr 1, 2021 · Results for at-home tests can normally be obtained within just a few minutes. Motility: motility refers to the ability of sperm to move. Conversely, a high sperm count does not always guarantee fertility. According to the World Health Organization, a normal sperm concentration is at least 15 million per mL, and a normal sperm count is at least 39 Sperms are the male fluid which starts the pregnancy. Forward Progression: The forward movement of sperm Normal: 2 – 4 is considered normal Total Motile Count — Please refer to the chart on the bottom, front page. May 9, 2023 · A good result for a sperm analysis report is one that falls within the normal range or reference values established by the WHO or the laboratory where the test was conducted. We undertook systematic review and quantitative analysis of mean sperm count, motility, normal morphology and other available parameters. Therefore, the appropriate fertility treatment to achieve pregnancy will vary in each case:. May 7, 2015 · A normal sperm report is reassuring, and usually does not need to be repeated. What Qualifies As Normal-Shaped Sperm? Normal sperm have the following characteristics: Apr 6, 2020 · Normal: Sperm count of about 39,000,000 per ejaculate is considered a normal sperm analysis report. Sperm count: The number of sperm are measured that are present in the semen sample collected. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 151) When performing sperm morphology analysis on a semen specimen with a sperm concentration of 20 million, 10 spermatids are seen. However, these abnormal sperm may not affect fertility, especially if the total sperm count is normal AND only a small percentage of the sperm are abnormally shaped. Mar 27, 2024 · In this comprehensive video, we delve into the intricacies of reading a semen analysis report in Urdu, particularly focusing on male infertility. The clarity of semen (turbidity) is normally opaque (i. 1 So, to provide insights into their sperm health, analyzing semen can be a great tool. How is this test done? This test is done with a semen sample. 3 10 6/mL Standard Range =15. Mar 1, 2022 · Normal sperm morphology. What is considered a normal sperm count for getting pregnant? A normal sperm count for getting pregnant is typically between 40 million to 300 million sperm per milliliter. The condition of having low sperm count is referred to as oligospermia, and the absence of sperm Jan 12, 2024 · जानिए शुक्राणु की जांच (स्पर्म टेस्ट) क्या है, खर्च, कीमत और कैसे होता है - Janiye Sperm Count kya hai, kharch, kimat, kaise hota hai, normal range, cost, price kya hai aur online booking kaise kare in hindi Jan 2, 2023 · Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to have a high percentage of sperm that are deformed. This means that you may have a very low sperm count. Sperm concentration is the number of sperm per mL of semen in your sample. At least 60% of the sperm should have a normal shape and show normal forward movement (motility). Sperm Count / Concentration (MILLION PER 1 ML of ejaculate): This number is reported as PER 1 ML of ejaculate semen. This indicates that 40% of the sperm cells in the semen sample are motile and viable to ensure optimal conception. 2. A normal count ranges from 20 to 80 million sperm/mL (milliliter). May 18, 2024 · Normal semen is a light cream/gray opalescent color that appears white to the untrained eye. Acrosome comprises 40-70% of the anterior sperm head Midpiece: Axially attached, 1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a semen sample containing sperm with a 4% or higher normal morphology is considered ideal for fertility. not transparent). Having an abnormal shape can make it difficult for sperm to penetrate an egg. Ideally you want to see 39 million or more. – Sperm motility (movement) – It must be more than 32% progressive motile sperms . A normal sperm has an oval head and a single long tail. Males contribute to or are responsible for a couple's infertility about 50% of the time, and since male fertility testing is simpler and less invasive than female fertility testing, it is commonly recommended for fertility testing to begin with the man. Normal ejaculate volume is 2 to 5 ml. A low sperm count in men is defined as low when only 15 million or fewer sperm are present per milliliter of semen. However, remember that just because the sperm count and motility are in the normal range, this does not necessarily mean that the man is "fertile Jul 3, 2017 · Sperm count. However, remember that just because the sperm count and motility are in the normal range, this does not necessarily mean that the man is "fertile May 7, 2015 · A normal sperm report is reassuring, and usually does not need to be repeated. The average sperm count is between 40 million and 300 million sperm per milliliter. The sperm concentration in a normal sperm report should be more than 15 million/ml. 3. However, remember that just because the sperm count and motility are in the normal range, this does not necessarily mean that the man is "fertile". A sperm count below 15 million per ml is considered low and can affect fertility. 7 million/ml and total sperm count was 149. Length-5-6 microns. Please reply if the report normal, if not, please suggest medicine. The World health organization considers the normal sperm count which ranges from 15 million sperm per millimeter to 200 million per millimeter. Sperm morphology, or the sperm's shape and size: Greater than 4% normally shaped . We have attached a report guide to help A detailed review of the semen analysis parameters for sperm density, sperm motility, and total motile sperm count. A condition where the sperm count is low is oligospermia. If a home sperm count test indicates a normal sperm count (that of over 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen), it’s not necessarily an indicator that the man is fertile, since it doesn’t factor in all the potential problems associated with male infertility. About 15% of couples of reproductive age experience infertility. This is not perfect, as there are men with low counts who have children. Broadly speaking, the characteristics of sperm with normal morphology are the following: The head of the spermatozoon should be oval and smooth, 5 to 6 microns long and 2. The assessment of male infertility involves a comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed medical and sexual history, a thorough physical examination, and Normal vs abnormal sperm analysis results. 0 milliliter per ejaculation. As explained above, normozoospermia means normal sperm, which is considered the ideal scenario to conceive according to the WHO's guidelines. 1 out of 5 stars 132 Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 153)While performing a sperm morphology examination, a technologist counts 10 neutrophils per 100 mature sperm. [[The Who Normal Sperm Morphology by STRICT criteria: 4-48%, Donor average 15%+]] 3. Sperm Morphology: The sperm’s shape plays a vital role in its ability to fertilize the egg. [8] Older definitions state 20 million. The sperm count relates to how many sperm you have in your semen sample. Riaz Reply. How your sperm are moving (motility). Semen volume is between 1. e. Sperm Motility: Sperm need to swim against the current to reach the egg. March 28, 2023. 5 to 3. Semen Analysis Test Report | Semen Test | Sperm Count | Male Infertilityकृपया मेरे दूसरे चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब कीजिये Dec 21, 2021 · ,' semen analysis report' को समझिये। बड़े confusion है लोगों के मन में।Semen analysis, also known as a sperm count test, analyzes the health 7. The Sperm concentration: The number of sperm present in one millilitre of semen, with a normal range of 15-200 million sperm per millilitre. Requirements for a normally formed sperm include Men with fewer than 4% normal forms usually failed to fertilize without micromanipulation. A semen analysis normal report shows at least 4% of sperm having a standard form. Sperms fertilize the egg and it is one of main reason of male infertility and many couple are trying to Apr 20, 2023 · But what exactly goes into decoding a sperm analysis report? Here are the top five factors you need to know: 1. Total Percent Motility & Progressive Motility: Percentage of sperm moving Normal: 40% of greater 9. A normal volume can range from 2. 0 – 5. Dec 26, 2024 · A normal sperm count is at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Jan 1, 2018 · sperm number: 39 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more; total motility (percentage of progressive motility and non-progressive motility): 40% or more motile or 32% or more with progressive motility; vitality: 58% or more; live spermatozoa sperm morphology (percentage of normal forms): 4% or more; Reference: Sperm count, or sperm concentration to avoid confusion with total sperm count, measures the concentration of sperm in ejaculate, distinguished from total sperm count, which is the sperm count multiplied with volume. Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape of sperm. This result is also known as sperm density. 1 10 6/Volume Standard Range =39. Having a sperm count within this range is generally indicative of adequate sperm production and is a positive sign for fertility. The sperm count varies from 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Mcv count normal range Normal sperm count report Complete blood count ranges Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 5 milliliters and 5 milliliters. Sperm Sep 3, 2024 · A normal sperm ranges between 15 to 200 million in one milliliter of semen. 0 is interpreted as:, 153) While performing a sperm morphology examination, a technologist counts 10 neutrophils per 100 mature sperm. my doctor told you are suffering from low SPERM COUNT Normal SPERM COUNT is more then 60 Million to 120 Million and motility is 80% Below is my report Volume 1. 2 Doing so, will not only figure out the problem but also help them take the next According to the World Health Organization, a normal range of sperm count can fall anywhere between 39–928 million. Aug 6, 2024 · Fertility Test Kit for Men, Shows Normal or Low Sperm Count, Easy Sperm Test Results in Minutes, Sperm Check Male Fertility Test, Accurate & Private Vasectomy Sperm Check Test Kit for Sperm Fertility 4. This means a healthy sperm count, high motility, and normal sperm shape. The normal sperm density ranges from 15 to over 200 million sperm per milliliter. May 11, 2020 · What is the normal range or value of Semen parameters? Volume : Lower range of Semen Volume is 1. Having a sufficient sperm count is important because it improves the number of opportunities you have to fertilise a female’s mature egg (ovum). Abnormally shaped sperm might have more than one tail or a crooked head. The sperm concentration should be equal to or greater than 16 million sperm per millilitre. Physical characteristics of the semen such as color, appearance, volume, viscosity and liquefaction time were =1. We also discuss many other aspects of male fertility doctors test for during a semen analysis. e their ability swim forward with good speed Low sperm counts are usually assumed to be related to infertility. Microscopically: – Sperm morphology (shape) – Normal shape and size must be more than 4% of the sperms. Sperm Count and Concentration: Sperm Count or the Total Sperm Count is the total number of sperms (in Millions) present in the sample provided (Ejaculate). Sperm count below the normal range is known as oligospermia. 0 ml, within the normal range of >/= 1. The Dec 24, 2024 · Having a normal sperm count is an important sign of a male’s capacity to conceive. Aug 7, 2023 · The total sperm count in a normal sperm report sample should be at least 39 million. 2 % Total Motile Spermatozoa Your Value 39 % Standard Range =40 % Flag L Moderate Forward Progressive Motility CONCENTRATION Your Value 49. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different 35 yrs old Male asked about Normal sperm COUNT report, 2 doctors answered this and 357 people found it useful. 5 million cells/ml: Within normal range: Immature Dec 8, 2022 · Here’s how to tell whether your sperm analysis results are normal: Sperm concentration is at least 20 million per milliliter. To Jan 17, 2024 · Low sperm count. Low semen volume may indicate an issue with the seminal vesicles or blockages in the reproductive tract, which can affect fertility. Having less than this indicates a low sperm Apr 18, 2023 · The normal range for sperm count varies considerably depending on various factors such as age, overall health status among others), but generally speaking between 10 million -150 million sperm per milliliter are considered within normal range but other parameters also important sperms motility i. A normal semen analysis report indicates good reproductive health. 5 indicates seminal outflow • Sperm concentration should be >20million – 5-20: possible to conceive naturally, but may take a bit longer A normal sperm report is reassuring, and usually does not need to be repeated. Your chance of getting your partner pregnant drops with lower sperm counts. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. You will see a number indicating your total sperm count. If your results are different, you may have decreased fertility. Feb 6, 2024 · Sperm count: Total number of sperm present. 2 million/ejaculate, both within normal ranges. Sperm motility is 50% or greater. At least Mar 31, 2024 · A few of the common normal values are listed below. Anything less than 15 million sperm per milliliter, or Jun 14, 2024 · Understanding correctly the results of a semen analysis report is crucial to get valuable information about the quality of the sperm you produce and your overall fertility, especially if you are planning on trying for a baby. The total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate must exceed 40 million spermatozoa. Jul 12, 2023 · Sperm morphology tests examine semen samples under a microscope and calculate the percentage of sperm with a normal form (NF) in the total sample. The sperm concentration was 49. 0 10 6/Volume Sperm, Morphology Your Value 6 % Jan 11, 2024 · In principle, yes. Many factors are involved in Dec 1, 2022 · What is Normal Sperm Count? A normal count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million per milliliter (ml) of semen; 15 t0 200 millions/ml. Normal motility rates range from 40–50% for total motility and 32–75% for progressive motility. The normal volume varies from 1. 3 to 1. Sperm motility: Percent of sperm moving and their movement quality. 0 mL. However, no paternity is guaranteed in case of a normal sperm test. You will also see a reading for the sperm concentration. Sperm morphology: Size and shape of sperm. The sperm were 65% actively motile, 15% sluggish, and 20% non-motile. More than 54% of the spermatozoa must be alive. A low sperm count, known as oligospermia, may hinder fertility, necessitating further steps. 3 Standard Range =7. Oligospermia or oligozoospermia is a low sperm count in the ejaculate taking into account the 15 million/ml that the WHO considers normal. Oct 18, 2024 · Necrospermia is the Normal count of the sperm but is non-motile. The normal range of sperm count is between 15 million to 200 million per milliliter (ml) of semen. Jan 12, 2022 · A sperm motility of over 40% is considered normal. A healthy sperm count is typically considered to be 15 million plus number sperm per millilitre of semen. Improving some of these factors, such as an abnormal hormone profile or repairing a varicocele , can improve sperm morphology. If the semen analysis is normal, most doctors will not even need to examine the man, since this is then superfluous. Nov 19, 2018 · World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines suggest that a normal sperm count is at least 15 million per ml or no fewer than 39 million sperm per sample. The semen analysis report showed a total sperm count of 85 million/ml, which is within the normal range of 60-120 million/ml, but indicates mild oligospermia. With this sort of fertility issue, you are likely to need to have further treatment and this condition often requires ICSI treatment. Count Sperm count refers to how many sperm cells there are per milliliter (ml) of semen. If this number is low, conceiving can be more Jun 27, 2024 · It's key to know how to read a sperm analysis report so that you understand any sperm-related fertility issues that may be at play, including sperm count and motility. Whether you 13% and higher = rock start donor sperm, go you. 5 to 5 milliliters. A man with good sperm quality is someone whose sperm are able to travel through the female reproductive tract and reach the egg. The normal range of sperm count lies between 15-200 million/ml. Semen analysis, alternatively known as a sperm count test, determines the health and viability of the sperm. A healthy sperm typically has a motility rate of 40% or higher. Semen Analysis Normal Report In Urdu - Sperm Count Kitna Hona Chahiye - Semen Analysis Kese Hota HaiSemen analysis (sperm ka test) is a test used to check sp Oct 16, 2024 · The best way is through a sperm fertility test or a semen analysis test, which checks your sperm levels against the normal range of sperm count. Can I use my varying total motile count to determine when is the optimal month to try to have a child or whether an intervention, such as hormone Oct 24, 2022 · Semen analysis is a laboratory test performed to evaluate male fertility. Sperm analysis is unreliable for diagnosing fertility: men can father children with a pathological sperm test. Semen that is less opaque (translucent) could be a sign of low sperm concentration whereas totally clear and viscous appearing semen is most likely only pre-ejaculate fluid. Some people have no sperm in their semen at all. 5 Ml SPERM COUNT 32 Million Motility 65% Highest motility 48% Which numbers should we focus on? • Ejaculate volume should be >2ml – <0. Mar 15, 2002 · The authors conclude that a sperm count of less than 13. The total count for a 3 ml ejaculate, with 20 millions/ml = 20 millions X 3 ml = 60 million in the ejaculate. 1. Further, proper motility evaluation is crucial because if the ejaculate is very concentrated, normal sperm will push the dead ones around making them appear motile when they are not. The sperm count in a normal semen analysis should be between 20 million to over 200 million. 5 million per mL, motility less than 32 percent, and less than 9 percent normal morphologic sperm forms predicted infertility (see Dec 26, 2022 · The percentage of normal sperm cells can help determine your chances of conceiving with your partner. However, if any parameter falls outside the normal range, it can indicate potential fertility issues such as low sperm count (oligospermia) or absence of sperm (azoospermia), poor motility (asthenospermia), or abnormal morphology Aug 6, 2024 · Q: What is a Normal Sperm Count to Get Pregnant? A: A normal sperm count for achieving pregnancy ranges from 15 million to 259 million sperm per millilitre of semen. The more sperm you have, the more likely it is that one will reach an egg and fertilize it. Sperm count varies as the person grows old. Progressive motility must be equal to or greater than 30%. Aug 29, 2018 · A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen. Strict criteria for normal sperm morphology include: Sperm head: Smooth oval configuration. Mar 31, 2024 · A few of the common normal values are listed below. Example : A sample with concentration of 18 Million sperms per mL can have a sample volume of 2 mL making the sperm count to be 36 Million which is in the normal range. Oct 22, 2022 · Sperm count and concentration. Sperm count indicates your sperm production and whether your sperm is being released when you ejaculate. Sperm Motility: At least 32% of sperm should exhibit Oct 23, 2018 · Semen quality data for 6466 normal fertile or presumptive normal men (from 119 studies/data sets) and 7020 infertile men (from 63 studies/data sets) published between 1979 and 2016 were retrieved. The majority of sperm from a given semen sample are abnormal – in fact, only 4-10% of them will be in the normal range. 5 times the head length, £ 1m m in width A man, aged 70+ will generally have a low sperm count whereas a man who is in his early twenties or thirties will have a normal or high sperm count. Sperm Count by Age Chart . 5 to 5. To evaluate the morphology of sperm, its three main structures are observed under a microscope: head, midpiece, and tail. Many people experience Apr 7, 2023 · In this blog post, we will delve into some crucial terms that you should know when reading a sperm analysis report. Multiple studies have determined that TMC, while imperfect, is one of the best predictors of male fertility (see Figure 2). Low concentration can indicate fertility issues. Normal sperm concentration can fall between 15–259 million per mL. Mar 29, 2019 · In this article, we cover normal sperm counts, as well as what high or low sperm counts mean. Sperm Count, Concentration & Volume. Motility: Sperms that are moving are considered and measured in percentage form. Width:2. Semen analysis is indicated for diagnosing male infertility and planning assisted fertilization. I have done semen analysis. It can be done at a clinic, or at a doctor’s Apr 30, 2023 · Sperm Count Sperm count refers to the total number of sperm in a given sample of semen. In this article, we’ll discuss how sperm count is calculated, what influences it, and how to improve it. How to read a semen analysis report for sperm count? The sperm count in a male patient is determined using the semen analysis test. Whats the normal report in a semen analysis or sperm test normal report? In a semen analysis normal report, the estimated normal semen volume should be in the range of 1. For example, sperm can be very motile, yet be abnormal in shape or function, making the dog infertile. And, as a part of preconception care, it is all the more essential for men to evaluate their sperm health. ” This refers to the number of sperm cells present in a given sample. 5 microns. It is an essential test for Male during infertility, IVF and vasectomy. The semen volume was 3. At least 4% of the spermatozoa must have normal morphology. 7 ml. There are different degrees of oligospermia depending on how high or low the sperm coun tis. The sperm showed 36% progressive motility, 16% non-progressive motility, and 48% non-motility, with normal morphology of 8% and abnormal morphology of Jan 12, 2024 · जानिए शुक्राणु की जांच (स्पर्म टेस्ट) क्या है, खर्च, कीमत और कैसे होता है - Janiye Sperm Count kya hai, kharch, kimat, kaise hota hai, normal range, cost, price kya hai aur online booking kaise kare in hindi Why do a sperm analysis? Finding out about male fertility is one of the most important things to know when trying to get pregnant. Hormone Testing Oct 24, 2022 · Semen analysis is a laboratory test performed to evaluate male fertility. This is the amount of sperm in the ejaculate. Sperm vitality refers to the number of live sperms in a given sample and is assessed. Motility: The percentage of sperm that are actively moving. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different After liquefaction, the next step is wet preparation, which evaluates semen quality by measuring pH, sperm motility, and sperm count. (4 Jul 15, 2022 · One important thing to remember is that even if the sperm concentration is less than normal, the total sperm count is more important when interpreting semen analysis report. This is known as azoospermia. Sperm Count: The first term on our list is “sperm count. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult A normal semen volume ranges from 1. This section reviews the standard normal ranges for these semen parameters as well as why the total motile sperm count may be more a more accurate determination of male fertility potential than sperm density and sperm motility. Apr 28, 2023 · Sperm count. Aug 3, 2022 · Sperm count – The normal count is more than 15 million/ml and total ejaculate sperm count is more than 39 million /sample. The semen analysis report found the following: 1. A count lower than that is considered low. 0 10 6/mL Sperm, Count, Total Your Value 207. How to do sperm count at a laboratory? prepare Nov 9, 2023 · Sperm Count (Concentration): According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy sperm count should comprise at least 15 million sperm per millilitre for a normal sperm analysis report pdf. To determine if this observation is significant, the technologist must also know the:, 154)The finding of 3 million neutrophils per milliliter in a semen specimen is:, 155)The purpose of diluting semen specimens with Sep 1, 2021 · Around 8–12% of couples worldwide experience difficulty conceiving, referred to as infertility. 5 ml. Hearing "infertility" and "low sperm count" can feel disheartening, as if… Jun 26, 2024 · Interpreting the Results. This sperm count typically fluctuates due to body temperature, stress, and nutrition. The progressive sperm motility should be more than 32% and lastly, the normal Dec 28, 2023 · When trying to conceive, the male partner’s reproductive health status is equally important as that of the female. The condition of having low sperm count is referred to as oligospermia, and the absence of sperm Apr 20, 2024 · A normal semen analysis report provides valuable information about different aspects of semen, such as volume, sperm count, motility, morphology, vitality, pH level, and liquefaction time. b) Sperm count (concentration): Sperm count measures the number of sperm cells in one milliliter of semen. Low sperm counts can be due to anatomical or hormonal issues, but most go unexplained. 5 microns wide. What Does “Sperm Count” Mean? Sperm count refers to the quantity of sperm cells found in a man’s ejaculate, or semen sample. A healthy sperm count typically ranges from 15 million to more than 200 million per milliliter of Within normal range: Sperm concentration: 20 million sperm/ml: Within normal range: Total sperm count: 60 million sperm: Within normal range: Motility: 50% of sperm with forward movement: Within normal range: Morphology: 5% normal sperm shape and size: Within normal range: White blood cells: 0. Over 16 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal, according to the WHO in 2021. 5 mL PH SEMEN Your Value 8. Semen Analysis test price ranges from Rs 400 to Rs 800 in India. Sperm count measures the total number of sperm cells in a semen sample (one ejaculate). If you have low sperm count, there are lifestyle and medical interventions that can help. But it's possible for men with lower sperm counts to be fertile, and men with high sperm counts to be subfertile. The 25 million = 5 ml of ejaculate x 10 million sperm per ml x 50% motility. The sample is diluted to measure the sperm count accurately. Here's a breakdown of the key findings in your report: sperm count: a sperm count of 110 million per milliliter is generally considered normal and falls within the normal range for fertility. Oct 23, 2024 · If you have a low sperm count, your semen contains fewer than 15 million sperm in each milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total for the entire sample. yklruj obwacv hzuonq bmalzp ojyth mnd kykwcv vmtrq qys gkq