Yocto distro vs image You shouldn't set anything in the image definition which affects how things are built as the packages can then be Nov 2, 2024 · “MACHINE 和 DISTRO 是构建 IMAGE 的两个关键 维度 的输入,IMAGE 是它们组合的产物”这一观点的详细理解: MACHINE 作为硬件相关输入:MACHINE 配置详细描述了 · Now we would like to create an "installer" image, i. Image source: Yocto software overview. I'd appreciate some discussion to help me clarify where these lines The Layer Index is searchable for layers within Yocto Project. The archiver class supports instead with assignments in the new distro definition and reuse task-core-boot. The packages might not exist or be empty (e. Nov 2, 2024 · Yocto 根据 DISTRO 和 MACHINE 这两个参数找到对应配置文件并构建嵌入式 Linux 系统功能和状态的详细过程: 基于 DISTRO 参数查找配置文件 DISTRO 配置的作用:DISTRO 决定了构建的嵌入式 Linux 系统基于哪种发行版风格,每个发行版都有其独特的功能集和软件包管理 [yocto] Distro vs. 3, 1. We will also analyse the pros and cons of the most widely-adopted Linux-based distributions for embedded devices. · distro/machine/image is structured is by design, not accidental. However still haven't experienced the need to have different 4 days ago · A Linux Foundation Collaborative Project. At least 8 Gbytes of RAM, though a modern modern build host with as much RAM and as many CPU cores as possible is strongly recommended to maximize build performance. I'd appreciate some discussion to help me clarify where these lines Aug 19, 2023 · Solved: Bases on latest 6. It is not necessarily the smallest image that can be created, as many size reductions can be made with kernel changes, etc. eglibc component configuration system. Apr 23, 2024 · Yocto-style config management & app integration HW-specific SW like kernel / bootloader buildable Use Debian sources Default footprint / reducible? 10MB 300MB / with Yocto methods 300MB / not yet Non-Debian archs buildable use an arch not supported by Debian Export used source code download dir easy to develop Jul 24, 2023 · Real-time Edge Yocto Project User Guide 5 Image building This section provides the detailed information along with the process for building an image. As for images, I might be able to reuse core-image-minimal - but it oddly contains "${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL}" in the IMAGE_INSTALL. We write the · Because they are more about policy, DISTRO_FEATURES aren't as tied to a specific image. conf file uses the BBLAYERS variable to list the layers BitBake tries to find. . After a quick discussing on the tool itself, Sep 8, 2021 · Yocto Project is a build system that creates packages from source code based on Bitbake and OpenEmbedded meta data Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded have been used to create the software running on many millions of devices Allows you to create your own tailor-made distro You only need to build and deploy the packages you need Apr 26, 2022 · Introduction. By default, the Yocto Project uses SysVinit as the initialization manager. The target often equates to the first part of a recipe’s filename (e. IMAGE_FEATURE seems to be more strict, and you need to add your item also as one of the 'validitems · Hello Yocto. The biggest con with these is that you are at 4 days ago · This chapter provides a reference of shipped machine and distro features you can include as part of your image, a reference on image features you can select, and a reference · Now we would like to create an "installer" image, i. conf file, We are trying to use yocto in a continuous integration environment with different (production vs debug) a given scenario (production vs debug) we are using something like this: $ SCENARIO=debug $ MACHINE=<machine> DISTRO=<distro>-${SCENARIO} source . Building a Yocto image takes a very, very long time. End. "include debugging tools like GDB and strace when As for images, I might be able to reuse core-image-minimal - but it oddly contains "${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL}" in the IMAGE_INSTALL. Jun 22, 2015 · Do you understand the DISTRO concept? By default "alsa" is a DISTRO_FEATURES Yocto Project Mega-Manual and in MACHINE_FEATURES see imx-base. So far it works ok. Debian. A means by which to test the Yocto Project components (i. 4 build/conf/bblayers. 4. bb is defined in oe-core and POKY is a distro notion of meta-yocto, this contributes to my confusion over distro vs. 5 days ago · ptest-pkgs: Installs ptest packages for all ptest-enabled recipes. Features provide a mechanism for working out which packages should be Apr 30, 2018 · Recipes searching for files will automagically generate subdirectory search paths based on current distro name, which would allow us to substitute different config files based on the distro you're creating (e. Optimized for embedded use with better drivers Dec 23, 2023 · At least 90 Gbytes of free disk space, though much more will help to run multiple builds and increase performance by reusing build artifacts. In general, Metadata includes recipes, configuration files and other information referring to We are trying to use yocto in a continuous integration environment with different (production vs debug) scenarios. For building TorizonCore, additional instructions are provided on THE YOCTO PROJECT. The bblayers. conf files and associated variables (MACHINE, DISTRO, etc. When first starting a project, this is the fastest Jan 6, 2023 · Immutable distro vs Yocto or Buildroot w/ squashfs? Posted Jan 5, 2023 17:32 UTC (Thu) by glenn (subscriber, #102223) Parent article: Welcome to 2023. IT'S NOT AN EMBEDDED LINUX DISTRIBUTION, IT CREATES A CUSTOM ONE FOR YOU. conf defined the following images: IMAGE_FSTYPES = "ext2 cpio. Product Forums 24. A common example usage of include files would be to separate out the selection of desired version and revisions for individual recipes. > >> Actually, it is not 100% clear to me what the difference and the >> interaction of "distro" and "image" is. Naturally, some config details in the resulting image will be different. You can find “how-to” information in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. You must enter this command whenever you open a new shell session for use with OpenEmbedded. conf. Many layers are available through the net which can Dec 2, 2020 · However, it seems when I build with DISTRO=fscl-framebuffer (one of NXP/FSCL provided Yocto distros), the EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES does nothing, the debug tweaks that got included when I built DISTRO=poky do not get in : for e. bb). In this, we need to add the following lines to the end of the file changing Apr 30, 2018 · Now I want to see how easy it is to move it to Yocto. So, to process the matchbox-desktop_1. Set this variable to As for images, I might be able to reuse core-image-minimal - but it oddly contains "${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL}" in the IMAGE_INSTALL. image. Metadata: A key element of the Yocto Project is the meta-data which is used to construct a Linux distribution, contained in the files that the build system parses when building an image. Features provide a mechanism for working out which packages should be included in the generated images. Having a CI/CD system with automated builds and unit tests is in my opinion necessary for any software project. /. If bblayers. 7. wic. Adding ptest to your build. It checks DISTRO_FEATURES whether contain the option then set it to Y or N Mar 7, 2025 · 11 Features . 2. Image Chen Qi. Python and Perl), then it should inherit the allarch class. Though it may feel to me matter of taste, is there suggestion on when which of these to use when you need to define your customized feature. "include debugging tools like GDB and strace when 2 days ago · The contents of images generated by the OpenEmbedded build system can be controlled by the IMAGE_FEATURES and EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variables that you typically configure in your image recipes. Since core-image-minimal. I'm reading https: When running yocto-check-layer on our own distro layer I got a failure for setting DISTRO. If your recipe, for example, only produces packages that contain configuration files, media files, or scripts (e. the distro you're creating (e. Ubuntu: What’s the Difference? First, there is something important you should know about Yocto: it is not a Linux distro. core-image-base: A console-only image that fully supports the target device hardware. Explore the complete list of hardware supported by Welma Yocto Linux here. An image containing on-target development tools (e. The easiest way to create your own distro is to just edit the files that are used to build Poky. DISTRO_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS Specifies a list of distro-specific packages to add to all images if the packages exist. See the “ Creating a Read-Only Root Filesystem ” section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more information. Apr 25, 2022 · Welcome to this mini blog series on Yocto vs Ubuntu Core for your embedded Linux project. Adjust the settings in the local. If we take a glance inside the conf folder, we can see some configuration files. "my distro uses systemd for init", or "my distro uses sysvinit for init", or "my distro support openGL"). Hello Yocto. Using Wayland with supporting targets can result in better control over graphics frame Mar 6, 2025 · The Yocto project consists of different layers of scripts (Layer Model) to configure the final image. This chapter provides a reference of shipped machine and distro features you can include as part of your image, a reference on image features you can select, and a reference on Feature Backfilling. As with all other distro variables, you set this variable in the distro . optional: configure console for serial port; sudo eject /dev/sdX; Install SD card in a Raspberry PI and enjoy your new image; Detailed Dec 20, 2019 · Using the Yocto Project to define and build a binary distribution is possible, but to be useful and maintainable requires careful considerations for the configuration of the configuration, build process, and test procedures. 6. Forums 5. 2) to make it easy to you, try to keep one image file only. “foo” for a recipe named foo_1. 2 archiver. Apr 27, 2019 · In this post, you'll get acquainted with the Yocto Project. splash: Enables showing a splash screen during boot. "include debugging tools like GDB and strace when · the distro you're creating (e. core-image-rt-sdk: A core-image-rt image that includes everything in the cross-toolchain. So I treid to remove the variable setting. eclipse Robert Berger gmane at reliableembeddedsystems. /build-<machine>-${SCENARIO} $ bitbake <image>-${SCENARIO} So we have different image Mar 31, 2018 · I'm wondering if anyone may have a strong opinion for/against use of Yocto distro vs. DISTRO_VERSION Yocto; Messages; × Close Search Search Cancel #22741 next page Re: Distro vs. >> >> I'd appreciate some discussion to help me clarify where these lines >> should be. Yocto vs. IMAGE_FEATURES are more about the attributes of a particular image (e. conf file. Cloning Poky. conf file, or make sure IMAGE_FEATURES does not contain any of these features before producing your final image. 1 Build configurations The BareMetal image (some boards do not support this distro). core-image-full-cmdline: A console-only image with more full 6 days ago · 40 Using Wayland and Weston . Linux Foundation® and Yocto Project® are registered trademarks of the Linux Foundation. " In other words, you can create a custom Linux distro using the Yocto framework. Building images is faster but dependent on distro lifecycle, posing long-term support challenges. 4 days ago · You can use this variable to keep distro policy out of generic images. gz" This means it will build both an ext2 filesystem image, and a cpio. Create your own Linux image for the Raspberry pi board using Yocto Project. Update Supported Distro List. Aug 4, 2016 · As of poky-danny-8. To streamline and accelerate your Yocto development process, we’ve partnered with silicon and SOM vendors to offer pre-packaged hardware/software bundles. bb is defined in oe-core and POKY is a distro notion >> of meta-yocto, this contributes to my confusion over distro vs. A base-level functional distro used to illustrate how to customize a distribution. Yocto for your embedded Linux project. 0 (the 1. The only way I managed to remove it is using post-process command, but I am wondering if there is a more elegant way to remove it? With Yocto, you can create custom Linux-based embedded systems tailored to any hardware architecture. For more options and information about accessing Yocto Project related repositories, see the Locating Yocto Project . The files available to you in that branch exactly match the repository’s files in the dunfell development branch at the time of the Yocto Project yocto-3. Build System (BitBake and OpenEmbedded Core) as well as a set of metadata to get you started building your own distro. conf to your needs. Among other things, leaving this in place sets the root password as blank, which makes logging in for debugging or inspection easy during development but also means anyone can Aug 3, 2023 · Introduction Containers, and especially docker as the management tool are seeing an ever increasing interest and demand also in embedded Linux. For a conceptual article about the relationship between Toradex' Embedded Linux offerings and the Yocto Project, you must read Yocto Project. Having these pieces be orthogonal buys us a great deal of flexibility and capability, which is why we did it this way. Lets look at how you can add those to your Yocto Project® (YP) based build! Apr 27, 2022 · Let us jump straight in with a short review of Yocto and Ubuntu Core, followed by some major considerations behind buying vs building your own embedded Linux distro. g. By default, this screen is provided by psplash, Apr 21, 2018 · It produces working images, but certain weird symptoms when working with bitbake made me to double-check the code. bb. Create a project folder and clone the poky in it. Distro configurations are saved in the 2 days ago · 29 Selecting an Initialization Manager . Package feeds bitbake yoe-simple-image; insert SD card; lsblk (note sd card device, and substitute for /dev/sdX below) yoe_install_image /dev/sdX yoe-simple-image (Note, Etcher can also be used to write images to SD cards). > > That's just a stray variable that has yet to be properly renamed by the > looks of it. Recipes searching Now we would like to create an "installer" image, i. 4 days ago · This XRADIO X819 WiFi driver for mainline kernel is also in the image as a kernel module and loaded at boot time (firmware binaries for this driver come from here) The SPI NOR flash memory support is enbled in the kernel and bootloader configuration, so it could be used to run u-boot and boot from 1 day ago · Popular Articles on Yocto. A very powerful set of tools for creating and building complete Linux Systems, in particular, embedded systems. Messages sorted by: 2 days ago · For information on how images are created, see the “ Images ” section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual. Option 4: Embedded Linux Distro. · the distro you're creating (e. bbclass . To setup a given scenario (production vs debug) we are using something like Both are built as a same distro, but are different images. (Yes, I could use Include, but that's not the point of this question. All Messages By This Member #22741 Hi Schwab, What do you mean by "distro recipe"? I can see your initial problem is that you want different config details for the same image recipe (maybe for different HW, I guess?). Adapt build/conf/local. Ubuntu and the benefits of each. Building a 2 days ago · If you want to use the Yocto Project to quickly build an image without having to understand concepts, work through the Yocto Project Quick Build document. Pingback: Build Linux mini distro by Yocto tool, embedded with customized module. Permalink. 3" DISTRO_CODENAME = "daisy" SDK_VENDOR = "-pokysdk" SDK_VERSION Apr 21, 2024 · Yocto and raspberry official build/image/distro. Once all the build sets were executed and all were PASS, then then it can be added to the list of supported Distros, also the unsupported distros should Dec 22, 2021 · We want to build an image for Raspberry Pi 4, we will use the machine name as raspberrypi4. Throughout this series, we will diligently assess the key considerations when choosing the OS of an embedded Linux system. g compiler, debugger) The corresponding SD card images to be booted through QEMU. Because they are more about policy, DISTRO_FEATURES Distro defines the build configuration policy, image defines image contents. Naturally, some config details in the Up to this point, all our builds for our prototypes have been "image" builds, i. com Sun Sep 6 10:05:20 PDT 2015. Thanks,-- Apr 30, 2024 · The root filesystem binary image, generated by building the core-image-full-cmdline target. Sep 7, 2015 · [yocto] gdb/gdbserver vs. 7 USER_CLASSES = buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink IMAGE_CLASSES = image_types IMAGE_FEATURES = debug-tweaks IMAGE_LINGUAS = IMAGE_INSTALL = packagegroup-core-boot run-postinsts BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS = NO_RECOMMENDATIONS = 4 days ago · 4. Feb 3, 2025 · Building an image from source with Yocto requires a host with the following: 8GB RAM (more is better) 4 Core processor; 200 GB storage; If less memory is used, then some additional swap space may be needed. DISTRO identifies the Yocto distribution and is the new way to Oct 18, 2023 · We use Rauc for our "standard" image, but I want to remove it from the "recovery" image. bb is defined in oe-core and POKY is a distro notion of meta-yocto, core-image-minimal. txt: DISTRO = poky DISTRO_VERSION = 1. However, core-image-minimal doesn't have WiFi and core-image-sato does, but I don't need all the GUI stuff. This is a bug and there are some patches out there to turn it into · which clearly does not identify an image (all that recipe does, really, is "inherit populate_sdk"), so i *guessed* that using that command will generate a standard SDK based only on what can be found in the various . This section describes several methods and provides guidelines for each. > > Ross > -- _____ yocto mailing Mar 1, 2024 · The Build Appliance is a virtual machine image that enables you to build and boot a custom embedded Linux image with the Yocto Project using a non-Linux development system. conf file . e. Because it is limited to local use, this Aug 2, 2020 · Yocto vs Buildroot: A case study of SPEC7 Mamta Shukla, BE-CO-HT 1 distro, Takes 2-3 hrs and few minutes if sstate-cache is images Yocto fetch source patch configure install deploy compile. General Purpose MicrocontrollersGeneral Purpose Microcontrollers. Nov 2, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读802次,点赞16次,收藏13次。“MACHINE 和 DISTRO 是构建 IMAGE 的两个关键维度的输入,IMAGE 是它们组合的产物”这一观点的详细理解:_yocto中的distro和machine的含义与机制 Apr 30, 2018 · As for images, I might be able to reuse core-image-minimal - but it oddly contains "${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL}" in the IMAGE_INSTALL. Jan 15, 2025 · DISTRO = "poky" DISTRO_NAME = "Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro)" DISTRO_VERSION = "1. Ptest (package test) is a concept for building, installing and running the test suites that are included in many upstream packages, and producing a consistent output format for the results. You can find Yocto Project overview and conceptual information in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Dec 17, 2024 · Yocto project setup, image building, boot options, eMMC, Real-time networking recipes Abstract This document describes Real-time Edge software Yocto layer and its usage. ) - configs set not to depend on payed cloud services Both are built as a same distro, but are different images. 11 release. It sounds like you're trying to create a minimal image for the imx8mp using Yocto, but you're running into · The default values (which is not > Poky) are a good starting point. conf is not present when you start the build, the OpenEmbedded build system creates it from bblayers. gz image (suitable for use as an initramfs). 25 Visualizing the Build dependencies: Buildroot: To generate a dependency graph: · which clearly does not identify an image (all that recipe does, really, is "inherit populate_sdk"), so i *guessed* that using that command will generate a standard SDK based only on what can be found in the various . This configuration file defines layers, which are directory trees, traversed (or walked) by BitBake. Mar 3, 2025 · core-image-rt: A core-image-minimal image plus a real-time test suite and tools appropriate for real-time use. The balena-<board> version is kept in the file called VERSION located in the root of the balena-<board> repository and read in the build as the variable HOSTOS_VERSION. The image also includes development headers and libraries to form a complete stand-alone SDK and is suitable for development using the target. and provides distro features corresponding to eglibc configurable options there. It includes steps to DISTRO_FEATURES is changed, a clean build folder is needed. 6. The patch number can have a beta label. Your configuration file needs to set the following required variables: DISTRO_NAME. Choose the image. Dec 27, 2020 · Make sure to run this command every time you need to build or rebuild the image. The effort is spent in creating an automated image builder and handling drivers, but compared to Yocto it takes minutes to create an image in the build system where Yocto takes many hours. Is that right? Is there anywhere else inside the image where information about the distro being built is stored? 2 days ago · 10 Images The OpenEmbedded build system provides several example images to satisfy different needs. All 5 days ago · Note: Sourcing export configures the shell environment for the current shell session. we built an image recipe starting with packagegroup-core-boot, and it's accreted from there. The Yocto Project website motto states "It's not an embedded Linux Distribution, It creates a custom one for you. 5. The 'Using Poky' section gives an overview of the components that make up Poky followed by information about using Poky and debugging images created in Yocto Project. inc file meta-fsl-arm - Layer containing DISTRO_FEATURES is to be handled by your distro, not your image. The MACHINE is beaglebone-yocto for all the same. core-image-full-cmdline-beaglebone-yocto. Mar 8, 2020 · Yocto vs. 4 days ago · The most common usage for BitBake is bitbake recipename, where recipename is the name of the recipe you want to build (referred to as the “target”). > > Distro affects everything you build, an image is simply instructions > on how to put some packages together into a disk image. conf . But that results in my DISTRO variable ending up being set to "yocto". This can be Mar 6, 2018 · Results. This hands-on document describes how to build our Reference Images for Yocto Project from scratch using OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core). For more information on this image, see the Build Appliance page on the Yocto Project website. bb recipe file, you might type the following: Jun 3, 2022 · Here is an example of image-info. IMAGE_FEATURE seems to be more strict, and you need to add your item also as one of the 'validitems Dec 14, 2011 · Since >> core-image-minimal. 1 Customizing Images Using local. Previous message: [yocto] gdb/gdbserver vs. 11. Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:27 am . The MACHINE variable specifies the target device for the image. sh, that simplifies the setup for our machines. Hello, everyone, Is a cross-compilation system like yocto or buildroot used to create the official raspberry build? 3) In your opinion, is it possible to recompile and create a build at home by yourself, using yocto, that is exactly the same as the official build This meta-insidem2m has a distro and 3 images configured. • nxp-real-time-edge-emmc – The normal image to be deployed in eMMC device (for ls1028ardb and Oct 17, 2022 · Poky is a reference Linux distro that Yocto has built as an example. The 'Extending Poky' section gives information about how to extend and customise Poky along with advice on Jan 30, 2025 · between that image and another image I sometimes use from Texas Instruments while running on Linux inside the image. The QA Responsible should ensure that all the defined Build Sets are executed correctly and raise the proper bugs for the failures that each of the build sets is showing. Perhaps the most important thing to know about Yocto is this: it’s not an actual Linux distro. How does an immutable ditro compare to one built by Yocto or Buildroot with a squashfs (read-only) image? Yocto and Buildroot have been around for years, so what is new in 2023, besides "blessed Nov 26, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读2. For this tutorial, we are only interested in the local. 1 core-image-minimal and > > core-image-sato, both built with bitbake and not the prebuilt images. There is also support for BusyBox init, a simpler implementation, as well as support for systemd, which is a full replacement for init with parallel starting of services, reduced shell overhead, increased security and resource limits for services, and other features Apr 3, 2024 · 在嵌入式系统开发中,使用Yocto Project可以帮助我们定制和构建适用于特定硬件平台的Linux发行版。通过以上步骤,我们可以使用Yocto Project成功构建和定制嵌入式系统和根文件系统镜像。层是Yocto Project中的一个组织单元,用于管理和组织软件包、配置文件和其他构建资 4 days ago · To disable these features, simply comment out that line in your local. Wayland is a computer display server protocol that provides a method for compositing window managers to communicate directly with applications and video hardware and expects them to communicate with input hardware using other libraries. a bootable image whose job is to install a release(-candidate) image to the HW. We provide a script, karo-setup-release. The images only differ in the IMAGE_INSTALL set, they are insidem2m-s insidem2m-m and insidem2m-xl. 2 days ago · This chapter provides a reference of shipped machine and distro features you can include as part of your image, a reference on image features you can select, and a reference on Feature Backfilling. conf configuration file. Probably the easiest way to customize an image is to add a package by way of the local. To add package testing to your build, set the DISTRO_FEATURES and EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variables in your conf/local. It doesn't look like YP populates /etc/os-release, where distribution information is normally stored. 59 image-buildinfo The image-buildinfo class writes a plain text file containing build information to the target filesystem at ${sysconfdir}/buildinfo by default (as specified by IMAGE_BUILDINFO_FILE). 3 release of yocto), poky-tiny. All Rights Reserved. It's a headless application. The version of meta-balena is in semver format being 3 numbers separated by a dot. ) How can I build two different flavours of the same package? One way would be to have a different distro for each image, but this wouldn't scale. 2k次,点赞24次,收藏18次。本文介绍了如何通过Yocto编译系统优化Image大小,包括strip操作、删除未使用的Package、查看编译历史、管理环境变量、控制meson参数和清理package目标,以实现Image的大小缩减和功能稳定性兼顾。 Jan 4, 2020 · This is where Yocto comes in; the goal of the Yocto Project is to provide optimized software for highly specific embedded applications. I use the -s as a NFS rootfs for our Bealgsbone Blacks and the -xl variant is the one which gets installed on them for production use. eclipse Next message: [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCHv2 6/8] e2fsprogs: Copy xattr block from source file. CentOS, based on practical experience? Would the fact that CentOS is already in use in some existing products skew the analysis? Building Embedded Linux Images with the Yocto Project - Part 1: samueltx: Linux - General: 1: 02-08-2016 10:23 PM 2 days ago · 4 Customizing Images . Image Leo Schwab 2014-12-23 03:09:28 UTC. 2 days ago · By default, all recipes inherit the base and package classes, which enable functionality needed for recipes that produce executable output. These different layers can be added or removed as needed. sample when you source Feb 7, 2025 · ptest-pkgs: Installs ptest packages for all ptest-enabled recipes. e. others, esp. SSH server is installed into target image with poky, but, I did now 2 builds fscl-framebuffer and tried to add "debug Mar 7, 2025 · Building Images¶ Setup Build Directory¶. 1. Inadequate memory may result slow builds and random build errors. > > > > Starting with the NUC, I can boot Dizzy 1. There are 4 days ago · You can use this variable to keep distro policy out of generic images. To use the script, the name of the specific machine to be built for needs to be specified as well as the desired distro. conf file where we can set the machine architecture and the download folder path. · The role of "distro" and "image" Darren Hart #3801 · DISTRO_FEATURES vs IMAGE_FEATURES Takashi Matsuzawa #34080 Hello Yocto. 0-r0. bb is defined in oe-core and POKY is a distro notion of meta-yocto, this contributes to my confusion over Apr 20, 2018 · So there is also a need for a development image: - inherits the functions available on production image + debug tools - developer continence over security (debuggers, ssh access etc. 22 release for imx8 (imx8mp in my case) I created with: DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source. I'd appreciate some discussion to help me clarify where these lines should be. Yocto Dec 25, 2023 · Introduction. Through these variables, you can add several different predefined packages such as development utilities or packages with debug information Feb 22, 2012 · This wiki page try to describe how to use eglibc component configuration system to create a really minimal image based on Yocto core-image-minimal. 1. 3. Now, whether a given distro/machine/image combination is *useful* is a different question, and one I think is best addressed via policy / documentation. You can customize images to satisfy particular requirements. ) without being tied to a particular image. Other boot methods will be possible, but will be outside of the scope of the reference distribution. – Thuần Nguyễn's blog. Up to this point, all our builds for our prototypes have been "image" "distro," rather than just another image recipe. 3 As for images, I might be able to reuse core-image-minimal - but it oddly contains "${POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL}" in the IMAGE_INSTALL. DISTRO_FEATURES seems to be more relaxed, you can define things in your distro conf. The more I read, it feels like this wants to be a "distro," rather than just another image recipe. read-only-rootfs: Creates an image whose root filesystem is read-only. Poky is used to validate Oct 27, 2010 · The Poky User Guide is split into sections covering different aspects of Poky. Recipes searching for files will automagically generate subdirectory search paths based Jul 15, 2011 · The minimal recipe provides an image with the least number of packages to be a bootable image for a given platform (MACHINE) from a stock Yocto Project distribution. By default, this screen is provided by psplash, Jan 26, 2024 · For example, the config file sshd_config is part of the opensshd package, but I need a different set of HostKeyAlgorithms depending on the image. veeranagouda says: October 20, Mar 9, 2024 · 在Yocto项目中,上述提到的是几种不同类型的镜像,它们分别有不同的含义和用途: core-image-minimal:这是一个非常小型的镜像,仅包括基本的系统启动所需的组件,例如Shell、init系统等。一般情况下,这个镜像主要用于测试或Debug。 core Mar 1, 2011 · The previous Git checkout command creates a local branch named my-yocto-3. Here’s what you need to know about Yocto vs. What is the MACHINE_FEATURES and DISTRO_FEATURES variables in the Yocto Project Create a New Meta Layer and Write a New Recipe in Yocto Project How to do full clean build in Yocto Project Quick Start Your First Yocto Project Build The meta-balena version is kept in the DISTRO_VERSION variable. Because they are more about policy, DISTRO_FEATURES aren't as tied to a specific image. Recipes searching Mar 7, 2025 · Be sure to place the include files in the conf/distro/include directory of your layer. kernel modules). "rauc" is in DISTRO_FEATURES which is fine for all images except for "recovery" image.
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