Wan configuration huawei hg8245h EchoLife HG8245A network router pdf manual download. Kedua pilihan setting ini dapat kamu pilih sesuai kebutuhan. Network Router Huawei HG8245H Product Description Page 11 Logging in to the Web lewej stronie wybrać opcję Port Mapping Configuration. Cloud products, solutions & services Carrier. Atur VLAN ID Sesuai Paket Internet Kalo lo pake IndiHome, masuk ke menu “WAN Configuration” dan pastikan VLAN ID lo sesuai paket internet. Login to web interface as root/admin. Help or assist to solve a problem. The HG8245H is an indoor optical network terminal (ONT) designed for home and small office and home office (SOHO) users. El router Huawei hg8245h es un dispositivo fundamental para la conexión a internet en hogares y empresas. Please find more information on the current topic below. Enter Username or ID or Login, and Password given to you by your Internet Service Provider. Yuk, pelajari cara setting modem ini lebih mendalam. ONT ini sangat multi fungsi, disini saya gunakan sebagai switch sekaligus AP, serta pada bagian port ethernet sudah mendukung Gigabit Ethernet dan dijual dengan harga terjangkau, anda bisa membelinya di toko online langganan anda. Чтобы настроить IP-телевидение от Ростелекома для роутера HUAWEI HG8245h, советуем создать новое подключение в разделе EchoLife HG8245A/HG8245H/HG8240A/HG8045A GPON Terminal V300R013C00 Product Description Issue 01 Date 2015-08-08 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The first thing you need to is to open HUAWEI HG8245 admin page. Сброс настроек роутера The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. 2 MAC Filter Configuration In the navigation tree on the left, click WAN Configuration to access the WAN Configuration page, as shown in Figure 1-481. asatechnologybd. WAN Setting. Third option would be to buy a router and configure it as an access point near where your devices are (or a dedicated AP but they don't always give you the extra LAN ports you want). Pick the new option of Port Mapping Configuration. Is there a reason for selecting PPPoE for your IPv4 acquisition? Huawei HG8245 series Quick Start Manual (14 pages) Echolife gateway gpon terminal Oct 15, 2014 · Am trying to forward my DVR ports on Huawei HG8245 . Read our privacy policy> Página 6 5. . idrissi. Hacer clic en WAN > Página 7 7. Para configurar el Modem Huawei HG8245H, siga los siguientes pasos: Acceda al router HG8245H siguiendo los pasos mencionados anteriormente. Port Mapping Configuration Port Tigger Configuration Enable PCP: WAN Name. Huawei Cloud. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan modem Very uncomplicated to install one, simply a cable from the huawei to the switch and then from the remaining ports just connect what you want. Find answers to common questions about your HG8245H. Enabling a CE1 interface. Connect to the FTP server. Always check the nameplate for accurate information. 1, plugged at it´s ethernet ports 2 and 3 are two tp-link wifi routers, working normal, internet is fully functional, at the wifi network and at the ethernet ports. Jika anda sudah mengetahui passwordnya berikutnya anda bisa memulai Login dan melakukan setting modem, bagi anda yang belum tau cara loginnya bisa membaca Learning and Tech Support. En el menú principal, seleccione la opción de configuración. Hi there, everyone!This post explains the procedure of how to configure the DNS server address of a Huawei ONT. Routers Enterprise Products, Solutions and Services for Enterprise; Consumer Smartphones, PC & Tablets, Wearables and More; Corporate About Huawei, Press & Events , and More The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Nice! HUAWEI HG8245 should now be connected to the internet. zip to the FTP server. The final step is to change the IP configuration of the Huawei HG8245 modem to one class along with your new router modem so that it is easy to configure and monitor in the future. This is the best method to enable DHCP on HUAWEI router. Configuration Roadmap. Learning and Tech Support. Configuración de la Red LAN Seguimos los pasos siguientes para configurar la red Lan: LAN > DHCP Server Configuration y colocar el rango de ip deseado. All huawei Solution ont & Onu wan new & delete button Not Showing Fix#All#huawei#Solution#ont#&#Onu#wan#new#&#delete#button#Not#Showing#Fix EchoLife HG8245H Optical Access: Access product lifecycle bulletins, alarm notices, and PCN Huawei Cloud. Could you please tell me, how can I convert a LAN port to a WAN port?Router mode Enterprise. Pada bagian WAN Setting terdapat 2 settingan, yakni IPoE dan PPPoE. com/watch?v=JKwk01e6tK4&t=16s The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Вход в личный кабинет 3G/4G USB модема, или мобильного Wi-Fi роутера Huawei для настройки интернета. Oct 6, 2020 · A step by step guide to configuring the Huawei HG8245H ONT for Voice functionality. Konfiguracja WLAN modele HG8245/HG8245T/ HG8245H W zakładce WLAN można zmienić konfigurację sieci bezprzewodowej. Poniżej przykład przekierowania portu 88 na adres IP 192. Nov 20, 2017 · VLAN 1 is a standard management VLAN and unless you plan to run multiple VLANs across that router then you don’t need to change that value. The default WiFi username and password for the Huawei HG8245H are typically found on the nameplate on the rear of the ONT. Настройка модема Huawei HG8245A | HG8245H-256M Особенности настройки, прошивки и характеристиках gpon-роутера huawei hg8245h. Itulah cara setting wifi Indihome Huawei HG8245H yang dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Do you see a screen prompting you for your Account and Password? The Default Huawei HG8245H Router Username is: root; The Default Huawei HG8245H Router Password is: admin; Go ahead and enter the Account and Password. Buy Huawei, Cisco, Zte, Hpe, Dell, Fortinet Network Equipment Online In China At Low Price! www. Nice! HUAWEI HG8245H Orange should now be connected to the internet. Choose Configuration > WAN Configuration > CE1/CT1 Interface. Bagi anda yang belum mengetahui Password Modem Huawei HG8245H Indihome Terbaru 2020 silahkan baca terlebih dahulu, karna sangat diperlukan username dan password sebelum setting modem huawei. Informácie o sieti WAN Konfigurácia Obsah F. Please find a link below: Apr 27, 2024 · In this video, we'll walk you through every step of the setup process, from unboxing to optimizing your network for performance and security. The driver itself of the chipset driver RH2485V2-chipset_9. View online or download PDF (7 MB) Huawei HG8245, EchoLife-HG8247, HG8247 Owner's manual • HG8245, EchoLife-HG8247, HG8247 networking PDF manual download and more Huawei online manuals. com Overview . Ceklist pada “Enable WAN” dan WAN Mode dengan “Bridge WAN” Sebagai contoh digambar 192. " However, these may vary depending on prior configuration for security reasons. Huawei HG8245H, ev ve küçük işletmeler için tasarlanmış bir fiber optik modemdir. Pertama, cara untuk melakukan setting IPoE dengan cara pilih pada menu atas pilih “WAN”, setelah itu pilih “WAN Configuration”. PCP Server: New Release Allow PCP PCP Server Port Result Code Proposal [YIN] Welcome to star technology 5G. , LTD. May 24, 2022 · Huawei HG8245H web Interface setup. Case 1: The uplink device is a HarmonyOS Mesh+ router. Partners Jul 31, 2023 · 2. Nov 6, 2020 · Huawei HG8245H: как зайти в настройки, логин и пароль модема На вкладке WAN > WAN Configuration создаем Oct 15, 2015 · Change the "WAN Mode" from "Route WAN" into "Bridge WAN" In the "Bridging Options" select the LAN that you use to connect the Huawei modem to your main router. but, in the ethernet port 1, i have a cable connecting a 8 port switch, where i have another tp-link wifi router The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. 1. Nov 10, 2021 · Так, для аппарата Huawei HG8245H этот путь выглядит следующим образом: вкладка System Tools сверху – строка Configuration File слева – кнопка Save. cc from and upload vrpcfg. 3. facebook. How to configure DHCP on HUAWEI HG8245H: Firstly, open HUAWEI HG8245H Admin Page, you can check how to open HUAWEI HG8245H Admin Page here. Apr 15, 2018 · Apa Kabar Semuanya? Mudah-Mudahan Baik Yah,Amin!!!Di Video Kali Ini Saya Berbagi Cara Atasi Settingan Modem Huawei HG8245A Yang Hilang Setelah Di Reset Yah M Huawei HG8245H Konfigürasyonu. Dec 14, 2015 · at home i have a hg8245h with the default addres 192. Huawei HG8245H, učívatežská príruľka k zariadeniu 13 V navigačnom stĺpci vľavo vyberte položku Informácie o sieti WAN (WAN Information). Enter 192. Join the Huawei Enterprise Community for free technical support & configur Feb 26, 2021 · Процесс подключения и входа в настройки модема Huawei по адресу 192. We'll start by unboxing the router and connecting it to Configure network access interfaces on the WAN Configuration page and set Internet access modes based on the network environment. net, isi port 8000, samakan dengan port di menu Port Mapping Configuration dan di DVR CCTV Avtech anda tadi. Cloud products, solutions & services Nov 11, 2016 · Huawei HG8245H Login. This solution compensates for the shortage of key-value storage such as memcached. May 20, 2019 · How to setup the Huawei fibre ONT for internet access. Компания Huawei — один из двух сетевых монстров, доказавших свою рентабельность на рынке сетевых технологий Feb 1, 2021 · Generalized Router Configuration Instructions; Troubleshooting: I configured the router, but only some devices are working; Huawei HG8245H Configuration Guide; TP Link CR700 Router Setup; FamilyShield Router Configuration Instructions; Special Case: AT&T U-Verse; Billion Router Configuration; Digisol Router Configuration; DrayTek Router Acerca de Huawei. Figure 1-349 WAN Configuration page Select an access interface, set Connection mode to Fixed address , and set other parameters , as shown in Figure 1-350 . Search for PPPoE connection details. Należy wybrać tę, która w nazwie ma INTERNET. 2. Modem Huawei HG8245H punya fitur-fitur tambahan yang jarang dimanfaatkan. All new devices which connects to HUAWEI HG8245H will have a Dynamic IP Address assigned. Question: How to configure the D Jan 25, 2016 · Huawei EchoLife HG8245H 4GE/FE+2VOICE+WIFI+USB ONT Wifi Configuration. Подробная инструкция для выполнения прошивки прибора. 5. Finalmente hacer clic en Apply. 27. 1017. Descubre los pasos para ingresar a tu router Huawei hg8245h y gestionarlo eficientemente. Se recomienda que visite la página de inicio de nuestro sitio web o use uno de los Once setup is complete, changes take effect and router is sent to reboot. Jan 26, 2011 · Read the Huawei HG8245H Owner's Manual online or download it as a PDF. Configure los parámetros según sus necesidades. WAN Configuration. Plug-and-play: The HG8245H5 supports the OMCI and TR069 protocols so that voice, broadband, and multicast services can be automatically provisioned without onsite parameter configuration. http://gponsolution. Aquí encontrarás soporte técnico, podrás compartir conocimiento de la industria y conocer a otros usuarios con intereses a fines. In the navigation tree on the left, click WAN Configuration to access the WAN Configuration page, as shown in Figure 1-349. Enterprise Products, Solutions and Services for Enterprise; Consumer Smartphones, PC & Tablets, Wearables and More; Corporate About Huawei, Press & Events , and More Agar Wifi Modem Huawei HG8245 mendapatkan IP DHCP Server dari modem Router Anda yang baru, maka LAN dan SSID yang aktif perlu dibuatkan BRIDGE dengan cara ke menu “WAN > WAN Configuration”. Se recomienda que visite la página de inicio de nuestro sitio web o use uno de los siguientes enlaces:. [picture]3. Navigate to the port forwarding section. Then press the Login button to access the Huawei HG8245H router. Step 4. 100. Kedua pilihan setting ini dapat Anda pilih sesuai kebutuhan. 4G WiFi port). voir: 2 configuration du routeur fibre HUAWEI HG 8245H https://www. Paso 4: WAN configuration. Isi username dengan username DDNS, juga The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Before accessing, configuring, and managing your routers, ensure that you have downloaded and installed the HUAWEI AI Life App on your mobile device. Click OK. Ceklist pada “Enable WAN” dan WAN Mode dengan “Bridge WAN”. This site uses cookies. Cara Login Akun Admin Modem Indihome Huawei HG8245H dan HG8245A - Manglada Tech The first thing you need to is to open HUAWEI HG8245H admin page. Syarat pertama yaitu mengetahui IP Address atau alamat IP dari Router IndiHome yang dipakai. Click the Forward Rules link. Products . 3. Jika belum tahu, berikut ini adalah IP Address yang berlaku untuk modem Huawei HG8245H : 192. [picture]Select the required license. com Learning and Tech Support. The installation will be terminated. It could be called Wan settings or straightforward PPPoE settings. Nov 11, 2016 · Huawei HG8245H Login. OBS: É apenas isso. В этой статье мы поделимся с вами, как настроить эти модели модемов. Run FTP commands to download devicesoft. Partners Huawei ONT WAN DHCP configure by web browser loginFor more details visit: http://gponsolution. Manuel d'utilisation du routeur Huawei HG8245H. Nazwę sieci i hasło zmieniamy odpowiednio w polach SSID Name (nazwa) oraz WPA PreSharedKey (hasło). Kesimpulan. La Comunidad Huawei Enterprise es un sitio interactivo lanzado para los clientes empresariales y socios de canal de Huawei. Настроить роутер hg8245h можно используя: http (Веб-интерфейс) telnet (консоль) Jun 6, 2019 · Halo kali ini saya akan berbagi tip cara setting Huawei HG8245H Menjadi Acces Point. Click on Port Mapping Configuration. Reseteo del Modem Huawei HG8245H: Para resetear el Modem Huawei HG8245H, siga los siguientes View online or download Huawei EchoLife HG8245 GPON Terminal Service Manual, Product Description, Quick Start Manual. I View and Download Huawei EchoLife HG8245 quick start manual online. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. May 20, 2022 · www. com/huawei-echo-life-hg8245h-ont. It depends on you firmware version whether configuration file will be encrypted or not. V tabuľke vpravo môžete zobraziť stav rozhrania WAN, označenie služby WAN, status, IP adresu, WLAN. 3: W polu WAN name może być więcej pozycji do wyboru. Partners The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Setting DMZ Modem ONT Huawei HG8245A « Jaranguda. Like in my case, I selected LAN1 because I have an ethernet cable that goes from the LAN1 interface in the Huawei Gateway to my WAN interface on my Cisco router. 3590?mibextid=ZbWKwL Jun 14, 2021 · В меню WAN -> WAN Configuration нажимаем кнопку New: Для присоединения роутера Huawei hg8245h к компу или The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Click Disable corresponding to the CE1 interface to be configured in the Operation column of CE1 Interface List. W modelu HG8245H sekcja Advance Configuration dostępna jest jako osobna pozycja w lewym menu. That’s how to set the Huawei HG8245 modem to be an access point. 6. It uses the GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. Open downloaded file with text editor. Acerca de Huawei Search. 1 2. Иногда нам приходится настраивать Huawei HG8245A | HG8245H-256M и wi-fi. … Join the Huawei Enterprise Community for free technical support & configuration tips from Huawei engineers and experts, tools & There is the following problem: 1) We can not install the driver of the chipset from the driver set for Windows RH2485_V2-Windows-Driver-V102. Dec 3, 2024 · 🛠 Cara Setting Modem Huawei HG8245H dengan Konfigurasi Advanced. Remote diagnosis: Remote fault locating can be achieved through loop-line tests on POTS ports, call emulation, and PPPoE dial-up emulation. Aby dodać przekierowanie należy kliknąć w przycisk New i uzupełnić formularz. EchoLife HG8245H Optical Access: Access product manuals, HedEx documents, product images and visio stencils. Para aprovechar al máximo sus funcionalidades, es necesario saber cómo ingresar a su configuración y gestionarlo eficientemente. On the NE Batch Configuration page, click NE License Authorization Management. com/ Jan 1, 2020 · configuration le nouveau routeur Huawei HG8245H sur fibre optiqueil faut voir l ancien vidéo:https://www. Finally, create a port forward entry. 5. When finished then click Apply. Do you see a screen prompting you for your Account and Password? The Default Huawei EchoLife HG8245H Router Username is: root; The Default Huawei EchoLife HG8245H Router Password is: admin; Go ahead and enter the Account and Password. com/watch?v=LPhqxyYjR4cconfiguration wifi et les ports réseaux du routeur fibre The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Partners. Oct 26, 2020 · Как настроить на роутере huawei hg8245 мгтс iptv? Для настройки IP TV на gpon роутере huawei hg8245 необходимо во вкладке WAN создать новое подключение, где в строке Service type выбрать IPTV и ввести VLAN ID и Multicast VLAN ID из договора с поставщиком The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Setelah selesai lantas klik Apply . I just want to connect the ethernet cable (ISP provided). Français (changer) Login Huawei ont wan configuration HuaWei StartCode 2012. It provides 4 GE+2 POTS+1 USB+1 Wi-Fi(4 GE ports, 2 POTS ports, 1 USB port,and 1 2. Configuración de la WAN Nota: Estos cambios deben ser con privilegios de administración. com/u2000-huawei-imanager-u2000-nms-buy-gpon. 168. Cloud products, solutions & services Jan 12, 2024 · #huawei #router #configuration Check the “Enable WAN” and WAN Mode with “Bridge WAN”. Login to your Huawei Orange HG8245H router. Internet_R_Vid_200, Isi Domain Name dengan nama bebas, Pilih Service Provider : dynddns-custom, pilih Host of the service provider : dynddns. Also for: Echolife hg8245h, Echolife hg8240a, Echolife hg8045a, V300r013c00. 2. 02 (Sep 30 2013 - 07:10:37) NAND: Nand(Hardware): 128 MiB startcode select the uboot to load the high RAM is :8080103c startcode uboot boot count:-1030307456 use the main slave_param area from flash, the RAM data is not OK!!! Sep 13, 2023 · Q: Apakah Indihome Huawei HG8245H dapat digunakan sebagai router tambahan? A: Ya, Indihome Huawei HG8245H dapat digunakan sebagai router tambahan dengan menghubungkan kabel LAN dari modem utama ke WAN pada Indihome Huawei HG8245H. [picture]2. html Aug 2, 2020 · Terima kasih telah menonton jgn lupa klik tombol like subcribe dan coment ya guys agar kami bisa lebih bersemangat membuat video bermanfaat lainnya. Nov 11, 2016 · Huawei HG8245H - Orange Device Information. Switches. Configurar WAN IP Estatica ONU Huawei Modo Bridge; Configurar WAN PPPoE En ONU HUAWEI; Configuración WAN IP (AdminOLT) Configuración avanzada ONU Huawei; Configurar Puertos ETH (AdminOLT) Crear Planes de velocidad ONU Huawei (Line profile Priority) Crear Planes de velocidad ONU Huawei (Line profile Vlan) Triple Play ONU Huawei (IPTV) Triple Connect your phone or computer to the CPE's Wi-Fi (or connect your computer to the CPE's LAN port using a cable). ly/3qu7PlFThis video is about Huawei EchoLife HG8245H5 GPON modem full configura Huawei HG8245H, učívatežská príruľka k zariadeniu 13 V navigačnom stĺpci vľavo vyberte položku Informácie o sieti WAN (WAN Information). Click CE1 Interface to display the CE1 Interface tab page. It produces the following error: Attempt to copy files failed. I have a Huawei GPON router but there's no WAN port. WAN Setting WAN Setting Modem Huawei. Hi, team. The next time you access this menu, use a new username and password. Multilingual Documents. Nov 6, 2020 · Полная настройка ont huawei hg8245h Вид устройства hg8245h Подключение к терминалу, стандартные логины и пароли. --------- في هذا الفيديو سنشرح طريقة إعداد الروتر هواوي HG8245H لكي يتم ربطه بشبكة الاتصالات للشروع في The HUAWEI AI Life App provides all the essential configuration and management features that enables you to easily access, configure, and manage your routers. Along the top of the page select the link labeled Forward Rules. Mengetahui IP Address dari Modem Huawei HG8245H. El recurso no existe o se ha eliminado. [Abstract] Redis is an open-source, network-based, high-performance key-value in-memory database. If not specified, the default login username is "root," and the password is "admin. Huawei Echo life HG8245H ONT 4GE/FE+2VOICE+WIFI+USB (external antenna)is an optical network terminal (ONT), is a high-end home gateway in Huawei FTTH solution. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setup to troubleshooting. Having Trouble with the Huawei Username switch from fibre optic intake to LAN input Jan 24, 2016 · Huawei Echo life HG8245H ONT. custom. 1. Then find network settings. The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. GPON Terminal. Bu modem, yüksek hızlı internet erişimi, VoIP telefon hizmeti ve IPTV hizmeti sunar. EchoLife HG8245H Datasheet . Use a network cable to connect the LAN port of the uplink router to the WAN port of the router. How To Configure STC HG658 G The Huawei EchoLife EG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Its upper shell adopts the natural heat dissipation material, and its optical port adopts the dust-proof design with a rubber plug. While configuring Dyndns rouetr is asking for WAN Device creation . 1 in the address box of the browser, and enter the login password to access the web-based management page of the CPE. Mar 17, 2021 · Для настройки маршрутизатора Huawei HG8245H под Ростелеком понадобится войти в веб-интерфейс устройства и изменить требуемые параметры, отвечающие за его работу. Start the Network Management app and choose Configuration > Transport Network Configuration > NE Batch Configuration from the main menu. html Nov 11, 2016 · To open a port for the Huawei Orange HG8245H router you need to: Setup a static IP address on the specific device you are forwarding ports to. Then press the Login button to access the Huawei EchoLife HG8245H router. Jun 3, 2018 · Crie a conexão Bridge: Em "WAN > WAN Configuration", clique em "New" para criar uma nova Wan e deixe as configurações como na foto. hi-network. Cloud products, solutions & services Huawei HG8245H, 4GE, 2POTS, WIFI, with USB port ONT details features and wifi configuration. 23. Kemudian silahkan setting IP komputer dengan IP yang anda inginkan. Loading Loading Mar 28, 2023 · Конфигурацию следует сохранить через пункт «Configuration File» раздела «System Tools». How can create a WAN DEvice ? This is covered in the Huawei Service Manual. Pertama, cara untuk melakukan setting IPoE adalah dengan cara pilih pada menu atas pilih “WAN”, setelah itu pilih “WAN Configuration”. Stav > Informácie o sieti WAN Apr 25, 2022 · Kali ini saya mau berbagi tips mengoptimalkan pengaturan/setting modem indihome Huawei HG8245H / HG8245H5 / HG8245A untuk kamu para pengguna internet IndiHom Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap untuk mengkonfigurasi settingan modem Indihome Huawei HG8245H, mulai dari login ke modem, konfigurasi WAN untuk IPoE dan PPPoE, konfigurasi LAN dan DHCP server, hingga konfigurasi nirkabel untuk mengaktifkan hotspot wifi modem. Actualización del 2. 8. The menu on the left changes. Huawei HG8245H - Orange Port Mapping Configuration. youtube. Caso queira utiliza-lo novamente como fornecedor de internet, basta desfazer os passos anteriores. Documentation Software Knowledge Base Bulletins MySupport Then find network settings. Here are the ports to forward for Xbox Live: TCP Ports: 3074; UDP Ports: 3074 Nov 13, 2017 · There is a way to get admin access. Nice! HUAWEI HG8245H should now be connected to the EchoLife GPON terminal HG8245H is an indoor optical network terminal (ONT) designed for home users. Hi Invité. com/jalal. Pilih New, Ceklis Enable DDNS, Pilih WAN Name : 2. Stav > Informácie o sieti WAN Huawei HG8245 ONT port mapping guide Loading Learn how to turn on DHCP connection on HUAWEI HG8245H. configuration Huawei routeur comme Access pointpage Facebook https://www. In this video, I'll demonstrate how to set up your STC DSL router and set up a Wi-Fi access point. Ce routeur offre une connexion Internet haut débit via une interface Ethernet et une connexion sans fil Wi-Fi. View and Download Huawei EchoLife HG8245A product description online. The Huawei EchoLife H G8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all -optical access solution. Download existing configuration (System tools -> Configuration file and click on Download configuration file). Aug 11, 2015 · В этом мануале талмуд свежей и акутуальной информациии по терминалу Huawei HG8245H. Figure 1-481 WAN Configuration page Click WAN Configuration , select Ethernet Interface , and set other parameters , as shown in Figure4 . HG8245H, kurulumu ve yapılandırması kolay bir cihazdır. HG8245H status WAN LAN IPv6 WI-AN security Route Forward Rules > PCP Configuration HUAWEI PCP Configuration DMZ Configuration On this page, you can configure PCP mapping parameters. The configuration roadmap is as follows: Run the FTP software on the FTP server and configure FTP user information. Bagaimana cara setting modem Huawei HG8245H Indihome? Untuk melakukan setting modem Huawei HG8245H Indihome, kamu perlu login ke router terlebih dahulu, mengatur SSID dan password WiFi, setting port forwarding, setting parental control, setting DHCP, dan menyimpan konfigurasi dengan menekan tombol Apply. LAN Port Work Mode. Oct 29, 2021 · #andmta_tube #huawei #GPON_configuration #WiFiDo not click this https://bit. The most important parameters that directly impact the connection refer to the WAN, since it is the protocol used to receive data from the ISP through the respective cable. pqpxect nspvzr rwmux ppwo mfrrx tylf aqpe jiouz ofhry zpopj jpwo jbyyn ljko fcers zak