- Seecamp 380 problems I don't recall whether or not PMC is too long, but the OAL is listed in the forum to help you avoid the wrong brands. 25 North American Arms, the . For the specified ammo I found one brand available online, but I ended up ordering bullets, brass, and dies instead. Only comes with 1 magazine,(which I knew) and the spare spring had a spot of rust on it I checked out a bunch of mouse guns(. They make an LWS . The Seecamp is smaller, and thus easier to carry in a pocket, however, the R9 is certainly not difficult to carry in the same manner. 380 Guardian A very similar pistol is the North American Arms . Incompatible and Problematic Add-ons/Mods COMPATIBILITY - Inside the waistband compatibility with Kel-Tec 380/22, Ruger LCP, NAA Guardian . The pistol weighs 9. Is that a 32 Seecamp? The . North American Arms Guardian 380. 380 ACP semi-auto handgun. 1" 9mm Pistol $ 277. 32 was released this was not the case. Seecamp is renown for reliability. ). 380 kicks a bit from what I read. On some forum, I forget where, I posted a photo comparison of the following I own: Seecamp, AMT Backup, NAA Guardian and a Diamondback DB380 The Seecamp is good, very very concealable, but also very heavy, as heavy as some modern 9mm pistols. 380 ACP in this country. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last I ordered 2 last year for a Seecamp . 380 was more prone to problems than the. 380 ACP if you find a larger Seecamp Firearms FAQ page is designed to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your Seecamp Firearm or accessories. 380 Spare Magazine $ 36. NAA Guardian Fared Well Against Seecamp, Beretta . 380 pistols. 380, nor my KelTec . 32certainly in . When Seecamp's wait list for . 15+1 is a bunch in a nice sized firearm. Hard to believe something that small could be chambered in . 25 or the LWS . 380 model much more affordable. North American Arms Guardian . No fun at all. 25 . Seecamp will have to make his . 32 Pistols it has nearly been replaced by the more powerful . Why pick a 380 that is as big as a 9 mm a much better round for defense. With the ammo Larry Seecamp recommends I have had zero issues. Sometimes I carry a Bersa 380 plus. 380's have hit the market: Ruger LCP Kahr P380 SIG P238 Magnum Research ME380 Taurus 738 TCP Diamondback DB380 I. A cocked and locked YIKES for a pocket gun. Transcript: 00:00 the lwc camp 32 let’s check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the C camp 32 and 380 acp pistols are 01:10 the smallest semi-automatics being currently made they are very tiny but yet they are precision Said to be Inspired by the Seecamp LWS . 380 would only shoot hydra-shoks. 380 ACP Capacity: 10+1 Barrel Length: 2. I bought a new p365 380 from a local shop less than a month ago. 380 Acp 2. Chambered in . Here comes the problem Seecamp only recommend Hollow point ammo (and I understand) and I The . Have to holster that. 380 usually did not expand fully but did a better job than the . 32 ACP and . Over time, North American introduced three additional cartridges and a second frame size to the Guardian lineup: the . 32 caliber pistol is not good enough for self-defense. (Over 300 rounds for me now). 380 ACP Pistol. With a lifetime warranty, if you desire the ultimate in concealability without sacrificing . 380 Seecamp is as concealable as a gun gets. 380 ACP. This stronger spring will make it harder to retract the slide however it will also hold up better while shooting the firearm. The new Remington RM380, though bigger than the Seecamp . A range toy they are not. That steel finger guard slapping The Seecamp, I have 2 in . The . I think I'll stick with my Kahr P380 for pocket carry, as I think the Seecamp would simply be too small for me. I saw a YouTube video Turn off any VPN, Safe-Browsing, and/or Private Relay feature. 06&Quot; Barrel 6-Rounds grabagun. 380 ACP variant). Never had a problem with it. O. Last week at the range I discovered ammo that is downright comfortable to shoot. How does the Seecamp 380 ACP compare to the base LCP besides the much higher price? I like the all-steel construction. See on Guns. I've carried a Seecamp 32 as a BUG for 20+ years but I think I may switch to the P32. Disassembly and reassembly of the L. Check Price vs. Larry Seecamp died, and so did the warranty. 25. 380. they shipped with a handmade mag) may have issues with We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Glock 42 ran through roughly 450 rounds of that with almost no issue. was founded in 1973 as a family business specializing in Ludwig’s patented (#3722358) double action conversion of the venerable 1911 semi-auto pistol (Colt . 6 ounces and has a 6+1 magazine capacity. Is . 32 ACP. 380 ACP Semi Auto Pistol Federal Premium HydroShok, and the Remington UMC, all listed on the seecamp website and no problems. There was a single failure and I’m almost certain it was shooter-induced. There are different guns for different situations, and the Seecamp has it's purposes and advantages to most of the others, size and reliability being at the top of that list. A spare . 32 failures to feed; please help! Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum the gun was perfectly clean before the firing began, I was point shooting with a very firm grip (to avoid limp-wristing problems) and the jams occurred maybe at about the 30 and 60 round marks--not right together and not lumped at either the beginning or end of Sometimes the Seecamp . One of the draw backs to purchasing a Seecamp has been price for many people. I learned the first batch of . You can find some in-depth research on the "rim lock" issue at websites that are more willing to disclose the cause of . 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. 32 ACP and recently got rid of it. Today's 9mm pistols are close enough in size, and only marginally heavier that I consider the extra weight versus the added "power" of the 9mm to be worth the trade off. These pistols are thin, short, and so committed to being tiny that they don’t even have sights. My . It's always a trade off no matter the subject matter might be. 380 enough?" Massad looks at the Lehigh Defense Xtreme Defense Solid Copper Bu Semi-Auto Handguns seecamp 380 L. We recommend the following . 32 Here is the Seecamp LWS . 5%. 380 would kick too much in such a small pistol. It is relief engraved and stunning and I would LOVE to carry it on a daily basis. 380 has an expected life of 1,000 rounds. 99. For the slide of your Seecamp to launch, either the slide was not properly engaged by the spring loaded slide retainer plunger or you have a damaged/defective plunger. The LWS 32 is the . Stock ammo was breaking slides (poor slide stop design), and a slide can come off and hit you in the face. 32 and a Glock 43 9mm and was trying out a Glock 42 . 32's I bought used but LNIB. naa guardian 32acp has all the merits of a seecamp and none of its problems, imho. 38 snubbies are acceptable backups. machining is horrendous and they ignore its problems if you value your life DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS FIREARM!!! I have owned shot cleaned and handled guns for Over 40 years and this is the worst I have The sturdiest pocket pistol on the market these days is the . The Seecamp trigger has a more dramatic break that feels different and takes some getting The Guardian 380 ships with two, six-round magazines — one with a pinky rest and one with a flush-mount base. 380 acp and a LWS . 380 ACP is at the lower end of the curve. Bit bigger than the Seecamp, but still fine for pocket carry. Normally I wouldn't even consider the Seecamp due to outragous pricing,but my dealer has one for $400+(says they finally made a production run)NIB. 380 pocket pistols, these guns were rather large. 380 Seecamp in basically the same form factor, but the . 380 for a few years, I carry it 75% of the time, the other 25% it's a S&W M&P 340. Check Price Dimensions Details Capacity Dimensions Length L Height H Width W Weight W; LWS 380: 4. The Seecamp LWS 32 is the "ultimate pocket carry gun. You do tend to get one or two more rounds of ammo capacity in a . 380 is a personal choice; some find it suitable for concealed carry due to its compact Like the fine Seecamp . Some describe it as painful. bottom line, I can get Rohrbaugh . " (YouTube) January 09, 2018 Dan "TheFireArmGuy" Abraham. 380 can be used for self-defense, but larger calibers like 9mm are often considered more effective. e. Art Franco is probably the better Seecamp authority now. If you think a Seecamp 380 has recoil, the Rohrbaugh 9mm makes the Seecamp feel as tame as a full size steel 1911 by comparison most painful handgun I've ever fired. 380s to Kel-Tecs 37,814. I'm looking to buy a P32. I have two of the little beasts in . The P380 is a micro-compact pistol chambered in . ~~~~~ Author Topic: SEECAMP . 380 model, but those were also harder to come by, so the demand for them was still high. Mine is the HD model. 380 or . Check the weight difference between the Seecamp and NAA. 380 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) cartridge goes by a few names, including . 380 Seecamp got evicted from it's primary residence in my right front pocket & has become a safe queen lately. Does anybody carry it? Wednesday at 3:00 PM #32 tcward Holsters SEEcamp (. I sold a Seecamp . Seecamp 380 Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum Kahr P380 V. com . EFFICIENT WITH NO PROBLEMS THANKS AGAIN AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ED. Nothing can be designed without intent, and the intent behind the Seecamp pistols was self-defense. The HSTs are actually slightly shor The Seecamp has none. View Deal 5 more deals from budsgunshop. live Seecamp made just 1,463 pistols that year. This is a stronger replacement recoil spring for your LWS-32, LWS-32 California Edition and LWS-380. If so I'd be willing to spend the extra $100 over a My 380 is loaded with the Underwood +P Extreme Defenders. This may be an opportunity for Yankee2500 to offer a new product? Logged Robar233. In . (I forget now, but think it had to do with bullet shape. And carry my 380EZ. I have 2 mags, I am starting to think I need to order a few more, so I can be sure there is always an empty one on hand. Join Date: June 2, 2006. 380 worth carrying? Carrying a . During the tests, the loads proved accurate and reliable. w. They didn't give a number matter of patent #4201113 issued to Ludwig’s son and Seecamp Company co-founder Lueder (Larry) Seecamp. under sizing your chamber and potentially causing feeding issues. and am yet to have a failure of any kind. With hot loads,a lightweight 380 is hard to get back on target & snaps back kinda hard. Along with Seecamp advising the OP to use minimal lube to prevent slide launches. I bought my Seecamp 32 when the 380 came out and the demand/price dropped on the 32. 380 was more prone to problems than the . That was the least of my concerns. 380 Seecamp would be a palm-sized 500 on the pain scale. He encouraged anyone owning one of these first Guardians to call North American Arms. 32, the Guardian first appeared in 1997 with a chamber for . I emailed Jeff and he said it would break in after a Anyone own a Seecamp . Buy Now. Changed mags just to see if anything changed and got failure to extract on 3rd rd, and on another, failure to extract on 4th rd. If you want a 380 you want it tiny. Hellcat Rohrbaugh 380/380S S&W Bodyguard . 2 Stars Federal Premium HydroShok, and the Remington UMC, all listed on the seecamp website and no problems. 0: a compact . Remember when installing this spring always insert the “double spring” end first into the firearm. If you happen to talk to Larry Seecamp again, ask him about the Seecamp . I have a KelTec . I too had a problem. Two important considerations with this gun are that it can be very finicky with ammo (bullet nose shape and OAL of cartridge), and it uses what I think is called a "retarded blowback action," not sure if I got the term right but it effectively has an off center gouge milled into the Another issue is not everyone wants to carry a 9mm pistol. Location: Jupiter, Florida. So I would say the edge goes only slightly to the . Use of regular FMJ or ball ammo has the potential to cause damage or failure to feed/cycling issues. Days when my arthritis is acting up, I leave my . 32 acp ist a 380 but it still can work and the recoil is way less than the 380 Seecamp. Love my Seecamp though I most often opt for a BG380. To reliably get enough penetration I turned to 380 FMJs at first. 380 Seecamp are basically the same size other than loaded weight. I sold it to a friend (who was aware of the problems) who finally got a gunsmith to get it Seecamp Firearms ammunition recommendations keep your LWS 25, LWS 32, and LWS 380 firing correctly. Bottom line, in my opinion, if you want a . Design Details. Being it’s the smallest blow-back pistol on the market, Seecamp has a list of ammo that performs well with the handgun, so Seecamp Issues/Questions. 32 wouldn't be better. Racking the slide on a small 9mm handgun can be a chore if your grip is weaker than most. 00. DAO Pocket Pistol Chambered in 380 ACP. The Seecamp's have tight design parameters with little room for slight ammo variations over the production years. Using sights at shorter ranges invites problems. Some . Will have about same effect and cost less . 32 NAA, which was a . Jam-o-matic. Height, the main concern for a pocket pistol, was just 3. 380 or another small pistol in the same caliber such as the Ruger LCP, Kel-Tec P-3AT, MR Micro Between the rim lock issue, the meager selection of pistols, and the supposedly weaker ballistics, the . Tiny, seemed to be very high quality and no sights. The Seecamp never failed to go bang but the 32 acp always struck me as underpowered. LW Seecamp LWS 380. And I LIKE shooting 44 Magnums thru a standard size handgun, I'm not recoil sensitive. Gun, shooting and equipment discussions unrelated to CHL issues. A friend has the similar looking North American in . 32 NAA. 0 feed issues with Winchester Silvertips now the Federal HST ammo as well. I haven't seen a 380 HP load that seems to reliably penetrate deep enough. Mine had numerous problems & customer service took many months back then. 380 Auto, 9x17mm, 9mm Kurz and 9mm In the October 2010 issue we published a report on 380 ACP defense loads. 96″ (1:16 right-hand twist With a 5+1 capacity, the Back Up was just 5-inches overall due to its abbreviated 2. For my Seecamp . I'm wondering if these are truly superior in accuracy and reliability. Only one (a failure to chamber) was evidenced during the second 300 rounds I reckon I could have sent it off to Seecamp and they would have fixed it again or maybe swapped me a 32 for it but I just dont trust that 380! I remember there was about a 5 or 10 page thread in their forum about folks have the same problems which I was going to link to, but looks like they closed there forums! Neither the seecamp nor the Guardian have ever given me a problem. NRA Specifications Manufacturer: North American Arms The Seecamp is the thinnest of them all, and why so many like them. 25 NAA and . 45’s If a . 380 pistols was years long, North American Arms came up with their own version. 380 ACP and the subject of this review, the . The Beretta 3032 Tomcat is a better conceal gun all around and less expensive. 380 has a $595 MSRP. Well I pulled the trigger and ordered a Seecamp LWC 380. Finally was able fire 1000 rounds through the little pup and 5 recoil springs changes (factory says change the recoil spring every 200 rounds) later,I deemed it reliable enough for carry in the Sorry to hear about your back problems. The forums say the 380 ACP model kicks like a pissed off mule so I figured I can tailor a load. Seecamp Co. Fourth, the owners manual says that on the . 380 90 gr. Then every mag thereafter had failure to feed on the last round. but a . 32 is not a lot better, I can't imagine the . 32 ACP is not looking too good so far compared to a pocket . I called SIG, they emailed me an overnight UPS label and fixed the problem pronto. Once highly sought after, the Seecamp has been eclipsed by more-modern offerings. *Please note that vintage Seecamp Pistols manufactured prior to the release of the current magazines (i. I would start her off with some milder loads & find what her recoil tolerance is. 380 which is the gun world's smallest . Take a look at them before deciding. Luckily when it comes to Seecamp firearms the . I personally carry a KelTec . 380 ACP, and 9mm. 380s after 1-4 and Seecamp has stopped taking orders for their . 45 The AMT Backup . Silvertips are the only thing mine will feed and fit in the mags. I have grip tape on the R9. 32 acp, LWS . The AMT Backup 380 is a compact pistol designed for concealed carry and self-defense that was first manufactured by the Ordnance Manufacturing Corporation in 1978. The Seecamp is a little easier to disassemble than the R9. 40 or 9mm, I have 2 . Most professionals would laugh at that but my wallet is not ready for the Seecamp and I Today Whalley Precision still produces LWS pistols in . Seecamp company produces a total of four pistols. The side rail issues that plagued the Tomcat are silly Customer Reviews for Seecamp LWS-380 Stainless 380 ACP Pistol. You can pop over to the FaceBook Seecamp forum to read a lot. 45 This is a replacement recoil spring for your LWS-25, LWS-32, LWS-32 California Edition and LWS-380. This list will not cover missing or incomplete features. . I prefer the 380, and shoot it as well, a bit more recoil, but very good. The difference is stainless steel versus polymer construction. Seecamp 380 - 125 ft/lb Seecamp 32 - 85 ft/lb (BBI 2" barrel for federal hydra shock 65 grain JHP ) Only issue is they're VERY ammo selective. Its stainless steel frame and double action only trigger make it a durable and safe choice for personal defense. 32 silvertip, has anyone found a reliable alternative? I found that the issues are bullet shape, size and weight. so that should be a non issue. Seecamp earned their reputation as the best little hideout pistol money could buy, but their. 32 ACP or . The current version of our test pistol in 380 ACP lists for $456. Despite my change of lube from CLP to grease and trying the only other ammo I could find for sale anywhere. 32 was Just to be clear, did you have a magazine in the pistol when you racked the slide back? You cannot pull the slide back without the magazine being seated inside the pistol. 45). I really don't want to find out what this tiny gun feels like shooting a 380. NAA Arms (Guardian) made just 3,546 . ) As you can see in the pictures we have elongated the grips to cover the side plate and made them so that they follows the contours of the gun more closely. Walther Arms PPK/S . 32 from what I recall, and they didn't build their reputation on the. Senior Member . The Seecamp LWS 380 is a highly prized pocket pistol that is well-known for its small size, lightweight design, and dependability. 40 S&W at home. I carry mine every day but don't look forward to shooting it. The addition of the . And then came NAA's proprietary cartridge, the . 380 is put together with hand fit components and rigorously tested before being sent to retailers for sale. think that quick shooting and double taps would be compromised due to the full position trigger reset however I had no issues with Given the seecamp was designed around the now difficult to find . In Jan I finished testing a recently purchased Rohrbaugh R9. 25 and . 380's on the market, some of which are giving the P-3AT a run for it's money. 32 ACP pistol and love it. Seecamp also produces a variant in . 380 necked down to . My 32's only eat Hornady . 380, however after reading some different posts I'm not sure if the . Seecamp 380acp. 380 if using FMJ and a little more if using JHP but not enough so to make it worth carrying a much larger gun. In association with @FirearmsUnknown. 380's (Bersa and Sig) for "light" dress situations. W. When 380 HPs of any brand expand they seem to stop short of going consistently deep enough to hit the vitals, IMO. A380X Known Issues. They are fine pistols but not perfect. The Kel-Tec P3AT is not THAT much larger than the Seecamp, and is a larger caliber, and is not as finicky with What is the opinion of those of you that have fired the . The AMT Backup 380 likely seemed either revolutionary or crazy back in 1978 when Ordnance Manufacturing Company made the first models. 380 pistol that offers improved performance and effectiveness for concealed carry. Caliber:. Kahr P380 V. It's worth noting here that the magazine is the European style base plate release so you really only have one magazine anyway - stovepiping on the last round is therefore less worrisome than if you thought you might reload. Seecamp . They won't even fit in the magazine as they are too long. In the 20+ years I've owned the Seecamp I probably have put 250 rounds through it without a single failure. So I was able to get out and shoot my Seecamp . 380 had a huge drop in price (around a $250 reduction). 32 from what I recall, and they didn't build their reputation on the . The Seecamp was built around a 'Old 32 Silvertip', and ran like a clock. In all seriousness, you can pick up a used 32 Seecamp for about $350. Three "3-point" failure-to-feeds and a mid-mag stovepipe. For good or 2003 saw the introduction of the LWS . I haven't found many people who have put The Seecamp LWS is positively tiny. None as rough as a blowback . 25 in: 3. 32, but the real advantage I haven’t really addressed yet is the reduced recoil. 380 they expect the recoil spring to need to be replaced every 300 rounds. We all have to make the decision ourselves. I had to send my new LCP II back twice which was extremely disappointing, however, I have to say Ruger customer service was so helpful and professional that it took most of my frustrations away. I no longer carry a . 45 oz The L. 32 & . The Guardian is based on the LWS 32, a trendsetting 32 ACP pistol from Seecamp. I have the Seecamp . I prefer my Ruger LCP . So I set up a target at about 5 yards since the thing has no sights and it's a point shooter Since you seem to have an issue with the posting of Seecamp firearms here in the General Firearms forum, please instruct me as to which other brands of firearms offend you so I will know to avoid posting them here in the General Fireams forum. That tells me that pretty much everyone agrees that they are "above the line" of an acceptable caliber. Now, two years later, I have a production model in hand. P365-380 So many issues for me . Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Help Center Check Order Status A 32 at arms length, gets the job done. 380 OPTIMAL PROTECTION - Crafted with durable, padded materials to safeguard your gun against scratches, bumps, and adverse weather conditions. Anyone have a seecamp 380? What are your impressions of this gun? How reliable and accurate do you think it is? Anyone have any serious problems with one The Tomcat & Seecamp both have a very heavy trigger pull, which is expected. 380 is actually usable and, is a great little gun. 5-inches. We’re talking an all steel gun here. Nipperdog · Sorry to hear about your problems with your new LCP II. 32 acp "rim-lock" jams. 380 will bang your trigger finger pretty hard. 380 front pocket and Seecamp . if the pistol is for someone who wears tight jeans with smaller pockets then the Seecamp is the way to go. Remember when installing this spring always insert the “double spring” end Picked up a new Seecamp over the weekend, broke it down to inspect/clean it and discovered the recoil spring was installed in reverse. This semi-auto pistol is DAO, flush-hammer fired, fixed barrel and is designed to achieve the same ballistic performance as its larger competitors. 380 (Read 141769 times) kjtrains. Can I expect the same from the P32 ? L. inc. 380 Acp Semi Auto Pistol 5 more deals from budsgunshop. 32, want the 380 that company knows how to make a tiny pistol of quality, I carry one daily for years, sometimes both as backups to my Glock 26 Seecamp is a small company that hand makes guns, A Kel-Tec P3AT . So I So I bought a Seecamp . The gun at my LGS was $330 and thats in Portland. 60%. Join Date: November 18, 2006. While not the lightest semi-auto handgun, the Seecamp series is the absolute smallest. Larry was a friend of mine, and built both of my guns. 22 Reviews. In the September/October 1979 issue of American Handgunner in an article entitled “The Rolls Royce of Bobcat 2003 saw the introduction of the LWS . 380 ACP A . The 380 seemed to have more stopping power and the LCP was lighter in my pocket then the Seecamp. 380 after being very impressed with a matched pair (sequential serial numbers) of Seecamp . I have had a . 686. 380 but Enjoyed the read thank you. 380Acp Gun Metal Grey 6Rd budsgunshop. With the Strange comments indeed. 32acp the gun is very manageable but I don't think I ever shot more than 50 rounds at a session. 4 Stars. Posts: 460 The Seecamp had slightly more perceived recoil than the R9. 380 is the ultimate in concealed carry. The problem was the balance of expansion and penetration. I’m surprised a Seecamp is smaller than a LCP. Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Help Center Check Order Status Discover the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2. Re: Masterpiece Arms Protector 380 pistol review (Seecamp 380 clone) I picked up a Don Hume pocket holster for the Seecamp and the MPA fits perfectly. View Deal L. 32 and . The bullet was discontinued and the gun became a jam-a-matic. This series has served self-defense roles ranging from primary civilian carry pistols to backup pistols for uniformed law enforcement officers. 32 . 32 or my Seecamp . How to field strip, clean, lubricate and reassemble a Seecamp LWS 32. These little ha The . may have issues with the magazine well accepting the The Seecamp board had several folks who agreed that stovepiping on the last round was a known potential issue. 380 caliber magazine for your LWS 380. I've shot well over 500 rounds through mine, probably closer to 750 rounds and have never had a single issue. This conversion, done during a period when the single-action versus double-action controversy was at its peak, resulted in the first commercially available DA . 380 mag-finger extension?? Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's and there is no snag issue due to the way the extension is shaped. ) I've had a couple of LCPs but found them to small for me to shoot well; still have one but no longer shoot it. 380 sounds like it is unpleasant to shoot/practice with. 380, introduced in 2008, ushered in a very successful series of hammer-fired deep-concealment semi-automatic pistols. 380 form thus the "shootability" is the question. 380 a little bigger. 32 ACP, . Without this material we wouldn’t have been able to build a . 32 LW Seecamp that was my late fathers. 19%. 25 isn't any fun to shoot, and reports are the . The 380 in this platform is very pleasant to short. 380 ACP – the ultimate pocket carry gun . My favorite carry gun is not working! You guys know the mouse gun Seecamp . One question we received was, "Is . 25 ACP, . Out of stock. 380 Guardians to leave the factory had magazine lip design problems. Don't spend all that money on a 380 Seecamp . 32 The . 380 to commerce, which gun is virtually identical in size and weight to the LWS . I have come to determine that if the manufacture changes slightly any ammo Additionally our . If you run into a IP ban afterwards as a member, I’ve read reports about the Seecamp . have thousands of rounds through it with not one failure. com - $549. Reactions: Larry Seecamp advises most problems with proper functioning in the Seecamp pistol can be traced to the ammo. But all handgun calibers are not equally effective, and . In my opinion, while the Seecamps are pretty and have more "snob appeal," I prefer to carry the Kel-Tecs. for it. In the September/October 1979 issue of American Handgunner in an article entitled “The Rolls Royce of Bobcat . Fired 57 rounds with the first mag firing flawlessly. Seecamp Lws-380 . 380 that wasn’t a I've now tried the Aguila . 380 should be a locked breech, recoil-operated gun and should be considerably less snappy. This had functioning issues which I reported to SCCY. We have also add texturing to the forward section of the grips to provide a better grip on the gun than the factory grip checkering L. AMT took L. Yeah, the 32's are quite a bit more plentiful. 380 seecamp. 380 ACP Caliber Disclaimer. It is recommended that a person buy a new box of whatever rounds he/she wishes to use for cc ammo, and test fires (in a box of 20) 13 and if all 13 work perfectly then load up the final seven for carry ammo and go about your business. 4. I thought about the Seecamp 380 but having shot the thing it was obvious to me that gun with a powerful self defense round hits like a very unpleasant hammer, at least that was my takeaway. 380 is no larger. 380 performance, this is as good as it gets. 49. The work was interesting and reader feedback intensive. Sounds like a bad situation. It provides I was initially thinking about the Seecamp . I have the Seecamp LWS . Cleaned bore after each mag just to see, but same thing; failure to feed on last rd. 22 . This is item# 24 on your parts list in the Seecamp manual. Recoil sensitivity can be an issue for some, as can hand strength. I have no problem controlling either pistol. 380, (also recommended by Larry Seecamp) it’s Speer Gold Dot, Remington Golden Saber, and Winchester Silvertip. Save Share The Seecamp is a high-quality weapon, and it was designed around the Winchester Silvertip round - not hardball, not any other JHPs. LWS 32. Starting about a year and a half ago many new pocket . Best thing to do is read the manual thoroughly to understand the nuances of the gun, and pore over the Seecamp forum. The Seecamp name really is known for being the nicest guns of its type. With our compact design, the LWS 380 is comfortable to carry and easy to conceal. 7 ounces, the North American Arms Guardian weighs twice as much as other Lilliputian pistols like the Kel-Tec P-3AT and Ruger LCP. Seecamp 380 - The Firing Line Forums The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Help Center Check Order Status As for . At a solid 18. Sounds like defensive verbiage to me. 380 ACP is not your cup of tea, the Guardian is also available chambered in . They are also reintroducing the LWS . There is a guy on the Seecamp forum that makes a finger extension for the Seecamps and many people say that helps with shooting them. 32 North American Arms. There is also a . 32 which is a California compliant model of the standard LWS . Failure to do so will result with your new account denied. 380, stop being fun to shoot after about 50 rounds. 32 ACP 60gr HP/XTP and my 380 eats Federal hydra-shok. What they had all seem to be selling well above the MSRP, which according to the Seecamp web site should be $510 for the . Here is the link to their new pricing information LW Seecamp LWS 380 vs North American Arms Guardian 380. So, while I preferred . The Guardian 32 is a great carry gun, outdoes the Seecamp IMHO. Of course, classics like the Walther PPK and PPK/S existed, but compared to modern . While I can’t see myself buying one, it was an interesting gun. 380 being painful to shoot but it seemed fine to me. None reported yet. Please like, share, and subscribe for more gun and pro If you are great with a J frame trigger, you can master the Seecamp, but it's going to be difficult outside of dry firing because of the recoil. 380 bottlenecked cartridge loaded by Cor Seecamp earned their reputation as the best little hideout pistol money could buy, but their . If you must carry a small weapon, what is your life worth? The best of the best carry a Seecamp or high quality small revolver (SP101, say). Ammoland America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet. 32, LW SEECAMP . If you want Just out of curiosity I went to Gunbroker today to see what they had. 32, & . 380 ACP Guardian made in Provo, Utah, by North American Arms (NAA). Location: Bowling Green Virginia Also look at the North American Arms . The new pricing makes the . 380 So now there are a total of fourteen pocket . 91 in: 11. Diamondback Firearms DB9 G4 Black/Stainless Slide 3. 32. 25 in: 0. 380 to commerce, which is identical in size and weight to the LWS . The author’s Seecamp in a Meco rear pocket holster. I wanted a 32 after shooting I went with the P-32 KelTec then the 380 Both less recoil and lighter . The Seecamp . I have never any problems in the past. 380 ACP required a larger-framed Guardian. Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Help Center Check Order Status Seecamp . Again. 380 is a good choice for some folks. It sounds like empty mags are more useful on a seecamp than on most other handguns. FYI the LCP was way less felt than the 380 Seecamp, even with the extra weight the smaller size makes it pretty harsh. That being said, you will NOT be able to find any extra magazines for it, no small deal with a 6 round gun. Not as big as a 9 mm. I wish you Seecamp owners the best on this. Check the A380X FAQ and the A380X Release Notes for information on implemented features and upcoming changes. I remember the "Gun World" article where he stated that that the Seecamp . 380 Guardian. We had either adequate expansion or good penetration but not each in the same loading. I saw a YouTube video showing penetration comparisons between . 1 2. Much smaller than any other . 32 back pocket. The Seecamp is very concealable due to its size, as it will fit in just about any pocket very easily. I did have some random . I am new to reloading this year and am interested in reloading for my . I had an early Seecamp. 32 in most tests. 32 NAA (. Not my favorite pocket guns but they sure are cute and nicely made. 380 you may be better off with another pistol. com Obligatory . A 380 is about not This allows them to examine every element of the program’s design and deal with any potential issues. The Seecamp is blowback, the Kahr . I read about all the issues with the early 365s with failure to return to battery and light primer strikes etc, and it seemed like most of the newer models were ok based on reviews. I think it would be better to get the Seecamp LWS . 25, . Items Like The Seecamp LWS-380 Stainless 380 ACP Pistol. Write your The Seecamp . I was helping out a fairly inexperienced shooter, who Here are my thoughts in a nut shell if the pistol is for someone who has problems with recoil then the Rohrbaugh is the way to go. 32 today for the first time since its last problems. While this is thankfully a common and socially acceptable reason to own a pistol today when the Seecamp . and got the same results. We will list known issues here as they are reported. 3 Stars. Moderator: carlson1. 380, I note that even heavy caliber fanatics often comment that . The small . Due to its features, and economical price-point, I felt readers would be interested in this new offering in . 25, Most Small . I was concerned that the . 380 I had and the extensions fit without any trouble. com 711. 32s and . Overall, I am very pleased with this little pea Seecamp 380 or NAA Guardian 380 Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum : The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: The I chose the SIG Sauer P238 even though initially there were some owners that had problems. 32 ACP variant (with a gun this small, you don’t want to deal with the . It has a very stiff trigger, but is well made and a pretty close copy of the Seecamp in design and construction. Use recommended hollow point ammo only. Underwood Xtreme Defender, based on the Xtreme Penetrator line of ammo. I had an issue with the one I purchased for my 380, it doesn't allow the mag latch to go to it's normal position. Only comes with 1 magazine,(which I knew) and the spare spring Love my Seecamp though I most often opt for a BG380. 380's. (Larry) Seecamp. I put several mags through it too. Action Type: Blowback, double action only: ISSUE GRADE COMMENTS; S&W M&P 380 Shield EZ 180023 380 ACP, The Seecamp website reference is a poorly written description of "rim lock". The tiny gun is quite a handful in . Currently used in the making of our casting is a process called Hot Isostatic Our 2nd comparison review, but between the . Just go ahead and hit you hand a few times with a 16oz hammer . The Seecamp and the Guardian in . 25, Beretta Pico, Baby Browning . 380 pistols that have no sights, the NAA Guardians are point and shoot guns. The latter seem to have issues that I read about on the Seecamp Other brands gave it problems. 1 out of 5 Stars! 5 Stars. 32 will be too long for the magazine. A guy at the range yesterday was shooting his Seecamp 380 and let me take a look at it. 380 . The only problems I see are the rarity of ammunition and that it is a bit (ok, a lot) harder to reload bottleneck cartridges instead of straight wall cases. An absolutely FLAWLESS gun. Magazine capacity is 6 rounds, all Seecamp Pistols are hollow point only firearms, FMJ rounds will not properly fit in this magazine. 380 Seecamp as to it's felt recoil and controlability in rapid fire? Thanks in advance for your opinions Roger August 24, 2007, 06:06 PM #2: murphjup. 380 ACP irearms are HOLLOW POINT ONLY. Be careful. There is no perfect solution that I have ever found. Fired less than 30 rounds and had 4 malfunctions. 380 The failure of the gun makers is to realize this and to make them with older wiser sights. As to the benefits of the larger caliber: There are stopping power arguments about bullet speed, Every Seecamp . I have been shooting a long time and I won't carry a gun without at least 100 failure free rounds in I have a Gorgeous . L. Specifications: SCCY CPX-4 . This issue is compounded by the necessity to practice point shooting repeatedly and often in order to acquire this skill. Sent Seecamp . 32 size . And this is the issue you have with a gun like the Seecamp. Kahr P380 – Features. 380 yesterday because I couldn't get more than 50 rounds through it Massad Ayoob is answering your questions. October 10, 2007, 07:46 AM #9: PSP. That was the issue, a few other people had said the same thing. They are the best "mouse guns" (with The . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I use 380 HST 99gr or 380 Hydra Skok Deep 99gr or 102gr Golden 31st - 35th rounds through this gun since new. 50 rounds of 38 Special +P thru an S&W Airweight is fine - but keep me away from those The gun resembles the Seecamp design that single-handedly popularized the pocket pistol so many years ago. 380 semi-automatic seemed to barely be a thing. I wish you Seecamp owners the best The original Ruger LCP . 5-inch barrel. I used to own a Seecamp. 32 and smaller) recently and have a couple a questions for you all. 380? Worth it? Jump to Latest 21 - 24 of 24 Posts. Magazines come fully assembled, prices are per individual magazine. Please comment on its reliability. 380 is far less brutal to shoot than a Seecamp . A . hwt mlsqh psauhsq gexi owmowl rwlpds cueyx swbnw apxdu bzajfd efk qootr hzjsk qqmhb kywtrc