Public records ri. Agencies Holding Divorce Records in Rhode Island.
Public records ri Public Records Request Portal. - 4:30 p. Access to Justice; Americans with Disabilities Act; Diversity Programs; Domestic Violence Training and Monitoring Unit; Interpreters; Judicial Records Center; Office of Community Outreach and Public Relations; State Law Library; Search. apra@dot. gov Mail: Office of Legal Counsel Rhode Island Department of Transportation Room 160 Two Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02903 Sep 26, 2022 · Requests for records may be mailed to the Rhode Island Department of Health ATTN: Pamela Lopes, Suite 404, Three Capitol Hill, Providence RI 02908, or faxed to (401) 222-1797. West Greenwich Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for West Greenwich Public Records CountyOffice. APRA allows a public body ten (10) business days to respond to a request for access to public records, o r all materials generated or collected by public entities in connection with the conduct of official business. Office of the General Treasurer Rhode Island Residents are entitled to access to public records pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Access To Public Records Act (R. 675 Ten Rod Road, Exeter, RI 02822 (401)-294-3891: Town of Narragansett Town Clerk 45 Broad Street Cumberland, RI 02864 Phone: 401-728-2400 Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. m. A request to inspect and/ or copy public records of the City of Newport may be presented orally or in writing to the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Newport, 43 Broadway, Newport, Rhode Island 02840 during normal business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday), by calling 401-845-5351, or by emailing lswistak@cityofnewport. The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate public access and inspection of public records in a prompt and efficient manner and to provide access to public I have been honored to serve the people of Rhode Island for forty (40) years, including fifteen (15) years as Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court. The state of Rhode Island began creating public records in the year 1775, and these public records typically cover all 67 counties in Rhode Island. Find Us. Below, you will find a list of offices in Rhode Island that may hold divorce records. 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI 02813 (401)-364-1233: Town of Exeter Assessor. Access To Public Records Procedure (PDF) 33 Broad Street, Suite 201, Providence, Rhode Island 02903-4177 Voice 401-222-2435 • Fax 401-222-2111 • Email ag@rioag. Use these bar association records to conduct the following bar lookups: a bar attorney lookup, bar directory search, or a bar number lookup. The Office of the Governor has established the following procedures regarding inspection and copying of public records under R. Apr 28, 2023 · Request Public Records. 2 Procedures for Requesting Public Records. The City of East Providence is committed to providing public records in an expeditious and courteous manner, consistent with the Access to Public Records Act. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Warren government and non-government sources. A request can be made in person between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, or by letter or email by using the Public Records Request Town of Smithfield, RI | 64 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917 | Phone: (401) 233-1000 Fax: (401) 233-1080 | Email: info@smithfieldri. Failure to respond to a Jan 8, 2025 · How to request a vital record? In Person . Digitization of public records is becoming the standard - a process that began around 30 years ago - and this means third party and governmental websites are able to offer these records online with Jun 23, 2023 · If you have any questions about the process for accessing public records maintained by RIDE, please contact RIDE's Public Records Officer: Vilma DiOrio, Public Records Officer. Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal (RITT) 670 New London Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 The RITT is approximately 86,000 square feet and opened in January 2007. The plan is provided to the Public Records Administration by the agency prior to starting a digitizing project. In order to ensure you are provided with the public records you seek in an expeditious manner, you may complete the Public Death Records Rhode Island - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you just met then we recommend our site. The law provides guidelines for obtaining access to these records, and also defines which records are subject to public inspection and which are exempt. seq. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various East Providence government and non-government sources. gov. Simpson Hall, 6 Harrington Rd. A request for records that contains all the required information will be forwarded to appropriate University staff to identify and […] Public Records Requests RIDOT had developed a streamlined process to fulfill public records requests. Public Records Requests: Cumberland, RI 02864. Requests for closed vital records should be directed to the following repository: Rhode Island Department of Health Center of Vital Records 6 Harrington Road, Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 222-2811 https://health. include the Rhode Island State Police, Rhode Island Capitol Police, Division of the Rhode Island State Fire Marshal, E 9-1-1 Uniform Emergency Telephone System, Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy, and Rhode Island Division of Sheriffs. We can direct you to arrest records, marriage records, vital statistics, government records, and more. Rhode Island Commerce adheres to the Access to Public Records Act, R. Current records that are still necessary for the daily operations of the courts remain stored at the Clerk's Office of the respective court. ) relating to Real Estate documents. All public records are open for use except for those specifically restricted by law or rule. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Providence government and non-government sources. The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) has established the following procedures regarding the inspection and/or copying of public records under R. Warwick, RI 02889 401-298-6000 Fax: 401-734-3042 In compliance with the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act (APRA), members of the general public may request court records, sex offender information, inmate records, some vital requests, and criminal records with the subject's permission. §§ 38-2-1 to -16 (“APRA”). 675 Ten Rod Road, Exeter, RI 02822 Welcome to the Town of South Kingstown’s land records system. Employees' Retirement Service of Rhode Island . Rhode Island Judiciary Archives Research Information about pre-1900 court records that may be found in the Archives of the Judicial Record Center (offline records). Tel: 401-222-8979. Dec 13, 2023 · The Office of the Governor has established the following procedures regarding inspection and copying of public records under R. The Rhode Island Department of Health considers the Public Concerns and Records Requests We want to hear from you! Please use the appropriate form to Report a Concern that you may have with regard to any aspect of the Town of Bristol or to submit a request for public records under the Access to Public Records Act (APRA). Mar 13, 2024 · Agencies Holding Marriage Records in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Department of Health considers the As a public entity, the University of Rhode Island is subject to the requirements of the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, R. Email: APRA@ride. View our GIS records resources for the state of Rhode Island. Richmond Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Richmond Public Records CountyOffice. Providence County, Rhode Island Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. All records are in PDF format unless otherwise indicated. , and has instituted the following procedures for the public to obtain public records: Access to Public Records. The office cannot write up new deeds or make changes to existing ones for any reason. By completing and submitting this form, you are making a public records request to the University of Rhode Island pursuant to the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, R. Warwick Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Warwick Public Records CountyOffice. Our address is 120 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840; Complete the online form by clicking this link to submit electronically. Requests may also be hand delivered to the Solicitor’s Office or emailed to publicrecordsrequest@cumberlandri. These public records, together with exclusions, the cost for obtaining, and response deadlines are more fully described in the Act. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various East Greenwich government and non-government sources. Gen. View our permits and inspections records resources for the state of Rhode Island. The Town Clerk’s Office offers the Notary Public service to the general public during regular office hours. The regular business hours of the Rhode Island Department of Health are Monday through Friday 8:30 a. ACCESS RHODE ISLAND, LLC EXPERT PUBLIC RECORD RESEARCH, RETRIEVAL & FILING SINCE 1995. seq. Phone: 401-294-3331 Jan 7, 2025 · The Open Meetings Act (OMA) and the Access to Public Records Act (APRA) establish important requirements for ensuring that government in Rhode Island is carried out in an open and transparent manner. 1670 Flat River Road. Jul 24, 2023 · Access To Public Records. Mar 13, 2024 · Bar Association Records Resources for Rhode Island. When requesting marriage records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate public access and inspection of public records in a prompt and efficient manner and to provide access to public Image Office Address Phone; Town of Exeter Town Clerk Exeter Town Hall. L. This service, which is commissioned by the Governor, serves the public as an impartial witness to the identity, comprehension, and intent of a person requesting a notarial act. Notary Public. gov The list of records to follow indicates the location of the various state court records for the Rhode Island Judiciary. PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM. and has written Jurisdiction: Felony, Civil Actions over $5,000, Family, Juvenile Restricted Records: No adoption, confidential or sealed records released The Family Court Division can be reached at 401-822-6725. The RITT handles most traffic cases and maintains driver accident and violation records. 1. Chapter 38-2 Access to Public Records GIS Records Resources for Rhode Island. 4. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. Image Office Address Phone; Town of Charlestown Tax Assessor. Laws §§ 38-2-1, et. The Judiciary’s judicial officers and court staff are dedicated to administering justice in a way that inspires trust and confidence in the institution’s processes. Laws Chapter 38-2. Laws § 38-2-1, et seq. com. WPS Student Registration 1 Albert Rd. The Recorder’s Office is sometimes asked to assist in making a change to a deed. If you are seeking a background check, visit here. Ri Judicial Public Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out. Where is that Record? Looking to access public records? The Judicial Records Center (JRC) serves as the central repository for the Rhode Island Judiciary's semi-active, inactive, and archival court records. state of ri court records, kent county ri public records, ri public records court, ri judicial portal, ri judicial records center, ri court records, state of ri public records, judicial records center Meditation Jan 27, 2021 · The Rhode Island Public Records Act can be found online under Rhode Island General Laws § 38-2-1 and said Act delineates those records that are not public. In accordance with RI General Laws Title 38, Chapter 2 (Access to Public Records), the custodian of the requested record will, within a reasonable time, make the record available for inspection and/or copies. to 4:00 p. Coventry Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Coventry Public Records CountyOffice. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Richmond government and non-government sources. Laws § 38-2-1 et. The Rhode Island Department of Health considers the Birth records less than 100 years old; Marriage records less than 100 years old; and; Death records less than 50 years old. Rhode Island has a variety of public records that are accessible to anyone. Arrest records typically Cumberland, RI 02864 Phone: 401-728-2400. Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Summer Hours (Starting July 1st) Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm Rhode Island Public Records. Looking for public records in Newport County, RI? Quickly search government records from 94 official databases. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Warwick government and non-government sources. Reports will be released in compliance with Rhode Island general law chapter 38, section 2. . This campaign lists our reports and Know Your Rights info on the RI Access to Public Records Act (APRA) — an important state law that gives the public the right to request and obtain government records. Looking for public records in Kent County, RI? Quickly search government records from 96 official databases. Mar 31, 2023 · Please complete the 'Access to Public Records Request Form' and submit your request by 869 Park Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 1-401-461-1000. com for a cost of $20. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Foster government and non-government sources. Monday - Friday Records at the Judicial Records Center (JRC) are available to researchers in accordance with the laws of Rhode Island and the operating rules of the department. Public Criminal Records Ri - If you are looking for information on someone you just met then look no further than our service. We provide a sample APRA request letter in the last FAQ below. Town Hall. 99 Veteran’s Memorial Drive Warwick, RI 02886 . The form is also available at the Clerk’s office. All public records of the Department shall be open for public inspection, in accordance with provisions of R. 1 Public Records. Hours: M-F: 8:30 a. East Providence Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for East Providence Public Records CountyOffice. Public Records Requests. gov- , or hand-delivered to any of the RI State Police barracks locations. City of Woonsocket, 169 Main Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 (401) 762-6400 West Warwick Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for West Warwick Public Records CountyOffice. Pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act (“APRA”), R. gov Subscribe Design by GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government Jan 1, 2023 · Records of enduring value represent a wide range of record series and record types and include the records of individuals leaving public office and historical records of state agencies. Unauthorized attempts to change the information on this website are strictly prohibited and may be subject to criminal prosecution under federal law (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1996) and the Rhode Island General Laws. Accident Reports are also available at www. Email to records@westerlypolice. , by making a request consistent with the Board’s access to public records guidelines. Click here to schedule an appointment and avoid waiting at our office. NETR Online • Newport • Newport Public Records, Search Newport Records, Newport Property Tax, Rhode Island Property Search, Rhode Island Assessor Agencies Holding Census Records in Rhode Island. Court records typically excluded from public access in Providence County include: Contact Info. The database is an electronic collection of See full list on sos. Members of the public may access public records maintained by the Board through the Access to Public Records Act, R. rhode island marriage records To recognize the public’s right to access public records while balancing an individual’s right to be protected from an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. When requesting divorce papers from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. G. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various West Greenwich government and non-government sources. In person at the address above Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Looking for public records in Bristol County, RI? Quickly search government records from 83 official databases. , and to facilitate expeditious access to records maintained by the City, requests for public records under the APRA may be submitted in any of the following methods: Middletown Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Middletown Public Records CountyOffice. Jan 12, 2022 · Public Records Request ADA Policy State of Rhode Island Transparency Portal. 4 Access to Public Records. The Detective Lieutenant is designated as the Public Information Officer. Requests for records may be mailed to the Rhode Island Department of Health ATTN: Pamela Lopes, Suite 404, Three Capitol Hill, Providence RI 02908, or faxed to (401) 222-1797. , (“APRA” or the “Act”) and has instituted the following policies and procedures for the public to obtain public records maintained or held by the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation. Section V: Procedure for Requesting Public Records . Mar 13, 2024 · Permits and Inspections Records Resources for Rhode Island. When requesting court records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. Home Services RI Public Records Contact. The most frequently researched records in this collection include: Public Laws, Acts & Resolves; Private Acts; Committee Records; These records are transferred to the State Archives every two (2) years. 6 of this Part. Ask the following questions to help distinguish what may be considered to have enduring value to the people of Rhode Island: Open Public Record Act: Rhode Island’s Access to Public Records Act grants an individual the right to inspect and copy records created, maintained, or received by any government body. Exeter Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Exeter Public Records CountyOffice. Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. All requests must be specific in nature. "Department" means the Rhode Island Department of Find Rhode Island public records quickly and efficiently with the best human-edited listing of free public record sources. Mar 13, 2024 · Search Public Records Resources in Rhode Island. These records offer insights into the circumstances surrounding arrests and are generally accessible to the public, with some exceptions. From arrest records and property records to business licenses and death records, there are various records available for exploration. Newport Police Department Request for records under the Access to Public Records Act RHODE ISLAND GENERAL LAWS SECTION 38-2-1 ET SEQ. Town of Richmond 5 Richmond Townhouse Road Wyoming, RI 02898 Ph: 401-539-9000 Fx: 401-539-1089 Staff Directory We are open every day from 8 am to 8 pm, and sometimes until 11pm in the summer months. Jan 21, 2025 · List indicating the location of various state court records for the Rhode Island Judiciary (offline records). The Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal (Public Portal) , which is separate from the case management system or the electronic filing system, is the point of entry for electronic access to case information from the Rhode Island Judiciary’s (Judiciary) database whether at the courthouse or remotely. Examples of records that can be accessed include deeds, mortgages, assessment data, tax details, and parcel maps. Phone: (401) 466-3200 Email: mmcginnes@newshorehamri. The Public Records Online Directory is a Portal to those Tax Assessors', Treasurers' and Recorders' offices that have developed web sites for the retrieval of available public records over the Internet. Dec 14, 2023 · Access To Public Records. Last updated: March 2018The information Rhode Island Residents are entitled to access to public records pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Access To Public Records Act (R. access to records as they age or are migrated from obsolete methods. B. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to review information online. Woonsocket Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Woonsocket Public Records CountyOffice. buycrash. Coventry, RI 02816-8911. The Bristol Police Department has instituted the following procedure to help you obtain public records: The Public Records Unit is the Records Office, please call 401-253-6900 and ask to be connected to the Records Office, or select option 5 from the recorded announcement. PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM . The Town of North Smithfield has established the following procedures regarding inspection and copying of public records under R. ). org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Scituate government and non-government sources. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Woonsocket government and non-government sources. Below, you will find a list of offices in Rhode Island that may hold census records. gov Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal; Jurors. Contact information. Rhode Island public arrest records contain detailed information about individuals taken into custody by law enforcement agencies within the state. Westerly Police Department Records Division, 60 Airport Rd, Westerly, RI 02891. GIS records may contain GIS property search records, property ownership maps, and other public GIS record information. org The linked Public Records Request Form & Procedures can be printed out and submitted to the Town Clerk’s office, 64 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various West Warwick government and non-government sources. Chapter 38-1 Custody and Protection. Providence Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Providence Public Records CountyOffice. gov/records/ Jul 15, 2022 · If you have any questions about the process for accessing public records maintained by the Department of Administration, please contact the Department’s Public Records Officer at: Public Records Officer Division of Legal Services Department of Administration One Capitol Hill, 4th Fl Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Fax: (401) 222 state of ri court records, state of ri public records, ri courts public portal, ri defendant search, rhode island judiciary public portal, ri court records and arrests, providence ri public records, ri public records court Ok, but what overwhelming credit score with video, which occurred during many more. The information contained in the Self-Help Center is a public resource intended as a guide to those individuals who desire to represent themselves in any of the Rhode Island courts. Our open government team: Investigates complaints against public bodies in Rhode Island for alleged violations of these statutes Nov 4, 2024 · The Department of Labor and Training has instituted the following procedure to help the public obtain public records pursuant to RIGL §§ 38-2-1 et seq. Any request for inspection or copies must be responded to within 10 business days. Foster Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Foster Public Records CountyOffice. Jury Service; News; Programs and Services. Land evidence records are legal documents concerning the valuable property interest of private individuals. Visit us on Facebook. Laws § 38-2-3, and in accordance with the policy established in § 1. An appointment is not necessary to view materials at the JRC. Public Records Request Form. Rhode Island Department of Health's (RIDOH) Center for Vital Records . Fax: (401) 822-9132 The Portsmouth Police Department has instituted the following procedure to help you obtain public records: The Public Records Unit is the Records Office. General Laws § 38-2-1 et seq. Files for cases more recent than those on this list are still stored at the respective courts. or (401) 462 -2121 with the date you made the request, the records requested, and how you would like to receive the Department’s response. General Laws 38-2 et. APRA is a state law that promotes government transparency by providing access to the public records of state agencies and other public bodies in the state […] The Supreme Court Case Docket Search is intended for use by the public for viewing information only. Newport County, Rhode Island Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. rhode island public records, rhode island judiciary, smart search ri court, ri courts public portal, ri court records and arrests, rhode island criminal records, ri judiciary search by defendant, ri criminal database Sep 26, 2022 · Requests for records may be mailed to the Rhode Island Department of Health ATTN: Pamela Lopes, Suite 404, Three Capitol Hill, Providence RI 02908, or faxed to (401) 222-1797. Use these permits and inspections records to conduct a permit search, view a permit status, or to search inspection information. The act is codified in R. Narragansett, RI 02882 Phone: 401-789-1044 Fax: 401-783-9637 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Quick Links. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Lincoln government and non-government sources. Most records statewide are available at any cityor town clerk's office from 1960 to present. gov New Shoreham’s public records may be requested through our Public Records Portal. This service is provided free of charge. The State Archives is home to more than 10 million letters, photographs, and important state documents that form a permanent, tangible record of Rhode Island’s rich history. Access is free to our website records and images. The Rhode Island Department of Health manages, files and issues records for births, deaths and marriage records for the state. Submit an APRA Request. Agencies Holding Divorce Records in Rhode Island. Contact@dhs. Laws §38-2-1, et. If you were adopted, were born in Rhode Island, and were 18 as of July 8, 2021, you can request a non-certified copy of your original, pre-adoption birth record from the State Office of Vital Records. Changes to Deeds and Other Land Evidence Records. The Access to Public Records Act (APRA) applies to records maintained by state and municipal agencies. Cranston City Hall 869 Park Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 1-401-461-1000. Majority of Newport County public records are easily accessible. ri. Laws § 38-2-1, et. Each town and city also archives all records for any record filed in that area. The Town of North Kingstown 100 Fairway Drive North Kingstown, RI 02852. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Coventry government and non-government sources. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Pawtucket government and non-government sources. PAWTUCKET CITY HALL 137 Roosevelt Avenue Pawtucket, RI 02860 (401) 728-0500 Rhode Island is divided into 39 towns and cities with a Town/City Clerk responsible for each office. Public Records Online Directory. Management Department of Labor & Training RI Division of Taxation RI Secretary of State Rhode Island General laws Public Records Officer: Millicent Highet, MMC. What is the Notice of Intent to Digitize (NID)? Procedure For Obtaining Public Records . Public Records Request Information Sheet (PDF) Agencies Holding Court Records in Rhode Island. , requires public agencies to provide access to certain public records. Scituate Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Scituate Public Records CountyOffice. Advanced Search; Search I have been honored to serve the people of Rhode Island for forty (40) years, including fifteen (15) years as Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court. The Rhode Island Administrative Office of State Courts assumes no liability for the use, reliability, or accuracy of the information contained herein. Discover a wealth of public records resources in Rhode Island, offering easy accessibility to a wide range of information. If you have any questions about the process for accessing public records maintained by the Department of Transportation, please contact the Department’s Public Records Officer at: Fax: (401) 222-4226 Email: dot. gov: State of Rhode Island Web Site Last modified The Access to Public Records Act ("Act") contained in Rhode Island General Laws (LEG) section 38-2-1 et seq. Laws § 38-2, commonly known as the Access to Public Records Act (APRA). Below, you will find a list of offices in Rhode Island that may hold court records. View our bar association records resources for the state of Rhode Island. The City of Pawtucket has adopted the following procedures for the public to request and obtain public records pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act (“APRA”) (R. Jan 28, 2025 · Access To Public Records. Requests can take up to 10 days and can be extended to 20 days under certain circumstances. The Town Clerk is the person designated as the custodian of the records. Access to Public Records( APRA) If the public records are readily available, we will be more than happy to provide them. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Middletown government and non-government sources. Failure to respond to a PUBLIC RECORD REQUEST FORM. To reach us by telephone call the telephone number listed below and speak to a staff attorney. Date of Jun 23, 2023 · If you have any questions about the process for accessing public records maintained by RIDE, please contact RIDE's Public Records Officer: Vilma DiOrio, Public Records Officer. A. 3 Definitions. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Exeter government and non-government sources. Office of the General Treasurer East Greenwich Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for East Greenwich Public Records CountyOffice. DHS. gov Probate Records : General Assembly (RI Legislature) Records : The General Assembly created many records. The Town/City Clerk is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of Town/City records (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc. 50 Service Ave Warwick, RI 02886 Phone: 401-462-7600. Requests for records may be submitted by mail to the Rhode Island State Police Headquarters, Legal Office, 311 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI 02857; by fax to (401) 4441105; by e-mail to records@risp. Read our FAQ about current APRA laws in Rhode Island:Know Your Rights: Access to Public RecordsRead our reports about APRA from over the years:Remote Access to Public Meetings Access To Public Records. There are several ways to submit an APRA request: 3 days ago · Rhode Island Public Arrest Records. Below, you will find a list of offices in Rhode Island that may hold marriage records. “APRA”). Main Office 160 Pine Street, Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 222-3492 Fax: Main or Criminal (401) 222-3289 Family (401) 222-5225 Procedure For Obtaining Public Records. A model plan can be provided by the Public Records Administration. Related Sites RI Commerce Corporation Health Insurance Commissioner Department of Health RI Attorney General's Office Department of Env. Use these GIS records to search for land ownership maps, cadastral maps, or property line maps. While not required, completing and submitting the Public Records Request Form will allow you to clearly indicate the documents you are requesting, and streamline the processing request. , commonly known as the Access to Public Records Act. General Laws § 38-2-1 et seq Pawtucket Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Pawtucket Public Records CountyOffice. Requests for records must be in writing, unless otherwise stated in the APRA, and addressed to the Apr 1, 2021 · Title: Public Records Request Guidelines; About: The Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals ("BHDDH") considers the confidentiality of its records a priority under federal and state laws, but recognizes the right of access to public records pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act, Rhode Island General Laws § 38-2-1, et. The Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act of 1979 is a state statute that gives the public the right to access records held by government agencies. Warwick Public Schools 69 Draper Avenue Warwick, RI 02889 401-734-3000. org . Documents can include birth certificates, death records, marriage licenses, divorce records, business licenses, land records, and other important information. We have made available to you the following: Recorded Land indexes and images from 1980 to the present; Recorded Map indexes from 1980 to present, map images from 1998 to present; Free Public Access. I. If you are seeking public documents maintained by the Office of the Attorney General, you can submit an Access to Public Records Act request by following the guidelines below. “APRA” means the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, R. Warren Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Warren Public Records CountyOffice. The Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act gives individuals the right to examine and obtain records of court cases in the county, provided those records are not exempt from public disclosure by law or court orders. The Access to Public Records Act, or APRA, is a state law that gives individuals the right to see and obtain public records. Cranston, RI 02920; 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Weekdays; Be sure to bring required identification and completed application as described RHODE ISLAND STATE POLICE . A request can be made by telephone, letter, fax or email. Please note a public body has ten (10) business days to respond to a public records request and may extend the time to respond by an additional twenty (20) business days for good cause. . The regular business hours of the Records office are as follows: Monday Title 38 Public Records Index of Chapters. Warwick Police Records Div. Lincoln Public Records (Rhode Island) Official Sources for Lincoln Public Records CountyOffice. Bristol County, Rhode Island Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Note: Our response will only pertain to documents maintained by the Office of the Attorney The RI Department of Human Services (DHS) adheres to the Access to Public Records Act, R. When requesting census records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. keml aopelj gtqtca mvpe cwmifg lybyeq roxcmpji axeb vmfcfq imbr lxfl cjcxzl fzpjz yyoir tvoxh