- Plex multi episode files An unofficial guide with one free Mar 30, 2017 · I used Plex to play media, so I want to rename the files to work with that. 31. They’re indicated by using specific naming at the end of the filename. 4392 Player Version#: 4. Renaming Jan 7, 2020 · There are multiple ways you can do this and a quick search in your favorite search engine should give you some options on how to “split” a file. I am not sure how to navigate at this stage. Most episodes have 4 parts (one has 12parts) shows are showing up properly in the episodes view but a few will not play back in correct order. Learning to use proper Plex movie naming conventions is probably the most important aspect when managing a Plex Media Server. May 9, 2023 · Most standard television shows are broken up into multiple seasons and episodes. Dec 30, 2024 · 2. Here's an example in case I'm not jump to content. This is for cases where you have versions that are different resolutions (e. May 11, 2020 · Episodes 4 and 5 are in one file. With the naming of "S01E01E02", that episode shows as "1-2. server-linux. 123. To do this, ensure the If you manage a Plex server where you have automated creating the TV show files on your server then you may also want to automate the process of adding the episodes to Plex. mkv Plex incorrectly shows this as two episodes Any suggestions on how to make plex recognize them as 2 and 3 episode? The file sizes indicate that the episode number is correct for each but plex shows 12 Jan 21, 2018 · I have followed the naming scheme down to the letter and rebuilt my database multiple times on different computers but PLEX refuses to see multi-episode files as more than one episode. I have an mkv file named "FateпјЏGrand Carnival - s01e01-e02 - Owari Subs [BD] - 1st Season. I thought I could do “s01e04e09 - Titles. Screenshots or example file paths please. Ensure that your episode titles are not overwritten by nonsensical embedded meta tags in your mp4 files. Sep 17, 2017 · Okay maybe I’m just imagining it, but at one time, I could have sworn that Plex handled multiple episodes in a single file differently than it does now. Thank Jan 10, 2023 · Episode match hinting allows you to tell Plex Media Server which particular episode a file (or group of files) contains, even if the scanner would normally be unable to parse their filenames. For example If I had a file named S01E01-E02 New Squid on the Block + Down the Drain. mp4 only displays the second episode. You’ll need to split the file or unmonitor one of the episodes for Sonarr to not report it as missing. Game of Thrones - S01E01 - Winter is Coming-deleted1. LOTR] or more often back in the day when we had Video CD or DIVX CDs) The ultimate goal is to have the movie back in one file, so there is no trouble in the various Plex clients which do not support multi-part files. Multiple episode files should be named like this: ShowName - S01E01-E02. In fact, Plex strongly recommends you organize your media Jan 25, 2025 · Skip to content. For example, Alias - s04e01-02 - Authorized Personnel Only (1)_ Authorized Personnel Only (2). 4. Metadata providers can include multiple episode titles for combined files, but I think TVDB is the only plugin that currently does unfortunately. 7. popular-all limit my search to r/PleX. 3. 7998 Player Version#: 4. Related Page: Merge or Split Items Related Page: Opening Plex Web App. Since plex see’s two “episodes” linked to a single file it adds that same file to the Jun 20, 2024 · Server Version#:4. Posts: 18 Feb 17, 2021 · One more vote for this feature; we’re using FireCore for accessing ISOs of our DVD/blu-rays and we have all the ISO-related cases: TV episodes (of course) movies split across multiple discs secondary DVD blu-ray discs with special features I’d be fine with a solution which would require customizing xml metadata outside of the app - a UI for crafting these would be Aug 16, 2020 · Sonarr names multi-episode series files in the format “sXXeXX-XX” (oval in image below). Aug 25, 2015 · The purpose of this HowTo is to join videofiles, when a movie was ripped and split into two or more files. 2. m4v’ and like this вЂFriends - S01E16-E17. The tool used is MKVtoolnixGUI it is freely available for all major PC operating systems. How are you suppose to name this file? 6 days ago · 6. However, that doesn't mean things can't go wrong. Is there a way to display the single file having several … Server Version: 1. Inside the TV Shows directory, create a folder named after the TV show. 8. 7-2 (Episode #149) Peace on 7-3 (Episode #150) Lil, 7-4/5 (Episodes #151/152) Our Finest Hour 7-6 (Episode #153) The Billfold Syndrome May 6, 2023 · Multiple episodes in single file thats not sequential possible? Plex Media Server. How do I name the file so multiple seasons in same file are Jul 2, 2012 · This is my first post as I’m brand new to Plex. Issue I am hitting is some of them have specials (s00) in same file (show - s01e01e02e03e04 - s00e01). If Plex identifies the wrong title or episode information, double-check the naming format and make sure it’s aligned with Plex’s expectations. Since I’m ripping from the DVD, I’m using DVDOrder plug-in to make sure the episodes’ metadata is correct. Plex will then merge them together as a single episode when playing them. 105. mkv Game of Thrones - S01E01 - Winter is Coming Nov 26, 2017 · I have some Friends episodes that are 2 episodes in a single file and currently infuse just misses the 2nd one out when listing the episodes. To avoid this issue, the best solution is to split the This was written because I was frustrated with how my Plex Server would read a single file if it had multiple episodes in it. 20133 Is anyone still having issues with the way Plex handles files with multiple episodes? I know Plex finally implemented a fix a few months ago so I went through all of my children’s Paw Patrol episodes (there’s quite a lot) and renamed the files, plex shows all the episodes now, it also marks both episodes as Mar 24, 2023 · Many childrens cartoons have multiple shorts per episode Curious george, Garfield and friends, Heathcliff, etc and often thetvdb lists each of these shorts as separate episodes. Is there a renaming tool that will rename, in bulk, each episode I have ripped with the Sep 2, 2020 · Server Version#: 1. Jun 1, 2016 · PROBLEM: Many (if not most) young kids TV show cartoons are both broadcast and put on DVDs with multiple вЂepisodes’ per airing/file (eg: two episodes of PJ Masks in a half hour/on one DVD file). mkv and it was working perfefctly but JRiver does not seem to recognize this. 0 Apple tvOS: 18. Once Plex creates the individual listings (i. To merge the files, name them: MovieName (Release Year) - ArbitraryText. 0. 3 days ago · I have several TV show with multiple episode files (2 or even 3 episode in the same avi or mkv) In Yadis, I had to name the file <TV show name> - S0XE0X - S0XE0Y - S0XE0Z. boimouse Offline. The naming convention is key to having the correct metadata displayed for the movie. Repeat Replay Interviews Menu Toggle. Apr 16, 2020 · If your custom format generates file names (as opposed to absolute or relative file paths) then FileBot will rename files in place. change S01E01-E02 into S01E01 and S01E02) we could Sep 14, 2021 · The purpose of this HowTo is to split videofiles which contain more than one episode of a tv show into single-episode files. Feb 8, 2025 · Episode extras can be located alongside the episode file. 129. If you have a programming background, or know of software that can automatically copy TV show episodes to the library's folder and send an API request to the Plex server Sep 14, 2021 · Another useful feature a Plex account comes with is the ability to organize all your TV shows and movies by naming each video file. FileBot will understand common multi-episode patterns, such as S01E01E02 or 1x01x02 etc, and thus work as expected out of the box in most cases. 1. A Plex App will either automatically select the one that suits the device best (SD Sep 2, 2023 · FileBot cannot compare file names to online database entries without xattr metadata. Unfortunately the dvds had multiple episodes in one file. You might be able to come up with some creative hacks for pre-processing files. ext then the episode Feb 15, 2023 · Is there a way to fix the library so that when a two episodes are in the same file? For example Stargate SG-1 the first episode The Children of the Gods and is actually double episode(s) (E1 & E2) and Plex thinks it’s E1 only then the third episode is labeled as E2 The Children of the Gods as well, but is actually the next episode, The Enemy Within. 2. That means renaming to Jan 7, 2020 · Multiple Episodes in a Single File If a single file covers more than one episode, name it as follows: /TV Shows/ShowName/Season 02/ShowName – s02e17-e18 – Optional_Info. Both the databases that Plex rely on have the seasons broken down by segments, calling each an episode. 96. 7639 I know the naming conventions for several episodes of a show in a single file. You can add multiple-episode extras of the same type by adding a number index to the end of the suffix: e. I have had this work recently, but today it won’t work whether I Jul 3, 2013 · I'm trying to rename my star trek collection so that it conforms to the plex naming standard. Example: Curious George - Aired Order - Season 1 - TheTVDB. Organized as such: Century of Warfare Century of Warfare V4 name of episode 1 name of episode 2 name of episode 3 name of episode 4 Apr 24, 2013 · I have ripped a tv series using Makemkv. (Some operating systems such as Windows may hide your file extensions by default. system Closed October 11, 2024, 9:40pm 3. 8. Feb 7, 2024 · – Plex automatically fetches metadata for your media files, including movie posters, synopsis, cast information, and episode details for TV shows. Jan 16, 2025 · Plex Web 4. 3252 Player Version#: 8. Apr 14, 2020 · The purpose of this HowTo is to split videofiles which contain more than one episode of a tv show into single-episode files. It will get the metadata right for each Jul 9, 2024 · Currently, Plex’s multi-version support has allowed users to provide multiple different versions of the same underlying movie/episode and have them merged together. Warning!: While Plex does have limited support for content split across multiple files, it is not the expected way to handle content. Either ensure that your files don’t contain meta tags, or ensure that they are not given priority by disabling “prefer local meta tags” in the properties of the tv show library. So they show up individually within plex, can be Feb 8, 2025 · When using the Plex TV Series agent you can use your own trailers or extras media files. Useful when SxE Apr 30, 2017 · [Feature Request] Better multi episode file handling - Plex Forum Loading Aug 5, 2024 · Server Version#: 1. Oct 18, 2018 · 1. So if you let it autoplay, you watch the Jul 17, 2015 · The purpose of this HowTo is to split videofiles which contain more than one episode of a tv show into single-episode files. m4v there is 2 Feb 8, 2024 · However, they display multiple times for each episode. Pattern matching. e does not include the captions from BluRays and MKVs), it was suggested that I make my own optimized versions Mar 2, 2025 · Hello all, This is my first ever post, please be kind if I have put this in the wrong place. Electronic Dance Music (EDM) Rock / Pop Apr 6, 2022 · This seems to come up sometimes with tv episodes, where multiple episodes are encoded as a single file. g. I have a two part episode that according to TVDB and IMBD were single episodes. 2 Player Version#: They say a picture is worth a thousand words, is there a way to add an image of my issue? I recently added two sessions of “The Century of Warfare”, season 4 and 5. 5: 66: January 24, 2023 Renaming of multiple, non-sequential episodes within one same file. There is no question this is a two parter, and it does span the Jul 13, 2024 · Perform the full Plex Dance with the affected files. mkv. my subreddits. These can be organized in one of two ways to use them with Plex. For example, if, for a file containing episodes 01 and 02 of a cartoon season you might want to format like this: S01E01-02 Sadly, if you do, Dec 23, 2019 · Now that I have all the multi-episode files named correctly for a given show, Plex lists each "episode" individually and with accurate titles. (This happens usually with very long movies [i. Can someone direct me to how to split these into individual files? Oct 10, 2016 · I have a single file that is multiple episodes. m4v Now, with some episodes, it's actually 2 episodes in one. Renaming “sXXeXX-XX” to “sXXeXX-eXX” (rectangle in image below) and rescanning the Plex library fixes the issue in Plex. 145. Special Episodes: Include special episodes, such as Christmas specials or pilot episodes, by naming them “S00E01 – Special Title. 1 All In The Family S09E12-E13. mp4” I have followed all previous suggestions on the matter but it fails Nov 22, 2020 · Hello, What should be the location and naming to handle multiple version for a tv show episode like a 4K and non-4K version ? Movies case are described in Multi-Version Movies | Plex Support but for tv shows, does both episode have to be in the same location or use two root folders like TV & TV-4K ? Feb 14, 2018 · These are typically with kid’s shows (Doc McStuffins, PJ Masks) though oddly enough, in a couple cases Plex has recognized the multiple episodes for a couple files, and displays both in the library, but others (even in the same season) only show the first episode. m4v’ but Episode 17 just isn’t listed рџ™Ѓ It appears that Plex and XBMC have a good way of dealing with this situation but not Nov 12, 2023 · I've had Plex for over a year and have the proper naming conventions in all my media. 1 Today I noticed that only the last episode is displayed in the library when creating TV show episodes with multiple episodes in a single file. 56. 177-dc5df788 Hello there, I update my Plex Media server to the last version with the fix that Multiple episode in one episode is fix, but i notice that is not May 4, 2021 · Server Version#: 1. For example a file names “Show - s01e01-e02. ext Plex using the TheTvDb to get metadata for the episodes would show that file as 2 episodes. I have them named properly so plex see’s they are multi-episode files and they come up as you would expect in the interface. 41 (9404) Plex for Mac: 1. ext However, if you were to name something: ShowName – s02e17-s03e01 – Optional_Info. Special Characters Causing Errors. Some shows can have episodes in different orders, depending on where they were originally aired, how they were packaged (a DVD/Blu-ray vs the original broadcast airing), or other reasons. Read How to Request Help for details. I've named everything like so: Star Trek Voyager/ Season 1/ 10 - Some episode. E. 41. Oct 24, 2023 · I have multi-episode files named according to guidelines, yet they do not show up individually. MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte 3 days ago · Plex and our partners use standard Web technologies, such as browser cookies, which may be necessary to make our site work and enable core functionality, such as security, network management, and accessibility. 20. mkv" and emby seems to recognize that it is 2 episodes but instead of creating 2 episodes, it creates one with the titles of both episodes. The Plex player client doesn't support this well. If you have several different versions of the same Movie (maybe a SD and HD version), you can combine them to a single item. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. You should not rely on a choice being presented. 6783 So I ripped The Bullwinkle Show from the DVDs which each episode has five segments; 130 segments or 26 episodes per season. For example. I was able to make Plex recognize the two parts by naming the file S06E01-02. Beginning in Oct 18, 2022 · I cannot find a solution to this problem. To do so: Open the Plex Web App; Select the Library in which you’re Feb 8, 2025 · For the Personal Media, Plex Movie (Legacy) and The Movie Database legacy agents, “Local Media Assets” is an Agent source that loads local media files or embedded metadata for a media item. Anyhow. com To get the metadata correctly from thetvdb, I have to name the files as such: S01E01-02 S01E03-04 · Currently, the syntax for naming multiepisode TV Show files is this: Multiple Episodes in a Single File If a single file covers more than one episode, name it as follows: /TV Shows/ShowName/Season 02/ShowName – s02e17-e18 – Optional_Info. Junior Member. It's easier to use and simpler to maintain than its big rival, Kodi. How do I get plex to recognize this instead of just displaying multiple episodes that play the same file? It can’t be that the only solution is to split the episodes up? Thanks. What I remember is that it would show the information for multiple episodes inside of one entry, ie, combining the episode names and summaries. Mar 24, 2024 · Server Version#: Version 4. Feature request: change mulit-episode file naming to “sXXeXX-eXX”. I have tried looking through everything here and I have not found a solution Mar 18, 2023 · Server Version#: 1. 269-12a32491 Synology NAS: ds418play running DSM 7. I am working on renaming them so plex can see them properly (the show - s01e01-e04). When either episode is played, though, the entire file will be played and not just the individual episode. Plex identified it has two episodes but when we playing the second episode it starts from beginning. Feb 27, 2019 · Merging Items. Everything works fine EXCEPT when it hits the episodes that contain more than one episode. Desktops & Laptops. And according to the guide, it should be: Star Trek Voyager - s01e01-e02 - Caretaker. mkv --split chapters:8,15,22,29 source-file. For multiple episodes, name the file as: sXXeYY-eYY; Users also frequently fail to tag non-sequenced episodes correctly (for example, pilot episodes and Christmas specials). Plex doesn’t recognize “-XX,” resulting in that episode not showing in Plex. So, not fine since this is a multi-episode file that covers the end of season 3 and the start of season 4. 3. Always remember that "move" and "rename" are the same operation for a computer. From xbmc (kodi) wiki page : In cases where your file contains more than one episode, you can specify all the episodes included. I followed the instructions for naming convention but I am not getting the correct metadata. In Season 9, the last two episodes are “The Oct 17, 2020 · some dvds and blurays of shows i have , have 2 episodes together its just the way is was on the disc, so when i rip them, how do i get plex to see the correct order/naming of the episodes? Server Version#: Player Version#: Feb 9, 2020 · Multi-episode files are fine, but they need to be in the same season. See attached pictures Season 7 (1978-1979) 26 episodes 7-1 (Episode #148) Commander Pierce,. As you expect (on plex): The "episode number" field is marked 1, Even putting absolute order Aug 22, 2022 · Note: Not all Plex apps will allow you to manually choose which version to play. What is the best way to separate them so they are organized for viewing. Of course, playing episode 2 or 3 of a three part file starts the file from the beginning. Sep 21, 2020 · Adding tv shows with multi-part episodes. Take advantage of this feature to make your Oct 22, 2015 · Hello I’ve ran into a issue with infuse not recognizing multi-episode in one file. if you pick Jun 19, 2023 · I’ve ready that it’s normal behaviour for multi-episode files to still have 1 entry each episode in Plex, and each episode plays the whole file. TheTVDB agent can’t handle this. I was fully expecting that. e. 32. Everything after the first found pattern match will be checked for further If you have included additional files or folders you don't want Plex to scan, you can easily have Plex ignore those files and folders. Right now all the episodes of all the series are just jumbled together? Nov 17, 2024 · I have episodes of a show which each official "episode" is generally two separate half-length episodes. 40. Processing files without metadata based on the file name alone is effectively the same as processing files from scratch, detect series name, lookup series online, fetch episode list, match files to episodes, etc, just without the file renaming at the very end. To split the file apart, note the chapter stops where each episode begins, and you can feed those in to mkvmerge as a comma-delimited array: mkvmerge -o destination-file. ext; Where ext is the file extension. The problem with this is plex is only showing me 1 of the two episodes. To organize a single episode over multiple files, you would use the following naming convention: ShowName - sNNeXX - SplitName. ” Use double-digit numbers if there are multiple special episodes. Multi-Episode Files: In case a single file contains multiple episodes, use “E01E02” instead of “E01-E02” to maintain consistency. ) Jun 20, 2023 · My Plex server smushes them all together in the Player. iso, and while you can kinda trick plex into working with iso for tv shows, I don’t recommend Plex will display each episode individually when viewing the TV show in a Plex app. Whichever is selected has the respective episode information displayed. 1080p and 4K) or encodings (e. Ex. The problem is that the two episodes are exactly the same file that starts from the beginning, no matter which one I play. H. 4 Hi, I see this has been discussed in other threads but they are at leats 1 year old. 8679 Player Version#: Any I’m just looking to get this screen where i can modify it from 1. S03E26_S04E01 - Episode Title <— Does not work, neither episode shows up. 264 vs HEVC). For example if episodes 4 and 9 were in one file. I am trying to get my Seinfeld collection on my server. I tried naming the file as a multiple episode file as the wiki naming guide tells us to but it still plays as one large file containing 6 episodes. Show name - s01e01p01 - Jun 20, 2024 · The naming convension rules allow Plex to detect merged episodes but really doesn’t do anything with that I would propose that in this usecase, both episode names be listed and selectable on the episode page. I have tried them named like this вЂFriends - S01E16 E17. 9463 Player Version#: 4. I am able to name the file such that Plex will display both episidoes but, Plex is unable to cut to the starting point of the second episode when I play the appropriate thumbnail, it Nov 12, 2016 · Hi everybody, I have two episodes of a tv show that are merged in one file, basically like a longer episode. is there any way to mention the end time of first episode and start of the second episode in a file name. mp4” is only recognized as if it was named “Show - s01e01. However when you chose to play episode 2 it would start at the beginning of episode 1 and you would have to scrub to episode 2 most of the Aug 16, 2020 · Sonarr names multi-episode series files in the format “sXXeXX-XX” (oval in image below). For instance Mar 4, 2022 · As mentioned in the documentation, multi-episode files appear as individual episodes in the Plex app, but playing any of the episodes will play the full file (i. m4v But that doesn't seem Feb 24, 2025 · there are no episode names in the listing. However, the airing order of episodes may be Mar 30, 2017 · I used Plex to play media, so I want to rename the files to work with that. Either put them “inline”, alongside the TV episode (in the same season TV show episodes that are split over multiple files can be played as a single episode. 4. Avoid using special characters as they can interfere with Plex’s ability to read and understand file names. The issue comes up when he just clicks on the season folder to play them all. Now, it shows either the first episode information only, or it uses the Nov 11, 2017 · hi I added a Multi-episode file and named it as {show name - S04E01-E02 - first episode title & second episode title}. 22. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit Feb 28, 2019 · You can find these merged or duplicate items using the Plex Web App. Is there a way to tell the second episode to start Jul 18, 2017 · Plex is a fantastic media server. So they show up individually within plex, can be played individually and don’t produce any of the weird things that multi-episode files are plagued with. If we could manually enter a time-frame reference in the file info, perhaps that would solve the issue. then plex can play second episode exactly on Dec 3, 2024 · Movies Split Across Multiple Files. e. Is this setting not available ? I used xbmc (kodi) and it’s fairly easy how they set it up. It will playback e01p01 then e01p04 then e01p02 then e01p03 I have the files named the same, except for the episode number and name. ext Where you specify the appropriate season, episode numbers (the first and last episode covered in the file), and file extension. a file name with “s01e24e26” in it is interpreted to include episodes 24, 25 and 26 whereas “s01e25e27” is interpreted to include episodes 25, 26 and 27. In general, the {di} duplicate index binding could be useful in cases where the exact same episode matches multiple files and you want to add a sequential number. Also is there Server Version#: 1. But I've run into a snag. The second example you give would be named XX- S01E01-E05 - xx. May 23, 2017 · I have a few animated series for my son and many of them contain 2 episodes per file. Jul 4, 2020 · So Plex nicely shows the different episode info when properly named S01E01-E02, etc, but it basically plays the full file twice in a row vice just the episodes. I was wondering if anything has changed. Note : Multi-episode files will show up Mar 10, 2024 · Server Version#: 1. mkv Plex correctly shows this as two episodes. Player Version#:1. There is no such thing as "rename and then move" or "move and then rename" because the file path is changed at once with a single mv command. 1 Plex AppleTV: 8. 5. Incorrect Movie or Episode Information. To organize this type of file on Plex, name the artist Dec 31, 2021 · Where you specify the appropriate season, episode numbers (the first and last episode covered in the file), and file extension. avi as stated in the wiki. 2 <If providing server logs please do NOT turn on verbose logging, only debug logging should be enabled> After Mar 1, 2020 · If the first or last episode was multi parts aired at the same time I just keep the file as a single. 140. No control changes, merely text updates Feb 5, 2016 · Currently, multi episode file names are interpreted in a way that the file is supposed to include alle episodes from the first episode to the last episode found in the file name. All In The Family S09E22-E23-E24. mkv”, but that results in all episodes Jul 5, 2018 · All my tv shows are named using naming convention for Kodi (the show - s01e01e02e03e04). edit subscriptions. It just so happens those episodes are the last episode of Season 3 and the first episode of Season 4. 3MB on both files to show Extended Cut or Theatric. 1-42962 Update 7 0 - Intel Celeron J3355 Since Plex’s Optimization does not play well with captions (i. Doing this may negatively impact usage of various Plex features (including, but not limited to, preview thumbnails, chapter images, audio/subtitle stream selection across parts Nov 5, 2011 · Welcome to the forums! I don’t think the “media manager” change has anything to do with your problems. etcbro zlyr tumdb fpjbiw okscub nrkplq ydmsvr jbnfp ybaahs isbvha epnlj iqeu viyii nqvw jiafbfd