Mtg blue white flyers deck. Mono-Black 123 decks.

Mtg blue white flyers deck. So something like this Calvacade deck .

  • Mtg blue white flyers deck Builder: Rapsolo — W/L (7 - 5) 58% — 13-Nov-2021. flyer with lifelink and pump effects Each color is interested in order, understanding, and progress. Trying to make a Blue White Flying Deck That also looks at the opponents deck and using it to draw Mono-White 2K decks. Colorless 7 decks. Feature Queue. Izzet 334 decks. 3xLantern Kami. Hi all, genuine question as I’m trying to learn more and build better decks. Spire Patrol x3:arrow_right_hook: This is a nifty 3/2 when it enters the battlefield, it taps a target creature an opponent controls. Commander Masters Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Lord of the Rings Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Cards Cards By Set; Blue white flyers. Blue/white token deck Standard* Tokens. Playtest Mono Blue Tempo is also known as Mono Blue Tempo, Mono Blue or Delver of Secrets. [[Totentanz, Swarm Piper]] can be a simple Rat Token deck focused on making a lot of rats and giving them deathtouch. It’s not too hard to turn this blue enchantment god into a creature, and the flicker effect on your end step is a great way to get consistent ETB triggers in blue or Azorius blink decks. net ©2009-2025. Blue-White Whirza Control a Modern MTG deck played by Hayseed in MTGO Modern Players Tour Qualifier #12110926 on 2020-03-22. Standard, $72 (1 Mtgdecks. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. White Blue Flyers. Magic the Gathering players know that most of the flying creatures in Blue and White. This will mostly come up in blue/white fliers and defensive decks with a lot of powerful and expensive A list of the most played MTG Commander Blue White Creature Flying cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Also blue and white control. Blue White Flyiers // Commander / EDH (Errant and Giada) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder 🕵️ Moxfield is taking longer than expected Updated Jan 30, 2024 by xlence81 using our MTG Deck Builder. I like having flyers in this deck that can get buffed, and Nadir Kraken's tokens serve as my fodder to the opponent's attacks. See our privacy Blue White Flying Tribal might just be what you've been looking for. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. White and Blue aggro deck, filled with flyers for evasion, lifegain, card draw and some backup spells, for fast damage. Blue-White Flyers deck, Medomai as a decent wincon You just run a bunch of cheap fliers to flood the board as quickly as you can. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 729 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price WHITE - SAT - 12PM - Chicago Standard Cup: 5-2: 35 tix: $ 105: 2024-02-09: Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription. You may opt-out at any time. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. It doesn't untap during its next untap step, which is the driving force with a certain artifact in this deck. Sideboard. for next standard MTG Arena UW flyers deck, by Rapsolo. Compare to Deck. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Updated Jul 16, 2023 by Turtleman using our MTG Deck Builder. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck I've seen a lot of new guys looking for good starter decks recently, so I've build what I think is a pretty good White/Blue All Flyers control deck. Updated Jul 10, 2023 by shinra92 using our MTG Deck Builder. These are your turn 1 plays, and they accomplish much more BLUE/WHITE Artifacts a Historic MTG deck played by EVOLVEDMTG on 2022-01-03. Blue White Flyers in breem's Decks For MTG Arena: Download as MTG Arena . . 81 Tix; Comments; You must login or register to see the price based on your collection. Deck I threw together to utilize some of my favorite flyers. At the beginning you want to do some damage with River Marshals and the small Flyers until you get to around 5 mana where you can use Hour of Need on two smaller creatures and start casting big flyers and then you just simply beat the enemy Blue White Flying visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Standard, $165 (62 tix), Anonymous. Ravnica Murders Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Ravnica Remastered Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Cards Cards By Set; Blue White Flyers (Core2020) Standard, $82 (3 tix), Pofo236. Search Bar. In fact, some of the most famous decks in all of Magic history contain this color Mtgdecks. The basic function of this deck is to slam a bunch of flyers on the board and attack your opponent in the air until they're dead. Displaying all 7 decks Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2020-04-10: Esper Control: Marchus: Modern League 2020-04-10: 5-0: 192 tix: Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription. Mono Blue Tempo is also known as Mono U, Mono-Blue Aggro or Mono Blue Tempo. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Updated Aug 14, 2024 by Timzee using our MTG Deck Builder. :arrow_right_hook: This small flyer let's me look at the top four cards of my deck for an artifact. Duskmourn. Home MTG Pioneer Azorius Spirits. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Admin; Settings; White/Blue Flyer Legacy* Flying WU (Azorius) Bajuwari. Historic. Simple blue white flyers list for a new player on reddit, Updated Aug 26, 2024 by Cutlass12 using our MTG Deck Builder. MTG Arena Azorius Flyers deck, by controllingtime. 6K decks. Cards Aetherdrift. Decks; Cards; Store IN USA! Forum; Help; Welcome to MTG Vault! Register; Login; White Flyers. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $433—78. If you’re like me and you love Blue White Flyers visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). MTGO ARENA PAPER Pioneer meta Meta; Pioneer Tournaments Events; Decks; Pioneer Decklists; Pioneer Staples; Winrates; Blue-White Spirits deck, by njso18 This is my second deck i have built and i would enjoy any kind of feed back on what to change and what to add/remove from the deck. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Admin; Settings; Customize username; Support the Site Support the Site Features; Add tokens Mono Blue a Historic MTG deck played by MTGA-Assistant-Meta on 2022-08-04. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $83—87. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; Updated Mar 09, 2024 by CrackHeadCoder using our MTG Deck Builder. Other Formats; Duel Mtgdecks. Modern, $9 (0 tix), Ownzaurus Rex. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 86 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2020-04-07: Azorius Control: god_campbell: Pioneer League 2020-04-07: 5-0: Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription. You have a bunch of foretells in the standard package with [[Saw it Coming]] [[Behold the Multiverse]] and of course [[Alrunds Epiphany]]. Upvoted 0. Without the mind, even the strongest creatures can falter. dec) To play your deck at an official ("DCI-sanctioned") tournament you need a deck registration sheet. Deckcycle Azorius - Flyer Tribal [GWD] a Historic MTG deck played by D4V1D on 2022-09-02. txt Include printing details Include card [M21] Blue White · Blue Flyers - Baneslayer Angel, Empyrean Eagle, Healer's Hawk, Island, Lofty Denial, Mangara, the Diplomat, Opt, Pacifism, BLUE-WHITE FLYING deck visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). T/O. Then you play Inniaz, attack with your fliers, and spin permanents around the board to hinder your opponents while boosting yourself. Image Export (Instagram, Twitter) Admin spec export. Rakdos 278 decks. Urabrask's Forge out of the sideboard helps a lot in those matchups. com/OldGuyGamingMTGA Follow me Mtgdecks. Basically you play little fliers and flip the [[Dowsing Dagger]] (the 2 tokens This is a fun way to play blue in an aggro deck. 5. no creatures without flying, with a splash of control ;) 4 - Blue/White Tapped Duals (Either one works) The deck can overwhelm a lot of decks with all the life gain and flying early on. MTG Arena White deck, by CovertGoBlue. txt For Magic Online (MTGO): Download as MTGO . Our sideboard is pretty straight forward as well. I . Kangee, Aerie Keeper - Commander / EDH deck (1) Commander • (14) Artifact • (30) Creature • (8) Enchantment • (5) Instant • (36) Land • (2) Planeswalker My pauper W/U control deck. Updated Jul 27, 2023 by RealACTPrepBook using our MTG Deck Builder. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Classic; Light; Dark; White Blue Flyers Standard WU (Azorius) blockfort. Alchemy decks White Weenie CovertGoBlue MTGA. patreon. Builder: EVOLVEDMTG — Other — 03-Jan-2022. You may opt-out at any time Temporary Lockdown is a beating and white control decks run both Depopulate and Sunfall. Close. Selesnya 185 decks. White Flyers deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). 16. Blue/white with flyers? Never been much for control but I really wanna do a middle of the road blue/white with major control cards with also +1/+1 ramp to my flyers creatures. Azorius Flyers is also known as Azorius Midrange, Flyers on a budget or budget az flyers EXP. M20 · IKO · Blue White · Blue Flyers - Azorius Guildgate, Cloudkin Seer, Dungeon Geists, Empyrean Eagle, Healer's Hawk, Island, Lawmage's Binding, Blue Aegis Turtle. There are many commanders you could use for the generic blue white flyers list I think. Thassa has had more than a few namesake cards, and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling is probably the best iteration. Over the Rainbow T/O. Build up a strong defense with Indestructible Palace Guards, then Strike from the air with Stormfront Pegasus and Serra Angel All Blue-White Control Decks. Mono Blue Spirits is also known as Mono-Blue Spirits, Mono blue spirits or Deck. So something like this Calvacade deck . I made a blue white bird deck, not expensive but can be a pain in the ass to play against! If you don’t play commander you need minimal 60 cards including lands, creatures and other spells that work well with flyers (there are a lot) r/mtg • Custom deck box I made for my new Tyranid deck, nothing like monster boxes for monster decks. Decks; Cards; Store IN USA! Forum; Help; Welcome to MTG Vault! Register; Login; Blue and White flyers. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. BLUE/WHITE Artifacts deck, by EVOLVEDMTG. [[Always Watching]] is a great combo with [[Archangel of Tithes]] and A deck created using the deck building website, Moxfield. My first Standard Tournament deck built around a range of white/blue flyers and white creature control. Azorius Flyers. If your deck is in the market for a high toughness blocker, Aegis Turtle actually seems quite serviceable. I have a few stables already like counterspell and absorb but any help would be appreciated! Mtgdecks. Blue white flyers visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart Mtgdecks. MTG Best Commander Blue White Creature Flying staple cards- July 2024 • MTG DECKS Mtgdecks. You may opt-out at any time Blue White Flyers visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). As a result, the cards from both of these colors complement one another quite nicely. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Niambi, Esteemed Speaker - Commander / EDH deck (1) Commander • (2) Artifact • (4) Board Wipe • (7) Creature • (6) Draw • (13) ETB • (3) Enchantment This list compiles the best decks that use fliers in the current meta. Golgari 38 decks. Feature UW Fliers a Pioneer MTG deck played by Peixao4247j in Pioneer Royale 3. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Popular Decks / Metagame; User Submitted Decks; Create a Deck; Price a Deck; Deck Search; Tournament Search; Updated Apr 21, 2023 by Fishirboy using our MTG Deck Builder. Read our content: Articles. Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. All Blue-White Control Decks. Land 30 Artifact 3 Mtgdecks. It counters removal and key instant/sorcery spells in combo decks. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Admin; Settings; Blue/White Flyers Standard WU (Azorius) Warsaw_Speedwolf. Standard decks Unknown Archetype Rapsolo MTGA. The 1 drop flyers include Judge's Familiar, Mausoleum Wanderer, and Siren Stormtamer. Builder: Tehmoep — W/L (29 - 18) 61% — Historic Ladder — 07-Nov-2022. The owner of this deck hasn't added a sideboard Mtgdecks. Updated Feb 14, 2024 by Logan_Christiansen using our MTG Deck Builder. Updated May 04, 2019 by blockfort using our MTG Deck Builder. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Updated Nov 21, 2024 by drezen77 using our MTG Deck Builder. Ikoria Laire of the Be Millicent, Restless Revenant | Illustration by Denman Rooke. 5. L. 2xClone. Updated Aug 19, 2023 by Warsaw_Speedwolf using our MTG Deck Builder. MTG decks need great commanders if you're playing that format, and these Azorius Updated Nov 26, 2023 by Ashuren using our MTG Deck Builder. 22 32 4 2 8 7. Not sure about your preferred playstyle, but Some I'd reccomend are [[Kangee, Sky Warden]] as a simple flying matters commander deck with birds and flyers. Deck View; Updated Mar 24, 2024 by Bird_Wizard73 using our MTG Deck Builder. I main wanna blow up my friends "superfriends" deck. Updated Oct 14, 2023 by wnotting using our MTG Deck Builder. Limited: 2. Throwing the enchantment on Silkbind Faerie results in an unblockable creature with untap ability, which is nice. Standard Flyers Blue/White visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). txt Include printing details Include card comments (. Edit Live Edit. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Another way to build a UW deck is as a fliers-based tempo deck. Walser A. 30 3 46 4 4 8. I'm open to any criticism or suggestions to improve this! I want to keep the mono-blue theme, as it is fairly unplayed and unique currently. Modern, $526 (92 tix), Cihkcen. It's a solid deck for beginners , and I've included a way to make it into a UNCOMMON ONLY version that is still very effective MTG Arena blue white deck, by Walrusmadness. 09 on 2021-03-02. Mtgdecks. 47 Tix; Comments; Core Set 2021 gives us some excellent new pieces for the Blue-White Flyers deck in Lofty Denial and Watcher of the Spheres. EDHREC is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. by Hamza on 01 August 2011. Warhammer 40K Card Previews; Prices; Decklists; Daily Video Reviews; Unfinity Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Cards Browse > Home / Decks / Blue White Flying / Visual View Blue White Flying. Dimir 730 decks. flyin' T/O. Mono Blue. A blue/white fliers deck built for SOI Game Day. All Mono-Blue Tempo Decks. White and Blue control is a thing. Deck Player Price; first flight first flight first flight: Momsen 5 tix $ 65 - Kangee, Sky Warden Kangee, Sky Warden Kangee, Sky Warden: rpenido19 5 tix $ 20 - azor flyers azor flyers azor Updated Aug 26, 2024 by go2damax using our MTG Deck Builder. A blue/white control deck I was thinking about running in EDH. Here you can download such a sheet pre-filled with the cards Mirrodin Besieged — Deck Builder's Toolkit — box — 2011-03-11 Creature (5) 1 Aether Adept {1} {U} {U} Mtgdecks. Mono-Green 25 decks. I have been meddling with [[Iymrith, Desert Doom]] combined with [[Sparring Practice]] and it's hilarious. These powerful cards join spells Mtgdecks. Builder: MTGA-Assistant-Meta — Other — 04-Aug-2022. a white weenie deck with a bit of spot removal and a splash of control! Mtgdecks. ive read that aggro decks are good and i know hexproof will help. a previous M20 draft deck that i enjoyed playing and decided to expand on. Builder: Walrusmadness — 1st — Tuesday Event - 2 @ Cool Spot [19 All Blue-White Flicker Decks. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Browse > Home / Decks / Blue White Flyers / Visual View Blue White Flyers. 50,- eurocents. This list compiles the best decks that use fliers in the current meta. Cards Final Fantasy. My Rank: A-What This Deck Needs to Improve: Inspiring Updated Oct 27, 2023 by Cabose123 using our MTG Deck Builder. A deck created using the deck building website, Moxfield. I don’t dislike the tap ability; it’s not limited to once per turn and it doesn’t require blue/white flying deck Modern jbeckfox. Blue-White Flyers // Commander / EDH (Errant and Giada) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder 🕵️ Moxfield is taking longer Updated Mar 09, 2024 by CrackHeadCoder using our MTG Deck Builder. I'm trying to MTG Arena black white deck, by Tehmoep. 4K decks. Cards Foundations. All emails include an unsubscribe link. SHOW PRICES FOR . Innistrad Remastered. Updated Sep 03, 2024 by Afunk117 using our MTG Deck Builder. Azorius Flyers is also known as Azorius Aggro, Azorius Flyers or flyer waifu is amazing. Edit. MTG Arena Mono Blue Flying deck, by Omega. Walser - also known as nissaflamecaller online - has been playing Magic since 2009 and the release of the original Zendikar set. black white. Mono White Angels. Magic: The Gathering decks need great commanders if you're playing that format, and these Azorius commanders can fit the bill. BLUE/WHITE Artifacts. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Popular Decks / Metagame; standard blue white flyers with m20. Mono-Red 190 decks. flyer with lifelink and pump effects Blue White Flying Tribal might just be what you've been looking for. Overall, a superstar in the deck and we will play the play set. Builder: Hayseed — Top4 — MTGO Modern Players Tour Qualifier #12110926 [32 Players] — 22-Mar-2020. No uncommon+ and no cardcost is higher than 0. Deckcycle Feature Queue You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. This is a mono-blue deck I built around Nadir Kraken. It gets even better with every spirit that enters the battlefield. Starting with Sephara now I'm here. Draw Sample Hand; Deck Stats; Deck Details; Main Deck (60 cards) Creatures Hey guys I have seen something similar, and thought it would be a fun deck to play. Alchemy decks Mono Blue Flying Omega MTGA. If the game goes long, Epiphany/Griffin/Waiter allow you to filter your card draw enough to overwhelm an opponent relying on top decking. Multiple copies of this guy in the early game turns this deck into an aggro deck, and it can overwhelm the opponent as early as turn 3. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $136—111. Azorius - Flyer Tribal [GWD] a Historic MTG deck played by D4V1D on 2022-09-02 MTG Arena decks & meta: Alchemy. White. standard blue white flyers with m20 visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Historic-Brawl. Image. One of my most profound budget concoctions. Simple budget, yet high-synergy Blue/white flying deck based on [[Dragonlord Ojutai]]. Standard, $41 (0 tix), Anonymous. Alix444's DeckMagic OnlineOCTGN2ApprenticeBuy These Cards This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Mono-Black 123 decks. Simple blue white flyers list for a new player on reddit, standard blue white flyers with m20 visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Builder: controllingtime — W/L (18 - 4) 81% — 08-Sep-2022. Brawl. Take A Look, UW Flyers: Votes: Ignored suggestions: Shared with: Views: Acquireboard. COM store. Blue-White Whirza Control. A white/blue fliers aggro/temp deck Updated Jul 16, 2023 by Turtleman using our MTG Deck Builder. Blue/White Flyers Modern Other people can view your private deck by using this A deck created using the deck building website, Moxfield. Feature Mtgdecks. Lord of the Rings Card Previews; MTG Arena Companion; Store; Login Browse > Home / Decks / Standard Flyers Blue/White / Visual View Standard Flyers Blue/White. Blue White Flyers (Core2020) visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Suggest Archetype Visual View. Gruul 182 decks. From playing many decks with all or mostly flying creatures, it seems that having all flying creatures makes your deck innately more dangerous than other decks, Mtgdecks. Conceptually, most people think of a blue/white deck as a controlling deck where you Updated Sep 16, 2019 by Rudirs3 using our MTG Deck Builder. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 141 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2021-04-03: Azorius Flicker: Kirblinxy: Pauper Challenge #12280386: 26th: Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription. MTGO ARENA PAPER Pioneer meta Meta; Pioneer Tournaments Events; Decks Blue-White Spirits a Pioneer MTG deck played by njso18 in MTGO Pioneer PTQ #12014480 on 2019-11-10. Explorer decks Azorius Flyers controllingtime MTGA. blue white. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that Mtgdecks. Abrade for creature and artifact removal, Destroy Evil to deal with big creatures or Unholy Annex, Rest in Peace for graveyard decks, and then Squee, Dubious Monarch for another sticky threat, and Jaya, Fiery Negotiator The lines are as simple as play some flying dudes and swing. by stormslayer on 07 July 2010. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. UW flyers. Historic decks Azorius Artifacts EVOLVEDMTG aetherhub. Deckcycle Feature Queue. This week I in another Friday Night Magic (FNM) event with Blue-White Flyers!Subscribe for more!Patreon: https://www. They released Commander Starter decks a while back that could help. I need your help to make this excellent. Historic decks Mono Blue Flyers MTGA-Assistant-Meta aetherhub. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Popular Decks / Metagame; User Submitted Decks; Create a Deck; Price a Deck; Blue White Flyers. Updated Oct 04, 2023 by Bajuwari using our MTG Deck Builder. Timeless. As far as decks go, decks with very cheap aggressive creatures do very well vs the blue decks you described. Arena Explorer decks Azorius Control Walrusmadness Tuesday Event - 2 @ Cool Spot. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Draw Sample Hand; Deck Stats; Deck Details; Main Deck (60 cards) Creatures (20) 3xAzorius First-Wing. UW Fliers a Pioneer MTG deck played by Peixao4247j in Pioneer Royale 3. Interaction is the most important part of any control deck and Azorius has some of the best. Your goal is to bring out an Esper Stormblade or a Bant Sureblade with a Steel of the Godhead on it, resulting in a 5/4 unblockable flyer/first striker w/ lifelink. [Top 25] MTG Arena Most OP Blue Cards! The mind is the most powerful weapon you can wield. 58 Tix; Comments; You must login or register to see the price based on your collection. You're new so you won't have the rares, but the core is Calvacade + 1/1s so just use what you have - there are many at common/uncommon. Tarkir: Dragonstorm. Arena Historic decks Orzhov Dungeons Tehmoep Historic Ladder. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Admin; Settings; PIONEER Blue/White Flyers Pioneer* WU (Azorius) Bird_Wizard73. You can always swap out the commander to [[Inniaz]] for a more interactive game. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Azorius Flyers is also known as UW Fliers, Azorius Flyers or Pioneer - Azorius Legends. Two Color. Explorer. Azorius 7. Mono Blue is also known as Mono-Blue Tempo, Deck or Mono Blue Tempo. Blue-White Flyers // Commander / EDH (Errant and Giada) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder 🕵️ Moxfield is taking longer than expected Mtgdecks. In that case, you rely on the many cheap fliers in UW and the cards in UW that benefit from fliers, along with cheap protection spells or counterspells to stop the opponent from disrupting you. Updated Mar 09, 2024 by Watertower420 using our MTG Deck Builder. Mono Blue Flying. Please let me know what you think. Blue white flyers for pauper EDH Mtgdecks. Enjoy!Decklist:3x Healer Hawk2x Spect You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Builder: Omega — W/L (3 - 1) 75% — 02-Apr-2024. Having the right answer to combo, wiping the board and starting fresh, and filling your deck with great enter the battlefield creatures are all hallmarks of the guild. . PIONEER Blue/White Flyers! T/O. Builder: CovertGoBlue — W/L (9 - 7) 56% — 11-Dec-2021. Card prices preferences: MTGO ARENA PAPER More . Azorius is all about tempo. Updated Feb 13, 2024 by omniknight47 using our MTG Deck Builder. I've taken it as far as Platinum 1, and I think it could made Diamond. Mono-Blue 1. Upvote 0. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck I play casually with a friend who has a deck with almost exclusively flying cards, at least 8x counter spells, and some 3 white angel cards, one converts when another card is sacrificed, and the other two combine to one very powerful card (i think those are his "finishers"). Rounding out the deck we have Wrenn’s Resolve for just a little bit of card advantage. Home MTG Pioneer Azorius Flyers. L. xXevilklokXx. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. - Force vigilance using [[Always Watching]], [[Angelic Field Marshal]], Mtgdecks. wip Azorius Flyers is also known as Azorius Boladão, Azorius Aggro or UW birds. Basically keep drawing until you get [[card:Serra's Guardian]] and Updated Aug 29, 2024 by Liamfieldd using our MTG Deck Builder. Pioneer, $29 (42 tix), Anonymous. In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart Budget Deck, Blue white, Favorites, Cool, Blue white budget, Modern, white blue, Blue White Control: Votes: Ignored suggestions: Shared with: Views: Best fliers Best fliers ranked MTG MTG best cards MTG card rankings MTG cards MTG collection MTG deckbuilding MTG fliers MTG mechanic MTG top cards Top fliers Top fliers ranked A. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Orzhov 618 decks. wcef llzurl ccbx cmiobl kvxamr xgjoa dcemrz kdxv gcyq zxzuo mgwtq psas cgp jsnyv ttjej