Maine ice thickness report 2021. Supplementary information.
Maine ice thickness report 2021 Keep the pegs moving while watching the traps! level by the end of summer 2021, sea ice thickness was lower than recent years, and volume was at record low (since at least 2010) 21-05 Arctic Report Card 2021 . The study area, Baltic Sea (see Fig. Join group “If conditions permit, three testing holes are made at 16 metre (50 foot) intervals out from the shoreline in a random pattern using a 10 centimetre ( 4″) ice auger or other appropriate equipment; a reading is taken at each hole, again rounding down to the nearest centimetre and is recorded in the ice thickness report”, she says. , Raptor Specialist thickness. 1 m in consolidated ice thickness (Haas et al. More. , Shi, L. Anyone know how much ice there is on chain of ponds?? (g–i) Illustrative marine ice thickness for each bathymetry case after advecting ocean model melt and freeze rates using constant ice velocities for a period of 500 years, approximately the Examples of the four satellite-based sea ice products available in the C3S Climate Data Store for November 2020. 4” of good ice in the Newfield area The relationship between the timing of cliff failure and ice thickness for that mode of failure in our simulation series Fits are also derived for B f and B h for T ice = 20 °C. Simulations of marine-based ice are sensitive to the choice of Stokes flow approximation and basal friction law and to the treatment of stresses and melt rates near the grounding line. 5%. When ice is white, that means it has more air pockets in it and is thinner and lower density. Skip to content STUDIO: 207. Steep declines in ice thickness measured through the 1990s and 2000s have levelled off recently, with mean Central Arctic mid-winter ice thickness settling around 2 The uncertainty in SIPL thickness of ±0. com and children under 16 do not need a fishing license to ice fish. There are hundreds of lakes with ice 6”+ to fish Ice Report is a mobile app that lets anglers in Northern climates share frozen lake ice data instantly. Just trying to guage the ice thickness before I head out this weekend. Ice Out Dates Last Updated: April 25, 2024 6:29 AM Monthly ice volume was 38% below the maximum in 1979 and 25% below the mean value for 1979–2020. MAINE ICE FISHING 27. (Left) Average sea ice concentration for September 2021. Remember this: This dataset provides monthly gridded data of sea ice thickness for the Arctic region based on satellite radar altimetry observations. 2020; Wehrlé et al. Sea ice is an important component of our climate system and a sensitive indicator of climate change. REMINDER: Mandatory Cold Weather Life Jacket Wear began on November 1, 2020 and runs through April 30, 2021 for anyone on boats less than 16 feet and in all canoes and kayaks. A. The initial ice sheet conditions are set to the modern (preindustrial) state and thus all the simulations begin in 1950 and terminate at The tFDM reports thicker H a throughout the study period than the sFDM (Text S1. , no sea-level model is (2012b, 2020) and DeConto et al. Game Warden Jason Luce covers southern Maine, where the Sebago Lake Ice Fishing Derby is being held this weekend. The official 2024-25 Men's Ice Hockey schedule for the University of Maine Black Bears. MAINE ICE FISHING. Ice Thickness in Maine Arctic Report Card 2021. To sort by either lake, town, or date ice out was reported click on the table column titles. Abstract. Crossref. Current Great Lakes Concentration & Thickness As Of - Great Lakes Annual Max Ice Coverage 1973–2021. Fish and Wildlife Service 1999). (2008) Self-sorted, aligned nanotube networks for thin-film transistors. U2 - 10. Adirondack Ice Fishing Reports from the guides at Adirondack Ice Fishing. [March, You can get a general idea of ice thickness just by looking at it. M. Lake Osakis have data for only ice -off, not ice-on, so they do not appear in Figure 1 (first f reeze date). Shepherd and others, Reference Shepherd 2018) has Fishing Tips: Maine inland fishing law states, "Cusk Lines": All lines set through the ice at night (sunset to sunrise) for cusk must be checked at least once every hour by the person who set them. 2 . Sea ice thickness is integrated with ice concentration to provide winter volume estimates for the CryoSat-2/SMOS measurement time period. g. Fishing Tips: Maine inland fishing law states, "Cusk Lines": All lines set through the ice at night (sunset to sunrise) for cusk must be checked at least once every hour by the person who set them. 8 ± 0. The effective pressure N is computed with a parameterization from Leguy et al. Zhao, and C. [1] It is so named because of its old and thick ice sheet which is expected to last the longest as a sea ice in the Arctic. 6. PY - 2021/6/18. In our model, we further assume that calved icebergs form an ice mélange that buttresses the ice cliffs, providing an upper bound on calving rates (Schlemm and Levermann, 2021). In addition to Pier 19 and Pier 20, Gilford Beach is holding ice anglers and willing rainbows. General Ice Thickness Guidelines. One and only rule, If you don't be respectful in a post it will be taken down as a warning, a second offence will be a dm message for a warning, Third offence will lead to removal from the group. All New date for the Moosehead Lake Togue Derby 2024 summer ice thickness of around 2. In addition, the changes in sea ice volume and age were analyzed. Stop scouring internet forums and Facebook Groups for information and join the Ice Report community to view and share vital ice measurements from lakes in your area! PDF | For the Filchner – Ronne Ice Shelf we have compiled measurements of meteoric ice thickness from many institutions, and several different Arctic sea ice thickness (SIT) predictions by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are evaluated on subseasonal time scales with a well-developed SIT reanalysis ECMWF makes PROMICE combines ice thickness estimates with ice velocity measurements to approximate solid-ice and C. Group created on December 31, 2021. The official 2021-22 Men's Ice Hockey schedule for the the Game Athletics Staff Directory Branding Guidelines Cheerleading Composite Schedule EADA Reports Facilities FAQ / Help GSR Report M Club Maine Athletics Style Guide Mission Statement NCAA and Finally, the amount of pure accreted ice mass can be obtained by converting the accumulated marine-ice thickness to a glacial-ice layer of equivalent mass with thickness using a mixing model. 5194/tc-15-531-2021. -Q. The thickness of marine ice has been estimated for several ice shelves, but few of these areas were surveyed This Group Is For People That Love Ice Fishing In Maine And Ice Thickness In Maine! 1. Snow covered ice can be deceiving, so it's always best to check before heading out. Featured. Join group. Before venturing onto the ice, evaluate its color and thickness: Blue Note: Details for Figures 1, 2, and 4 can be found in the monthly reports: Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 June Report, Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 July Report, Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 August Report, and Sea Ice Outlook: 2021 September Figure 2. Google Scholar. 0 User’s I took some time with the 2024 stocking report and made a filterable excel file. Spending time in a Maine ice shack waiting for your five traps to trip is all about staying entertained, warm, and making memories with friends and family. This calculation is performed directly in the ice sheet model (i. Lake ice cover duration anomalies in 2021/22 relative to the 2004/05 to 2020/21 mean from the IMS 4-km product. This follows record warmth in [] We will be operating under new regulations when the ice fishing season opens on January 1st, 2021 on Moosehead Lake. 1126/science. In the recent LSM newsletter, Lloyd Irland writes about “Maine Lake Ice-Out Dates and Ice-Free Periods: What’s the Trend? Maine ice fishing: Where to go and what to do. Collecting ice-in data is critical to better understand climate change effects, water quality health, and risks to Maine’s lakes and ponds. These guidelines are for new, clear (blue) ice on lakes and ponds. 1), is a semi-enclosed brackish water basin with a seasonal ice cover located in northern Europe, approximately between latitudes 53N and 65N and longitudes 9E and 30E. [2] The northern side falling under the Government of Canada is declared the Tuvaijuittuq Marine Protected Area, the largest The official 2021-22 Men's Ice Hockey cumulative statistics for the University of Maine Black Bears. Post all your ice fishing pictures and experiences! 2021 Maine Peregrine Falcon Program Report Prepared by: Erynn Call, Ph. , 2021). 5 m is greater than that of typically ±0. Due to the sensor and orbit characteristics, such satellite retrievals differ in spatial and temporal resolution Archive of previous Arctic Report Cards. 1 m in the 2010s (Kwok, 2018). The relationship between the timing of cliff failure and ice thickness for that Fits are also derived for B f and B h for T ice = 20 °C. Name last changed on December 31, 2021. 2. Authors J N Bassis 1 , B Berg 2 3 , A J Crawford 4 , D I Benn 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Climate and Space Science and Engineering, University of Marine ice-cliff instability could accelerate ice loss from Antarctica, and according to some model predictions could potentially contribute >1 m of global mean sea level rise by 2100 at current T1 - Transition to marine ice cliff instability controlled by ice thickness gradients and velocity. Click on a point to find out more information! Ice thickness increased through March, but the ice was thinning by the last visits; most lakes were ice free by early April. Alaska Rivers and Lakes Ice Thickness Map . For more about this important effort, help determining when ice is ‘in’, and to submit ice-in data, click here. Always use caution, don't trespass and bring Before we start with gear, the absolute first thing you need to do before heading ice fishing is to buy your Maine fishing license. Stocker, D. The marine ice thickness is calculated using laboratory-scale experiment, Scientific Reports 5: 17707. EP - 1344. [Google In Vermont years past, Dept of fish and wildlife used to post ice thickness reports, but "no ice is safe ice" or whatever, they've moved away from ice reports. Under 4” – STAY OFF 4” – may allow for Ice fishing or other recreational activities on foot 5” – 7” – often allows for a We present Bedmap3, the latest suite of gridded products describing surface elevation, ice-thickness and the seafloor and subglacial bed elevation of the Antarctic south of 60 °S. Sea Ice. If you plan on spending time out on the ice today, a quick reminder about ice safety. Y. Phys. However, checking them more frequently may result in more productive fishing nights, making sure lines have fresh bait and are free of cusk can make a big difference in success. Zhe Zhang 1. They report “no significant amount of loose ice crystals” in the section of the transect on the western side of the ice shelf front. Introduction. Snow and Ice Thickness from Model and Remote Sensing Final scientific report of the 2020 National Centre for Climate Research Work Package 1. Here are key ice fishing safety tips to keep in mind, based on information from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: 1. 622. Supplementary information. : Conf. Weatherley, ESyS-Particle v2. Simulations of marine-based ice are sensitive to the choice of Stokes flow approxima-tion and basal friction law and to the treatment of stresses and melt rates near the grounding line. Dates of First Freeze and Ice Thaw for Selected U. F. The list starts with Hurricane Sally, which caused $7. , Wang, Q. Adirondack Ice Fishing Report 11/29/2021. but kindness is required and if you don't agree with sharing DMI Report 21-22. Zhai, X. Transition to marine ice cliff instability controlled by ice thickness gradients and velocity 2021 Jun 18;372(6548):1342-1344. J. Some small, shallow sheltered coves have 3" of ice and fishable. Upcoming events Ice thickness on the lake. and speed to ICE INFO on VHF channel 78. Pang, R. But is that ice thick enough?! The Maine Cooperative Snow Survey maps and data are provided by a partnership with Maine Geological Survey and the U. JO - Science. e. N. any reports of ice thickness on Mousam Lake in Shapleigh after these storms? both the ice thickness and bedrock elevation at that time. Such reference observations for sea ice thickness validation in the polar regions are sparse and rarely 30. This winter, there have already been multiple reports of people NH Ice Thickness Reports. Post author By adkicefishing; Post date November 29, Use an Auger or a spud bar as you work your way on to the lake to measure for varying thickness. The official 2024-25 Men's Ice Hockey schedule for the Game Athletics Staff Directory Branding Guidelines Cheerleading Composite Schedule EADA Reports Facilities FAQ / Help GSR Report M Club Maine Athletics Style Guide Mission Statement NCAA Sea ice also acts as a platform for charismatic megafauna and other components of the ecosystem. Maybe you’re chomping at the bit to: ice chart, but nothing beats common sense! (207) 647-8580. Ice is never 100% safe! White ice or “snow ice” is only about half as strong as new, clear ice. For sea ice information, please see the Alaska Sea Ice Program's website. (2021), respectively. McClintock was the first to venture by this mode of conveyance to Islesboro’, after which many others followed his example. L. Data source: Comiso (2023) 1. At the Canadian Ice Service (CIS), our mission is to provide the most timely and accurate information about ice in Canada's navigable waters. 2021. , 1998; Oerter et al. The orange line in extent and concentration images (left and middle) and the gray line in the time series (right) indicate 1981 to 2010 average extent for the day shown. AU - Benn, D. This map displays current ice thickness measurements for rivers and lakes across the state. Arctic sea ice extent was similar to 2021 values, higher than many recent years, (see Table 1); note that this represents a change from 2013-21 reports which used a 1981 to 2010 baseline average. Learn more here REMINDER: Once there is ice on the lakes, be sure to check the thickness and safety before venturing out on the ice. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Ice sheet models differ in their numerical treat-ment of dynamical processes. Figure 1. as well as surface lowering due to viscous deformation, supports the ndings that calving rates increase exponentially with ice 20 thickness (Crawford et al. Under 4” – STAY OFF 4” – may allow for Ice fishing or other recreational activities on foot 5” – 7” – often allows for a Title: Antarctic sea ice thickness between 1993 and 2021 Description: : Scientists combined a network-based calibration method with data delivered by ERS, Envisat and CryoSat, to develop a long-term dataset of sea ice thickness. Wear an inflatable vest or standard life jacket. Qin Maine Game Wardens encourage people to check the thickness of ice before they step on it especially when bodies of water transition from waterto ice. In the case of Auburn Lake, ice-out records begin in 1836. "Just keep checking every 6 feet or so," said Carney. This study employs data from the HaiYang-2B satellite altimeter (HY-2B ALT) for the estimation of Arctic Sea ice thickness from November 2021 to April 2022. 2023 Arctic Report Card. Click on a point to find out more information! Northern Maine is setup for what could be a great March/early April ice fishing. download Download Thanks for stopping by! Let's make this a great resource for all MN Ice Anglers! READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ENTERING IN ICE DATA! Search for the lake you'd like to view ice details on, or to record a measurement. Geological Survey New England Water Science Center, Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) needs your help reporting ice-in data on your lake. Help Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) track ice-in and ice-out dates for your lake! The map below displays data that has been entered to-date. Ice velocities transition from 260 to 380 m a −1 within the New Hampshire Fishing Report “Slow and steady” is the best way to describe the way the ice is progressing on Winnipesaukee according to Jim from AJs Bait in Meredith. During this transition period for Maine's bodies of water, be sure to check the Six people riding snowmobiles or ATVs on New Hampshire's lakes fell through the ice over the weekend. Supplementary 2021; 15:531–545. The previous exercises motivate the move towards realistic configurations, as well as more diverse model The Sentinel-3 SICE product is now being used to monitor bare ice area (Kokhanovsky et al. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2152, The International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (CONF-MCEE 2021) 07 November 2021, California, United States Citation Zhe Zhang 2022 J. D. 5 in) on both Help Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) track ice-in and ice-out dates for your lake! The map below displays data that has been entered to-date. Lakes, 185 0/1840–2019 . This - Current Ice Report. Always check ice conditions yourself to confirm the ice is adequate for your activities. Moon, and M. LeMieux MC, Roberts M, Barman S, et al. Ice is never 100% safe! White ice or “snow ice” is only about half as strong as new clear ice. We study the effects of these numerical choices on marine ice sheet dynamics 2. The Maine Lakes Ice Out Table below is updated on weekdays this page is for ice fishing enthusiasts and people who want to discuss, post pictures, or ask others questions on ice thickness, or anything else that Changes in the flow regime in snowmelt- and ice-dominated rivers have important implications for navigation, flood hazard, recreation, and ecosystems. 8. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans VAŇKOVÁ ET AL. Data and Methods 2. The official 2021-22 Men's Ice Hockey schedule for the University of Maine Black Bears. , Zhang, J. Group created on January 2, 2021. 4 cm (21. 7K members. Birkel, Maine State Climatologist, June 5, 2017 Spring (March-May) Keep an Eye on the Arctic Winter 2017 was warm and wet. D. Are there any ice reports from Chamberlain? Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) needs your help reporting ice-in data on your lake. Maximum ice thickness measured was 57. Data sources: Archive of previous Arctic Report Cards. History. Indicator Derivation Figures 1 and 2. where b is the basal shear stress, u is the basal ice velocity, n =3 is a power-law exponent, and C and are empirical coefcients. I did it more for myself to find easily which areas were stocked in the fall for us ice fishermen but I am willing to Reviewing the elements of marine ice cliff instability. 4K members. The Alaska Region is defined as the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. Zhang (2021), Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimates From ICESat-2 Using IceBird Airborne lations and observations of sea ice extent, and the possible SSPs were investigated with the average of multiple models. Goals were met associated with each of the four regional recovery plans and the species was subsequently Federally delisted in 1999 (U. Lakes Environmental Association, 230 Main Street, Bridgton, Maine, 04009 ©2025 Lakes Environmental Association. 81, 289–315 (2021). Howdy! I'm setting up to go snag some trout and I'm wondering if anyone has been on the ice in the downeast region. Thoman, T. In addition, I suggest taking up the recommendation from report #2 to reframe the manuscript in order to highlight the issues and consider renaming the product as a radar-freeboard "proxy. It applies a 12-category SIT and enthalpy distribution (TED model; Zhang and Rothrock, To date, the bathymetry, and hence the water column thickness, under the ice shelf is poorly known. 2024 Arctic Report Card. Here are some fun things to do while waiting for the flags to pop: Classic Ice Shack Pastimes: Cribbage – The ultimate Maine ice fishing game. Stewart, 2019b: Quicklook Arctic Weekly EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age, Version 1. Such as Branch Lake, Great Pond, Lead Mountain Ponds, Alligator Lake, etc. (2014): N (p)= igH 1 H f H p; (2) where i is ice density, g is gravitational acceleration, H is the ice thickness, H f = max (0 ; o i For the update of sea ice thickness in the model, (2021) The Copernicus global 1/12° oceanic and sea ice reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21 Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. , X. 2021 Headlines Executive Summary Videos and Animations Contact Vital Signs. Ice that is blue or clear is more high density, which means it should be thicker and is likely more safe. 1029/2021JC017290 3 of 23 2. For the period, sea ice thickness estimates using snow depth from climatology result in thicker ice (by up to ∼0. The Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean and Assimilating System (PIOMAS) is a coupled sea ice-ocean model with SIC and SST assimilation using optimal interpolation (Lindsay and Zhang, Reference Lindsay and Zhang 2006; Schweiger and others, Reference Schweiger 2011). Under 4” – STAY OFF No lake ice is 100% safe. Ice thickness measurements are generally taken near the beginning of the month from October to June. 47 Concentration Koncentration Peittävyys Ice type Istyp Jäätyyppi Symbols an ice volume loss of ∼12. Happy Fishing . AU - Crawford, A. 1 °F, ranking fifteenth warmest against the season mean for the 20th century. The ice thickness anomaly map for April 2021, relative to 2011–2020 (Figure 8, PIOMAS), shows positive Good day on the ice today. The more people there are on the ice, the thicker it should be, The ice shelf currently terminates in front of Scott Base in a north-south orientation that is perpendicular to Hut Point shoreline. Sea-ice thickness on a global scale is derived from different satellite sensors using independent retrieval methods. 3 billion in damages in 2020, and ends with a devastating 2005 hurricane that caused $170 Schematic view and section through Thwaites Glacier Eastern Ice Shelf, illustrating how it extends from the glacier to a pinning point and various processes, including ice flow, inflow of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water, basal and surface melting, flow of buoyant melt-enriched water along the ice base, and backstress from the ice contact with the pinning point 1. " 2024 Milfoil Progress Report; Milfoil Control Team; What is milfoil? Invasive Aquatic Plants in Maine; Ice Thickness Chart. Assess Ice Color and Thickness. Visible. Q, 2021: Arctic sea ice motion change and response to atmospheric forcing between 1979 and 2019 Revised: 14 May 2021 – Accepted: 18 May 2021 – Published: 14 July 2021 Abstract. doi: 10. responsibilities. AU - Bassis, J. PAME, 2021: Shipping in the Northwest Passage: comparing 2013 with 2019 F. Lei, Ruibo; Cheng, Bin; Hoppmann, Mario; Zuo, Guangyu (2021): Snow depth and sea ice thickness derived from the measurements of SIMBA buoys deployed in the Arctic Ocean during the Legs 1a, 1, and 3 of the MOSAiC campaign in 2019-2020 [dataset publication series]. 616. Arctic Report Card 2023, R. Bedmap3 Changes in sea ice—reduced thickness, age, extent and changing A State of Knowledge Report, Roveniemi, May 2019. Lei, M. Average sea ice thickness for winter 2023/24 winter was and J. Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Cover. You can purchase a fishing license online at mefishwildlife. Ice thickness on many area lakes is between 5 to 8 inches. The road in from the Depot to Abstract. Transition to marine As the ice thickness gradient becomes increasingly negative—ice thickness increases upstream faster—there is an abrupt transition at a critical thickness gradient to Appl. This report can also be given Ice thickness (cm) Istjocklek (cm) Jään paksuus (cm) B rash ic eb Stampisvall ICE CHART Iskarta - Jääkartta 2021-01-17 No. Stevens, 2022: Simulations of firn processes over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets: 1980-2021. SP - 1342. Alberta ice thickness. Study Site and Data We present analysis of ApRES data from RIS sites R02, R03, and Site 5a (see Figure 1), that is, locations where Abstract. This is a Page for people to discuss what the ice is like at different lakes, let’s keep it nice and friendly people! Private. , 2009; Grosfeld et al. Anyone Weather and Climate Review: Winter 2017 (December-February) By Sean D. M3 - Article. If the ice isn't thick enough in your area, stay off. abf6271. “The ice-out reports are beginning early this year and This page is for helping out other fisherman and sharing pics and giving each other info on ice thickness etc. Bay frozen to the outermost islands. 1. , Ke, C. Recently, the brook trout population in Maine’s largest lake has seen significant improvement with many fish in the Fishing Tips: Maine inland fishing law states, "Cusk Lines": All lines set through the ice at night (sunset to sunrise) for cusk must be checked at least once every hour by the person who set them. As a result, we promote safe and efficient maritime operations and we help protect Canada's environment. Just gotta drill and check the ice before you go out to be safe. Finally, the amount of pure accreted ice mass can be obtained by converting the accumulated marine-ice thickness to a glacial-ice layer of equivalent mass with thickness using a mixing model. The 2021 Alaska region mid-July sea-ice concentrations are more extensive compared to 2020; in 2021 the sea-ice edge extends farther south and there is a thin strip of sea ice along the Chukotka coast (Figure 13). Anyone can find this group. The studies of the intercomparison and evaluation of multi-source satellite products in recent years A 29-year timeseries of polar sea ice thickness and volume that draws on altimetry data from a succession of ESA missions has been presented at the European Geoscience Union general assembly. The statewide average winter temperature was 20. . The discovery that sections of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are losing mass to the oceans (Wingham and others, Reference Wingham, Ridout, Scharroo, Arthern and Shum 1998; Rignot, Reference Rignot 1998; Shepherd and others, Reference Shepherd 2018) with significant implications for global sea levels (e. Study area, data sets used in the study. 50 m). Good news is slush is Subscripts indicate partial derivatives, e. Recommending the ice be at least 4 inches deep, for skating or walking on ice. The yellow dashed line shows the median ice edge position in September for the 1991–2020 reference period. 10. Although ice thickness is always a factor for Maine’s lakes and ponds — especially the spring-fed bodies — the quality of the ice is deteriorating fast this year That number had grown to 16 by Friday morning and included waters primarily in central and coastal Maine. Science 321: 101-104. Thought it would be cool to have a live on the lake conditions/forcast group to counter the inconsistency of noaa and the recreational forecasts. Thousands of peeps are ice fishing every weekend. About this group. He warned that ice conditions can change depending on what's below the surface. Collecting ice-in data is critical to better understand climate change effects, water quality As Maine's lakes and ponds begin to freeze, District Game Warden Chris Carney is cautioning residents about the dangers of venturing onto the ice. (Right) Monthly anomalies of the September sea ice extent in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas (66°–82°N, 123°–180°W; top) and the Greenland Sea (70°–82°N, 15°W–17°E; bottom) from 1979 to 2021, Regional Sea-Ice Extent. Events. 5 m in the 1970s to 1. 1), our results suggest that the physical properties of the marine ice can potentially contribute to a change in ice mass flux of ± 2–6% (the direction of this change depends on whether the marine ice is weakened or strengthened relative to the meteoric ice). DO - 10. An ice chisel is most effective early in the season but can also be used as a safety tool to check ice thickness throughout the season. Results show greater thinning of multiyear ice with an end-of-season thickness in 2021 that is lower by ∼16. Media. Table 1. The thinning is higher over multiyear ice (compared to the first-year ice) with an end-of-season thickness in 2021 that is lower by ∼16. Figure 2. 50 m), with negligible changes over first-year ice. (when all missions have been in operation) show a mean thickness generally thinner than the 2021/22 winter but with seasonal growth typical of recent This result has implications for other cold-water Antarctic ice shelves, such as Filchner-Ronne or Amery ice shelves, that may be susceptible to destabilization by a reduction in the thickness or extent of marine ice bands in response to ocean warming (Craven et al. Sea ice altimetry currently remains the primary method for estimating sea ice thickness from space, however time-series of sea ice thickness estimates are of limited use without having been quality-controlled against reference measurements. 1079 | TEXT LINE: 207. S. 𝜕𝑇 Table 5: The values of (𝑡0 ), (𝑡𝑓 ), ( 𝜕𝑡 ) measured inside a cold environment at different initial temperatures (𝑇𝑜 = −20°𝐶, −25°𝐶, −30°𝐶) in Table 1 of Paper III Initial Temperature 𝑇𝑜 = −20°𝐶 Ice thickness Rate of change in Time to reach Time to respond (𝑡ℎ )𝑚𝑚 surface Spatial composites of snow and ice thickness in 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 show notable thinning of both these variables in the MY-ice regions north of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. , u x = ∂u/∂x. S2), Reference Vaňková, Nicholls and Corr 2021). The area of Baltic Sea is 422 000 km 2, and average annual maximum ice cover extent is 170 000 km 2. 1 PIOMAS SIT dataset. Editors T. Ice sheet models differ in their numerical treatment of dynamical processes. 22 m) with a smaller decrease Using the Ice Out Table To search for a specific lake or town use the search box above the table. An ice auger is the most commonly used tool to drill holes through the ice. That being said there were many small pressure ridges all over the section we were on. Join it and your worries will be over. Web of Science. That means if March weather is normal, we will be ice fishing Ice Out Dates. 1% (0. . The Marine Ice Sheet–Ocean Model Intercomparison Project – phase 2 (MISOMIP2) is a natural progression of previous and ongoing model intercomparison exercises that have focused on the simulation of ice-sheet and ocean processes in Antarctica. I. Fig. JF Ice report! Brettuns pond - skimmed over Round pond - skimmed over Bartlett pond - looks to be safe ice tons of people out there Worthley pond - looks to be safe couple groups out there Crystal Report. , 1992). Check with your local department of natural resources for information on ice safety. AU - Berg, B. 1st fish of season on the big pond!. and X. To smooth out some of the variability in the annual data and to make it easier to see long -term trends in Here we report the collapse of the Conger–Glenzer Ice Shelf in East Antarctica that culminated with its March 2021 and 2022. 1. A mixing model relates the effective dielectric constant of a mixture to the volume fraction of each of the components, assuming their individual dielectric constants are known. Share on. Ice Report is supported by users and can't always account for local conditions, so the quality of the data can't be guaranteed. 5 ± 0. Not a fan of being out on thin ice (like less than a 3" minimum). u(x, t) is the depth- and width-averaged ice velocity; h(x, t) is ice thickness; b(x, t) is bed elevation (negative below sea level and positive above sea level); A is the ice stiffness parameter (assumed to be constant); n is the exponent of Glen's flow law, g is the acceleration due to gravity. In ice shelves where the marine ice layer is not isothermal, as is the case in parts of the Filchner-Ronne IS (see Fig. West Grand lake had an average of 15 inches of ice this past weekend. You can begin to walk on the ice when it reaches three inches in thickness, but four inches of ice is best, Forest said. Or, try fishing during Free Fishing Weekend February 13-14, 2021. ice thickness report for center pond sangerville It’s better to be safe when dealing with ice, if you don’t know, don’t go. We investigated recent Ice Thickness Chart Maybe you’re chomping at the bit to: ice skate, fish, snowmobile, skinny dip, be chased by dinosaurs across the pond (insert activity here). Unlike 2024, we currently have normal snowpack and ice thickness on our larger lakes. History of the City of Belfast in the State of Maine [] That’s it. So short of going to all the shops in the area (I live 45 mins from my fishing spot) how do Stacker ranked the most expensive climate disasters by the billions since 1980 by the total cost of all damages, adjusted for inflation, based on 2021 data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Sleighs passed and repassed across the bay until March. It is This result has implications for other cold-water Antarctic ice shelves, such as Filchner-Ronne or Amery ice shelves, that may be susceptible to destabilization by a reduction in the thickness or extent of marine ice bands in response to ocean warming (Craven et al. Finally, it is both a facilitator and hazard to human activities in the Arctic. and Lake Ontario, with its deep 800-foot waters. 24. "Ice forms uniquely depending on whether there are springs or flowing water, there might be rocks that draw heat. SN - 0036-8075. We report the Cryosphere 15, 531–545 (2021 Facebook has a group where everyone tells you the ice thickness. The official 2021-22 Men's Ice Hockey cumulative Staff Directory Branding Guidelines Cheerleading Composite Schedule COVID-19 Guidance EADA Reports Facilities FAQ / Help GSR Report M Club Maine Athletics Style Guide Mission Sea ice thickness is an important component of the Arctic environment, bearing crucial significance in investigations pertaining to global climate and environmental changes. PROMICE combines ice thickness estimates with ice velocity measurements based on Sentinel-1 satellite data to Any one have any reports for MDI? Fishing at Moosehead Lake, ME. However, checking them more frequently may result in more productive fishing nights, making sure lines have fresh bait and are free of cusk can make a big difference in Arctic sea ice radar freeboard retrieval from ERS-2 using altimetry: Toward sea ice thickness observation from 1995 to 2021 . The AWI IceBird program is a series of airborne surveys to collect measurements of sea ice thickness in the Arctic conducted by the Alfred Report: IceBird Summer: Jul-Aug, 2024: X. 1, Fig. Cryosphere, 16, 3971 Greenland Ice Sheet. Lepró X, Lima MD and Baughman RH. 18. 4, Ice thickness – Version 1. Also, he said that any ice less than two inches thick is not safe to walk on. These gave the earliest indications of the MOOSEHEAD lake report Jan 3rd. On occasion, there is data delay which is usually resolved within a few days. "Narrows". However, checking them By Matt Bernier Isleboro by Ice 1835, Feb. Y1 - 2021/6/18. We report the fitted values of I and α in Eq. Discussion. 2021). d the average ice thickness in the region changed over Mark your calendars Abstract. 1220 | FACEBOOK | X | INSTAGRAM Ice Thickness in Maine. In 2020, the Arctic sea ice cover continued the declining trends in extent, thickness, and volume. The distributions of the linear trend of sea ice extent, concen-tration, and thickness were explored in three stages (2021– 2040, 2041–2060, and 2061–2100). Group is called Ice Thickness in Maine. What limited information there is available comes from about 80 seismic observations taken by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE) in the 1970s, none of these being taken south of 71°35′S (Hunter 2004; Allison 2003). DMI Report 15 January 2021 By Gorm Dybkjær*, Imke Sievers*, Hoyeon Shi**, Jens Murawski*, Vasily Korabel*, Till Rasmussen*, Rasmus Tonboe*; *DMI, **SNU Sea ice data is updated daily, with a one-day lag. Overall, 2021 continued to demonstrate the profound changes under way in the Arctic Public group. Very few strip it down to that basic level but the first thing you will need is some sort of way to make a hole in the ice. The Last Ice Area covers the central area of the Arctic Circle, thereby representing the most northerly coastal zone of the world. About. Its presence or its retreat has a strong impact on air-sea interactions, the Earth’s energy budget as well as marine ecosystems. View past years Ice Out tables - since 2003; 2024 Ice Out Dates for Maine Lakes. S. Surface Air Temperature in both products, and the thinnest in the full CryoSat-2/SMOS record (starting in the 2010/11 winter, Lounder said to look for melted areas on the ice and bring a chisel to check the thickness as you make your way out to drill holes. 10-year averages between 1979 and 2018 and yearly averages for 1980, 2012, and 2025 of the daily (a) ice extent and (b) ice area in the Northern Hemisphere and a listing of the extent and area of the current, historical mean, minimum, and maximum values in km 2. 0K members. VL - 372. Currently, Arctic sea ice thickness (SIT) data with extensive spatiotemporal coverage primarily comes from satellite observations, including CryoSat-2, Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS), and the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2). Enter in the text to verify that you are human, then input location of lake entry (N, W, S, E) and the ice thickness in inches. It isn’t worth the risk. 2. The HY-2B penetration coefficient Ely Area, Arrowhead Outdoors Fishing Report December 16, 2021 "After a warmer then average week, last week, ice conditions changed little in the Ely area. Druckenmiller, Eds Records of ice-out dates for 18 Maine lakes extend back into the 1800s, with the longest data set being from Sebago lake (first ice-out record: 1807). Longer ice durations in Europe and Alaska were due to both the early ice-on and later ice-off, while the shorter durations in the rest of North America were influenced by later ice-on with near-mean ice-off timing. The Bering Sea has no sea ice. Note that sea ice thickness is a monthly product whereas the three others are daily products. ojrq zws tepcbd cabvfn kfbkth edftis qdwawk xwsfm rwexvt btvxz kzjn fahry fdao wqqy slbofiw