Incel forum name 10. NEETAndTidy STRIKE FIRST. Expressen also reported that Andersson had 'extreme social phobia' and walked around with his 'hood up' for "Incel" implies involuntary celibacy, while "celibate" can be voluntary or involuntary. A support community and forum for incels, men that struggle with or are unable to get into romantic relationships with women despite trying. He died thinking we'd worship him. In 2014, Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others near Before I ever donned the name of Misogynist Vegeta, before I ever posted about how I hate modern women, before I even thought about posting on these forums, i was teenager in high school, who never had friends despite constant attempts to making them. STUDIES IN CoNfLICT & TERRoRISM 3 r/IncelsWithoutHate. We aren't a mocking community like r/IncelTear. But we need to do more to understand how to respond to it effectively and how we can deradicalise young men who fall into its trap. Q&A. Adolf Kitler; Feb 12, 2025; Inceldom Discussion; 2. I use incel lexicon when i'm talking out loud and to myself though . 8. Feb 3, 2025. Created by SergeantIncel and Master on Nov. Harta is a former incel who began frequenting their forums in his early twenties. Do you remember their offshoot forum? It got shut down after the ER shooting. The word "female" is adequate enough, why not use it? When I see sub5 women calling men moids or some other stupid name, I always cringe, they sound like 15 year olds. In this blog post, we explain what the term incel means and what defines incel culture and ideology. I would say only 10% of active users at most could be considered "truecel" tier and if you include everyone who signs up maybe 1% at most. 1 English-speaking; 2 Non-English-speaking; 3 Niche and related; 4 Banned and dead; Incel FAQ & The forum has gone through several URL changes over the years. Replies 56 Views 2K. The stem word Forum Libre Bonjour tout le monde, dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche (Université Sciences Po, Master Métier de l'info) je m'intéresse à la communauté incel et aux dynamiques qui l'animent de l'intérieur. O. Light Yagami. Incel (Allowed): A man (18+) who desires a romantic relationship but is unable to enter one. Incels frequently espouse conspiratorial and misogynistic ideologies, often engaging in verbal aggression. The incel subculture is complex, requiring unique strategies to develop effective interventions. For over a year, actually. The research team identified 116,266 incel forum users on Reddit, filtering posts from those who also contributed to r/SuicideWatch, a subreddit for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts As incel communities began to establish themselves on the forum-based websites Reddit and 4chan, the term shifted from its initial meaning. me; See also [edit | edit source] SergeantIncel ER — The short form for Elliot Rodgers, who within the darker parts of the incel community is viewed as a martyr for the incel cause. Should be taken down and every user should be on a watch list. Abtreffers are arguably the most It's in one of these opposition groups that I meet an "ex-incel". This is a public discussion forum. This channels name is DbdOxreaper, and he is responsible for Dbdr removing his channel. "Over a quarter of incel forum users have posted pedophilia keywords, and discussions of pedophilia show 53% of posters are supportive," the study said, based on postings from over 1,143 unique users. Non-incel (Not allowed): Even if interested in blackpill philosophy, the community has voted not to allow non-incels. 2 This was followed in 2018 by Alek Minassian, who carried out a deadly van attack killing ten in Toronto before which he proclaimed over Facebook that “the Incel Rebellion has already begun!” while hailing Elliot Rodger Ryo_Hazuki is a moderator of the incels. Incel is a name some people use for their own identification. Open comment sort options. You probably first heard about incels in 2014. That's starvation and attempted murder. Rampage (2009) View attachment 1343556 Greetings, I was curious to see if there are any self identified Incels on this forum. The present study investigates patterns in incels’ online posting behaviors and whether acceptance of I want recommendations for the best incel movies, I'll give ones I already watched and what I think of them and then hopefully you guys can add yours. Are there female incels? Yes, although incel communities are predominantly male, some women identify as incels. We sought to identify the psychological stressors underlying incels’ expressions of suicidality by analyzing posts made in Just because you hear about 30 year old virgins a lot on incel forums or youtube, doesn't mean it's common in real life. and if you don't find friends there and make yourself a name, chances are good that you'll become an Incel, in retrospect id probably want to repeat my high school time in order to not end up as an Incel Involuntary celibates, or incels, have been of heightened interest to scholars and practitioners due to their ongoing engagement in misogynistic and violent discourse. New. Members online 146 Guests online 507 Incel Forum Name Generator. -cel [edit | edit source]. But it wasn’t until Monday, when a man drove a It became a forum for men and women to talk about being lonely, where they could wonder aloud about why they couldn't meet anyone. ” A lonely college student in Ottawa, in 1997 Alana started a support group and named it Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project, after the lifestyle she herself was living. you like changing peoples names to kanga. Like I'd understand if you had an irl friend, who is also an incel and not in denial about it, and you'd introduce him to this forum. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. Members online 136 Guests online 4,340 Total visitors 4,476. Discord is xtrememax5 The shooter, Marc Lépine, railed against women and feminism before the age of online incel forums, where his name is now a fixture. user. net incel forum; the now-defunct Reddit /r/Incels and /r/Braincels forums, which were the core of the Reddit incel community before they were banned; and /r/IncelExit, a community for men leaving the incel community. org: 22nd of July, 2016 17th of June, 2019 Banned This sub is for people who got drawn into the Incel community but want support and help with a way out. If you ever commented or posted on r/crazygirls chances are you're already banned there. me to . He has also claimed to be low iq and been in juvenile facilities as a youth. who changed his stage name to "NEGATIVE XP" Lol. Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP. Members online 189 Guests online 3,802 Total visitors 3,991. You will just see articles written by hacks, talking about the threat to women that Incels are. The users there were focused on self-improovment and "just keep trying bro" type shit. Lv99_BixNood; Feb 2, 2025; Inceldom Discussion; Replies 14 Views 742. By 2010 incel was associated with misogynistic trolling and threats of violence by It's a loosely defined term but most seem to agree that incel is now more of a mentality than having difficulty with dating / getting sex. is: On October 19th, 2018, a permanent change was made from the domain incels. lmao shaddap. SuicideFuel I fucking hate when normies would flex sex in highschool. Incels, Involuntary Celibates, are men who both struggle with lack of sexual and romantic relationships and participate in online communities espousing a misogynistic ideology. See Marx's work as well as The Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord. As one incel put it, violent incels give “incels worldwide a bad name and tarnish the general image of incels. Since 2014, more than 100 people have been killed or injured in the name of misogynist incel ideology. Welcome to Incels. ( Example : app brand cool kids ) Sample Names Generated For : Incel Forum I know that you believed that I support women, but in reality I post in incel forums all day, I'm sorry if the women of this forum are disappointed in me, I promise I will still simp for all of you and I still will spend all my money to be insulted by all of you, I will also risk jail to protect you, sorry fellow cucks, I'm an incel sadly They're seething about the fact that Musk appointed multiple 19-24 year olds to work at DOGE (Department of Government Inefficiency) and normies and foids are leaking their names "in retaliation" :feelskek: saying shit like "ohhhh remember guys they live somewhere", imagine seething this much This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. This dataset contains the full archive of five active incel communities: incels. Usage of these terms may be shared among the wider manosphere. Under 18's (Not allowed): Height doesn't fucking matter, face does. News Friezacel - Little Incel Boy (Official audio) Chads and Stacys are names used in internet forums to denote people with more active sexual lives. Reactions: Jova, rand anon, Whitepill and 1 other person. Just be a 36 List of incel forums on reddit Name Related wiki articles Link, archive founding date banning date comment /r/Incel R/incel: Archive. However, four participants remained anonymous by having their cameras off, with one using a voice modifier to hide his identity Abstract. This forum has existed for over 7 years. The first time I realized the word incel was mainstream was when I saw one of my friends in real life (who is not an incel) write the word incel on facebook circa 2015. These digital spaces are deliberately designed to elevate a banner that declares the shared attributes around which the community congregates. 7th, 2017, it was made directly in response to the ban of the /r/incels subreddit. 2) They got rich and hookers 3) They really really scraped the bottom of the barrel and married some post wall land whale accepting their role as a betabux who will get divorce raped in a few years and will never get sex. When the original forum switched from PUA HATE to SLUT HATE, the philosophy of PUAS misguiding us, switched to women just being cunts and bitches. the internet forum “Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project”. Hell, if this isn't possible, then name a peaceful incel more famous than any incel mass attacker in an English speaking country. The report refrains from identifying the forum by name in an effort to avoid drawing more users to the site and instead refers to it throughout the report as, “The Incel Forum. STIJELJA AND B. incels are incels because they're ugly shitheads. PolskiKartofel. From Incel Wiki. Elements like logos, names, descriptions, and graphic designs arguably lay the foundation for constructing a common cognitive reality. name, address, phone number), and that no participants were contacted. But as the support group The term incel is a neologism combining “involuntary” and “celibate”, describing men who experience involuntary absence from sexual and romantic relationships. The present study investigates patterns in incels’ online posting behaviors and whether acceptance of Not only is he on an incel forum but he modeled his profile after a famous incel mass murderer. The forum is full of 30+ pedophiles who talk about 'prime jbs', they call themselves 'trans-agers'. org: 2nd of August, 2013 7th of November, 2017 Banned /r/TheIncelPill Archive. Someone who's below 15th percentile in face is a definite incel unless rich and famous. Both excited and dreading diving into possibly the worst incel forum, incel. Lazyandtalentless; Feb 5, 2025; The Lounge; Replies 7 Views 430. I wont specify my age, but understand that i am quite young for your definition of an incel. Chads, Staceys, you name it. I'm an old school incel so I believe you have to be old to be sure you're an incel. lifeisfucked215. I knew it was gonna be bad, but Jesus fucking Christ, the things these deranged males are saying there is something that could be put in a horror movie. This dataset could also be Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of having an incel son. Reply reply Are you really unironically comparing the name attributed to a RACE of people with the name a group of people actively call The word incel refers to the object in the world where a person is unable to convince another person to have sex with them, involuntary celibacy, that's what's important about the word in fact because it's on this object that discussions are made. Online incel forums are often underlined by discussions of resentment and hatred, misogyny, misanthropy my name is Max. If it's promoting itself as an incel/femcel/4chan channel and especially if it's directly people on 4chan, those are all preteen failed normies that are torture to be around. The term has lost a lot of it's His name is Daryl Davis I think!!! Learned about that dude years ago—he’s an icon. The name derives from the Turkish version of of the anime Captain Tsubasa, which was localised as Captain Majd in the Middle East. Afilias (the organization that owns . FDS is certainly not a male incel sub. Negotiation around race and inceldom, as well as intersectional racism and misogyny in incel forums would be a fruitful avenue for future work. Sabotaging the competition by spreading harmful information ("go to gym to get women") is part of the game. To understand why some celibate men find solace in such Participants on incel forums express frustration at being, in their eyes, demonized and falsely labeled as irrational, dangerous, violent, or racist. Some posters even celebrated Chung’s killer the day of the Incel, the online community of “involuntarily celibate” men radicalized by their shared mistrust of women, has existed on the internet for years. That makes sense, but other than that, fuck no. The project began with months of quiet research. This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. cucktearslol its over-Joined Nov 9, 2018 Posts 1,487. Even if i came out of the womb posting misogynist stuff on incel forums does that mean I Experiment Name biggest deluded take or cope on this forum Thread starter To koniec; Start date Jan 15, 2025; To koniec I don't think this forum is for you, even if you are incel you just cannot acclimatized here for sake of your This forum is the biggest joke on this earth, an even greater one that Reddit banning all incel subreddits. What I saw was both disturbing and heartbreaking. These pills are used to define how the incel views the world around them. The present study investigates patterns in incels’ online posting behaviors and whether acceptance of Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series Genco, a self-described incel who spent time on a popular incel online forum, was indicted by a federal grand jury for attempting to commit a hate crime and illegal possession of a machine gun. The people who frequent the incelosphere communities are usually incels, but not always. FDS is just as toxic as any incel sub though you will find some crazy shit on there. Unlike today’s misogynistic incel subculture, this forum was a space intended for in theprivate communication channels of incel spaces. 4 S. What role do forums play in incel culture? Forums provide a space for incels to share experiences, vent frustrations, and form communities. Its status as an independent website offers SergeantIncel: The creator and owner of the largest incel forum, incels. The indictment claims Genco's writings referred admiringly to Eliot Rodger, his own hatred of women and outlined plans to "slaughter” women “out of This Incel Glossary contains terminology and slang that is commonly used within incel communities and the broader incelosphere. Here are some posts about it that I could find: As an incel, I don't think it's healthy for non-incels to spent time reading incel forums. Discord is xtrememax5 This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Women have all the privileges and Way too many people on this forum claim to be "truecel" tier compared to the amount it should actually be I feel like. Also 66lbs?? That's fucked up. Joined Dec 8, 2024 why the flip are they called squishies what is squishy about asian people who decided on this name . is/threads/do-you-have-a. 75 percent of men aren't incel in any shape or form. co; Looksmax. Now many, many millions know the word. e. AtrociousCitizen Consumed by Fury most popular Incel forums, the subreddits (i. is is the largest incel forum in the incelosphere. They will literally ban any man that posts. Best. Suffix denoting involuntary celibate. You're either dumb or you have nefarious motives. Incel forums are characterized by self-loathing, anger, and misogyny, with several Additionally, a username registered on the incel forum on April 28, 2023, matched the username the shooter used on that Russian site. It's probably inappropriate Involuntary celibates, or incels, have been of heightened interest to scholars and practitioners due to their ongoing engagement in misogynistic and violent discourse. Adult users of this forum who use the words I mentioned probably give a similar impression. shared his own hate-filled views on incel forums on social media platform Reddit. is brace yourselves cause this one will jam packed with goof Join to unlock. The present study aimed at qualitatively exploring the emotional experiences and Once you reach 20 being incel and having missed out on teen love there are only three options 1) Ascension mode: (this strictly depends of your genetic baseline range) Hardcore looksmaxxing protocols, including extremely invasive surgical procedures in order to reach the maximum amount of Incel forums, he admits, are not places to go to for support, if you're angry or having thoughts of suicide. Once a slang term confined to niche online forums, the term incel is now much more common in social and mainstream media – often linked to deadly attacks against women and tragic mass shootings. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with the name no woman has ever cared about, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a sub5 is buried there. is brace yourselves cause this one will jam packed with goofy, dark and down It includes forum and thread names, as well as the date of posting, user names and the comment’s full text. Blackpill If your name isn't @animecel2d you will never be number 1 on the post leaderboard We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. Using network analysis and community detection, we identify their main issues and interests and assess whether interests Welcome to Incels. I've called myself incel, but as you point out the label isn't really true, and I wasn't really comfortable with it anyways because I never fell into the stereotypical incel mindset that you see in incel threads and on those forums. you aren't a virgin BECAUSE u post here. Besides, when you're young you have so much more The Incelosphere consists of all the communities, blogs, and platforms where incels discuss their experiences, frustrations, and beliefs. Top. Incel is short for Involuntary celibacy, a condition where due to a variety of reasons ( primarily looks), a man will never be able to attract a women in his life. Not in 2025. If certain discussions on these forums are When I first found Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project, maybe one hundred people in the entire world had heard of the word incel. Larson's forum was regularly featured on this subreddit. L. How many incel pansies started doing neck bridges for warm ups at that age? Tall, good features, social, athletic, can fight. Murdoch89 Only good foid is a dead foid Most incel name if you ask me tbh ngl. is, Twitter, and Youtube. Add a Comment That forum’s name says everything. Members online We have been given a dataset of incel forum posts to understand the themes present in posts to build predictive models for properties of interest, such as depression or intent to carry out an attack. Unfortunately there's nowhere for me to go, I get banned on prowhite sites for being an incel with well reasoned views for sweeping social changes regarding female freedom and the problems with current statutory rape laws(AOC being set higher than girls start having sex at, the minor always being treated as a victim no matter what they do up to and including lying Forums for involuntary celibates (incels) are online spaces where males who struggle with a lack of sexual relations engage in misogynistic and fatalistic discussions, including suicidality. me to incels. We're just here to help people find a way to get back on track. co forum who often bewails the fact that with his long midface, he looks like Kylo Ren, a movie character from the Star Wars franchise played by Adam Driver. The names of all communities mentioned during the focus group, including those that participants accessed, have also been removed. Just fucking LOL. Online statistics. However, it does not contain images, which is a limitation. Fucking retards don't see the cause and effect that is clear as day. . is. The Anti-Defamation League has documented 33 incidents of incel violence and plots, including terrorist Rickard Andersson, 35, suspected of mass murder at Campus Risbergska, Örebro "He was said to be a withdrawn loner who was unemployed and 'having a hard time', according to relatives. Theres mfs with chad genetics in here saying that theyre 6 foot 7 and shit only thing they dont have is a good face but i have seen foids fuck sub humans just because they were like 6 foot 5. is - Involuntary Celibate Forum Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Yeah. Some of that content is true, but most of it I find hilarious because of how ridiculous it is. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you. He has also gone after other content creators as well such as Corey's Corner, and he is threatening to take down Braincels, or /r/braincels, was a blackpilled involuntary celibate community hosted on Reddit, which got banned by Reddit on September 30th 2019. This can be extended up to 25th percentile and that's it. The present study investigates patterns in incels’ online posting behaviors and whether acceptance of i hope he stays celibate until marriage obviously but no chance he will be an incel. M. If it's a real incel board, it goes 2 ways: 1) They allow women and they suck up all the attention. 1; 2; 3 Specifically, foids and femoids. Users who are viewing this thread. Because, for now, there are hardly any incel-specific resources that address that. Center for Countering Digital Hate, Number of unique links to online platforms from the largest dedicated incel internet forum worldwide between January 2021 and July 2022, by platform Statista In September, the UK-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) published a report in September 2022 about the largest dedicated incel forum, based on monthly visits, and a network of other sites run by the same two pseudonymous individuals. From Wikipedia “Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment and hatred, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against women and sexually active. Women are barred. 1 of 2 It's Over It sucks knowing that even on an incel forum, I’m the minority as a truecel. The community was particularly known, similarly to /r/incels, for its playful devotion to Saint Blackops2cel, a man whose picture was believed to represent how a typical incel might look in terms of appearance. omniyx55; Feb 7, 2025; Remember that incel forums historically have not accumulated as many members compared to other more socially accepted forums. Unraveling The Enigma: Exploring The Psychology Of Incel Culture! Apr 8, 2024. Just go outside and interact with people, most people have normal lives and relationships. . I spent countless hours in front of my laptop, visiting incel forums, reading their threads, trying to make sense of their world. U. He created a forum (titled Rapey) where incels and pedophiles gathered. 9. Type couple of keywords with space - you want to use to generate names and hit enter. Even though most of us haven't spoken to a woman in years, and the Azazel, in Jewish legends, a demon or evil spirit to whom, in the ancient rite of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), a scapegoat was sent bearing the sins of the Jewish people. Thread starter Stacy; Start date Dec 31, 2024; Stacy It Never Began. List of incel forums. The Washington Post, New York Times, and the CCDH identified them as Uruguay-based Diego Joaquín Galante and United https://incels. Myraah uses sophisticated AI algorithms to generate brandworthy names and it's free. is, the most popular active incel forum; the Saidit. Feb 24, 2025. Literally one of the most stereotypical incel names kek . We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. This is when a 22-year-old self-described incel — Elliot Rodger — went on a stabbing and shooting The WORST Incel Forum | incel. This study characterizes users of three popular Incel forums. 27. Most incels are not just dudes who are unlucky at dating, there're incels who are socially excluded because of their looks, others who've been bullied since childhood or puberty, others with abusive parents, others who are depressed, others who are "Yes, I'm a proud pedophile" (Long post, disturbing comments) We need to actively report incel forums to the FBI and the media. Locked. Not in 1950. Women and LGBT Individuals (Not allowed): Banned on sight, no exceptions. sent him to wrestling at 4 years old. my name is Max. Previous research has documented a high prevalence of suicidality within these forums, with themes like “suicide fuel” emerging as incels share suicidal ideation and receive reinforcement from others in the community. A new study has revealed the troubling emotional landscape of online incel communities, highlighting a pervasive sense of suffering and a collective belief in male victimhood. It really depends on who you ask though, I personally think it's best to separate hateful/misogynistic incels from virgins, so I agree with the idea that it's a mentality/ideology rather than simply being unable to find a partner or having sex. This forum is indeed what IncelTears makes it out to be. Two male goats were chosen for the ritual, one designated by lots “for the Lord,” the other “for Azazel” (Leviticus 16:8). A key part of the incel ideology is the Red/Blue/Blackpilled theory. Short for involuntary celibates, incels are men who believe a combination of their bad genes and modern feminism Brutally hard to swallow blackpill for all forum postmaxxers. Current knowledge of what is associated with their suicidal feelings is limited. Involuntary celibates, or incels, have been of heightened interest to scholars and practitioners due to their ongoing engagement in misogynistic and violent discourse. The report does not name the forum - to avoid giving it publicity - but says it is the largest online, with more than 17,000 members and 2. 00350 mm too recessed. Controversial. A lot of users roped. If you type "Incel" into Google, this forum won't show up at all. Benj-amin I am not Insane, Just one step ahead of the curve. 6 million visits a month. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 18 comments Name a self identifying incel more influential and famous than Elliot Rodger. Thanks for the vid I'll be following this one. Way to many fakecels seen some boasting about fucking foids thought this was a brocel forum but everyone This should be water to them but instead they will choose to deny it and blame it on the fact that we hate women and post on incel forums. Used in the formation of the words: gymcel, heightcel, baldcel, workcel, wristcel, etc. Being sexless is what CAUSES you to join an incel forum. All names on this forum . Stefan Stijelja and Brian L. While I'm not familar with all of their antics This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. , Ten participants had cameras on and openly shared personal information like their name, age and country of origin. 2 days ago. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Talk about inceldom, coping strategies, and anything else related to involuntary celibacy. everyone was excited about it just like in real life . Matthew - again not his real name - found out about incels on 4chan, a freewheeling, often extreme message board. Online incel forums are often underlined by discussions of resentment and hatred, misogyny, misanthropy (contempt for people in I think eod was right with the whole "it all changed in 2012", because pre-2012 was peak misc. " incel forums where users The nickname Knajjd is pronounced with a mute k: "N-uh-ee-d". The name of the forum is not . It has since lent its name to a misogynistic online movement. ItsovERfucks JFL My face is on incel forums. While Rodger did not self-identify as incel, his manifesto detailing his grievances became canon to the online community. "People don't try and sugar-coat things in a way that conventionally people do," he There's this incel forum that I just visited out of pure curiosity. J'aimerais beaucoup échanger avec des anciens incels ou des personnes s'identifiant actuellement comme tel pour comprendre ce qui Nathan Larson was an incel who advocated for White Supremacy, removing women's rights, and the decriminalization of child sexual abuse and incest. forums in Reddit): r/Braincels, r/Incels, and . However, in online settings like incel forums, these symbols are The activity on incel forums varies greatly and includes highly active super-posters (Baele et al. The ADL did not name the shooter but wrote on X that in addition to his social media accounts, it "appears the shooter was active in multiple obscure online forums. It's time to raise the bar a bit for our community. This is a heterosexual male-only forum. ” Incel, the online community of “involuntarily celibate” men radicalized by their shared mistrust of women, has existed on the internet for years. Hope she rots in a cell for atleast 20 years aswell. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The culture there was pretty depressing and LDAR-centric. Made up of men who claim to be involuntarily celibate (hence the name “incel”), incel forums are hubs of hateful and violent rhetorics about women and society. 571905/#post-13417511 Welcome to Incels. He is around 32 years old now if his old r/incels flair was correct. Must be just misinformed redditors. STRIKE HARD. No they don't, the point went all over your heads, the meme is making mockery of IT for saying how the people on the right are incels (even though they never said that but there are some posts on this reddit making fun of the posts made by Incel ideology is only starting to be recognised as a terrorist threat by governments, charities and academic experts. Share Sort by: Best. My Name Jeff TRD (Total Redditor Death) Advocate We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. Members online 212 Guests online 3,666 Total visitors Welcome to Incels. Today, I was able to find it in myself to delete my account in the incel forum (I'm not sharing the name of the forum in case it is not allowed, but I will add screenshots of my account deletion post for additional context). Many The same way you do anywhere else: Don't post personal information (name, address, phone, email, pictures, etc), unless you are comfortable exposing that information to Today’s incels are almost entirely men and boys who pollute their online forums with posts blaming women for their sexless lives. Its lowkey a lot of fun lol A recent study published in The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality documented the exchange of social support within incel forums. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? I've done an unfortunate amount of research into the whole incel world. Old. Online The incel community actually has roots in anti interracial coupling between asians and white people. I do not support crimes by anyone, but to downplay the Men of Action and their impact, is plainly of wrong. I often think negatively about women and find myself hating them for speaking poorly on my looks and rejecting me over factors I cant control, such as my height. ” Incel posts often refer to men and women who do have sex by the jock-ish names “Chad” and “Stacy,” the subjects of a river of insulting and derogatory memes. You can be a Israeli and an incel? I thought even ugly Jews could get married to some kike bitch but maybe that's just Amish and I'm confused ig . According to a study published in New Media & Society, misogynistic language is pervasive within online communities of involuntarily celibate men (incels), with more than 80% of threads containing misogynistic A self-described Singaporean incel, 28-year-old bank executive Zac (not his real name), sums up the incel world view as such: “It’s a sin to be born a man. Everything and anything is a women’s fault. MISHARA Hello, I have come here after struggling with the incel mindset for some time. He has gone by various names, most notably, Serge, Alexander Welcome to Incels. ★★★★★ JFL Imagine joining the FBI and then being tasked with infiltrating an incel forum. This is a place to ask for advice, speak with others in a calm environment and talk about your experiences. Feb 5, 2025. me) dropped the domain due to abuse report raiding (threads at the time made on inceltearspoint to the subreddit being Some posters to incel forums attribute their inability to find a partner to physical or mental ailments, while some others attribute it to extreme introversion. The owners, Luigi Mangione is an Incel. Incel forums are often riddled with racist stereotyping, for example, including the fetishization and objectification of Asian women and the belief that features considered to be Aryan are superior to all others. Contents. org: 17th of May, 2010 24th of April, 2017 Banned /r/Incels /r/Incels: Archive. I used to lurk love-shy back in 2010. Name "incel video games" Thread starter XtremeMax; Start date Jun 15, 2024; XtremeMax my name is Max. The incelosphere is mainly confined to incel forums such as Incels. " incel forums where users Welcome to Incels. no chance of becoming an incel. For example, look at this This name became my trademark on incel. g. Incel forums The radicalising potential of incel forums is often underestimated, leading media outlets to fall short in portraying the broader context of crimes committed by incel-affiliated individuals. provided to allow a modicum of anonymity and protection for the users in . Incel (/ ˈ ɪ n s ɛ l / ⓘ IN-sel; a portmanteau of "involuntary celibate" [1]) is a term associated with a mostly online subculture of people (racially diverse, but mostly white, [2] male and heterosexual [3]), who define themselves as unable to find Whats the biggest incel hobby? I personally still play with RC cars and helicopters. Lmao even Few obvious possibilities: 1) They were more of a failed normie than a true blue subhuman incel. Researchers examined a widely used Italian incel forum, uncovering patterns of misogyny, self-deprecation, and psychological distress that shape the group’s identity. I can't believe an actual incrl, who unironically uses this forum, would suggest meeting strangers irl. Mishara investigated suicidal expressions in incel users when posting outside their typical forums, specifically in the There are few places where the forces of misogyny, violence, and the patriarchy are so shamelessly endorsed than in online incel communities. His real name is Diego Joaquín Galante and he lives with his parents in Montevideo, Uruguay. Feb 16, 2019 #49 Gurdeep Muhammad Panjeet Rajeev Raj every stereotypical Indian/Muslim male name . Jan 8, 2025. They blame the media for promoting a view of incels as notorious mass killers. Share. Incel forums have been studied by public policy researchers because of the often misogynistic rhetoric and high-profile violence some members of the incel community embrace. umsure; Jan 8, 2025; The Lounge; Replies 10 Views 332. But instead he became the biggest incel attacker in incel history . If I recall correctly, there was also another forum around that time that had "incel" in its name. Reddit is the platform that has hosted the most Incel-related forums, were collected (e. By becoming a member, you'll instantly unlock access to 27 exclusive posts. However, these forums also function as sources of social support, where The incel forum at the heart of the network has millions of visits but just 4,000 active members Click to expand Researchers collected all posts from the most popular subforum of the incel forum, posted from January 1 2021 to July 7, 2022 creating a dataset of 1,183,812 posts It's Over Name users that you think are genuinely truecel Thread starter umsure; Start date Jan 8, 2025; 1; 2; Next. His name is Incel Thread starter HotDogCel; Start Incels. Forums moderated by Knajjd [edit | edit source] r/incels [citation needed] (now closed) incels. Competition, hierarchy etc is the name of the game. Members online 144 Guests online 4,293 Total visitors 4,437. Read writing from Incels. He claims the reason be This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. In the summer of 2024, a debate on social media revealed young women’s views on men’s capacity for violence against women. An example of an Incel forum. Incel forums, online spaces for men experiencing involuntary celibacy, are often examined through the lens of misogyny and radicalization. Main reason for incel situation is it is a consequence of the alienation of people under capitalism. It depends on the "Incel" Discords you're joining. IDK how they got all those upvotes. All of their threads are basically blaming women for all of their self-made pathetic problems, slut-shaming them constantly The ADL did not name the shooter but wrote on X that in addition to his social media accounts, it "appears the shooter was active in multiple obscure online forums. Wumbus my name is Max. is - Involuntary Celibate Forum on Medium. The time from rudyrude to ER was pretty annoying, nothing but incel threads with normal looking guys complaining nonstop about how their chin was . Hey r/IncelExit, i am an incel who wishes to leave the incel community.
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