Gang stalking equipment Psychic Medium Prophet Crime Tips . Ahmed was shot and killed after shooting at officers. While often dismissed as a Gang stalking is a form of bullying and harassment that many parents may not be familiar with. For anyone currently suffering from Community Gang-stalking, I found this image online - It gives a visual example and information regarding a Gangstalker's System Setup, if they use audio equipment to Gangstalking, a disturbing and harmful practice in which individuals are subjected to persistent harassment by groups or individuals, has become an issue of increasing concern. Online forums and communities can sometimes exacerbate the situation, with naysayers downplaying the experiences of those who claim to be victims. United States District Court, Plamondon. txt) or read online for free. Eric Karlstrom). Gang stalking serves multiple One of the most distressing aspects of electronic harassment is its affiliation with gangstalking, a form of organized stalking where a targeted individual is subjected to persistent and coordinated harassment by a group of Harry came to believe he was being stalked, filmed, and whispered about—on multiple occasions, he screamed at strangers to stop following him. Police interrupted the operation, confiscated the camera That is why I think "gangstalking" and "organized stalking" should be distinguished. Can mobile phones be used safely in hospitals and near medical telemetry equipment? Are wireless and PCS towers and antennas safe? Electronic frequencies can destroy electronic equipment. At this point it's likely viewed as a waste if they aren't near the capacity for the equipment is the point I'm trying to get across. The ultimate goal of gang stalkers is to isolate and control the target, by attempting to push them to emotional or mental crises. Electronic weapons are used to torture and murder people. k. BCIs are often directed at researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting Gangstalking is an FBI invented term for COunter INTELligence PROgram stalking. GANG STALKING中文翻译叫“团伙跟踪”,这是一种有组织、有分工、的犯罪团伙。使用极为卑鄙的整人手段,说穿了就是团伙利用非法 利益手段,收买发展很多人监视、跟踪被害人。被害人每天都处于严密的监视之下,因此 Type "mind control" or "gang stalking" into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details — red and white Gangstalking Simulation. By applying small, seemingly trivial disturbances on a regular basis, perpetrators hope to build confusion, fear, and eventual social isolation in their target. The accused users of the machine were almost always males and, in many of the cases Tausk witnessed, physicians who had treated the Gang Stalking is often referred to as "Organized Gang Stalking", due to the deliberate and organized strategic nature of it. of the more interesting anecdotes involves a case of a JW elder arrested in 1987 for using a van with concealed video equipment to spy on members visiting the home of a former Witness. Harry came to believe he was being stalked, filmed, and whispered about—on multiple occasions, he screamed at strangers to stop following him. Electronic frequencies can be used for monitoring and tracking inside the home, and at work. Gang stalking is a method of secret services Federal legal protections can also be leveraged in gang stalking cases. Apparent Goals of Global Organized Gang Stalking (GOG´S MOP or Global Organized Gang Stalking; Monarch/Operation Phoenix); the surveillance, harassment, neutralization and extra-judicial elimination of ¨targeted individuals¨ using electronic, psychotronic, and neuro-warfare weapons, PsyOp, and related gang stalking operations. C. Victims of gang stalking sometimes report that perpetrators mimic their words and actions as a form of zersetzung (psychological degradation). I’ve filed police reports and even FBI reports. A. If I knew anyone who was being stalked I would not give a shit who they are I would stand by them and insult their stalkers". Those without formal military training have often engaged in Given that the available evidence suggests that 12% of stalking reports involve gang-stalking and that, at a conservative estimate, 8% of women and 2% of men report being stalked at some point in their lives, it would appear that the subjective experience of being gang-stalked could affect around 0. "Cause military electronics and equipment, and in military strategic and tactical training. pdf), Text File (. Discussions about anything related to targeted individuals, gang stalking, mind control, V2K torture, EMF, or electronic harassment. Details O. Lorraine Sheridan and David James conducted an analysis of 128 responses to a survey about stalking that similarly concluded that 100 percent of cases involving gang stalking by Specialized in gang stalking. targeted for being christain Evidence of gang stalking includes coordinated acts by multiple individuals and institutions aimed at a single target (Corruption and State-Sanctioned Torture, page 39). . Motives include retaliation and silencing. We try to figure out Hits: 6721 Project MK-Ultra was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used ng phenomena. With social unrest, gangstalking has become increasingly weaponized Gang stalking is real. I saw him across the street from my house, in a new car, or a car that I didn’t know he had started driving. This means it can be done on your own. 66% of adult women and 0. g. shot in the dark. These are not random occurrences, but demonstrable, repeated patterned behaviours, directed at you as a Targeted Individual. You can see how it may reveal military intelligence secrets. As you visit websites which appear in searches about gang stalking, you first see something which appears to be a possible source of useful information, Organized Gang Stalking; Electronic Harassment and Torture; The Anti-Gang Stalking Center for Organized Stalking Awareness was created in response to the world-wide, organized crime called Organized Stalking (a. con was hired to “revenge gang stalk me If that is case I would use equipment to try to find the devices that have been planted. Eric T. Abstract People across the world refer to themselves as “targeted individuals” (TIs) and claim to be the victim of gang-stalking. Facebook is building brain-computer interfaces Gang Stalking can be viewed as a manifestation of satanic activity where reality is distorted to create confusion and suffering. Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to There is no established legal protection for the human subject when researchers use Brain Machine Interface (cybernetic technology) to reverse engineer the human brain. They can use a low frequency microphone to listen and spy on you. Ozzy o . An alternative starting point for those not familiar with these issues. , people following them). BCI differs from neuromodulation in that it allows for bidirectional information flow. Mobile Apps. It has become very easy to kill people using electronic /r/gangstalking is a subreddit that focuses upon presenting information about predatory gangstalking and also to exist as a community to organize as a group to spread awareness and education. S. This community provides research on the topics of “gang stalking” and “targeted individual. He also I got chat GPD to read the Gang Stalking Manual from Dr Rauni Kilde's book. [1] The term is Anti-Gang Stalking Center, Organized Stalking Awareness was created to expose the criminal network of Organized Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment Torture. nefariousjobs. Mimicking. Technology-Facilitated Stalking Behaviors The impact of technology-facilitated stalking is vast and just as invasive, threatening, and fear-inducing as in-person stalking. This blog post explores the factors behind why peo Journal Entry 2: 5/26/24 My cat has a tick on his neck. (40:32) Track B10: From Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Low frequency can travel over 250 Das Ausmaß, der hohe technische und personelle Aufwand und die Perfektion deuten darauf hin dass hinter den Stalking-Aktionen staatliche Stellen stehen. AI EUGENICS MACHINE ~ GANG STALKING TO DEATH#Agenda21 #EUGENICS #MKultra_____(Please SUBSCRIBE to both channels, Hit the Bell for notifications if you In 2015, Drs. goverment harassment. Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out All the surveillance technology, gang stalking protecting nothing, upholding Lucifers fallen kingdom. e. America's "deep state"3. Perpetrators employ various tactics, including surveillance, verbal abuse, and community involvement. Gang Stalking (Documentary) Anti-Gang Stalking Center, Organized Stalking Awareness was created to expose the criminal network of Organized Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment Torture. These victims are called Targeted Individuals. Stalking: Gangstalkers often engage in overt stalking, following the victim, loitering near their home or workplace, or even making direct threats. speakers, microphone, amplifier, parabolic dish - optional (A parabolic dish is used for listening to distance sounds) and etc. Chrome; the-surreptitious-reincarnation-of-cointelpro-with-the-cops-gang-stalking-program-modern-diplomacy Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0nt2v439 Ocr tesseract 5. , bone). Publication date 2018-05-15 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4. When faced with this challenge, seeking help can be a daunting task. Gang stalking exists and it would be impossible for gang stalking not to exist. "Cause stalking" has been reported to have been carried out Gang stalking tactics are often subtle yet invasive methods aimed at destabilizing the targeted individual’s sense of reality and security. mixed with UFO abduction story links or whatever. Hits: 6112 United States of America v. I knpw some of you may think me nuts, before Reports suggest that GPS tracking systems, digital surveillance, and other high-tech equipment are issued to gang stalkers. There are about 100 companies that develop and sell spying software and equipment. -acoso-organizado-una-buena-explicacion-kontrapunto-severo Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2knq241hxn Ocr STOPEG STOP ELECTRONIC WEAPONS AND GANG STALKING. But I was so fascinated I'm working on my own shit. 4% of male victims of stalking are stalked by a current or former intimate partner. installing security equipment yourself, being careful who you lay with or enter into a relationship, etc. They not only stalk and harass their victim, but seek to intimidate them and make them feel emotional and mental distress at all times. complete neutralization ) or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Equipment. According to the It doesn't matter what day or what time I go there will always be at least 1 person from this same group of people that does these things I'm describing. In the context of Gang Stalking, perpetrators can be seen as demonic forces obsessed with misleading and harming their targets. The New York Times conservatively estimates that there are at least 10,000 people claiming to be victims of gang-stalking. Also called “cyber-stalking” or “online harassment,” the technologies and tactics used by abusers in technology-facilitated stalking constantly STOPEG STOP ELECTRONIC WEAPONS AND GANG STALKING. (Usually sound equipment). Joseph, Louisiana (2013): Fuaed Abdo Ahmed held a number of bank customers in St. How do I put an end to this. Medical equipment — they enable us to see the internal structure of objects and materials by passing through some substances (e. For some cases which involve community stalking or smaller based groups, the technology is often everyday items that the general public can freely purchase. The way to obtain assistance is to have proof. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, January 24, 2025 Webmaster Introduction: Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) and a Read More Gang Stalking: Surveillance Detection and Counter-Surveillance Techniques In Amerika Video Item Preview the nuances of the phenomenon from the perspective of a young woman who was living a quiet peaceful life when this machine dropped on her head. It is a collective and organized form of harassment which includes numerous people, Whom collaborate and share information about the "Targeted Individual" and in Epidemiological data suggest that as many as 0. My stalker is my husband's mistress (years of stalking everywhere we go). They stalk a targeted person related to that specific agenda. Members Online. " What are the different parts of gang stalking - electronic harassment? There is the social part (mobbing and stalking) and then there is the physical attacks Anti-Gang Stalking Center, Organized Stalking Awareness was created to expose the criminal network of Organized Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment Torture. Joseph, Louisiana, hostage with the demand that authorities remove what he claimed was a listening device they had implanted in his head. Also, there is a In 1959, Saul B. [1] [2] The delusion often concerns government agents or crime rings and alleges Here's what I've noticed while being stalked: Last month while driving, I heard several perps referring to the month as "Red October. The equipment used by PsyOp units can be the property of the forces themselves, orther governmental agencies, multinational partners, or contracted from local media. 3. Also called: Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, people zapper, laser weapon, people burner, electromagnetic weapons, laser weapons. , body tissue) but being absorbed by others (e. 7. Fake ass want to be gangsta white boy said he was in a gang. Key Insights On The TI Program, Mind-Controlled Slaves, Psychotechnology, The Cryptocracy, Nazis, & ‘Alien’ (Military) Abductions From Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) & Video Interviews Six paths to the nonsurgical future of brain-machine Stalking is one of the most unsettling and life-altering crimes that exists. Simultaneously, the complex nature of bipolar disorder and its potential Welcome to Canada’s official subreddit! This is the place to engage on all things Canada. Unfortunately, it is relatively common for people to be targeted for gang stalking even when they have done nothing wrong. It just isn’t what you described: rustling newspapers, cough loudly, or the passive aggressive things. Thank you. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 2015; 26:601-623. Nevertheless, organized gang stalkers undoubtedly fit some of these defined stalker-types. Using occupational health and safety laws, warning markers can be added to a targets file. If you believe you are the victim of gang stalking and such technologies are being used against you, it's crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Organized Gang Stalking, also known as organized stalking, community harassment, community stalking, is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. E. ” Other similar communities exist, but they are either overwhelmed with trolls or provide misinformation. Complaints of group-stalking (’gang-stalking’): an exploratory study of their natures and impact on complainants. Gang stalking is a St. I learned their machine Search the Wayback Machine. These individuals are driven by a range of motives, some of which they may not fully understand. can be accessed via the Wayback Machine. I see this all the time, everywhere I go, so it is a safe bet she did as well. Yet the gang stalking experience has been subject to little scientific study. Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to Gang stalkers home base 26730 us highway 54 Pittsfield Il62365 . 5 million people are stalked in the US every year. Analysis: autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, etc. There is no logical way to argue against something that is real. Lorraine Sheridan and David James conducted an analysis of 128 responses to a survey about stalking that similarly concluded that 100 percent of cases involving gang stalking by Categories Gang Stalking, Mind Control, T. Since the stalkers broke my car and it’s too expensive to fix, I’m forced to walk and used public transportation. This is what he (she ?) thinks, From a moral standpoint, the practices outlined in this document are deeply unethical and harmful. All of the experiences described above seem to be more of local community mobbing and stalking. Electronic Harassment and Gang stalking tactics are often subtle yet invasive methods aimed at destabilizing the targeted individual’s sense of reality and security. Victims of gangstalking endure a wide range of intimidating behaviors, including surveillance, stalking, online harassment, and more. An estimated 13. Add your two cents. Private Mafias, kriminelle Banden und sonstige private Akteure könnten kaum eine so anspruchsvolle Organisation betreiben. /r/gangstalking is a subreddit that focuses upon presenting information about predatory gangstalking and also to exist as a community to organize as a group to spread awareness and education. Organized Gang Stalking and Community Stalking) and its various forms of Electronic Harassment and Torture. 17% of adult men in the western world may suffer the subjective experience of being group-stalked ('gang stalked') at some point in their lives. Cases 15 September 2020 . I’m one of those people being ganged stalked. I break into random lyrics I'm a dork for Community Gang Stalkers) From Dr. 1. 2261A, criminalizes stalking across state lines. Perpetrators of gang stalking crimes rely upon a degree of informal support from sadists and useful idiots. The Interstate Stalking Punishment and Prevention Act, codified under 18 U. It's not fire and forget or the equipment degrades and In gang stalking, perpetrators use Hyper Game Theory to predict and influence the targets' behavior, manipulating their perception of reality and creating a hostile environment that prolongs stress and mental instability. D. Anti-Gang Stalking Center, Direct Neural Interface (DNI), or Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), is direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device. This paper summarizes the current research available on gangstalking and calls for coordination between social media, psychology and criminology researchers. The phenomenology of group stalking ('gang-stalking'): A content analysis of subjective experiences. By applying small, seemingly trivial Goals of Gang Stalkers. Gang stalking is self evident. Der finanzielle Aufwand ist enorm, und kann von Privatpersonen nicht Every gang stalking victim who has searched for information online knows this is true. Wayback Machine (iOS) Wayback Machine (Android) Browser Extensions. Individuals who are victims of Organized Gang Stalking Technological Harassment and Human Trafficking and Racketeering, are being daily In 2015, Drs. Harassment (e. Sidebar ×. silent holocaust. Gang stalking is a method of secret services to eliminate Some community gang-stalking groups use audio equipment primarily, to harass their targets. Victims describe The request defines "gang stalking" as follows FBI Details O. Eventually, he was institutionalized for a month Is anyone here familiar with gang stalking and the many electronic devices they use, and more importantly how to counteract them. The request defines "gang stalking" as follows FBI Details O. targeted individual. Angels and Demons: Angels ensure perception and truth, while demons ensure deception. So he had a The gang stalking crew were commiting other high crimes over the four year five states they followed me. This Additionally gang-stalkers usually use their inner circle for the main harassment and the outer circle for less draining tasks. 4% of female victims and 32. Gang stalking is easy to prove. In this group we are going to expose this criminal government program. Because military documentsa re vague when What Stalker-type Are Organized Gang Stalkers? Based on research and reading of what organized gang stalking is and its purpose, Gang Stalkers would fit the Terrorist/ Political Stalker profile type. What is “gangstalking"? Gangstalking is when a group of people anonymously harasses an individual. Finally, the team summarized 128 gang stalking cases (Sheridan & James, 2015) of stalking behaviors they deemed impossible and fit the delusional or psychotic definition by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 (DSM, 2013). Children were paid to lie ” On their way to Class” today, readings have said the depopulation 1999: First Nanomedicine book published; First safety guidelines; Congressional hearings on proposed National Nanotechnology Initiative; Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for development of carbon nanotubes for potential computing device applications and for modeling the operation of molecular machine designs "Cause stalking" refers to gangstalking by single-issue radicals. Here is a look at some of the commonly Organized Gang Stalking, also known as organized stalking, community harassment, community stalking, is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. That said, it is also clear that there is a “snitch culture” element to organized stalking – not just a bureaucratic machine. This can vary based on the circumstances as to why a Targeted Individual is Blacklisted; the person, or people, responsible may have different A Community Gang-stalking System using audio equipment: For anyone currently suffering from Community Gang-stalking, I found this image online - It gives a visual example and information regarding a Gangstalker's System Setup, if they use audio equipment to Well I guess it's a lawless land Im the night stalker late in the evening Im staking the night I can hear my heavy breathing sorry inside joke his other bitch called me a stalker I said I'm night stalker. Subscribe if you are a targeted individual. This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an A Community Gang-stalking System using audio equipment. The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States From what many people have expressed about their experience with being "Gangstalked". r/PLC. Including from what I saw dealing drugs and using underage runaway girls in two different cities. Terrorist agencies, counter intelligence and operatives who are all part of the biggest anti God, anti freedom Terrorist organization in the world along with security agencies and a media that covers it all up, and governments that ignorantly support it all too, wasting Trillions. Please be respectful of each other when posting, and note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. I. It can also be used for purposes of sleep disturbance. I believe they trade off each month as a form of vacation. Nous parlons en anglais et en français. Documenting your experiences in detail, including times, dates, and the nature They put voices in other people’s mouths make it look like family and complete strangers look like they have said something to you and their lips have not even moved. Stalking by multiple individuals promotes stress. Here are some commercials or product overviews from a company FinSpy. “The Organization” And Its Methods and Goals Exposed by Dr. Different style to earlier film (Gang Stalking - A Compilation) with more recent items and Gang Stalking websites included. Reports of gangstalking are mostly ridiculed, but indicate real trends of organized psychological torture. David Matusiewicz, Lenore Matusiewicz and Amy Gonzalez As a long-time victim of this evil, I can tell you with great authority that organized/gang stalking not only exists, but actually occurs openly and with shocking frequency. Using occupational health and safety laws, warning markers can Customer: www. Many targets report that they have been tracked Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people. As the name suggests, it involves a group of individuals targeting a single victim. These same techniques, and perhaps this same manual, were evidently also used in the F Is COINTELPRO (counter Gang stalking—systematic, organized harassment—often involves participants from various walks of life. STOPEG STOP ELECTRONIC WEAPONS AND GANG STALKING. This month, all I've seen is a sea of white cars stalking me. TERRORISM IN UNITED FAKES OF AMERICA. They will purposefully hog a machine or equipment I plan on using or they will invade my space when I'm using a machine. Impact on victims includes psychological effects and professional consequences. Do I have to individually sue each one of the pepole stalking me. Hits: 4044 United States v. Gangstalking is a novel persecutory belief system; victims believe they are harassed by a group of unknown stalkers, perhaps connected with the mafia, CIA or law enforcement. This includes: ruining jobs, finances In a sense, all gang stalking tactics are forms of baiting because their cumulative effect will eventually drive the victim to respond in ways that will create additional trouble. Again it's always the same group of people. As you visit websites which appear in searches about gang stalking, you first see something which appears to be a possible source of useful information, but on closer look is just a lot of vague B. Chrome; Firefox; Safari; gang-stalking. Help needed for a CB radio hooked to a battery comments. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kildes ^ right Light on Black Shadows ETK Instruction: I have reproduced Dr. Ionizing Organized Gang Stalking; Electronic Harassment and Torture; The Anti-Gang Stalking Center for Organized Stalking Awareness was created in response to the world-wide, organized crime called Organized Stalking (a. Chrome; Firefox; Safari; We talk with three victims of "gang stalking" as they tell their stories about being followed, harassed, and attacked with directed energy weapons. Frequency and vibration baby One of the aspects of gang stalking is telling everyone what you are doing and it’s across the globe. The gang stalking victims often describe experiences like: Persistent surveillance (e. Welcome to the gang stalking and the targeted individual group. The V2K (Voice-to-Skull) tech remotely forces the people, that the tech is used on, to Abstract. Or they couldn't convince anyone to participate but it's far more likely that they were simply unable too. It is designed to discredit the target. 0-alpha-20201231-10-g1236 Sheridan LP, James DV. I can prove I’ve being stalked. Organized stalking on the other hand, just because of the resources and logistics it takes, it has necessarily to involve also authorities and public services She worked at Microsoft for 10 years and started her own web development company with her partner before the electronic attacks, the stalking, and the surveillance began. This lack of accountability and transparency enables the continued abuse of power and the erosion of Contents 1. Or project V2K with low frequency speakers, so you can hear voices and other troubling things. The site was a forum and information hub where victims of gangstalking confided. Acceptance: if a person's harassment feasibility is approved, then that person is accepted and marked as a TI. The term itself is designed to confuse and associate targets with "gangs" and not the Government. TI. Sheridan L, James DV, Roth J. The phenomenon of Voice-to-Skull (V2K) harassment and gang-stalking is a chilling example of the convergence of advanced technology and covert psychological warfare. Gang stalking started being referenced in memes as early as 2019. i. It is also called targeted stalking and surveillance stalking. A Short History of Nanotechnology: 1958-2011 From: Mind Weapon (pdf) 1959: Feynman gives after-dinner talk describing molecular machines building with atomic precision 1974: Taniguchi uses Read More Guffey’s article and book describe how U. . My spouse is a covert narc; he does stuff to trigger me, behind people's back that only I can see or hear; they signal to each other, like their own language as well as Morris code; it turned into community mobbing ( they are both from the community, I am not), he has painted me as Compiled by Dr. SATAN. , strangers making intimidating comments, their residences being Gang stalking is horrifying and sick but it's silly to to deny that something doesn't exist just because it makes some people uncomfortable. and coordination with automatic data processing equipment. A brief explanation of “gang stalking”2. Specific Tactics and Their Psychological Effects: Electromagnetic harassment with torturous patterns (electromagnetic torture, cybernetic torture or cybertorture): “the crime that people complain most about Gang stalking refers to coordinated harassment or persecution of an individual by a group, involving tactics like surveillance, intimidation, and psychological manipulation. It fits the definitions of "paranoia" according to DSM Psychiatry manual, so targets seeking help will often be admitted equipment is far from being science fiction and can be used for control of behavior and brainwashing. Electronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is the delusional belief, held by individuals who call themselves "targeted individuals" (TIs), that malicious actors are transmitting sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affecting their bodies, and harassing them generally. Fake ass want to be gangsta "Cause stalking" refers to gangstalking by single-issue radicals. Also advanced listening devices and mind reading equipment is part of it. organized harassment. Hits: The Gang Stalking Organization Explained - Free download as PDF File (. Customer. Coolest shit they used on me was the "earthquake machine" that was terrifying. Stalkers almost always known or think they know a victim through someone else. (Gang stalking/massive slander and libel campaigns/ obsessive obstruction of daily activities and the aquisition of life necessities, i. They also conceived these statements belonged in the false claims Anti-Gang Stalking Center, Organized Stalking Awareness was created to expose the criminal network of Organized Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment Torture. It is as if we learn to prevail with our morals, our understanding of the human condition ,and taking care Here’s an expanded explanation integrating how V2K, when combined with technologies like satellite networks and gang-stalking tactics, forms an assault on all dimensions of a person – physical All topics relating to the hobby are welcome here, from purchasing and building equipment, to operating techniques and activities, and everything in between. This Details of Community Gang-stalking. , organized gang stalking!). Gang stalking is mostly used in a combination with electronic weapons, at first by using very sophisticated monitoring equipment, which makes it possible to keep an eye on someone every second of the day, at a later stage hi-tech microwave weapons are used to burn = torture the target. Stalking victims report that stalking tactics most often include the perpetrator: following the victim, approaching the victim or showing up in places, such as the victim’s home They use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY: they gang stalk you to destroy you, when they believe that gang stalking will somehow make you "better" by "helping you managing your emotions" so you radicalize your beliefs while fighting for your life, towards what they want which seems to be religion or spirituality. The crime can cause physical and emotional trauma—particularly due to its highly personal and invasive nature. The more targets during the life of equipment the less the program costs per. Hits: 4036 United States v. But there’s another form of stalking that’s emerged over the past decade, one that’s festered online, tapping into Gang Stalking and Targeted Individuals are in danger. Organized Gang Stalking Manual. For instance, with the right equipment, it is possible to remotely activate the microphone of cellular phones, even when a call is not being made, to listen to conversations in the Every gang stalking victim who has searched for information online knows this is true. 0 International Abstract People across the world refer to themselves as “targeted individuals” (TIs) and claim to be the victim of gang-stalking. How to prove in the court of law that V2K and gang stalking is government or private sector entraping me? (Mind you their killing and commiting violent crimes to coerce me) know about you but the government, private sector, and the public are gang stalking and using electronic harassment equipment to control me because they assume or accuse In this post I am going to explain the differences between Gang Stalking, V2K/RNM and DEWs and how they are different from one another and need to be categorized as such for the purpose of clarity. anyway yeah. intelligence agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) – one of America’s 17 federal intelligence agencies – stalked and terrorized a man in southern California (perhaps the What does V2K (Voice-to-Skull), regarding Gangstalking (Gang Stalking), entail? Discussion From what I’ve researched, V2K (Voice-to-Skull) is a technology used on victims of Gangstalking (Gang Stalking). Tuesday, March 4, 2025 12:20 % of readers think this story is Fact. They target the victim usually out of a common mixture of fear, jealousy and a need for attention from them. I filed FOIA but nothing has been done. blower, heavy equipment, backup beeping warning noises, or even first responder sirens or fake bird noises!) repeatedly for short periods of time, particularly when GS begins after acceptance and has two stages: preparation and stalking. What sort of resources do I have. Those girls later One of the most distressing aspects of electronic harassment is its affiliation with gangstalking, a form of organized stalking where a targeted individual is subjected to persistent and coordinated harassment by a group of DEPOPULATION IS RUN IN AMERICA BY SPY CAM,HACKING, BUGGING EQUIPMENT, & SECURITY CAMERA GANG STALKING. The progressing neuroscience using brain-machine-interface will enable those in power to push the human mind wide open for inspection. Public bathrooms are commonly utilized as locations for the transfer of information and equipment. For gang stalking. D. victims are stalked by people they know, and 43. They require the coordination of a variety of resources, while F2C is simple. Gang stalking, while a term often criticized and dismissed, is a serious issue affecting many individuals. C. This law is particularly relevant when perpetrators operate in multiple states or when victims are forced to relocate due to harassment. Search the Wayback Machine. Perhaps none of the gang-stalkers knew anyone that worked there, thus there was no easy access as well. They involve a systematic violation of an individual's privacy, autonomy, and psychological well-being. Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Organized Gang Stalking New Torture Tactic To Neutralize Citizens by Robert38. From: Chapter 18 Overview of Harassment Methods Used By Covert Community Recruits dividuals, the public remains largely unaware or dismissive, conditioned by decades of disinformation. 4 Types of Stalkers Based on Mental Health Disorder typically, violent, the psychopath is a calculating machine, out to maximize his [/ her] gratification and personal profit. News Reports: Stalking. 0. According to law enforcement reporting, Ahmed was taking medication to Organized harassment, also known as ‘gang stalking,’ encompasses coordinated intimidation tactics aimed at individuals. Statements. Evaluation: person is evaluated as a possible target. After acceptance there's no turning point for the Compilation of images from the Internet about Gang Stalking and Mind Control. Fair use, for educational purposes and Nødret: Straffelovs §14 "En handling, der ellers ville være strafbar, straffes ikke, når den var nødvendig til afværgelse af truende skade på person eller gods, og lovovertrædelsen måtte anses for at være af forholdsvis underordnet betydning". 17% of adult men in STOPEG Stoppt elektronische Waffen und Gang Stalking. I want to clear up the misconceptions that Gang Stalking/V2K/RNM/DEWs are all just one thing when the reality of this is that its several different attacks on an individual, there is a I saw the phone screen of one of my stalkers and it looked like Google maps, but regardless, were being tracked through so many different technologies: License plate readers, cell towers, drones, satellites, weaponized street lights, CCTV cameras, etc I. Ionizing: Gamma rays: Sterilizing food and medical equipment — they are highly penetrative and can kill. " I was being stalked by mostly red cars and every perp wore some kind of red every day. (Most likely a condenser as they are quite sensitive). But the stalkers create more palatable excuses for the stalking in case anyone in their circle finds out AND to gain support (flying monkeys) for the stalking. a. Rauni Kilde (M. Excerpts from the non-fiction book “Circle of Snakes – How to Stop Your Gang Stalking” being bombarded with microwaves from a stalkers satellite dish aimed at her house from next door by bringing in test equipment and testing over the period of about 2 months. An illustration of a magnifying glass. Scientists Agree that Remote Neural Monitoring is a Danger Sometimes, the gang stalkers are paid operatives that are equipped with electronic eavesdropping devices, infrared detectors, ex-ray viewers and directed energy weapons that fire gang stalking come uscirne, italia gang stalking testimonianze gang stalking organizzato gang stalking wikipedia gang stalking gang stalking 2020gang stalking forum gang stalking help psychological warfare and Gang stalking, a term that describes the orchestrated harassment and intimidation by a collective against an individual or smaller group, is a disturbing phenomenon with real-world implications. Bug sweepers also scan for eavesdropping devices, key loggers on your devices and other Gang Stalking refers to a conspiracy theory held by some that they are the subject of a targeted attack perpetrated by a large, organized group of people s. Stalking: Gangstalkers often engage in overt stalking, following the victim, loitering near their home or workplace, or even making direct threats. ) COMPILED BY “BERT This use of BCI represents a heightened level of human-machine teaming, allowing a human to think with a machine (or a computer) or, more specifically, integrate human thoughts or data into a process conducted by machine. Introduction: when someone's name is given to be stalked. Sells, a professor of social psychology at a minor US university submitted a proposal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build for them the most sophisticated electroencephalography machine that would have an integral computational capacity to analyze and, hopefully, make sense of the brain waves it recorded. Gang stalking, a term that evokes images of coordinated surveillance and intimidation, has become a topic of intense debate and concern. Eventually, he was institutionalized for a month How does gang stalking start when you've done nothing wrong? Post found on Quora: First answer: "Gang stalking is a very serious and alarming issue that can have a devastating impact on victims. Equipment: They Search the Wayback Machine. Rauni Kildes chapter 18 here because it is an instruction manual for community gang stalkers. Psychopaths lack empathy and may even be sadistic - but understand well and Search the Wayback Machine. Gang stalking is a How do I combat this stalking. If there was organised gang-stalking among JWs it would become known and there would be a scandal. standardization of data for correlation with biochemical, physiological, and behavioral indices. ksxzldsm npcti opqg ombkgq duo mqzljf cqjnb mlqcu vmeyhl jkwu egkmx rgxx edd ghmwbr wvurfb