Upper right abdominal pain for years reddit

Upper right abdominal pain for years reddit

Ugh all my scans are normal, endoscopy is normal, bloodwork, CT scan, MCRP, everything is normal : ( but the pain continues and nobody knows how to fix it. Try to change my diet. ago. So long story short, PLEASE consult a physician as soon as possible if you experience pain. I had appendicitis last year and those were my main two symptoms. Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). They did a lot of poking around in my abdomen, and that seemed to really exacerbate it. Oily, smelly stools. Could be gas pains but if you start to get bloated and can’t poop or pass gas you need to go to the ER. For the last 4 hours I’ve been experiencing very sharp stabbing pains in the upper right part of my stomach. Since the end of November 2023, I've been experiencing a sharp pain in my upper abdomen just slightly to the right. The Urgent Care doc thinks it may be endometriosis related - possibly new lesions in that area. But for me the worst now is the gastric part and upper abdomen Al pain slicing and burning and angry in the rib cage too. 30, ftm, taking testosterone (gel form), wear a binder daily(in case it's relevant) and rosuvastatin for high cholesterol. I’m still in pain. I’ve been having abdominal pain for over a year. It peaks in intensity 2-3 hours in and usually ends after 6-8 hours of nonstop hurting. I few months ago I started having cramping in my upper right abdomen- like exactly where my gallbladder would be. I also have PCOS, IR, hypothyroidism. Go to coolguides. Pain started on Christmas. Chronic pancreatitis signs and symptoms include: Pain in the upper belly. However, in the past few months every so often I get ‘attacks’ of EXTREME upper stomach pain. r/coolguides. I get this pain monthly right up under my ribs on the right hand side and specialist strongly suspects I have this. Symptoms. If I don’t touch it, it doesn’t hurt at all. The sharp pain will start and last 1-2 seconds at most before dissipating. 2. I had repeated labs done and at times they were higher than normal for liver and pancreas functions but they have all returned to normal. They did a blood clot test (negative), chest X-ray (nothing remarkable), and right side abdomen/chest ultrasound and a pelvic ultrasound. Infections and liver disease are common causes. He said it was important to check as there are certain cases where the liver rejects the medicine or something goes wonky and this can be very dangerous and possibly life threatening. All tests are fine. It would hurt to sit, hurt to lie down. Upper abdominal pain with back pain (~6 months) 27 Male/Caucasian/ 6' 225lbs. Sometimes the pain radiates into my back. I have upper abdominal cramping and diarrhea has almost become a daily part of my life, also with constipation mixed in throughout the day. At first, I thought it was ulcer but the pain didn’t get better and it began to spread to the upper right side and is constant, gets worse when I eat fatty foods. Have the same - pain/discomfort in upper left abdomen that comes and goes. I would go on to have a couple more attacks years apart before they finally found a gallstone and removed my gallbladder. The pain was maybe like a 4 or 5 and I also had no fever and didn’t feel sick. They found Upper middle abdomen pain but only when touched. Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. It is always in exactly the same place, and can best describe it as a cramp-like ache or stitch - it isn't tender and doesn't hurt to press it. a blood test should show if it is (if you get the blood test when the pain is occurring). It's every day, consistent, never gets worse or better, even after a few years. Height 5'7 weight 155 lbs. It started right after I had a very weird cold in which the respiratory symptoms were very . Tenderness when touching the belly. If I go low carb and cut out caffeine I have no issues. Diverticulosis. A ruptured spleen can cause dangerous internal bleeding and is a life-threatening medical emergency. Remember: Infographics are learning tools, guides are reference tools. I had a similar start to my symptoms, had weird cramping/burning pain in my RUQ for a week, then it went away for a month until January. Its very intense pain that radiates to That’s very interesting about the duodenitis/gastritis and the pain being upper right just because the stomach and duodenum are left and lower left. A medical exam, history, labs, and other diagnostic procedures are So a few years back I started having this weird abdomen pain. After a month I started to worry because no amount of stretching or pressing mimics the pain. It is mild pain very annoying. I had a very similar situation. I currently take no meds. r/lowfodmap. For the last three weeks I have had constipation, diaherra, gas, bloating, stomach cramping, back pain, and soreness in my upper right quadrant under my ribs. Back in September 2022 I started having a discomfort in my right upper quadrant. Id say most likely around where the actual stomach is. Definitely give your surgeon a call! Have you found out eat is causing it. Searing pain. They last around a day or two and are quite horrible. My pain goes from my right ovary, up to my guts and up to my upper right abdomen, my doctor wonders if it’s the gallbladder cos that’s in that area. it started a year and a half ago. Some nausea but no vomiting yet. Lie down on the left side only. At times, it's like there's a hot rod through to the other side in my back. Drinking or weed, at first, is an anti inflammatory and pain reliever. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Passing gas or pooping doesn’t help either. Some good info online on this…. The doctors can't find anything wrong. My doctor asked me to get my blood taken for something specific to the liver. Hey Reddit, So I'm on day 13 with COVID-19, and for the past few days, I've had this uncomfortable abdominal pain in my epigastric (upper abdomen area). I went to the ER last June because the pain was constant for over a week. I started having a consistent dull ache, right pressure and some pain in my RUQ. On a scale of 1-10 the pain was a 9 or 10 the next couple days after that examination. I've been having an ache kinda pain (sometimes stabbing) in my upper right abdominal for almost 3 weeks now. I’m literally having this issue right now. I've had a CT scan and I was only told I have a mildly enlarged liver and everything else seemed fine. I also have had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago. It happens when I sit still and stand still (mostly while standing). On the left side, it’s more indicative of gastritis or pancreatitis, though you may have also just pulled a muscle. Somewhere under the right ribcage. Besides liver problems pancreatitis, gall bladder issues, gastritis, and peptic ulcer among others can cause upper right abdominal pain and can be caused or worsened by alcohol. Five years of investigating the lower abdominal pain and no test showed any result. It may feel like someone is cutting you with a knife. I take 2000mg Merkformin and 75mikrogram Letrox everyday (I live in Central Europe). I was going to go to my doctor today about it but every time I go she just says it's IBS In 2 weeks my stool got better, still loose, but at least it was not pure water. Mucus in stool, yellow stools some times. Not experiencing reflex, nausea, or alarming dizziness. Chronic alcohol use increases the risk of both gastritis and pancreatitis. Ever since early-mid October 2021, I've been suffering from a mystery pain in my right side and abdomen (usually mid and/or lower, sometimes higher, but never above the bottom of my ribcage). So many docs only seem to think of endo as a lower abdominal I am male, 30 years old. An allergist diagnosed it at a routine screening. It could even be refereed pain from something farther away like lung or kidney. I thought I may have pulled a muscle but the pain hasn’t gone away. 0 Slightly abnormal lymphocytes. Been having abdominal pain for a week after drinking alcohol at a wedding (6-8 drinks). For probably around two years now, I've had pain in the area described in the title. The pain doesn’t go away or get better when you move. I’ve had chronic gastritis for 2 years now. The pain is on the right side of my abdomen, almost level to my belly button, directly under my bottom rib (almost feels like it is right behind the rib). This feeling may become either worse or better after eating. My husband has recurrent vomiting after onset of sudden severe abdominal pain. It feels like it always gets worse at night time and I struggle to sleep. 1cm ulcers 20 or more speckled around my colon especially in ascending and transverse colon. I am being seen at Mass General Brigham. Pain in upper left abdomen along with acid reflux. Other sensations are feeling like there's hot liquid spilling in the upper abdomen area, most times after a meal. My stool is yellow or soft/watery. 31 years old, 20 lbs overweight, poor diet, active lifestyle On 100mg gabapentin and relatively healthy besides my diet not being perfect. I finally got some money to got to a gastro doctor, and i did an abdominal ultrasound test, but even before taking it he Drop kidney on the right for about 15 years. I have have constant upper right abdominal pain for years now. I have had upper quadrant abdominal pain for two years now. It just stopped suddenly last night as my periods and cramps are ending… It almost sounds like the upper right pain you had may have been from the passing of a gallstone. So I've been having a dull aching pain in my upper right rib, right shoulder, and now new pain in my right side of my Feb 14, 2024 · Gastritis doesn't always cause symptoms. They did an ultrasound, blood work and an MRI. Most of my blood work was normal, except for high glucose (122), low red blood cell, and high MCH. I had no idea what was going on. It has been consistent daily since it came about in March-some days much worse than others. It's the upper abdominal pain that's got me confused, it's in the upper left so it's near the spleen and the stomach. EDIT: Upper. My guess would be it's your liver but - I certainly do not have any medical qualifications. I started having severe upper right abdominal pain after eating a spicy dinner and drinking Fanta. The pain can be felt directly below and slightly to the right of my sternum. So I had an ultrasound and stopped medication. Sorry for not giving a simple answer. Came back with a vengeance, fever, vomiting, couldn't eat for 2 weeks. No answer still: (. Doc recommends going back on wegovy… but I’m gun Quick background: 30F, using IUD for about 2 years, previously on seasonique for 11 years. I got both an XRAY and CT scan done. Basically I've been having these terrible pains in my upper right abdomen, right underneath my rib cage. I’ve been eating clean and avoiding alcohol. Vomiting. So I’ve been having constant pain on my upper right abdomen for about 2 months now, the pain won’t go away, I even went to the ER and they did a CT with contrast but nothing showed. 31 Male - I've had a upper left abdominal pain for years (not where ribs are, below that). Ive read low lipase levels can indicate pancreas damage. Persistent upper right abdominal pain. I've been seeing my doctor for this but they haven't found the cause yet. It’s not severe but it feels sensitive if I make sudden movements or if I bend in a certain way. I decided to give it a week to go away, but by Saturday it not only didn't go away, it was getting worse. Any thoughts on what could be causing textbook gallbladder like pain (upper right abdomen pain, spreading to the back Sounds like pain at your splenic flexure, a common spot for bowel discomfort as it’s a tight turn from your transverse to descending colon. Heavy construction worker normally in excellent shape. But when I eat junk food or drink soda. I've had ibs all my life, idk what causes this change but it's made me anxious and miserable. May 12, 2024 · RUQ pain can be a sign of problems with one of the many organs, nerves, or soft tissues in this part of your abdomen. I’m worried it’s cancer or a tumor. I'm a 43 year-old male, in good shape. If you’ve been injured near your spleen, beware that it may rupture and bleed. Also burning and shape near gallbladder liver. . 38m 6'1 254 lbs. I take Lithium (10 yrs), Lamictal(7 years) olanzapine (1yr), yaz (3 months), propranolol (5 yrs),gabapentin (3 yrs), zyrtec (12 yrs) and vyvanse (6 yrs). Pain: In upper right abdomen; it feels dull and wrenching; gets worse when applying pressure on the area; on a scale 0-10 (0 no pain; 10 excruciating pain) I'd say around 2-3. If it comes back afterwards or after eating, that could be liver or gastritis. I've had these multiple times and what you are describing is exactly how the symptoms start. Pain on the right side of my abdomen. Pneumonia. Now iv had constant ache and fullness in the area and I am just waiting for a few more tests! (Hopefully tomorrow!) for a firm answer. Constant discomfort/pressure 24/7 that's always in the same place sometimes it gets better or worse but never goes away. I am 18M, 180cm tall, 92kg, slightly overweight but otherwise healthy, I'm not on any medication nor do I have any preexisting complications. My mom felt like she was having a heart attack when she started getting attacks, first it would be in the chest and then in her upper right abdomen. You may feel a sudden, sharp pain in your upper right abdomen. Upset stomach. But it subsided within an hour or so and never happened again during pregnancy. Losing weight without trying. Also nausea. Much of the time, the pain is temporary and resolves on its own. All clear except I have stranding in my bladder. So, I'm having occasional pain in my upper stomach / lower ribs since Tuesday. But every so often I get bouts of intense pain thats more in the upper left/center abdomen. Did several MRI, Colonoscopy, endoscopy, biopsy, xray, ultra sound, CT scan, barium swallow X-ray, hydrogen breath test, and several other tests. I had initially had the same exact pain a few years ago and thought it was gallstones, went to the doctor got a HIDA scan which Upper right abdominal pain in endo patients can be an indication of diaphragmatic endometriosis. Its painful and somewhat tender if im no doctor but if its upper abdominal pain that radiates to the same area of your back it could be some form of pancreatitis. Last year I fixed my diet and started working out and lost 35 pound and pain went away. Pain in upper right abdomen, just below ribcage. For a long time I was on Omeprazol (a long long time) though I struggle to take it now thanks to the intense hypohidrosis and anxiety it brings on. I am completely with you on not thinking it’s the gallbladder being the main indicator for pain, and that it is probably the gastritis somehow. And surprisingly, I was diagnosed with a hernia. Nausea. It could be biliary dyskinesia. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, finally getting the proper treatment. Upper abdominal pain has many causes from indigestion and heartburn to gallstones or a liver abscess. Possibly. Sorry. Docs prescribed PPIs and the pain subsided after a few days. It always comes on in the morning right after waking up. Mostly on the right side, but occasionally on the left or middle. This is kind of a cry for help : r/lowfodmap. Pain in the upper belly. It feels like someone is pushing on my stomach all day. Pain in upper right quadrant occasionally pushing through to the back, tender on palpation, For the last 3 days I've had a persistent pain ranging around a 5-7. The pain occurs when drinking cold water or eating yogurt (or other cold items). In some cases like indigestion and gastritis, this might cause mild symptoms like burping, gas, bloating, and pain. It's a new pain, and it sounds exactly like an abscess. Oh and I have the occasional Nausea/Diarrhea/VERY Minor Weakness/Fatigue. Then goes upward to right under my right rib. It's worth a shot to go and get an ultrasound done on your abdomen as it could be anything but when you described where the pain is localized to, that is pretty well where I'd get it the worst. Ultrasound came back negative for any issue- and pain subsided within a week of stopping meds. And for whatever reason Advil is NOT helping anymore. It's 24/7. I get moderate pain just under my ribs on the upper right side of my abdomen. 5. Pain in upper right quadrant of abdomen everytime? This is kind of a cry for help. So, I’m a 34F, and for the last year and a half, I have had a deep, full aching, gnawing, kinda burning pain in the upper right part of my abdomen, which sometimes travels down as low as my right hip area. My symptoms have typically been like most, painful burning and gnawing behind the sternum in the esophagus area. I describing my pain as dull pain like there is something under my right About a week ago I started having some weird pressure on the right side underneath my ribs. Localized sharp pain under right rib cage about 2-3finger depth from middle of sternum. Pulmonary Embolism. Hard to describe the pain, it's not throbbing, or sharp, more like just feels tight and uncomfortable. Liver problems would be the best guess if you have jaundice, whole body itchiness, stools with an absence of brown (gray or In wegovy a year- down 30th pounds. But if it's in the lower right hand side where the appendix is, then it might be, you know, appendicitis and you need to get your ass to the hospital right now. So my pain is way down. I'm concerned this is colon cancer. I am sure that most of the time stomach pain while running is indeed caused by digestion/nutrition, but it is very important to rule out any possible underlying condition first, otherwise running could Since stool is blocking the intestine, then it’s hard for gas to pass through, as well, and the gas hurts, really a lot, when it’s trapped. Upper right quadrant abdominal pain can be liver, gall bladder, appendicitis, diverticulitis, and more. Try a anti-acid and see if helps, if it’s been going on a long time go doc obviously. I didn’t have nausea or vomiting. They will likely start with some labs (liver) maybe order a Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) ultrasound. The pain is probably a 2/10 or 3/10 and moves around, sometimes it's on the side of my ribs (below armpits) and sometimes on the inside of my ribs, where the gallbladder is located. When it does, the symptoms of gastritis may include: Gnawing or burning ache or pain, called indigestion, in your upper belly. It was a pain/burning in upper right abdomen that kinda wrapped around. It’s always in The pain is like a throbbing, stabbing sensation in my upper right abdomen, just below my chest on the right side. Due to my meds i get labs done every 3-6 months and aside from a slightly high platelet count, chronically low ast and occasional anemia my labs Lots of bloating, gnawing pain on right side of my stomach, uncomfortable mornings, and mostly tormenting myself to find out what foods make it bad or good (I still don't know). Sometimes the pain migrates, where I feel pain right above my belly button, on the left side, to my breast bone. Had lab work done and my Lipase levels were 6 UL. I describing my pain as dull pain like there is something Feb 15, 2023 · Enlarged spleen. I thought I had indigestion, but today I woke up with the pain, which I became concerned about. There are lots of causes of upper right abdominal pain, many of which can be brought on by alcohol. Pain in the upper belly that radiates to the back. I live in the Czech Republic, so I’m not sure if the medicines are called the same everywhere. I went to the Dr today to finally try and get some answers as to my problem but they couldn't get me in to get an Ultra Sound yet. Hi all, Curious if anyone has any thoughts as I face the prospect of a chronic condition. May 6, 2023 · Abscess. I just couldn’t poop or fart. Hi, I'm sorry, I posted in here about 6 months ago for same issue with no results and not much caring. Because your right upper quadrant contains so many vital organs (like your 33 Female Ky Abdominal ultrasound normal Lipase level: 10, previous 3 were 15, 12, 12. Ive had really bad upper abdominal pain (mouth of stomach) for 7 years now I immediately went to the doctor from day one and they haven't been able to find anything. Physician Responded. Had many ct scans , ultrasounds, they took my appendix out a month ago , said it was inflamed, but they didn't find pus or an infection. Maybe once or two times per day. The pain can last from a few hours to a few days and is on the far right side of my abdomen right where my rib cage ends. I had this it’s was something to do with stomach acid in end. Now my stool is still loose, and i get random pain in my right upper abdomen, usually lasting 2 to 5 seconds. Ultrasound, CT Scan, endoscopy, all normal, though in my colonoscopy, it shows multiple 0. Inflammation. The pain started as just a bit of discomfort first. I have been dealing with sharp abdominal pain for about a year now. I was kind of freaking out for a bit thinking one of my organs is messed up but the more I think about it, it feels Primary complaint is upper right abdominal pain, going on for 7+ months. Sep 16, 2023 · Peptic Ulcer. Hi all, I’m a 28 year old female and have been experiencing severe pain in my upper right abdomen. It took me about 6 months to realize that a pain I’m experiencing in my right, upper quadrant of my abdomen is happening in conjunction with my period. Trace Ketones Urobilinogen: 2. I'm a brickmason and regularly bend and move heavy things so I assumed it was muscular. Yes. His was abdominal epilepsy. Now this pain has returned. Stop using Mounjaro and call your healthcare provider right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area (abdomen) that will not go away, with or without vomiting. blackcatnamedrainbow. So, I’m going to ask my doctor, obviously, but thought I’d see if this I then went a few weeks drinking little to no alcohol and the pain went away. Fever. I could never identify a particular trigger It was primarily in my lower left abdomen (but I also have internal hemorrhoids in that area, and my upper right abdomen/ upper middle. Which a lot of doctors do not believe The pressure causes a sharp, inflammatory pain. 31M with no history of any diseases or anything of that matter. Hi! I was just diagnosed with a HH via CT and I’ve had heartburn for years. Doctors have carried out multiple tests including an mri, endoscopy and ultrasound which have come back clear. Female, 29 years old Currently on Isoptin for high blood pressure and also Asentra (on both for a long time without any issues). In late October of… Abdominal pain, Mixed IBS (constant cycling between constipation and diarrhea) going to the bathroom multiple times a day. Yesterday I ate like shit and this morning I woke up and notice a point in my upper center abdomen is incredibly tender to touch. Idk what I have but this pain (moderate, more like a dull painfeeling) comes up the week before periods + during periods. It only happens for 1 or 2 days while I’m on my period, and generally the first day of heavier Abdominal pain cheat sheet : r/coolguides. 1. It starts again. Non smoker, do not drink, no medications, no prior medical issues. • 8 mo. Im going thru it again now for the past week or so. 3 inches to the right of my belly button (from my pov looking down) then up in a straitish line to my upper rib . I have the worst intermittent upper right abdominal pain and I really don't know what to do. I used to get a pain like you have described frequently (I still do, but rarely thankfully). Around Mother’s Day 2020, I began getting a sharp upper abdominal pain. For over two years now, I have had a pain in my upper right abdominal area and back, it's mostly contained to either my ribs themselves or something under them. A swollen spleen may be the cause of upper left abdominal pain. •. Rapid pulse. It's not too bad, but its definitely Upper right could be liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, stomach. Hi, I am experiencing annoying pain under my right ribs for more than 4 years. Milk and other dairy does not trigger it. Prior to recently, mine was always lower abdomen. I’m trying to figure out if I’m in a bad IBS-D flare or if there’s something adjacent happening. Sometimes the pain will move to the the back, side or sometimes goes to RLQ. Last saturday I went out again and had a few drinks. right under bottom ribs, not lower. Trauma. Post-cholecystectomy syndrome is the most likely culprit! My surgeon told me if I had any issues to call him, regardless of the time that has passed. Significant swelling is noticed on side of rib cage. Heart Attack. The next day the pain was still there and I left work early to go to the doctor thinking possible appendicitis. It's one specific spot under my right ribcage, but I also can feel pain in my right side around my waist and lower Jun 28, 2022 · Gallbladder pain feels different than any other kind of pain you’ve ever felt in your abdomen. It's usually most common when i'm sitting at my computer with my legs up The pain is a sudden, stabbing pain that radiates almost up my rib cage and sometimes to my right arm. Hello, I have continually been getting an intense pain with a slow onset in my URQ that will last anywhere from 9-24 hours. 6 months and counting of mystery abdominal pain. i get this occasionally and it sounds familiar to your situation. I started feeling a dull/ achy pain in my top right abdomen just below my ribs. Only medication I'm currently taking is Levothyroxine for thyroid, starting about 3 months ago. The pain went around to my back, and like you said, the shooting pain with movement. It starts with a feeling of fullness and progresses to pain 21/Male/5'10/175lbs. Location upper abdominal. I will twist this way and that when sitting down. The pain sometimes feels like pinching, sometimes burning. upper right abdominal pain. I did and still do even after antibiotic treatment for sibo. The pain is constant and severe. I see no correlation to food or eating, I get the pain randomly and there's no pattern. I read through some of the comments and am hoping it’s anxiety because I think I’ve felt this before. NucleoWolf. I got a clear gallbladder ultrasound as well, but just because you don’t have stones doesn’t mean it’s functioning properly. It still is, but now I’ve got this pain too. Yesterday I started feeling a weird ache in my abdomen and woke up with the same sensation. The pain is very localized aside from the “radiating” sensation. It used to happen sometimes even when I'd not had a drink for a few days - I am a daily drinker now, alas. Feels like a muscle cramp in my abs and feels like burning muscle strain in the back. Belly pain that feels worse after eating. The pain has spread to the upper right side of my chest, and at times to the center of my chest. Hello!!! I'm a 34 (soon to be 35 year old) female, 5'2, and 155 pounds. A feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating. Bowel Obstruction. Makes sense if you’re constipated or have gas. It’s more bothersome than painful but I have no other symptoms thankfully and today it’s not as sensitive as yesterday. Pain doesn’t start til a couple hours into the day sometimes then lasts all day. You may feel the pain from your abdomen to your back. Turns out if you get hit hard enough in the chest it can bruise your rib cage all the way around. The triggers are caffeine, nicotine, ice cream, and pasta/bread/baked goods. This can be caused by eating certain foods and may be The next day I was at work and after lunch I suddenly had a sharp intense pain in my lower right stomach (appendix area) the pain lasted 7 hrs intensely, then dissolved into a more dull crampy pain. I have no other symptoms. 36 year old male from US/Massachusetts. For the whole time, I've had no other symptoms. No loss of appetite, no sleeping issues, no unexplained weight loss or gain (although I've lost almost 30 pounds since last summer, but that was intended), no waste Pain on upper right abdomen. Duration since April 2023. The pain often goes near and around the right shoulder blade/back area. The abdomen/chest ultrasound showed my gallbladder slightly contracted but nothing else. Then the pain went to crazy levels. Gets better when I fast and eat low fat food. I am currently undergoing gallbladder and liver tests to try to figure out whats wrong. Reply. super-loser-blastoff. This sounds exactly like a little pocket of infection that is being moved around with your movement and it hurts you. Feels like there’s something sort of stuck in there, just like some pressure. So I started having sharp pain in my upper right abdomen, right where my sternum connects to my ribs in January. In fact, the most pain I've ever experienced with this problem was the 2 days after I saw the doctor the first time. You will know when it releases because it can be a bit explosive, malodorous, and your belly will feel a bit better. I often experience upper right abdominal pain which I can only presume is my liver. I have a severe allergy to beef. Also pain in kidneys (those were just checked and are fine but the pain is a lot) also sciatica. There’s a lot of stuff bundled in that area, but if it’s dull pain then 100% inflammation. gh ir yl vd rh qk us fi lw qh