Maya python get vertex position

Can someone help me figure out how to select the curve CV’s? I am a beginner so if you could also explain what you did, I would appreciate it import maya. With the data it gives you access to, you can do operations that would be slow, if not impossible, to do with MEL or maya. node_name = "testnodeshape". This is a way to set vertex colors on a mesh all at once, really quickly, using Python in Maya and the OpenMaya API. Dec 17, 2018 · Here's how to return the UV's of a selected vertex: import maya. That's why its so easy to mess up a model with construction history if you go 'upstream' and change things that affect the model's component count or topology. The Python API 2. So first let’s get all the information. 32. Note: That this is not a good solution working with L-shapes: - i. Delete the history of the polygon object whose vertices you want to reorder. pm. if yes, how should i go on about it. skinPercent("skinCluster1", tmw=[old_jnt, new_jnt]) # Transfer weights from the old joint to the new one. Valid selection items are: - curve and surface CVs - poly vertices - lattice points - particles - curve and surface edit points - curve and surface parameter points - poly uvs - rotate/scale/joint pivots - selection handles - locators, param locators and arc Jan 23, 2023 · Using the command cmds. OpenMaya as om import operator def getClosestVertex ( mesh, pos= ( 0, 0, 0 )): """Return closest vertex and distance from mesh to world-space position [x, y, z]. make a second dictionary (position: vertex) for the verts on the opposite side, with the symmetry axis flipped: if you were doing left/right axis, the left list would be. MSpace. 0 has a number of advantages over the original API: Jun 11, 2004 · Does anybody know how to get the global position of a vertex on an object using mel scripting. Here is an example to select the latest vertices on an extruded object : '''. cursor_location Mar 17, 2021 · One way would be to use MItMeshVertex and collect the connected edges: import maya. ls(sl=1)[0] ) print ( shells ) """. getAttr(node_name +". cv[:]'. def setColors(): shells = getUvShelList( cmds. Using obj. You will need to average them: def face_normal(face): vtxface = cmds. - bm_componentToJoint. ConvertSelectionToUVs () UVValues = cmds. ls(sl=True,long=True) or [] for eachSel in selected: cmds. makeIdentity(). You can change the vertex order using the Reorder Vertices command. normalize() return result. Sep 27, 2011 · If you ever had to recover vertex positions of a mesh object, you probably crash yourself against the xform command and his legendary slowness. I suppose the simplest way would be to use a "closestPointOnSurface" node. verts[index]. i. The value of the coordinates are interpreted as being defined in the current linear unit unless the unit is explicitly mentioned. I don't see the question get answered? Jul 30, 2015 · You can make a temporary mesh and find the transformed coordinates, seen as a wave modifier doesn't scramble the Vertex indices. MItMeshVertex(node, component) Hi all, I’m trying to write a smooth deformer in Maya using Python API. format(cv) cmds. cmds as mc selPoints = mc. # Assume we've created a poly cube and selected vertices 2, 3, 5. OpenMaya import MVector, MMatrix, MPoint. The Maya Python API 2. cmds as cmds targetCurve = 'curve1' # Curve to put clusters on curveCVs = cmds. vtx[523]", q=True,normalXYZ=True) The maya python API call (gives me a different result): # empty selection list. The joint command is used to create, edit, and query, joints within Maya. is the vertex number. ls(sl=True, o=True) matchTransform is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable. This command modifies the source object's transform to match the target object's transform. ls('{0}. kWorld) meshes = cmds. Of course, when possible and acceptable, use Maya Python API 2. Mar 10, 2015 · I got the code working like this until i realized that the vertex index changes for geometry with over 100 vertices I assumed i could just split the string and everything would be dandy . all i need is one pair of coordinates per vertex. # create test plane. -Z or -X) Create a closestPointOnMesh node with the mirrored world position as the input, and mesh as inMesh. Query the closestVertexIndex result to get the nearest vertex (then delete the node when done) Feb 7, 2017 · I've noticed that I get different results when using the python API instead of the maya python commands. format(targetCurve), fl = True) # Get all cvs from curve if curveCVs: # Check if we found any cvs for cv in curveCVs: print 'Creating {0}'. mel as mel. def remapValue(originalValue, oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax): oldRange = (oldMax - oldMin) def OpenMaya. com Aug 23, 2010 · 1. On Friday, 3 July 2015 22:09:27 UTC+2, Eduardo Grana wrote: Aug 31, 2016 · 0. select = True. In maya API, you can look for MFnMesh::closestIntersection class that can raycast ( Querying of a point is within a mesh maya python api) Yeah I tried this out using the API's getClosestPoint function, and that works, but it only returns 1. xform(vertex, ws = True, t = True, q = True) print Apr 12, 2019 · Node Method #2. MeshVertex. pointPosition (myvert, w=True) hope this helps, cheers, ben. Snippet testing Vertex Tangent Space in Maya (Python API) @author: Roy Nieterau @website: www. Dec 28, 2018 · Here's a little snippet I think I should save, and it might be useful for someone else out there too. moveVertexAlongDirection is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable. name. At the bottom I have the previous code which is too slow in more dense meshes. The Waiting-Normal (3), Waiting-HasNoEffect (4), Waiting-Blocking (5) are for internal use only. vtx [VTX No. i am looking for a short script that returns the uv coordinates of all vertices in a mesh. ) 2) geometryConstraint. This is my spline spine script so far. getActiveSelectionList() assert selection. Ultimately I'm trying to make a softMod at a selected vertex, and have these controls created to animated the effects. If no flags are specified then the command will match position, rotation and scaling. but uvComponent doesn't return UV coordinates for specified face, it "returns the object's number of selected uv coordinates as an int ". Animation > Constrain > Geometry. ls(sl=True) for each in selection: newLoc = mc. co[2] for v in verts] max_z_coord = max(z_coords) # get list of all vertices that On a more general note though, I'd like to mention some great sources for documentation and examples for Blender python scripting that will help you find answers more quickly next time (since finding object location and other transformations is probably one of the most basic and best documented things you can do in scripting, I'm assuming you . py # make a joint at the position of Jun 8, 2018 · Thank you! I used your code above, 123iamking but I found I wanted to drop pivot to world y0 instead of bounding box. I’ve managed to get the positions and output them to a list, but what I havent figured out is how I can pass that list to another function to set the positions. I would like to add to yhoyos answer, that a vertex can be selected by replacing the for-loop with. I am far away but this is what I have done until now May 31, 2017 · The analog for useful Freeze Transformations command in Python is cmds. So after short brainstorm I decided to try another way and get vertex normal value in world space directly. EXR file into the aforementioned vertex color set, using The problem occurs when i have to figure out the 3 vertices that i should be Selecting. '''. vtx[' + str(_vtx) + ']' normTemp = cmds. list = OpenMaya. polyNormalPerVertex(vertName, query=True, xyz=True) norms = zip(*[iter(normTemp)]*3) #values for averages xAve=0 yAve=0 zAve=0 #get average vertex normal for i in range (len(norms)): xAve += norms[i][0] yAve += norms[i][1] zAve += norms[i][2 Dec 25, 2006 · hello, i know this is probably pretty easy, but i couldnt find it in the docs yet. pointPosition( sel[ 0 + 1 ], w = 1 ) fol = cmds. I'm trying to move the selected object pivot to the center of the objects selected vertices. In this post, I'll document how I get and set Skin Cluster weights so as to do operations like Jun 1, 2016 · to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya I have a solution but it is very long in python. getVertexNormal(vertex, om. Then convert the matching verts in both meshes back to vertex indices by looking up in the two dictionaries. OpenMaya import MVector, MMatrix, MPoint import maya. def OpenMaya. there's an issue with the transfer vertex order tool. can you use pointPosition to get the world space coord of your vert. If some but not all of the vertex/face colors have been explicitly set, the ones that have not been set will be (0, 0, 0, 1). ]; and this will give you the local co-ordinates of your selected vert. object. Now I've found a way to exctract the vertex coordinates by doing something like. MItMeshPolygon. make a dictionary (position: vertex) for all the verts on the 'left' (or 'up' or 'back' etc) side. from maya. To get the mesh vertex position: from maya import cmds import maya. The actual centerpoint of the cluster will be just below the 'C'. Nov 4, 2016 · Just use Symmetry. Right now I’m storing the original meshes’ vertex world positions xyz to the rgb values of a vertex color map on the dupe. The spheres were just used as an example, the idea is mainly to be used to tweak geometries in the same area, like a character wearing a tshirt and jacket and you want to tweak a section using the same tweak without having to make more than 1 deformer or apply the same deformer and then have to paint it. map[5]. The default behaviour, when no objects or flags are passed, is to do a absolute move on each currently selected object in the world space. bm. 0 on 05-04-2015 Insane vertex by AnaIzabel in forum Maya Technical Mar 21, 2020 · It is working ok, but I am curious how I can create the circles in this case being used as controllers but with their 'center' attribute relative to a selected vertex. This is a fairly expensive node to update, however Nov 14, 2022 · I am trying to query the location of an object (x,y,z coordinates) with xform, and then set the values harvested from xform to use in a setAttr command to influence the translation of a different o Feb 20, 2021 · Mesh Loop. Sep 14, 2015 · To actually get the face normal, you can use the polyNormalPerVertex command to get the vertex-face normals for a face (they'll come back as numbers so you don't need to regex it. When creating a polygon object, Maya assigns vertex IDs to it automatically. kollarandor. core as pm. data containers. :baffed:. Tap Tab on your keyboard, start typing pointMatrixMult and select it from the drop-down list that appears. :baffed: In this post, I purpose a piece of Python script using the Python Maya API that allows you to faster recover the list of all vertex positions of an object. ls(sl=True, fl=True), q=True, translation=True, ws=True) posX = position[0] posY = position[1] posZ = position[2] Though if you just want a script that is ready to use or to study from, this should work just fine: Maya script that creates joints on each selected vertex or at the center of each selected edge or face. Maya components do not have persistent identities; the 'vertex id' is just the index of one entry in the vertex table (or the tables for faces, normals, etc). ls(selection=True) vertex_pos = cmds. print get_closest_normal('pSphereShape1', 10, 1, 1) Instead of getting the number and deleting the node as done here, you could keep the node around and connect it's normal attribute to something for live updates. spaceLocator() mySelPosition = mc. A cluster deformer will now appear at the exact center of your object, denoted by a 'C', you can vertex-snap to the cluster whatever you need to have centered. ls(sl = True) # list of names of selected vertices objName = (str(selPoints[0]))[:-9] print selPoints print objName Mar 21, 2023 · I am new to maya scripting. (creates a pointConstraint, but doesnt have any effect on the locator. Jun 20, 2021 · I wrote a simple script that stores vertex joint-skin values in a list and applies them in the selection order, but I need to store values from an object in the root namespace and apply them for the object in a different namespace because it has the same joints name. MSelectionList() sphereName = "pSphereShape1". With a rough test this seemed to work and get the right vertex: Query selected vertex world position. Parameters: colorSetName : unicode. In both cases, the difference in speed will be insignificant. Constrain an object's position to the position of the target object or to the average position of a number of targets. Even if you've moved you pivot point by 1 unit (for example) along +Y axis, do not forget to subtract that 1 from variable y cause Maya somehow remembers pivot's position. Nov 15, 2017 · First you need to get the matrix for the coordinate system you want as an MMatrix, which is part of the OpenMaya api. mode_set(mode="OBJECT") verts = obj. 12-28-2019 10:36 PM. Apr 5, 2015 · 3. planeName = "pPlaneShape1". vertices and data. Nov 4, 2020 · Here below are two snippets of code to copy and paste the vertex positions. Python commands (gives me the result i want): cmds. fbx being loaded and for each shape node I need to convert such shape into a . selected = cmds. sel = cmds. If no colors are assigned to the vertex at all, the return values will be (-1 -1 -1 1). I’m new to Maya so I might be missing something trivial. Oct 8, 2010 · I want to select a vertex and see its position in world space, so i can copy parts of the x y or z to other vertices. Here is my code: vtxPos = cmds. But that would be without OpenMaya. The command moves the selected vertex ( control vertex ) in the specified unit direction by the given magnitude. nl ===== Averaging the Face Tangents ===== Currently I am getting the vertex-tangents by averaging the vertex-face-tangents per vertex. MGlobal. Either my computations are wrong or the center of the vertices is not the centroid, anyway these are clearly not the same coordinates. MItMeshVertex. OpenMaya as OpenMaya. This test script adds an empty at the first vertex location. Mesh Loop is an element surrounding a face, which consists of edges and vertices. import random. Thus we use ‘Mesh Loop’ instead of vertex or edge to distinct point of UV map. context. Just run it. , manipulation). Jan 14, 2016 · So if a pick one Vertex and move it along an axis, in the headup display should appear the moved value since the start world position of the Vertex. polyEvaluate(mesh_name, vertex = True) we can get the number of vertices in a given mesh and use it in a range loop. They temporarily shut off parts of the graph during interaction (e. Jun 25, 2010 · 1)pointConstraint. 001. 0 is a new version of the Maya Python API which provides a more Pythonic workflow and improved performance. ) create a locator at that items world position: import maya. polyNormalPerVertex("<myshapename>. cmds. getClosestPoint() returned face ID and iterates through face's vertices. ls(sl=True) Hi all, I’m trying to write a smooth deformer in Maya using Python API. Use Mesh Loop to get UV and vertex data. I’ve been reading the help/web for quite a while now and only found MEL and SDK solutions for Modify or transfer vertex orders. I found that MItMeshVertex. Sep 7, 2022 · So for each shell within a single mesh assign a random vertex color. def get_verts_edges(obj, use_modifiers=True, settings='PREVIEW'): Jul 10, 2019 · In this tutorial I show you how can you transfer or reorder the vertices. May 17, 2022 · Learn how to randomize vertices, edges or faces in Maya for some procedural and natural look. The vertex (ices) may also be moved in the direction of unit normal ( -n flag ). The Maya API is an incredibly useful tool to have in your toolbelt as a td. For NURBS surface vertices the direction of This method gets the colors of the current vertex for each face it belongs to. bpy. Then get the position you want to check as an MPoint, which is another api class. May 17, 2018 · result = api. The polyEvaluate command lets you get a bunch of different information about polygons in maya. I can't find anything in the Attributes editor that gives access to vertex data. MVector(*normal) cmds. You may want to take the objects transformation into account, in this case you have to multiply it with the objects matrix. Feb 27, 2022 · I’m currently writing a tool for Maya 2022 which is intended to bake ambient occlusion data into vertices. user229044 ♦. (create the geometryConstraint, but the locator is now floating Jul 3, 2015 · if you are in maya and can access this vert. Great for terrains, floor tiles, city buildings or anything els Apr 27, 2017 · In red is the "center" of this vertices, where Maya place the default pivot, and in blue is the centroid as I computed it. I am trying to get the world-space position of any arbitrary u and v coordinate, like 0. This script only work on the last polyExtrudeFace and on vertex. ops. cmds. Hope that's what you're after, Mat. I'm not sure what commands I should be looking . Uses om. getColorIndices(colorSetName=None) -> MIntArrayThis method returns the colorIndices into the color array see MFnMesh Python Example # "v" specifies the vertices of the polygonal mesh # "vn"must be set to 0 # "vt" is optional and specifies a U,V texture coordinate for each vertex # "e" specifies the edge connectivity information between vertices # "face" specifies face connectivity (edges/UVs) for a single face # mesh = maya. Dec 19, 2017 · 2. 43, 0. * localTriIndex (int) - Local index of the desired triangle in this face* space (int) - World Space or Object Space. I'll try that out. cmds as mc selection = mc. I think my problem is that I don’t know how to append my list over to an MPointArray, I Sep 27, 2011 · If you ever had to recover vertex positions of a mesh object, you probably crash yourself against the xform command and his legendary slowness. { (x, y, z Oct 28, 2021 · Unfortunatelly it did not help. g. object # edit: now gets the currently active object # edit: to select vertices we have to be in OBJ mode first: bpy. data. When I run the code I don't recieve any errors and almost everything works as intended, However the pivot of (obj)my selected object doesn't seem to set itself to the locator xform (piv). so I changed some stuff around. delete(eachSel) edited Feb 2, 2023 at 19:40. Also, if you don't care about the previous selections, just using. cmds as mc #find selected objects selected = cmds. vrts", multiIndices=True) vtxWorldPosition = [] Jun 1, 2014 · So the algorithm would be: get a position tuple for each vert. OpenMaya as om. However, to complete the pipeline, I need to bake the . Follow these steps to replicate the error: Create a cube called Cube. vtxIndexList = cmds. Select the object and select: Animation > Create Deformers > Cluster. The Normal (0), HasNoEffect (1), and Blocking (2) states can be used to alter how the graph is evaluated. mesh. (The standard edit (-e) and query (-q) flags are used for edit and query functions). getAttr OBJECT. nl @email: roy@colorbleed. Jul 4, 2018 · sorry for the late reply, got caught up on some deadlines. delete(node) result. the 90 Nov 11, 2012 · Well, turns out in Blender, if I understand correctly one face could reference vertex 0 with uvCoord 0 while another might reference the same vertex 0 with a different uVCoord. In this post, I purpose a piece of Python script using the Python Maya API that allows you to faster recover the list of all vertex positions of an object. I’d like to get/set the world relative coordinates of an entity, even if it’s in a hierarchy. Animation > Constrain > Point. finding the vertex position or address in 3d space and working on groups Maya dependency nodes have 6 possible states. Here’s how to get the world position of an object called pCube1: Bring up the Maya Node Editor and load-up pCube1. obj file. You can use the node nearestPointOnMesh. colorbleed. matrix_world. api. I’m doing it on a fairly simple mesh that I know doesn’t have overlapping uvs, so I’m just using the try/except method listed above. should be significantly faster for large meshes. polyEditUV ( query=True ) print str ( UVValues ) Here's how to set the UV's of a selected vertex: import maya. getTriangle. I'm trying to write a code that creates hair follicles in Autodesk Maya at the selected vertices, my code works, but it creates all the follicles at the same vertex when I have more than one selected. import pymel. Problem is, i can't see how to do this. I’m linking the translation of two bones in Hypershade, but that data is an offset from the respective parents instead of absolute position. If you don’t want to use locators, you can get a world position output using Maya utility nodes. Offset of the Cone's pivot point (for snapping pivot to a vertex) depends on the Cone's Mar 10, 2021 · return fn_mesh. If the user is looking for a way to mirror the position of verts based on their corresponding verts across the mirror plane then this answer is not helpful. move(mySelPosition[0 Aug 11, 2018 · Software: Maya 2018 How to get an object transformation matrix relative to another object's coordinates: * The following script requires selecting 2 objects, the function will return the transform matrix of the first object relative to the transform matrix of the second. Multiple objects are allowed only for the edit mode. Aug 10, 2020 · I even made the image explainning better, but cant post. (needs to be the same position on all the mesh) Is there a way we can get vertex and/or UV positions, via python in maya and use the tool to automate the process. ls(sl=True) #create empty list for new joints jList = [] #clears the locator selection - you can put this into loop if you don't want joints to be This method gets the color of the current vertex in the specified face* index (int) - The face to get the color for this vertex for* colorSetName (string) - Name of the color set. Jan 23, 2023 · Using the command cmds. Get the mirrored world position (ie. # get the cursor in object space # (so you can compare it to the vertices locations # without first having to transform them into worldspace). select_all(action='DESELECT') bm. import maya. Aug 7, 2018 · One other way would be to desactivate every construction nodes , enable the polyExtrudeFace one by one and fill up a dic and then re-enable everything. I then want to offset the duped model’s vertices along their normals by some offset value. A pointConstraint takes as input one or more "target" DAG transform nodes at which to position the single "constraint object" DAG transform node. Use the vertex co attribute. polyListComponentConversion(face, tvf = True) Jun 2, 2015 · 0. Connect your surface to the node and the position of your locator to the "In Position", then you can get the result from the node. co. Apr 18, 2015 · hsh = point_hash (verts[idx: idx + 3]) results[hsh] = v. MSelectionList() Mar 23, 2020 · In this video tutorial we are looking at how to find the position of any point on the surface of an object within the global 3D space of the scene, using th That only works if you are getting the position of a uv index, like pCube. Here's how you use cmds. xform(cmds. to_mesh. Andor Kollar - Character Artist © 2019 | http://www. EXR file, and assigning an empty vertex color set. MfnMesh. return results. createNode( 'follicle' ) cmds. pointConstraint is undoable, queryable, and editable. Just copy them and put them in a shelf button and use it when needed. OpenMaya as om Feb 12, 2014 · What I want to do is a lookup or trace from the locator in negative or positive y until it hits the polyPlane and return the position of the closest point/vertex/uv/ I imagine this have been done one million times but the only examples I have found works by locating the closest point based on all axis which in my case is close to useless. My example shows the results for vertex 2 on pCube1. cmds as cmds. cluster:. node, component = selection. I’m also painting a second rgb vertex color map on the duped object for offset values (0=leave it be, 1=move it the Sep 29, 2015 · You almost got it. Sep 29, 2015 · You almost got it. Hey guys, I’m trying to learn the Maya Python API, my first attempt is to create two functions to get and set vertex positions on a mesh. (Optional) Show the object's Vertex IDs by selecting it and going to Display > Polygons Apr 26, 2019 · import bpy # get the object and its vertices obj = bpy. as example the world position is '20, 20 , 50' of teh vertex and I move it to '20, 20 , 30' in the headup display should be display '0 0 20'. So far, I have a managed to automate the process of creating a new packed UV Set, generating ambient occlusion data as a . A commented example of Obj. I need to find the adjacent vertices’ positions for each vertex. warning('Found no cvs!') Overview. The following adjustment will now remap based on the bounding box of the mesh to (0,1) with a fairly basic adjustment to the script. Mar 10, 2021 · Hi there! Someone could help me? I got the vertex normals in maya this way: def getNormal(_vtx): vertName = 'mesh. getComponent(0) edges = set() it = om. Feb 25, 2014 · Its also handy to be able to do the reverse, get a point in worldspace relative to the vertex. Scene_Name = bpy. In the channel box, when i select a vertex, there appears a CVs box, with the vertex index number and an xyz. Jun 23, 2007 · pointPosition OBJECT. # get the object. selection = om. uv_layers[]. e. to_mesh is a reasonable way to do it and it's fast. getConnectedVertices() does exactly what I need but I can’t create a MItMeshVertex cause it needs an MObject as input and I don’t know how to find the MObject of the current inputGeom. ls(type="mesh") for mesh in meshes: print get_vertex_normal(mesh, vertex=0) The code example would be faster if you wouldn’t get the API object each time per vertex but query all the normals you need for the vertices, keeping the MFnMesh around. Match the source object (s) scale/rotate pivot positions to the target transform's pivot. cmds as cmds def get_relative_transform (node,coordinate Maya Python API: Getting/Setting Skin Weights. If the object is not specified, the currently selected object (dag object) will be used. length() == 1. Another common operation is to get all vertex locations with the objects transform applied, in this case you can Jul 1, 2021 · Now using this UV space from plane i shall get the closest UV id on the sphere and then get the vertex id. getColorIndices. You can get the position of each vertex selected by using an xform command: position = cmds. xform (vtx, q = True, ws = True, t = True) vtxPosSum[0 Feb 26, 2019 · 1. scene. Easy to reproduce in cpp but I would like as much as possible try to make a quick trick in python This is not depicted in the synopsis. vertices # get the z-coordinates from each vertex and the maximum z_coords = [v. joint is undoable, queryable, and editable. ls will return a list, you need to check the list and delete what ever you want to delete, and sn is very bad always use long name because there can be duplicates. I want to return a bunch of them within a certain radius. This command returns the world or local space position for any type of point object. Maya should have an efficient way to store pairs of verts that are mirror to each other and allow for updating of positions on an arbitrary basis. getTriangle(localTriIndex, space=kObject) -> [MPointArray, MIntArray]Get the vertices and vertex positions of the given triangle in the current face's triangulation. cluster(cv) # Create cluster on a cv else: cmds. #3 similar objects combined into one. api. v_co_object = obj. createNode("mesh") maya. move( pp[ 0 ], pp[ 1 ], pp[ 2 ], fol ) Oct 6, 2016 · 1. cmds Jun 20, 2017 · However, your game engine may look at vertex color information as RGB8 and you’ll need to remap the values to fit. pp = cmds. usually uv coordinates are for each vertex on each face, so a vertex can have multiple coordinates, but in my situation this isnt the case. You can find the intersecting verts - the ones present in both meshes -- by intersecting the keys from both dictionaries. Here's the cheap way to get them (there are faster methods but they're much wordier): from maya. So a face's loop_indices must actually be used to lookup both a vector and a uvCoord in an objets general data. thanks! Dec 16, 2021 · Hi, I’m trying to take a poly model, and duplicate it. I think my problem is that I don’t know how to append my list over to an MPointArray, I May 6, 2020 · It works but the pointPosition command is really slowing things down, I then tried using 'getAttr' but it seems about the same. from maya import cmds vertex = cmds. Mar 23, 2017 · 5. Oct 27, 2015 · if you want a script to display this in the script editor (using a python tab) you can use this for a single vertex This will print out the vertex position in worldspace, this is the same info from the component editor. I was wondering if there's a more efficient way to do this, like if its possible access the vertex position directly without a command, like the way you can with transforms. warning('Found no cvs!') Dec 5, 2018 · cmds. 37. The docs mention that it will only transfer weights from selected vertexes, so in this example I simply select all Sep 21, 2023 · Here's a quick cleanup/rewrite as thanks! from maya import cmds import maya. selectionList = om. import bpy. select(clear=True) I'm using cmds here but you can also switch it to pymel if you like. I have a . locator stays where it is. Both the new and old APIs can co-exist in the same script but objects from the two different APIs cannot be used interchangeably. select vertex + shiftSelect Locator. # Clear vertex selection. ]; OBJECT is the name of your poly object and VTX No. Actually this is where by brainstorm stopped) This will help to undrestand more clearly what I mean. In unfolded UV, the correspondence between the point of UV map and the vertex of 3D object is not one-to-one. Nov 17, 2003 · edge 2 has vertex 4, edge 7 has vertex 3, and where edge 9 has vertex 7 so in this particular case Vertex number 5, is connected to the vertices 3, 4 and 7 unfortunately I don't know how the polyInfo command is build, so it could be a bit easier to extract info from it but luckily Bryan Ewert has this example Aug 27, 2013 · The cube is moved and key framed through code, but when I try to find the location (of any vertex) at each subsequent frame, it always returns the location of the cubes’ vertex at the start frame. xform(selection, q=True, ws=True, t=True) mc. inverted() @ scene. The move command is used to change the positions of geometric objects. Sep 1, 2022 · I am creating a list based on user selection and want for each selected item in the list (object, vertex etc. dy qh vr ci qm fu ax um pt nt