I love the way my girlfriend smells reddit

They fight each other to lie in my bed and use my pillows, or “sit in the mom smell” on the sofa lol. It wasn't really a turn-on, necessarily, more a comfort thing, I suppose. I guess I just associated it with being cared for and loved because he loves to cuddle me and Mine smells like cheerios and baby so i think our cats all have their own distinct smells from their saliva when they groom. My girlfriend (F19) and I (F18) have been together for almost two years and have been living together for almost a year and a half and it's only… Nah. I believe it's called "Japanese Cherry Blossom. I love her so much, but every day, sometimes multiple times a day, she absolutely violates our bathroom. The first one was really nice and I liked his cologne or whatever he was wearing. If someone doesn't like your weirdness, then they are NOT the right person for you. Hopefully it can save your sheets! It’s just that those particular products may work for her skin and hair, and she might be hesitant to switch products. I put it in the fabric softener slot in my washing machine and it works like a champ to get rid of body odors. In order to not hurt her feelings by saying anything, I started orchestrating us showering together as a kind of 'foreplay'. Award. Other people I have been able to smell a metre away (usually bad breath but sometimes BO, rare for me to smell cologne on a non SO guy unless in a close quarters such as an elevator) armpits and groin smells more, in a good way :) Girlfriend Says I Smell Like Metal. I get so excited whenever we order it because I know she'll let one out sooner or later during the day. I love the smell of my boyfriends sweaty dick. BV smells more like a dumpster and yeast infections smell yeasty like beer/bread. I love the way my kitten smells I adopted a 9 week old kitten three weeks ago, and I can't believe I was able to last for 8 years without a cat. Reply reply. Crazy to think that I've only been with people in the past with whom I'm either neutral, or completely repelled by scent-wise. Especially while she cleans herself. My IUD was a big cause. It’s a pH balance thing. I've been with my GF for a year now and she's wonderful. There are probably a variety of different factors going on here: 1. Guys like to play with whatever that's generally off limits if not in a relationship. So they know how good my balls The smell isn’t anything to do with her. • 4 yr. This is, by the way, one reason to avoid permanents and other hair treatments that involve harsh chemicals. It’s not fair to you and the other person. I really like to take a shit and drink black coffee because hi, it is natural for it to smell, how ever she may have an infection. I know how the title sounds and hear me out. I've heard from many women that they love the natural scent of their partner, but never believed it till now. When I put my face into his fur I can smell BOBBY. ago. It could be: A smell issue – although cutting garlic helped a lot, he still doesn’t smell great to me; I don’t enjoy burying my face in his neck or sniffing his t-shirt. 46=72. I told her it was annoying, and not to be a baby about it, but she kept doing it. If the odor is very strong, that might be the case for her. I told her so from the beginning. Throwaway, for obvious reasons. Same, I love how my Master smells . It's such a huge part of attraction - I love cuddling with him after a long day and just basking in it. Gasoline- I have no real reason here, I just like the smell. pops240620. Some men love going down town, others hate it. That it’s really affecting you. This is 100% a thing. Some of these are great, but the gross ones don’t mean a thing. I pushed it aside. MembersOnline. You kind of like someone and think: “We might as well give it a shot. O. my girlfriend and i were watching tv on the couch and we had eaten pizza with garlic and both our burps were a bit smelly, and she burped once and i told her it was stinky but in a playful teasing joking way and she seemed bothered by it and kinda like "ok whatever" attitude and so i was like ok i guess i wont make a comment about it, then she burped again another time and i turned away to dude, she's your girlfriend, not a barbie doll. Except, I just cannot stand the way she smells. Apparently the pleasantness of someone's sweat depends on how far away they are, genetically, from the person who smells it. And maybe even ask him to see a dentist. Not me. Suggest a new toothbrush and paste, mouthwashes, tongue scrubber, floss for plaque and gingivitis. It is relaxing and a little intimate. I love the way my crush smells. Get that nasty secret off your chest or simply use this as a place to vent. Now, regarding the baby pills. (Sorry if i make spelling or grammar mistakes) Lately, after i do exercise and sweat, my balls have been sweating Makes me feel like she's with me when she's not. I know sweat contains pheromones which are supposed to turn people on but I think it's more than that, I just plain enjoy the smell. If I could buy a candle that smelled like her farts infused with chick fil a I would 1000% snatch it up. Update - 30th January 2024. Not talking about perfume here, I’m talking about her natural scent, especially when she’s been working out or sweating for some other reason. But to this day, when my wife's armpits are ripe, I enjoy it. ima314lot. But I only ever notice that really up close, like my face is buried in the floof. She claims that fragrances can smell different on everyone because of how it mixes with your body's chemistry (how true that is, I don't know), and that cologne just goes with her chemistry better than most perfumes do. It’s not a terrible smell, just not attractive or ‘right’ to me in the way I’ve experienced occasionally before. It's the sweet delicious scent of the girl I love. So you need 1 mole NaOCl for any 2 moles of HCl. Her shoes probably have a ton of dead skin built up hence causing the odour. Unlimited supply of girlfriend smell. JaggerQ. Zissou1984. I love her culture. I didn't mind it because it never got weird. So you could get some of those if others don't work. sleepy_poems. Your cologne would have a small market demographic, unlike used panty vending machines in Japan. Girls hair smells so good. Don’t fool yourself. Literally every man alive. So list them and give a reason why (if you have one. This might sound weird, but I can tell each cat I have known has their own scent, and Bobby is no different. I truly do love her. and attraction, says Bordone: It’s not the odor you’re actually attracted to. however, love is something that takes time and energy to nurture. For a few months, she has this strong smell down there, to the point where sometimes I can't go near it without getting a horrible smell. Lol jk. Tbh as a woman I think this is how I’d want to be approached about it lol. She isn’t making it smell that way. Our friends call us Dolce and Gabbana which I find so funny and more of a compliment really ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ‍โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ High efficient American washing machines can only handle a max of 2 TBSP of laundry detergent for the largest load setting. Well, he wasn't my partner, but we did go on two dates. It's weird, but I always thought he smelled like spiced meat. Sometimes I’ll even do it and then put my hand up to my roommates face. I hate the way my husband smells. Thats 1x74,44gr of NaOCl and 2x36. I love my girlfriend and our sex life is great, no, it's awesome! But I find myself not wanting to have sex with her smelling the way she does. So, my unpopular opinion is that personal farts are enjoyable! Not something to try to hide. Doggo scents were compared to corn chips, pee, fresh noodles, gland discharge, sunshine and dry fall leaves, maple syrup and waffles, wet paper, grass, decaying fish fart, armpit funk, old bandaid, hamster, cinnamon, sage, a tuna can, milk, dead animal. Both me and my partner are like this, we always smell each other when having a cuddle. Again, it’s not her. Concluded as per OOP. [MF] I love her smell My wife and I have been together for nearly 15 years, and I love the way she smells. Sometimes, in an effort to eliminate natural smells, girls and women use douches and feminine deodorants. Nov 15, 2011 ยท If you’re self conscious about smelling like sweat or urine, you can take a shower or wash your genitals before your boyfriend goes down on you. There’s a spot on his forehead, between his eyes and sides of his face under his ears. However, I do not enjoy the the smell of of people’s farts in the slightest. dwitchagi. • 2 yr. ) I used to love to smell my husband when I hugged him. If all your clothes are starting to smell bad, you probably have detergent build up in your machine. The first time we cuddled she smelled like dog poop. Tuna smell is probably just diet, pheromones, and/or perhaps not showering before they have sex. It's perfectly normal. Don't start with "doesn't smell very good". And I always love my clothes to smell intense with fabric softener to I put extra in the loads. Aw yeah Yes I love the smell of my Master. I got it removed in November, and have not smelt down there since. 1 update - Short. When she leaves ๐Ÿ˜ญ. I broke up with her, as that was a factor (but not the main problem. A stress issue – for a long time we just I love how my girlfriend smells too, she never smells bad at any point during the day. If a girl smells good to you and vice versa, it means you two are compatible on DNA level and that will result in healthy offsprings. I enjoy the smell of an armpit without deodorant. It's a way to indirectly determine genetic compatibility. Tell him it makes you queezy and uninterested in kissing. 1. The feedback was really good and she was quite happy about the comments this community made My girlfriend (20F) is furious with me (20NB) because I told her she smells like a cup of water after she had asked me what she smells like. We've been together for around 3 months, and I really like everything else about her, but the smell is making it hard to keep going. I learned this lesson the hard way. Archived post. As a biologist, yes. This is not a troll post, maybe a little but everything thing i say is true. I’ve done this more than once. After my shave, I flush my face in water, use an alum bloq on my face, wash that off 30 seconds later. The smell of your own nut suck gives me wood practically . My ex used to fart constantly, and then laugh about it, and do it again. I lived in constant embarrassment. Tell her she’s an amazing cook, that it’s not her, but the smells are really getting to you and can she let you know when she’s gonna be cooking so you can leave the house. I use the same shampoo as my wife, so i wanna find out what my hair smells like. My girlfriend's vagina smells awful and I don't know how to tell her. I’m just saying this not to hurt your feelings or to upset you but to let you know incase you’re not aware of it. Interesting to ponder if I do :) I feel like I don’t like the smell of my male friends/family (I’m a straight guy). Original - 24th January 2024. The OOP is u/pops240620 posting in r/Relationship_advice. This is my story: I think it's important to establish your weirdness from the beginning of a relationship. • 13 yr. I smelled poop from her when my head was on 4 - Don’t Start A Relationship If You’re Not In Love. She's the only person in my phone with a photo on their contact. Bong and accessories My girlfriend and I both bought 16” beaker bongs from the same store, mine clear glass (not pictured) and hers this sort of shiny chromatic finish (see picture). . My nose doesn't work right, or she smells different now. People you love and care about have a very comforting smell. Boyfriend won’t stop telling me I have B. UPDATE: My girlfriend smells (24F & 24F) To sum up my last post, I said my exgirlfriend stunk of poop and I looked past it the first couple of times but I broke up with her after the third. She smells so sweet and so good. ) Smells impact different people differently. ThrowRA-doistink. Short recap of the "rules": my girlfriend smells and reviews 6 samples i have in my collection and gives me her opinion on them. I don't just like it in a sexual way either, i'd smell her armpits any time of the day, and I do. 2 weeks ago i posted the thoughts of my girlfriend, who casually wears fragrances, about some niche samples i have collected over the last 3 years. ) Bonfire- I love the smell because it reminds me of autumn. You could tell her that you like style X, or a person with style Y, but you gotta ask yourself why it matters. Every time she eats chick fil a her farts smell so nasty, idk if its the chicken or fries but its like a drug to me. Like, Taco Bell levels of violation. I kinda like the smell of my poop. We made plans on the fly that night I absolutely love the smell of my wife's armpits. Even heavy duty febreeze does nothing for the stench. When you're with someone a long time and are still in love with them, the general feeling is like being wrapped in a warm blanket. It is the most comforting smell I know. I literally licked her armpit once, which was not the experience I'd hoped it would be. 0 and illadelph multi hole slides (see pictures). But your vagina is self-cleaning, and douching can disturb the normal balance of bacteria in Unless you use the Tabac after shave and/or fragrance after the shave, nobody will be able to smell anything on you. ๐Ÿ˜‚ My sister says that means her pheromones work on me. I love the way my cat smells. See the unfiltered opinions of strangers. At the time, it made me happy whenever I smelled it. Oh my gosh yes. ADMIN MOD. I am an eccentric woman. Jun 23, 2023 ยท No one really knows why pregnant people develop the sense of smell of a bloodhound—but there's no doubt that it happens and happens a lot. The second date would have been nice as well but I absolutely didn't like his smell, he obviously didn't wear any perfume. If you want to chlorinate your latex: 1 NaOCL + 2 HCL --> 1 Clโ‚‚ + 1 Hโ‚‚O + 1 NaCl. I have phrases and bits of her second language/sayings saved. On my heavy days I'll leave my pad on for just a little bit longer than I should, and right before hopping into the shower I'll tear that sucker Miserable-Quantity93. The specific scent that comes to mind is an ice cold glass of water with lemon and a swirly straw on a warm summer day (this is the best way I could describe the way she smells). It's one of many things about him I miss. The problem is (most, also probably hetero) dudes only like the smell of their OWN balls. I LOVE musky smells and love the way my partner smells. Or they may even decrease. Aside from that, I like jasmine flowers, the ocean, and the tropical air (a breezy evening in Hawaii on the beach is intoxicating). However, if you guys have a great relationship, and she wants to maintain it, I think she will try to find other products less offensive to you. It kinda reminds me of cup of noodles to be honest. If your girlfriend liked carrot and you didn't, would you expect her to change her tastes to match yours? Hi everybody!! I have noticed that i really love to smell my girlfriend's exhaled breaths. Nov 21, 2023 ยท We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I can't describe what it was, but it was just her. Humans interact on smell of pheromones. That's helped a lot. My girlfriend (21f) and I have been dating for nearly two years now with no major relationship issues. Although I’ve never discussed this with another person, it seems most people I know would disagree with me and My ex and his juices did not mix well together at all. I love shoving my nose in my partner's armpits. All has been going great up until this point. If the two are too close - the smell will not be attractive; if they are far away (but not too far) - it will be attractive; and if their genetics are too far away, it'll start becoming repulsive again. Even for people who don't realize it's a thing for them, most people in some way respond positively to certain kinds of body odors. I can't describe the smell, but my ex had a distinctive one. It is a difficult emotion to explain as it is uniquely personal and as such is different for everyone. Just really safe and warm. Something could be medically wrong with her to exasperate her issues as well. Therefore, if your immune system is different from your partner it might attract them because it means your offspring will likely have a better, more varied immune system. Hello there! Part 1 here. Reply. It's been proven that women respond to the way a man smells {insert misc science stuff about pheromones, hormones, etc}. Agreed. You can google causes of vaginal smells to get a more clear understanding of what may be out of balance for her, for example a tangy smell means the ph is overly acidic, fishy odors are often due to bacterial vaginosis or stds. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ She just smells so comforting to me. I too love the way my cats smell. Play-doh- it smells amazing and reminds me of childhood. I've known it for over 13 years and I'll never tire of it. This morning I happened to be in the bathroom as she was getting out of the shower, and I slid a finger in her for a moment and tasted it. Cats can certainly have unpleasant breathe but both of my cats have relatively clean teeth and I actually find the scent of their breathe to be very comforting. I tried mentioning it to her once. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. It doesn’t bother me to any extent, however I’ve noticed more of an unusual smell coming from your lady bits, naked and dressed. I love the smell of my sweaty balls. He is bonded to me and I think he thinks I'm his Momma. Especially because a change in smell/taste may be an indicator of something wrong (yeast infection, STDs, etc etc) Same. When she gets up in the morning and im still in bed i go to her side of the bed and smell her cushion. Also, green tea is supposed to help combat bad breath as well as cinnamon, ginger, and peppermint (fresh stuff is best, stuff flavored like those don't work the same). 92gr of HCl. She knows how much i love it, she might think im a little weird regarding this but she does not mind. Share. My girlfriend has a scent that lingers for days after she comes over and it's the most comforting thing. " It's a very popular scent and she has been wearing this for years. She could smell my underarms, and when she'd smell em after working out she'd get lust filled. It’s comforting and I’m fairly certain it’s normal. Mine smells like maple syrup. I love how He smells, and I tell Him so. Eventually extended to the ex loving the smell of my underwear and crotch and everything. We both bought Ace Labz titanstem 3. If you stay with her, there is every chance your feelings may grow. You can't fix her yourself and it sounds like she needs medical help to clear up some of the things you've noticed. So yeah, poop mostly smells bad but there are some really interesting complexities to it. . E. Wow. Well my ex-husband yes he loved my smell and so do my children. I am so in love with my girlfriend. You’re either in love, or you are not. When u can still smell her ๐Ÿ˜ณ. I sometimes will go 3 days without showering just to have enough sweat collect down there and sniff mt balls. Sep 2, 2009 ยท It's not like bad BO, or maybe just not to me. I think there's a hypothesis that people choose partners based on how they smell, or rather, people will tend to like partners who they think smell good. Other. A fishy smell is a really common symptom of a vaginal infection, like a yeast infection for example. Obviously be polite but be honest with him. I bring her up in almost every conversation I can. g she will breathe out through her nose and i will press my nose right up to it and smell it and i LOVE it- but specifically only when she exhales through her nose and not her mouth. This can and will lead to machine break down. His clothes never smelled like it and, even though he used Old Spice, it wasn't really that scent. Me and my girlfriend do this thing where i wear a shirt for a couple of days and give it to her to wear for a week and it'll come back with her scent. It just feels so good and comforting. We randomly select them (most of the time) and then we smell them together and i ask her three questions which helps her giving a honest review about the fragrances. It's the natural smell that almost describes a person. When I was still dating my girlfriend I would wear her hoodie home and snuggle both when I was really depressed and it would help so much. And i give her a new one. [deleted] •. Honesty the combination is ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ My boyfriend does the same too but with men products and honestly I can’t get enough. You start to associate that smell with an emotion and it's a beautiful thing. She covered my eyes and had someone else say "guess who" to trick me. Kit_Dit. Baby pills are steroids who are reversing the effects of estrogen in women. ”. Just need to scrape and clean it off (sounds terribly dirty but very worth it if you want to get rid of the smell and save the shoes!). Don't beat around the bush, simply tell him he's got a stinky mouth. I love her natural scent also, just drove me wild. I also really enjoy the way she smells ON me, if you catch my drift. It isn’t weird. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and everything has been great except for one thing. I didn't want to put my nose near her and that's the only thing I could think about being close to her. Because its indicative of immune diversity or something so your babies will be healthier. For various reasons she may be avoiding over-use of deodorants (example: I refuse to use aluminum based deoderants because I don't like the idea of toxic chemicals soaking into my skin) 2. Love that virginal aroma after a session of love making also her smell on the sheets Mmmm ๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŒˆ. tldr; your smell = immune system = people with different immune system attracted cuz their baby gonna be fucking beefed up. I just chalked it down to pheromones or something. It's such a strong masculine scent It's such a turn on. My first guess would be pheromones from the various scent glands on their body. It's not a bad scent. I believe that you can tell a lot by a person from their three favorite smells. I love the smell of my balls. I enjoy taking note of how different foods affect the smell. She figured this out when my grandpa’s Parkinson’s meds started making him super sweaty. One of the simple pleasures in life that I enjoy is getting to smell the delightfully meaty scent of my blood-soaked maxi pad after a long, grueling day. A woman's hair usually smells wonderful; that's all it is. She has claimed similar things. Not a good idea. Vaginas often have a fishy smell to them. It’s not that he smells bad (though he certainly does not make a priority of smelling good) but his natural scent is not something The 10th Dentist is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagree with the broad majority of people. I asked my boyfriend to smell her and he says sure she smells good, but it just kinda smells like cat spit. I know, it sounds stupid but it’s something I’ve thought about nearly every day for the last few years and haven’t been able to tell anyone. What you can do is support her in getting started. Start with "doesn't smell the same lately". o. I haven’t thought too much about this. And sometimes I stare at it and lose my train of thought. My girlfriend smells (24F & 24F) My girlfriend (24F) and I (24F) made it official and started telling family and friends we're dating. Also, the smell of “tuna casserole” while perhaps pungent isn’t unhealthy. Recently ive been noticing a decline in my desire to be intimate with her and I think it has something to do with the way she smells. It's usually a… I love you head to toe, and before I say what I’m about to say. I love going down on him when he’s been wearing jeans all day because they usually trap the smell. My girlfriend of 2 years and I recently moved into a place together. I love the way my girlfriend smells and how I get to take it in whenever I embrace her. Its not a bad smell and its not her soaps/lotions/perfumes. My mother wears this signature scent from Bath and Body Works. ) She may not care. Secret my grandma taught me: put a little vinegar in your laundry. My girlfriend likes to wear cologne. • 10 mo. I can't go 5 minutes without petting her or checking up on her or just making sure she's happy. 3. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. Tends, I've noticed, to be really hit and miss - I personally enjoy the majority of body odors so far as sweat or musk is concerned, mine own included. After every reasonably lengthed run when I get back to my house my girlfriend says that I smell more metallic than sweaty. •. I love the smell of my period blood. Studies have found that as many as two-thirds of She can use her toothbrush or buy a tongue scraper. My cat, Bobby, is getting close to "senior" age. These feelings are normal. It’s just affecting you. Every single day, at least once, he will tell me that I stink and smell of b. While I understand some people can find it funky I find Mar 12, 2018 ยท Here’s some truth about B. I didn't notice her smell the many times we hung out, sat in my car, or the hugs we had. If it wasn’t for the fact that others dislike it I would never use deodorant because just laying in bed and getting that slight whiff is nice. For years, I was always drawn to smell him but realized I like the way he smells and admit it. His smell makes me feel safe. Baby wipes will work for this. I work with this guy and I’ve been friends with him for a while, but only recently we’ve gotten closer. Sheepotato. I'm being bottom basically 99% of the time and trying to make excuses or say I'm not into it, but the smell is really strong and once I tried it I nearly threw up it was so strong. You might just be more forgiving of it because you’re attracted to the other Yep. I dont got any fetishes but i just love the smell. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I cuddle up on His side of the bed if He gets out of it. my boyfriend I can always smell but have to be close to him (20-30cm minimum). Cutting out dairy, gluten and Not sure why besides the fact that it smells good. This is something that's been going on essentially since I started running a Let it cool to warm, then sit with the feet in it for 30 minutes. That’s pretty much it. We aim to keep this a safe space. 5. Oh yeah separated at birth, I got one and he got one. When we met I showered every day, applied regular deodorant in the morning, brushed my teeth Simon-O will probably add a nice smell to it in a later stage to cover up the after smell from the chlorination process. Also, you asked whether she smells it. Eww Gross OP. It’s a about as alpha male as it gets. I use my Tabac shaving soap and stick once a year or so and the lather quality is just awesome. I love hanging out by my husband's balls, am I alone? Okay, before I explain this further, I just want to say that I love the way my husband smells (cologne or no cologne, freshly showered or not). It’s all about meeting each other half way. so I was texting my cute girlfriend and she was apparently drinking a carton of milk mm pretty scrumptious right so that milk got on her legs and her phone oh no:( but funny at the same time because now she smells like spoiled milk at least I think so anyways and she totally freaked out and I was just like in the corner laughing because of the absurd idea of her casually drinking milk and then I live in a studio apartment with my girlfriend. kindly bring it up to her in an no offensive way. I love the smell of my dog’s head. She is now my wife. Some people like their own smells, some people hate their own smells. To the point of playfully flirting, teasing, and even getting physical sometimes. She thought is was odd. The way she dresses is none of your business. I let my non-fraghead girlfriend smell some samples and review them PART 2. If you truly feel that your love will not grow over time, then yes, I would let her know and see what your next step should be. But every single time he’s near me, I get a strong whiff of his cologne and penguannie04. We were together 3 years. It sounds so strange to say that because technically, dogs don’t usually smell pleasant to humans. Ensure her you love and care about her and are supportive but are concerned about her health due to the smell. I’ve always been curious why I am attracted to the way my girlfriend smells. I don't notice it too much, but I assume that this is because I've gotten used to it over the course of a run. I'm like this with my wife, but it got a little strange after COVID. The only time I didn't smell it when she was near is when she wore perfume. Well, I'm not stopping you. My fiancé and I pH work better together but if his stuff smells bad it messes with my system completely. A lot of hygienic issues stem from bad mental health and/or habits. 3 years of farting and being a baby about it. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I love her very much and I would hate for this to spiral downwards for no reason. qc wt ad mv pi xf ki td tm al