Foot nerve pain reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Ever since I took that one dose of 500mg, I've been having pain in my left arm. Try icing the shin, compression and elevation to relieve some of the discomfort. ), as well as in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Just as simply as placing your finger tips on your skin, not pressing. I had 3 stellate ganglion blocks done (in the neck) hen I had crps only in my right arm. Definitely sciatica and a pinched nerve somewhere. I felt a sort of pop feeling during the sprint twice which causes me to stop the exercise. There are various reasons why you experience numbness in your feet or your toes. My PT and doctors told me that if you have pain in your calf or foot by simply touching it—it could be the sign of a blood clot. It's often described as a sharp, shooting, burning, or stabbing discomfort that may be accompanied by tingling, numbness, or weakness in the My wife has been struggling with chronic foot pain for a while now, ever since smacking her foot one day in the bathroom more than a year ago. Calcium/Vitamin D supplements. The only other place I have pain is my back sometimes also coming and going and my pelvis. I am just tired of the pain and the never ending flow of Advil. My hands and feet started going completely numb. The sensations include burning, bruising-like pains, pinching, electric shock, throbbing and 'shooting' pains. Since being removed from my Ssri suddenly and reinstating for the last 6 months as soon as I ovulate I start with pins and needles in my feet, crazy leg aching pains that makes it hard to stand or walk, joint stiffness, aching joints. The peripheral nervous system sends I'm 19 now (female). Experiences? Short history: Began manifesting as what felt like "shin splint", a sharp pain on the outer side of my anterior tibialis that burned when I walked too fast. My biggest recommendation is a magnesium lotion or oil. 10. 20, male. After the pain went away, I had numbness in my right leg and right foot. Most of the time it feels like mild tingling. I am taking 200mg of gabapentin and it helps a bit, but not completely. I actually use a wheelchair when I am out and about to avoid being on my feet too long. A place to discuss the benefits of natural foot function and gait mechanics, and how to restore it. Tingling in both feet and muscle ache/nerve pain only in left leg. Keep on drinking and you may end up with damage that will never go away. Any ideas or similar experiences?? Thank you. The most trigger is cold weather like tem less than" 10 C". Some cancers, such as lymphoma or myeloma. So glad to finally be getting some answers. Since then, it feels like I have a pebble or a string under my skin below my pinky toe on the ball of my foot. Feels like someone tied a fishing line from my lower back, down my ass and into my foot and they’re tightening it as tight as they can. 20 days locking joints in that arm. Then the flu like symptoms and pain when peeing went away but the nerve pain started in my buttocks, back of my legs, and soles of my feet. My pain is mostly in my foot and the zaps in my foot are ranging from 9-10/10 on the pain scale. Take a look at these links or ask your doctor! Cold feet, numbness, swelling, weird tingles that sometimes even travel up my calves and knees. All of these are nerve problems and can mimic the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. within one month of this 'bad block' I had crps in my left arm Months after treatment, nerve damage in my feet has seemed to progress. Stretching / Strengthening - The internet is filled with stretching and strengthening routines, but IMHO, this can be a problem. He does hip arthroscopies with 80% success rate for pelvic floor patients. I have tried magnesium sulfate foot baths (10 min), magnesium chloride foot baths (10 min), and oral magnesium glycinate (low dose) and all have given me burning nerve pain. Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet were what triggered my visit to the doctor that led to my diagnosis. Also lower leg went numb and had maybe 1/4 ankle lift ability. July 2023 - right tibial nerve, prescribed by a UCSF neurologist, performed by a UCSF radiologist, pain came back after initial numbing wore off. Anesthetic/corticosteroid injections. Supplements I take regularly while healing nerves atm after surgery are, N-acetyl-cystine and acetyl-L-carnitine. The 1st is a burning pain in my neck due to a spinal cord injury. I was SURE it was a nerve problem - turns out to be nothing but extreme anxiety. Vitamin B12 deficiency. the third time, the doctor missed the entire nerve bundle in my neck, and shot it in vein. These supplements have some evidence based research on reducing nerve pain. For some reason, it's most annoying in the evenings. I have had extreme nerve pain down the right side of my leg to my foot. They scare me a lot but long-term I tried to deal with them. What might be going on here? Luteal nerve/leg pain. Shortly after I started using it, I'd get nerve pain in the top of my foot at random times. This twinging has caused my pinky toe on each foot to become completely numb. ) And after running a ton of tests, the specialist I started it about 2 years ago. Anxiety is a b*tch. Previously I had done physical therapy for the sciatica pain but the general nerve pain was a completely different issue. No more tingling of numb spots, although it was a slow process. Got pain? This is the place to be. Nerve blocks, ablation and spinal cord stimulation all have varying degrees of success on nerve pain, and you should be able to test most treatments before you go all the way. It was only certain angles that would cause pain. Shin pain/nerve damage from lower incision point to my ankle. No fractures, no neuroma, no nerve problems. from age 6 - supraventricular tachycardia Further genetic testing is the next step. It can get excruciating at times. Unfortunately sciatica is extremely common, its such a long nerve that can get pinched anyplace from your spine to your foot. While barefoot I have been feeling a large nerve or something get moved while I put pressure on the bottom of my feet. •. Alcohol-caused me some peripheral neuropathy! Great news everyone, I (30M) finally damaged my body by not taking sobriety seriously enough! I've reset my counter here a hundred times, I've been in the ER 3 times this year from withdrawal. It is almost impossible to pinpoint what is causing the irritation. Doctor at HSS has strong conviction it’s from hip impingement / labral tears. One year after my diagnosis and following a nutritional ketogenic diet ( r/keto ) that normalized my blood sugars to non-diabetic targets, my neuropathy has slowly reversed. On all the meds but feeling no actual nerve improvement. Also when I touch the area where the foot I honestly wasn't aware of the indications of Topamax for nerve pain/damage. I was standing doing laundry when I felt a sudden sting in my foot. My primary symptom was tendinopathy in both Achilles and the other ankle tendons, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, and wrist tendon issues. But most people that I've encountered also have an L-4 or L-5 ruptured disc. Nothing worked but found BOTOX. What did help was seeing a pain management doctor and corticosteroid shots every four months to take down the inflammation and Botox. Or slowly driving a long deck screw thru my foot. At its worst, it feels like someone smashing my foot with a sledgehammer. BurmecianSoldierDan. The pain then evolved into tingling pain in my thigh. Hi Reddit, I am writing out of desperation, I have been having foot nerve pain for a year. Hello from Sydney, Australia guys. My primary care doctor doesn’t know what it is but he ordered that MRI. In summer or winter I have pain at night as burning and coldness what ever temperatures out side. Also, a compounding pharmacy can make a topical Diclofenac, Gabapentin, Lidocaine and Ketamine pain cream, those are very helpful. Similarly, it can feel like you’re walking with a pebble in your Aug 19, 2019 · If you have a pinched nerve in your foot, you may experience the following symptoms: aching, sharp, or burning pain. Then the pain traveled to the back of my testicles. And my arms, periodically. Alpha Lipoic Acid Alpha-lipoic acid can lower blood sugar levels, and its ability to kill free radicals may help reduce pain, burning, itching, tingling, and numbness in people who have nerve damage caused by diabetes (called peripheral neuropathy). Either way you may experience some pain right after just because the teeth and gums nextdoor are tender after the procedure. It does get better over time but the nerve damage heals very slowly. So I got surgery about 2 and a half weeks ago after spraining and breaking my outside left ankle (the tendons pulled the end of the bone off when they got strained). Anterior tib pain - peroneal nerve compression. 5 years floxed with very consistent symptoms of widespread tendinopathy and some muscle loss. I'm on cymbalta but I'm not sure it helps my nerve pain much. Melatonin - 300 ug/day. Yay for me I'm writing this because hopefully at least one person who is struggling with alcoholism will read this post and realize it's not worth it. Initially prescribed Pregabalin (Lyrica), Solpadol (500mg paracetamol, 30mg codeine). Some foot drop and plantar fasc symptoms initially. Mar 2023 - ~ right shin area, done by a foot nerve pain specialist, felt nothing. My stomach will hurt like hell. There is probably some leftover surgical inflammation or scar tissue that it might help. He is calling this "residual" pain. If the bottom of your feet get a burning feeling or from the knees down it feels like ants crawling on them or like electric shock you have neuropathy. Experiences? : r/hiking. Then nerve spasms and numbness. My first sciatica flareup started around a month ago. Nerve Pain Under Pinky Toe. Prior to supplementing, my numbness had progressed to my whole body, that resolved quickly as it was muscle pains, shoulder pains, chest pains and left arm pain, twitches, tingling sensation in the arms, sleep problems, dizziness, headaches, stomach aches. Nerve pain, also known as neuropathic pain, originates from damage or dysfunction in the nervous system. That lasted for a few days. Lyme disease. I am very active but need to scale back a bit when I have these random spasms. Driving irritated (and still irritates it) more than anything—my right foot resting on the floorboard shifts all of the weight and pressure from my foot and shoes right to my heel. After I was cleared to go home I began experiencing severe nerve pain into my right foot. No one put it together. feelings of numbness in the area the affected nerve supplies. Curious if: Anyone has dealt with something similar Mar 13, 2024 · Toxins, such as heavy alcohol use. I have peroneal nerve damage that results r/stopdrinking. Pain that is in correlation to the bulged disc but is not stemming from the disc directly (rather the sciatic nerve). It's completely painless, though the intensivity of the numbness vries - sometimes it feels okay, sometimes even the pain caused by scratching feels dull. The sensation may be numb; in other cases, you may not feel anything since your feet or toes lack feeling. I also developed right drop foot. I've had a number of lumbar sympathetic nerve blocks for the CRPS in my inner left ankle over the past 3 years. It also can affect other areas and body functions including digestion and urination. Background: I had lapidus bunionectomy which involves a mid foot bone fusion amoungst other things, 2. I saw my primary care, who referred me to a podiatrist. I still have it at 7 months but nowhere near as bad as in the first few months. Nerve pain after surgery was crazy. If you do remove the nerve, it's possible that your dentist will only partially remove it, or remove the whole thing. So feeling calf raises in the arch of your feet as well is also normal. Months ago I was in lifeguard training and was running barefoot. They may be able to stretch/decompress your spine enough to relieve the pinch, but dont bet any money on That’s two natural products that can help with the nerve pain and even fibromyalgia. It made me crazy and hallucinate. Alpha-lipoic acid has been used for years for this purpose. The 300mg dose definitely mutes the nerve pain, boosts my mood Nerves firing. For me, it started with a little pain during sex, then awful pain when peeing, then flu like symptoms. Neither of them seemed to concerned. My symptoms have slowly been reversing since taking the supplement and I age 4-5. I asked multiple times, because I was so scared of getting one. I've had to take a knee in the middle of Target during a flare up. Same days there is almost no pain, and others it’s bad. But overall, getting rid of the nerve should stop the pain long term because the nerve that is in pain I'm 5 days into my course of BPC-157/TB4 and two days ago started getting tingling in hands and feet. Sometimes it will feel like water is running down my skin or like its raining on me but there is no rain. Possible causes may include poor blood circulation or a byproduct of diabetes. Right after I got over COVID, back in early December, I started having severe pain in my backside and right leg. It worth a try. Feels like nerve pain and comes and goes. Since the nerve block wore off, there’s a My primary care physician sent me to a neurologist for a definitive diagnosis. 5 years ago. None of them can find anything wrong. It has helped a TON. The pain down the legs is called sciatica. It since moved to full body numbness loss of legs, arms. Peroneal nerve damage and foot drop after trimalleolar fracture and fibular fracture. Adding to a growing body of evidence that, for many, problems related to COVID-19 linger longer than the initial infection, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. I tried gabapentin but the side effects for me were too much. sensations of There was a huge difference with having all those glucose attacking and destroying your nerve sheath at high A1c average. I had a spinal fusion at L5-S1 in September 2021 and woke up with no movement or feeling in both legs for 7 days. I'm also currently on amitriptyline which has helped a bit. Pain first months was progressing on and off for 6 months, after that, pain became daily. Mostly happens with the left foot but happens occasionally with the right foot. The 2nd is a sharp stabbing pain in my pelvic region due to a simple fall. I had small and large fiber nerve conduction tests done and there's no nerve damage which is great but it's leaving me perplexed and worried it will be permanent. I say "nerve pain" because it feels like someone is touching the top of my foot (an inch or two north of my big toe, up to below my ankle) with electrodes for just a moment. You may experience pain in the ball of your foot, a burning sensation, or tingling, depending on the severity. They then gave me several nerve blocked shots in my thigh which did resolve pain for a week. I mostly likely from suffering from Baxter's nerve impingement, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, or medial/lateral plantar nerve entrapment. Pink-Lover. These surges of pain started a few months ago and I remember the day it started. I had no idea Ozempic could cause nerve pain, I had never had this problem til I started Ozempic over a year ago. It all started with repeated Ingrown Nail procedures on the same toe that I believe damaged a nerve in my big toe, which has spread after a cortisone injection (As part of an attempt to treat the pain) to the rest of my foot. Unlike typical pain caused by physical injury, nerve pain can be complex and varied in sensation. I feel it most on the tops of my feet. A subreddit that focuses on anxiety-related success stories and breakthroughs, and posting helpful resources for people with anxiety. Personally, I never noticed ANY nerve pain relief from Pregabalin until I took 300mg. The pain doesn't have a fixed location: I've felt it Posted by u/mollie823 - 2 votes and 2 comments They show no problems anywhere in the spine or nerves by the spine. Turns out I DON'T have plantar fasciitis and you might not either. Shockingly painful and dreadful. Autoimmune conditions, such as lupus and vasculitis. Ever since I have sporadically lost feeling to my legs, frequently suffer from nerve shoot off and rolling He said you have to have significant damage for it to show up on the test. You should reach out to a pain clinic for other options as well. How to deal with nerve pain. I originally turned down the nerve pills from my physiatrist but she basically made me see the neurosurgeon. I have been to a urologist and he referred me to a pain management clinic for pelvic floor treatment. Somehow feels like peripheral nerves are affected. ) Always started with a complaint of pain in his feet. Legs arms returned w bad weakness and now unstoppable neuropathy. In this article, we outline five potential causes for why your feet or toes may B12 Deficiency and Neuropathy Recovery. Taking the two weeks off and giving your body time to heal will be better in the long run (pun intended). Literally can knock me off my feet sometimes. I've had nerve pain and tingling on and Can anxiety/stress cause nerve pain in hands and feet? Yes, but most likely indirectly and tied to postural maladaptations exacerbated by the anxiety. I have daily migraines and foot drop and that wasn’t enough to show up so I didn’t take the test again when he asked. For the past 3 weeks I've been feeling an awful combination of pins and needles, numbness and various nerve pains almost throughout my entire body. I get electric shock pain, but also numbness, burning (like boiling oil on my skin), freezing cold feelings, a feeling like my ribs are being squeezed together, and shooting/tearing pain. Apparently nothing is a wake-up call. As per my treatment, it also worked (if only for a short while) to treat some undesirable Peripheral neuropathy happens when the nerves that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) are damaged. And my torso, even less often than my arms. 10 days later upper arm pain. Only one shot was Pfizer 4/18/21. The reason behind sciatica is most often a herniated disc in the lumbar absolutely. I also started limping on the right side when I would walk and had pain in the leg when I would bend over. With sciatica, in some cases, any little thing can irritate the nerve. However, keep in mind that going over that amount can lower the seizure threshold, and therefore is not recommended. Hi everyone, I’m 28 years old and have been having nerve pain in my hands for the last few months that seems to be brought on by sitting at my computer desk. Along with this is some days the balls of my feet are numb and other days not. 1. Hello, I have symptoms (burning feet) indicative of peripheral neuropathy for roughly the past 3 months. The pain was so bad I didn’t sleep for days. I know I need to lose weight and I'm working on it. With oral supplements, I can see improvements in my vision, gum disease, fatigue and other symptoms. In the meantime I started taking a B12 supplement because why not. Yesterday it became more stinging and painful, affecting my sleep. I remember standing on something uneven (an item of clothing or the edge of a rug) where the item was sort of jutting into the arch of my foot. IAmA 20-year-old living with nerve damage due to breaking my neck : r/IAmA. So about 2 months ago, I discovered b12 deficiency is the cause of a lot of chronic issues. I did a complete neurological workup at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles under Dr. Avoided surgery by scheduling circumstances as I improved ankle strength in the 10 days to surgery date. Here is some basic info from the pharmacy and oral vitamin for my mother in law that has similar issues. I remember standing on something uneven (an item of Answer 1: My neuropathy in my feet gets very much worse the more I have to walk or stand. For example, tense shoulders could lead to nerve pain in the neck and/or shooting down the arms. I’ve worked desk jobs for 8 years and i had a cervical x-ray that showed a reverse curvature (lordosis) in my neck, which could be the reason I’m having the burning pain in my hands I have nerve pain as well in my feet and legs the most. I have two types of nerve pain. My right foot (my right side takes it worse than my left) was numb but also painful. After a surgery, an injection in your foot should be a piece of cake to tolerate. I get Versed (midazolam) just before they start the procedure. Reply reply. They had to take the broken piece of bone out and anchor the tendons back down. It feels like I am aware of every nerve ending, and every nerve ending is painful. I’ve had an X-ray and no fracture can be seen as Is this nerve pain? Foot issue. that night, I screamed myself to sleep. This completely takes the pain away. Get my MRI. Alpha lipoic acid when I remember (it needs an empty stomach, but I alway wake up and go straight for coffee lol). You may dose up to 800mg/day safely IF YOU HAVE NO HISTORY OF LIVER OR KIDNEY DISEASE, STOMACH ULCERS, OR BLEEDING DISORDERS. It's really embarrassing. Nerve Pain on Top of Foot After Surgery. It feels like a hot poker is being ground in to my neck 24/7. I am 5 months out and doing much better. I think it is normal, I mean calf raises DO work the muscles in the foot arch a lot as well and you have several small muscles in the lower leg that raise the heel just like the calves do AND support the foot arch at the same time. However, I did have some before that but it was much more manageable. ADMIN MOD. But painful and hard to manage when in my arms and torso (my foot pain responds well to cannabis pain cream). This has all began to improve steadily starting at about 3. Plus insane mental pmdd symptoms I never had before. Now have pelvic, hip pain, back pain and foot numbness. I have both. Seizure like zapping. My PCP referred me to a neurologist that I’ve yet to see. For the broken, malfunctioning, pained people of the world and their friends/family. I caught Lyme in July 2023 and immediately recognized the signs, got a blood test, had it treated within a week or two of being bit. Once a nerve is damaged, it Edit: I should also add the dr is leaning toward a pinched nerve in my spine for the sudden intensification of nerve pain in my feet over the last few weeks. Now in summer, symptoms not severe as winter . I got an MRI about two weeks ago and it showed herniated disks around L5/S1 and L4/L5 with nerve impingement. They last anywhere from 1 to 8 months. I manage it by limiting my activity, protecting my sleep, keeping my home cool, taking low dose naltrexone, and using neurofeedback and restorative yoga to manage my pain. Bottom of foot pain and neuropathy. Explore good spine hygiene. My GP tested my reflexes and sensitivity TL;DR – History of spine pathology and post-covid nerve pain. This wasn’t working, so my doctor upped it to 10mg Oxycodone twice a day. (Officially, it's a "painful, small-fiber peripheral neuropathy", with no obvious cause. I broke my neck 3 years ago or so in a trampoline accident. Neuropathy progression, B12 deficiency, nerve pain. 3/7/24 At this point my pain was mainly just a little in my booty, a lot in my calf, and still tons of shooting and stabbing and electric nerve pain in my foot. A hot bath, hot tub, or even just walking on warm pavement feels good when the weird feeling gets distracting. Reply. Unfortunately, I’m only getting about 4 hours relief at a time, at Neuroma is a benign growth of nerve tissue frequently found between the third and fourth toes, often referred to as a ‘pinched nerve’, according to the Mayo Clinic. You are going to need the assistance of a doctor to try to treat this. A Morton's neuroma is a thickening of the tissue around an irritated or damaged nerve leading to your toes. Stop by the chat and say hi! Doctors say I definitely have nerve damage from the alcohol and it's permanent. Trip to ER. Two weeks of doxycyclin and I was back to normal except for some tingling in my feet – pulsing feet (nerve damage?) was my first symptom. I’ve had other surgeries and other foot surgeries (opposite foot) and this was like my foot was set on fire and burning for 5 straight weeks. Use heat, not ice, for acute episodes of pain, and stay on the Ibuprofen for inflammation. Thought it was anterior tibialis tendonitis, began Pinched nerve in foot or something else? For a few weeks (or even a month) already I have a numb area in my right foot (behind the two last toes). For context I'm a 22 year old man and 300lbs and prediabetic. During the early weeks, minimal back pain and could bend and sit however I wanted Been dealing with severe nerve pain in shoulder/arm from a disc herniation (waiting for appointment with surgeon). happyjunki3. Louis have found that some people infected during the pandemic’s early months experienced peripheral neuropathy — pain, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet — during and following their bouts with For the last few months, I've been experiencing a weird complication that has baffled both my doctor and a specialist: After losing 75 pounds, I developed tingling and occasionally pain in my feet and hands. Toes may also sting, burn or feel numb. The pain definitely feels like nerve pain, lots of tingling along with a burning and tightness. the first to were ok, but minimal pain relief. Feels like I seriously pulled the muscles/tendons behind my left knee, but instead of getting better over time it gets worse. Diabetic nerve pain is very common in the feet, so there should be similar options to help you. Magnesium giving burning nerve pain - help! Hi everyone! I know very little about magnesium but I know it's important. A place for fans of going barefoot, using minimal or "barefoot" shoes, or shoes with low or zero heel-toe drop, wide toe box and a flexible sole. MembersOnline. It started as lower back pain exclusively before migrating to the sole of my right foot (with very little pain felt anywhere in between). SENSITIVE and BURNING Skin from Anxiety - EXPLAINED! Was experiencing this back in the days. Welcome to Mortons_Neuroma. If yes it's your Sciatic nerve. On New Year's Day I must have done something to my back/hip area because I had this pain shooting down from my hip to the front of my right foot. But I just want to make sure I’m taking care. Then after that improving for 5 days, I developed the gluteal and leg pain from nerve. FYI - the maximum recommended dose of Pregabalin is 600mg/day (300mg/2x-day). 4 was intense "kill me now" pain, but here at 5. When reading in this forum I notice a lot of posts from people suffering from sciatic pain for years or even decades, significantly reducing their life quality in their 20s, 30s and 40s - the prime time of life. I started freaking and looking up nerve issues related to diabetes and read up on peripheral neuropathy which is a common nerve issue where if you DON'T take care of yourself, your diabetes and antibodies can attack your nerves and cause you foot and wrist pain, amongst other issues. Rather, my pain increased throughout the day, exponentially so with the more time I spent on my feet. It can be caused by wearing tight, pointy, incorrectly sized or high-heeled shoes, and exacerbated by high impact . Activity doesn't seem to affect it. I have to crack my toes to feel relief this spazzes at times. I have three heniated disk and two ruptured in my upper spine but I have that mostly under control with nerve flossing and stretching. Which I believe was nerve pain. 5, he had a year and a half of recurring high fevers (every 3-4weeks, lasting 3-4 days. When I gently run my finger along the top of my foot, I feel a pins and needles sensation in my toe. Richard Lewis, including MRIs, nerve conduction tests, etc. I am, however, pretty well versed in its use as a treatment for migraines, seizures (read: epilepsy, epileptic episodes, etc. I'm 1. I’ve seen 3 different Doctors. The pain is sometimes in the shoulders, sometimes in the wrist and sometimes in the elbow. He is confident that I will start to feeling better within the coming weeks and some days are much worse than others. 5 months after stopping the antibiotics. How did I think it was normal and why didn't I connect 2 and 2 together 🤦 I'm an idiot. Yup. my surgery was 5 1/2 hours and I’ve been told multiple times my recovery will be slow due to the nature of my fractures. To cope with this, I got a rollator off amazon (Drive brand) that I use when I go shopping or any other situation where I will have to wait in a line. She has had X-rays, MRI, seen multiple podiatrists and nerve specialists. I think it’s my hip flexors and I’m working out lightly with lots of stretching. I shattered C-3 and C-4 in my neck and tore all of the ligaments binding the muscles to the bones. Scheduled my MRI and an appointment with a pain management doctor. Bitching, complaining, whining, and otherwise venting about your condition is encouraged. And only a week ago have I realised that my foot pain (that I've experienced my whole life) is not normal and that it has been caused by my flatfoot!! I literally thought everyone's feet hurt like a b*tch after only 2-3h of walking. The nerve pain plateaued for a week and I got another set of sores. It can result in a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot or feel like you are walking on a pebble. I have posted before, but basically 5 weeks post up tomorrow from the repair of my right leg. 3, those lightning hits that pulses for minutes, knife stabs to the legs, intense cramp feeling, and walking around feeling part of your foot is missing, and more, feel Weird twinging of nerve on bottom of foot while barefoot. This condition often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet. Psychosomatic pains are also a possibility, but I don't think - but can't say with 100% certainty Questions to people with sciatic pain for more than 6 months. It's a buzzing/electric sort of pain and burning/red feet usually follow or the toes are painfully cold. Numbing and the reduction if inflammation can give the tissues a chance to recover especially in places that you can never really rest like feet or your back. ji iu hk oa uo zw ln pj ky lf