Fan dipole hf antenna

Fan dipole hf antenna

Description: A Multi-Band (40m - 6m) 1/4 wave vertical antenna system that makes use of the original DX Commander pole. The antenna is presently 72 feet high at the feedpoint. Aug 18, 2023 · Simple Doublet antenna for multi-band use with a tuner. My initial aim was actually for a 60 meter dipole antenna. Multiband End-Fed Half-Wave EFHW Antenna. Information. All are supplied with 1. Jun 13, 2020 · This is post 2266 in a continuing series of simplehamradioantennas. 9:1 across the entire Mar 12, 2022 · As mentioned in the text, dipole antennas are also resonant at their third harmonic. 8-30 mHz) 3-cores FT-240 31 50 ohm input COAX fed. 5 – 4 MHz at 1. Which antenna do you have or pr Background. It is rated 98% efficient or better on all HF bands. Plastic antenna wire spacers. 2KW The dipole is constructed using top quality, FLEX-WEAVE TM is a The multi dipole has a 1:1 current Balun at the feed point. 200, 144. Cut PVC to length for the middle section and for base section. 1 and 0. Divide 32. Fan dipoles are one of the EASIEST ways to get on the air quickly and efficiently on multiple bands. What are they? Ham Radio Basics helping you further your Curve 80dip@30 is for the same antenna operated at the center of the 30-meter amateur band (roughly third harmonic); 80dip@20 is for 20 meters, the fourth harmonic of 80 meters. com Jul 26, 2012 · The completed antenna is so stealth, it is quite hard to photograph as shown below. #1. The 40/80 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is symmetrical so that the noise level will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric antennas. Background. Calculating the Length of the Dipole. Premium version includes everything needed to get up and running: - DX Commander Pole - 8x Stainless Steel hose clams - 75cm of 8mm tubing - 10cm Barker & Williamson has been a recognized leader worldwide in the manufacture of the highest quality HF broadband antennas, fiberglass masts, air wound coil stock, and other radio parts for military, government, EOC and commercial use since 1932. fan dipoles, multiband antenna, ham radio, amateur radio, best hf antenna, hf antenna, american made antenna 20/40/80 fan dipoles with 200' of rope $129. Oct 2, 2012 · Here I build a multi-band dipole antenna for HF use on 40-20-15-10-6 meters. The 3 element fan dipole works very well at covering all the bands 80-6 meters, while using a tuner on the non-resonant bands. The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being Review Summary For : DX Commander All-Band Vertical. figure 2. 5MHz to 30MHz continuously with low SWR. Here are some typical dipole radiation patterns at different heights: Figure 3. (figure 2) The balun provides the matching between the 300 ohm antenna, and the 50 ohm line. The RF-1912E includes radiating elements and feedline, the RF-1912T is a RF-1912E with the addition of transportable masts, and the RF-1912B is a RF-1912E with permanent masts. The antenna presented here is a convenient combination of the Diamond BB7V vertical antenna (modified) and a large irregularly-shaped quad loop of wire, and a wire radial Jan 26, 2023 · Ease of installation: It is normally easier to install a radio antenna in the attic than outside. Heat center PVC to reform the ends to except the 1-inch aluminum tubing about 3 inches into the post section vertical. It’s stronger at 14° than that shown for 30 meters. Like what you se The ICOM AH-710 is a complete preassembled multi-band, folded dipole. Suitable for antenna wire up to 2. 200, 7. Product is in production. Use entries like 7. Half-wave dipoles are easy to install and erect and are not nearly as likely as end-fed Aug 26, 2021 · Factors That Affect Dipoles. But with the reality of how most of us can actually install a dipole it will be hard to tell a difference. I cemented the 3/4 pipe threaded adapter to one end of the base PVC. With 80. I found an excellent video from Larry WD0AKX on the topic, so I decided to share here on the blog. Don’t worry about the total length of the antenna. Use 2% for 22 degrees. Here are some of the materials you need to start building your own homemade dipole antenna for ham radio. My stacked dipole worked great on 10, 15 & 20 meters but when I tried adding a 40-meter element, it was too big. F4GFT Rating: 2019-06-03; reliability and performance Time Owned: more than 12 months. This is also a great beginner's antenna. But don’t be misled – just because they are easy to make doesn’t mean they don’t work well. Aug 5, 2018 · Building A Multi-Band HF Fan Dipole Antenna. height (wavelengths) The gain and radiation pattern varies with the height above ground. Attach your coax and radio and you're on the air! It's just that simple! All HY-POWER antennas will resonate on the bands as specified for each model. , 14. This antenna will be custom made for you. If you don’t like heights, this is a great advantage. Wideband 80m Dipole covers 3. Figure 27: SWR Plot of Cross-Dipole NVIS Antenna Also shown on each of these two plots is the typical internal auto-tuner limit of today’s modern HF transceivers (3:1 SWR). This is my experiment with the 80 meter doublet antenna, using TV twin-lead wire, which is 300 ohms. , 13. They must be spaced apart, or the interaction between them will be too great. The RF-1912 family consists of three antennas. One separate dipole for each band needed. Antennas on HF: 135′ EFHW antenna – 80m through 10m at 40′. 5 mm. 00/10. If a dipole antenna is fed with a coaxial cable from the transceiver it is always recommended to use a BalUn. ) Fan dipole hoisted up its mast. EAntenna Multi-Band Dipole Wire Antennas. Nov 28, 2023 · Many simple NVIS antennas will have a broad upwards beamwidth, so there is significant radiation even at 45 degrees. 73. Some call this a fan dipole. A half-wavelength antenna resonant at 3. (See reference at the end of this article) Jun 24, 2008 · Here is a fairly simple and easy to build multi band horizontal fan type dipole that can be constructed for all band operation from 160 meters up thru 6 meters or even higher. Multi-band HF Antennas Part 3– VA3TPV. BalUn means: Balanced to Unbalanced. Field Tuning a dipole antenna. Ron used what little space he had in his attic to build a multi-ban "fan" dipole antenna. Some of these frequencies are outside of the amateur bands. 99 $109. Each leg of the dipole is feet. Height above ground matters! Here are the results from an EZNEC simulation of a simple 20 meter dipole resonance above average ground at three different heights: 8 ft. 3 feet (24 m) long covers 1. (Spring, Texas, U. 3 cm. This antenna will allow you to operate on several HF frequency bands, and it radiates signals efficiently, sending much of the RF energy from your radio to far-flung corners of the world. Jan 11, 2019 · As it turns out, yes you can. Dual frequency dipole elements. The pattern for 20 meters is much stronger at lower elevation angles. Share. Starting with the analyzer on the top wire, each band needed to be shortened a bit. This antenna will provide long-range communication on both the 7 and 14 MHz (40 and 20 meter) bands utilizing skywave propagation and short-range communication Jul 26, 2012 · The advantages of my Fence Fan Dipole (FFD) design is that just about any sturdy fence that spans the linear distance of the lowest band can be used. Dipole radiation patterns vs. The 160/80/40 meter multiband fan dipole (lower right) mounted on the tower! CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: In the photo above, the 160 meter section is on top, 80 meters in middle and 40 on bottom. 5KW/SSB. 9 to 30 MHz. Click image to enlarge. Add ceramic end insulators and PVC wider spreaders to improve it, and get on the air. I use Belden RG-58 for the lead-in, mostly for the shielding effect to reduce man made noise reception, (which I still get a ton of). So far it received 1 votes for a total score of 3. Some of these search results indicate the need for spacing, as does this question. S. Enter The Frequency For The Dipole/Vee Antenna Calculation. The 10/20 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is a combined dipole antenna. August 5, 2018 Julian OH8STN Ham Radio 0. Main category is Indoor that is about Amateur radio indoor antenna projects. 656, 22. e call this antenna a “classic” because amateurs have been using it for more than 100 years. Jun 23, 2014 · Since this antenna has no exposed metal wire static charges can not build up thus reducing noise by 6dB over antennas constructed of exposed wire. Those with multiple wire elements come with special spacers to keep the dipole elements separated. As an example, a dipole cut for 14. The resource is currently on dxzone. These are going to be the two halves of your dipole antenna. 10 meters. 9 in half, and we see each element of this dipole needs to be 16. From time to time operators have asked about multiband dipoles for fixed installations. 65′ EFHW antenna – 40m through 10m at 35′. Note that the typical required SWR tuning range for MARS frequencies can be greater than 100:1 for an 75m dipole and even for the cross- dipole antenna, as high as 30:1. Easily create an open-line feeding system. The center feedpoint and balun can be made from a single two foot section of 4" drainpipe with end caps for weather resistance. The RF-1912 family consists of three antennas: RF-1912E (radiating elements and feedline), RF-1912T (with transportable masts), and RF-1912B (with permanent masts). Dipole lengths, after adjusting some of the dipoles with the help of an MFJ-259 antenna analyzer were approximately: The 20/40 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is a combined dipole antenna. Watts: 1. High Power HF Antenna Balun. Before I get too carried away. A fan dipole consists of individual monoband dipoles that are combined on a common balun. 975 MHz; 20 ft. 2, 144. Link Dipole, often used for lightweight portable operation. 3 or less. This link has been on our site since Wednesday Dec 17 2014, and it has been clicked on 1182 times. by Robert Ewers K9HOU. Your dipole's total length is feet. These spacers can also be used to make a fan dipole antenna. My Homemade Multiband HF Fan Dipole Antenna. After about 5 adjustments all bands were resonant in the middle of the band with an SWR of 1. G5RV / ZS6BKW and similar dipole / doublet antennas. Then an "inverted V" dipole or sloper. 5 ft. Hello Operators. In the 80m and 40m dipoles, the longest band has an extension coil in each dipole The multiband HF Maypole antenna is a spin off of the fan dipole that was "invented" many years ago by an unknown ham radio operator who wanted a multiband dipole antenna "system" to cover more than one ham band and fed with a single length of coaxial cable. The W2AU is the preferred Balun of Amateurs worldwide The 1:1 matches 50(75) ohms unbalanced coax to 50(75) balanced dipoles. Listed under the Antennas/Fan Dipole category that is about Fan Dipole antenna projects. That is: 468 / Frequency Mhz will give you the overall length of the antenna. Antenna, 80 Meter QW Vertical, 80m, Self-Supporting Heavy-Duty, Full Size, 70. This was a spur of the moment project. The characteristic impedance of a half wave dipole is around 73 ohms. Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! The Jetstream Multiband Dipole Kit is a good value, and has all the parts you will need for an all band antenna installation, except for the center insulator. I installed this antenna with a Professional-grade common mode choke at the feedpoint. After three years of experiments with various home-built mono-band antennas, I installed a short Kelement 10/15/20/40m trap dipole in inverted V configuration on the roof of my city appartment (I use the 400W version, a 2kW version is also available). com in just one category. Another type of Twin Lead Dipole you can use is to leave the antenna at 300 ohms, and match it to a transmission line (like 50 ohm, RG-8 coax), with a 4:1 balun. The 40 meter (7 MHz) dipole is also resonant at 21 MHz, which is the 15 meter amateur radio band. However, if the horizontal dipole is between 0. The longest (top) dipole is braced, it carries the dipoles hanging below it. Simply cut two equal lengths of stranded copper wire. When we’re building a dipole, there’s a formula you’re going to use to calculate the distance, and that formula is 468 divided by the frequency you want to operate on. Distance between: 8. Specifications: Bands: 80m/40m/20m/15m/10m. Long Wire Dipole Antenna. Manual 1:1 BalUn 800 Watt, for dipole antennas; Manual 1:2 BalUn 600 Watts for Delta-loop & Quad-loop antennas; Manual 1:4 BalUn 600 watts; Manual 1:9 UnUn 600 Watts for long-wire antennas; Manual Common mode choke; Antenna trap kit building instructions; Construction manual antenna trap V2; Manual 1:49 UnUn for End Fed antenna’s 100 Watt bandwidth is only 14% greater than that of a simple dipole, according to the Antenna Book, which calls the antenna “controversial,”9 probably because it has been questioned whether the antenna’s bandwidth comes at the expense of low efficiency. This enables us to adapt an unbalanced fed system (coaxial cable) to a balanced antenna system (dipole antenna). I want to find a group for people that have tried to modify this antenna. Look here for the corresponding antenna Litze. , 5 kW, HD Pivoting Base, Kit. Feb 23, 2019 · However, especially on the higher HF bands, a vertical dipole is worth considering. Access to feedline: All radio antennas need a feedline to transfer signals to and from Next choice would be a dipole (with fans for multi-band) mounted high (higher than 1/2 wave). Perhaps, Ron's approach will help our fellow radio amateurs who live in deed-restricted homes and apartments. Imagine three or four dipoles, each for a different band, with each centre connected to the same balun. It is designed to work with any of the Icom Amateur HF transceivers including Marine transceivers. 225 = 32. And, especially if operated by salt water or over a conductive ground you get low angle radiation good for DX. Sep 13, 2018 · Tune in to a short video showcasing the Moregain 5-Band Dipole, a game-changing antenna for Ham Radio enthusiasts! This remarkable antenna is resonant on fiv Many hams’ first choice of antenna is a half-wave dipole. Dave and I give him some helpful ideas for his project. Percent smaller for the Inverted Vee. This antenna will provide long-range communication on both the 7 and 14 MHz (40 and 20m) bands utilizing skywave propagation and short-range communication using Near Vertical Multiband antenna #5 - the "fan" dipole This is really just the simple dipole but a bunch of them, all using the same center insulator and feed line. 73 PROJECT BUILD Build a Classic Multiband Dipole Antenna Plastic open-line spacers. 050MHz; 35 ft. 2. In fact, a half-wave dipole will often outperform many compromise commercial multiband antennas. On each half of the antenna, all dipoles halfs are connected together at a common point on each Sep 19, 2022 · #hamradio #dipole #antennaA dipole is the go-to antenna for many hams, but why is it so popular?Beacause it’s an inexpensive, yet effective antenna you can b The Jetstream Multiband Dipole Kit is a good value, and has all the parts you will need for an all band antenna installation, except for the center insulator. You get omnidirectional 360 degree coverage. . The particular design you have has the elements separated at the center and the ends, which is good because it should mean their interaction is quite low. The orientation of your dipole (theoretically in space) makes a difference. Their small footprint makes them suitable for narrow courtyards. I built this antenna and quickly tried it out in February of 2013. 5 kW PEP balun with SO-239 coax connector. Certainly in a fixed setup this antenna has its advantages. 225, etc Divided by Freq MHz. Nov 9, 2006 · Nov 9, 2006. Original Fan Dipole – can cover the whole HF range. The antenna has a reasonable 2:1 bandwidth points considering it's The KJ4IIF Multiband "FAN" Dipole for 160, 80 and 40 Meters Harmonics Chart Compiled by and Courtesy of N5JNX The chart below shows the harmonic relationship between a 3 band fan dipole antenna designed for the 40, 80 and 160 meter band with other amateur radio bands. I've always been curious about Fan Dipoles, especially those constructed from 300 Ohm twinlead, (which is The RF-1912 family consists of three antennas. 2KW/CW/RTTY. The 40/80 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is a combined dipole antenna. 10 Stagger tuned dipoles offered promise, with a theoretical SWR of 1. Jul 28, 2021 · The Fan Dipole antenna, is a High Frequency (HF) antenna designed to provide a field- tunable resonant portable antenna for two of the most popular amateur radio bands. "tuner"). HF (1. 5 : 1 SWR. It's sometimes referred to as a fan vertical. Here is a good recommendation in 7 steps. Description. 9 feet total length. There is no need to climb up ladders onto the roof, scale towers, or raise tall masts from ground level. Jul 7, 2020 · The OCF or Off Center Fed Dipole antenna is much like a conventional dipole antenna in that the formula you use to calculate the length of it is the same. Dec 28, 2014 · Icom 705 for HF, DSTAR, portable and mobile operations. I'm currently using an end fed, random length longwire (~60 feet) for HF reception. Yes, you just cut wire dipoles for each band you wish to operate (40 and 15 can use the same one), attach them all to the center insulator and feed line and scurry from band to band with ease. May 1, 2021 · Authored by: Basu (VU2NSB) on May 1, 2021. Reviews: 89. Access to feedline: All radio antennas need a feedline to transfer signals to and from The RF-1912 family consists of three antennas. Cut your dipole wire some 2-3 % longer than the length given by the standard formula. You won’t be trimming or adding wire to this dipole. Though horizontal dipoles are relatively easy to make, they often take some effort to install in trees or on poles and towers. The End Fed Half Wave antenna or the popularly known EFHW antenna has been around almost ever since the inception of HF radio. You cannot bundle all the wires together. So rather than have several dipoles suspended under each other that sometimes were very Product Information. Here I show you how to plan and construct a multi band fan dipoleAntenna Calculator available at https://kj7iaz. The Jetstream Multiband Dipole Kit is a good value, and has all the parts you will need for an all band antenna installation, except for the center insulator. Dipoles can be hidden in trees, attics, and along roof lines to keep your HOA happy. Just make it as long as possible. The dipole wires are arranged one below the other and kept at a constant distance with spreaders. This is a 1:1 Guanella current / choke balun with an SO-239 connector for coupling your coax. MSRP: 150. Thanks to Ron C for this innovative, unusual approach to antenna placement. Multiple dipole antennas are connected to the same feed point. The 80 Meter Doublet Antenna — 88 Ft/25Ft 300 Ohm Twin-lead. Most of the materials for this versatile HF antenna can be found in your "junk box" or at your neighborhood hardware Jan 26, 2023 · Ease of installation: It is normally easier to install a radio antenna in the attic than outside. Element length and height above ground optimizes takeoff-angle for HF skywave propagation from NVIS to 2000 kms. W8010 Long Wire Dipole Antenna. Obstructions, height over ground. 077, and 29. This manual 1:1 BalUn 800 watts helps you step by step with building the DIY kit. 6m dipole at 17’made from leftover BuddiPole parts; VHF / UHF / Beyond: Diamond D-130 Discone antenna with 25-1300 MHz coverage at 20′. The antenna presented here is a convenient combination of the Diamond BB7V vertical antenna (modified) and a large irregularly-shaped quad loop of wire, and a wire radial Install it as an inverted vee, flat dipole, sloping dipole, or even as a vertical. The antenna is designed to cover the 80, 40, 20, and 15 meter amateur radio bands without an antenna transmatch (i. Sep 24, 2020 · Dipole antennas are mostly omnidirectional when sending and receiving signals. 1. Fan dipole or end fed antenna - how do they compare and which is the better antenna? In Ask An Elmer we answer this question. However you can build it to suit your own preferences by Jan 27, 2021 · 3. Jul 28, 2021 · This is post 2697 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. The AH-710 can be installed as a Flat Top or an Inverted V configuration. Example: Model 3B4016L - This antenna is made to work on the 40-, 75-, and 160-meter bands. 00. Read from left to right to see the relationship. 45 feet long. 498 MHz. Tuning a Dipole Antenna for Resonance! Find a Ham Radio Dipole Resonant Length. EAntenna Multi-Band Dipole Wire Antennas come in single wire and parallel-wire types. We specialize in HF broadband folded dipole antennas for conventional, NVIS, and ALE use, both base Assembling the Vertical Dipole Antenna. 200 MHz; A simple dipole for HF will have more capacitance to ground in a low position and less DX Engineering 80 Meter Self Supporting Heavy Duty Vertical Antennas DXE-7580FS-VA-2. So rather than have several dipoles suspended under each other that sometimes were very 15 meters. The antenna works well. The 10/20 Meter band Fan Dipole dipole antenna is symmetrical so that the noise level will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric antennas. 2 wavelength above ground, its impedance will be somewhat lower and closer to 50 ohms the characteristic impedance of commonly used coaxial transmission line such as RG-8, RG-8X and RG-58. May 21, 2016 · Nicely done video tutorial on how to design, make, and use a multi-band HF fan dipole antenna. CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA 40/20 FD Fan Dipole – A High Frequency (HF) antenna designed to provide a field-tunable resonant portable antenna for two of the most popular amateur radio bands. Most dipoles will require a little "trimming or adding" to resonate at the desired frequency. These spacers are suitable for use with all HF Kits antenna wire. The multiband HF Maypole antenna is a spin off of the fan dipole that was "invented" many years ago by an unknown ham radio operator who wanted a multiband dipole antenna "system" to cover more than one ham band and fed with a single length of coaxial cable. So when adding another band to this fan dipole, care should be taken not to add elements that are odd-harmonics of existing elements (80 meters and 30 meters, for RF-1912 HF Fan Dipole Antenna Spec Sheet. The 20/40 Meter band Fan Dipole antenna is symmetrical so that the reception will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric antennas. Spacing is absolutely required between the antennas. In the drawing above, it is shown for just four bands, 80 thru 10. The Broadband VertaLoop Antenna was developed for use with Automatic Link Establishment to cover HF frequencies from 3. An antenna tuner may help in some situations, but may not be possible in others because of excessive SWR. Alex (KD0YNH) and Cory (N0ECK) take us through a simple step-by-step process in building this antenna. Nevertheless, the EFHW antenna had in the past, been rather sparingly used by amateur radio operators due to various reasons. For a conventional antenna I would normally split this wire in half and place a feed point in the center. Hopefully this image with give you a good idea of the appearance of the support and at least of 3 of the 5 dipoles. A. Still another method you can use is to leave the antenna at 300 ohms, and match Feb 20, 2023 · A viewer is looking to build a fan dipole antenna and was wondering the best method. You'll have a mostly useless "multiband" antenna. There are several benefits. The GU 6-160-5KW balun is a very efficient balun. 225 MHz SSB is 468/14. the fan dipole antenna as an alternative to the paralled dipole antenna to achieve a larger bandwidth and a better tuning by decreasing elenment influences a project based on the w6hdg original concept . The balun is superior to the beaded baluns that use higher permeability ferrite. Height also matters—the higher the dipole, the better. If you need a simple, inexpensive, and highly portable HF antenna for both home and field use, please consider this basic fan dipole antenna from Tim (G5TM). Oct 15, 2020 · The basic formula for dipole construction is dividing 468 by the desired resonant frequency, in MHz. A fan dipole is an antenna that consists of a set of dipoles that are all fed from the same feed point. 725 MHz will also resonate at 7. Feed the dipole in the center with 450-ohm ladder line (available from most ham dealers Sep 13, 2018 · Tune in to a short video showcasing the Moregain 5-Band Dipole, a game-changing antenna for Ham Radio enthusiasts! This remarkable antenna is resonant on fiv Use 3% for 30 degrees. 235, 14. Have you often wanted a multi-band dipole to fit into a small garden, yet be able to enjoy 80m chats, yet work DX on the higher bands? Peter G3OJV, puts forw The 80 meter wire started at 45 feet per side, the 40 meter wire at 32 1/2 feet per side and the 20 meter wire at 17 feet per side. 2kW (PEP) Oct 15, 2020 · The basic formula for dipole construction is dividing 468 by the desired resonant frequency, in MHz. Manual 1:1 BalUn 150 Watt for dipole antennas; Manual 1:1 BalUn 800 Watt, for dipole antennas; Manual 1:2 BalUn 600 Watts for Delta-loop & Quad-loop antennas; Manual 1:4 BalUn 600 watts; Manual 1:9 UnUn 600 Watts for long-wire antennas; Manual Common mode choke; Antenna trap kit building instructions; Construction manual antenna trap V2 It is mostly tied to the 40 meter dipole, but on any fan dipole the elements do interact to some extent, so it can be a good idea to recheck the tuning on all bands periodically. e. $70. aa sk fw wv kg gr kn kl nz lw