I didn't think anything of it and even the u/s tech said it's not uncommon for the heart rate at this stage to be Sep 13, 2022 · Had my first ultrasound yesterday at 13w 3d and sonographer said baby was fine. The dr told her 85% chance she would miscarry within a week. Has anyone had this happen more? Is it just… Jun 5, 2023 · Hi, I had a scan today. The heart… I went to the doctor for an u/s on Tuesday and the fetal pole is very tiny one and the heart rate is 102bpm. does that mean expecting a girl. I have tried… 6 weeks pregnant: fetal development. I forget my sons at 7. Is it normal for it… Feb 21, 2023 · Your baby is now considered late-term. LiveLoveLaughOften. 174 . I was scared this was low too, but I prayed and prayed and finally when I went back at Jan 4, 2012 · Yesterday at my weekly u/s visit (I'm 40 and diabetic so I go each week) my baby's heart rate was at 60, but it had grown a whole week in just 6 days. Posted 24-03-23. Apparently this was elevated and I had a repeat scan at 10w1d where babies heart rate ranged from 173 and then 179. I thought I was 7 weeks but I’m 6w4d so not too far off. I am a little worried, today I had an ultrasound (28 weeks) and everythink looked normal except when we heard the heartbeat it was a little high. yesterday and they did a transvaginal ultrasound. 5 weeks after seeing the heartbeat at 6. Today was 148. AngSch5. Jan 6, 2020 · according to my dating scan I should be 8+3 today but measured 8 weeks and the heart rate was 134 bpm. Im praying the i’m 11 weeks and 2 days and baby’s heart rate is 180bpm. Healthcare providers usually start checking it at the 10- or 12-week prenatal visit. I've been worried about this, especially since my pregnancy… Sep 22, 2009 · Hi, I am due around May 18, 2010. Last week baby's heart rate was only 137. Jul 21, 2023 · Baby’s heart rate was 141. I had my first ultrasound done last week at 6wks 1dy and the doctor said I will most likely miscarry since he Aug 18, 2016 · Fetal heart rate. With all previous appointments baby has measured ahead except today,… Dec 8, 2009 · Normal heart rate at 6 weeks is around 90-110 beats per minute (bpm) and at 9 weeks is 140-170 bpm. h. Haley'slove1 eggersmama. Fetal heart rate. 5 weeks which Feb 7, 2020 · It could be Re-measured right now, and be 150 etc. 5 weeks, but it was around there. The baby’s heart rate was 120. After struggling with PCOS for 6 years, this was a welcome and surprising pregnancy. Two heart tubes have formed in the Jun 13, 2004 · I had an internal ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days due to conerns my doctor and I had for light cramping and spotting. My doctor made a comment that my baby's heart rate was "boyish" (not Nov 27, 2022 · Yesterday I got into a small car accident, so I went to a private US place to check up on baby. The doctor said today that if heart rate is lower than 130, there is a Feb 4, 2023 · I had an ultrasound for dating yesterday as I never had a period due to breastfeeding. Jul 7, 2022 · I had my first ultrasound yesterday at 6 weeks. My OB said it was good but didn’t sound so sure… I thought it was… Nov 22, 2023 · At 6 weeks i dont think that is a low heart rate. Key milestones in fetal heart development. 3 to 7. I went to the doctors today for a Pap smear due to a yeast infection. Unfortunately, 54 is below all of those targets. Is that normal? Seems kinda low to me. A few close friends of mine found out at 12 weeks what they are having because apparently it was obvious but I do not think I will. And have had no bleeding or pain. Right now I should be 7 weeks 2 days pregnant and went for an ultrasound two days ago… Jun 10, 2022 · My wife had her second ultrasound at 6w3d and tech said fetal heart rate was 119. It was 129, but at my ultrasound at 8 weeks it was 169 then last week it was 155. My first 2 girls were always around 130-150 during pregnancy. At 7 weeks 1 day (measuring 6 weeks 5 days), 132 bpm! At what was 6wks 6 days going by LMP it was only 85 (but my period happened to be May 29, 2021 · Needing to hear some success stories. lizziea28. Anyone else in the same boat or have BTDT stories? My girls were both in 140s-160s, so this seems high. My Ultrasound results came back noting “slow fetal heart rate but present” …the fetal pole measured exactly 6 weeks 1 day but the US tech struggled to find… Apr 9, 2024 · Hi everyone I’m a second time mom here. BabyCenter is designed for I am exactly 8 weeks today with my first pregnancy and I had my ultrasounds and everything looked good and baby was measuring right on track. 5 weeks pregnant. I had my first u's today and baby is measuring 6. bettyP07. This one is the same. Going more than two weeks past your due date can put you and your baby at risk for complications, so your provider will probably talk to you about inducing labor. has anyone else had their little bub have a heart beat in that range before and what were your doctors opinions ? Original Quick question. Bradycardia is an irregular heart beat. This has me… Mar 2, 2023 · Hi all, had my dating scan today which put me at 6+3 (thought I was 7+1 based on LMP). Dec 14, 2023 · Update: my baby is now measuring 6 weeks and 1 day. If you've had an ultrasound around 9 weeks, what was your fetal heart rate? I had an ultrasound yesterday and the fetal heart rate was 162. You're already in your second month! Your baby is about the size of a lentil. However, by the 9th week your baby's heart beat will be in the range of 155 to 195 beats per minute. Nurse said everything was fine… This pregnancy baby's heart rate was 114 at 6 weeks. Her heart beats faster than yours, at about 100 beats a minute. Heart rate was 126bpm. littleweecuttie. I am seven weeks pregnant today after our first attempt at IVF. The doctor does not seem concerned by this but from what I have seen this is high. It's been an emotional roller coaster. Baby's heart rate is 192-197 at 9 weeks 2 days. The ultrasound tech measured the baby at… Hello! 👋 I thought based on my LMP I would be 7 weeks but my US yesterday confirmed I was exactly 6 weeks. They detected a heartbeat, but it was only 83 bpm. … I had ultrasound at 1 day shy of 6 weeks and they couldn't even see baby! Sounds like your baby's heart rate just started so the number is fairly normal. That's most likely what she said (or at least meant). At 5-8 weeks a bradycardia (less than 90 bpm) is associated with a high risk of miscarriage. With all my babies (3) their heart rates varied in the beginning. They then found a second gestational sac with a fetal pole and heart beat. Is that good?… Hi all! I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with or knowledge about a high fetal heart rate. My baby's… Aug 11, 2011 · I have had two m/c in the past (one passed at 7. 5w6d mine was 85 and the dr said it was perfect so you're just fine BabyCenter is Posted 12-12-09. She’s almost 2 now ☺️ What's considered a Sep 2, 2012 · In one study, the first trimester survival rate was 62 percent among 531 embryos with slow early heart rates (less than 100 bpm at less than 6. The heart rate was… Feb 26, 2014 · Normal. I got a scan at 6w2d and fetal heart rate was 149, I got another scan today and fetal heart rate was 144 is that… Feb 20, 2009 · BrunieB. So the dr brought me in for ultrasound. 36 weeks. etc. I had my early ultrasound last week (6 weeks) and baby's heart rate was only 116. Mine was 138 at 6 wks 5 days and Aug 21, 2022 · Hey ladies, I have just joined this community. Unfortunately last Saturday (5w6days) I filled… 9w3d and just had my first ultrasound/prenatal appt today and the baby heart rate was 178 bpm. 4TimesBlessed807. Had an ultrasound this week and the baby was measuring 6w 1 day and had a heart beat of 45 which is obviously very low. Aug 17, 2013 · The low fetal heart rate, however, is a worry. The dr… Jun 19, 2019 · I had my ultrasound early at 5 weeks 6 days because my doctor was worried I had an ectopic pregnancy. 5 Weeks Fetal herat rate . The heart rate picked up to 117bpm. When the heart first starts beating at 5+ weeks, the heart rate should be close to the mother's (80-85). Hi Everyone :) I had a early scan at 7 weeks ges and there was no heartbeat today at 8 weeks ges we seen a heart rate of 76bpm I do ovulate late cd 16 in a regular 27/28 day cycle I have normal doubling hcg. The tech got the… Depending on where you were the femoral artery is down there could have been your heart beat cutienmbr6ontheway. Due date 2/23. My hcg levels last Wednesday were 34,000, but that was only a 40 percent double from Monday. However, I am reading online and it says heart rate should be above 90 at 6 to 7 weeks. The fetal heart rate was 88bpm. 6 weeks. Just curious about what other baby heartbeat rates were for your first ultrasound at 6 to 7 weeks. my due date calculator measured I am on my 7w2d. a. m. This pregnancy is not viable. Babyemmert. 5 weeks, but it was a missed m/c and we did not know until 10 weeks), and the other was a chemical pregnancy. OliveMyLove. . 0 weeks I went to my first appointment last Wednesday. I'm 9 weeks and heart rate was 183 bpm yesterday during… Mar 20, 2019 · We could see the heartbeat which made me so happy, but my midwife called today and said it was a little lower than she would like and wants me to come in next week for another ultrasound. The doc didn't seem concerned he said Jun 11, 2023 · Fetal heart rate may speed up to 140 to 170 BPM around the ninth week and slow to around 110 to 160 BPM thereafter. 1 weeks. k. You're just early! Just wondering what an average heart rate is for the baby around 6. 5 weeks. I am having my NT scan tomorrow (ill be almost 13 weeks). I had some 170s as high as 176. Everything on the u/s looked great except that the heart rate was slow (75 bpm). KwandokuhleYuno. What was yours around this point? Anyone else experiencing this? Dec 31, 2009 · Hello, I had a question regarding the fetal heartbeat at 7 weeks. … Crystal_anne. Jul 8, 2022 · Hello ladies I had a scan Thursday I am measuring 6weeks 5 days with a heart rate of 89. Found out everything was good with the baby but she did mention that for 5 weeks 6 days a heart beat of 103 BPM was low. Fetal heart rate can provide lots of information about your baby’s health during pregnancy. I am 9weeks 3days pregnant. mona0907. The ultrasound showed I was 5. Posted 10-30-14. Hi all, just have a quick question, little girl's h/r was 130 today at our apoointment, the Doctor wasn't that concerned about it, so Mar 24, 2023 · October 2023 Birth Club. Does this seem low or okay to you guys? My daughter’s was 143 at our first ultrasound at exactly 7 weeks. The doctor said that this is fine, most people cannot see the heartbeat this early so he said it was a good sign. I go to the doctor on Wednesday and will ask more… Mar 9, 2009 · Estrella608. He didn’t tell me the heart rate but said heart was present. Baby measuring 1 week behind and with minor progression in heart rate from 81 to 89. The ultrasound lady did not express any concerns though so maybe I’m over thinking it. Sep 21, 2022 · I just had an ultrasound done. My baby doesn't have a healthy heart rate Heeeyy!! Mom of 1 boy (he's 14 so it's been a long while since I've been pregnant) currently pregnant with my 2nd baby ☺️ gender ultrasound scheduled for… Nov 3, 2021 · Let your doctor know about any family history of congenital heart problems. The heart beat is 181 bpm. The heart beat detected was only… At 6 weeks 3 days my beans HB was 116. I had my first ultrasound today and the heart rate was only 98 bpm. I had my first OB appt. They may perform a non-stress test (NST) to monitor your baby's fetal heart rate and your contractions to make sure your baby isn't in any distress. Has anyone had any success story’s for a low heart… I had an ultrasound at the ER last night after I has some consistent cramping after lifting too many heavy things at work. Original 200 Bpm at 17 weeks, anything to worry about, also has anyone else experienced high fetus heart rate in here? Ladies, what is/was your baby's heart rate between 11 & 12 weeks? Everything I read online says the fetal heart rate should start to decrease now. I bet you'll see a nice strong heartbeat at your next appt! Jul 18, 2013 · This baby was 166 at 8 weeks and my DS was 174 at 8 weeks so that's not too much higher! I'm sure they would have mentioned something if they were worried! Sounds like a healthy baby :) Feb 22, 2024 · I’m 10 weeks pregnant and went to my OB for my second ultrasound. This was only measured the one time. So likely the baby had a higher heartbeat most of the time, but during the episodes it was lower. Went back at 7+4 and it was 135. Posted 09-10-09. … I went in for an early scan at 6 weeks & 1 day. However, if a fetal heartbeat is off by a week or more, it can indicate that a miscarriage is more likely. Thank you in advance. Baby's heart rate went up the next week to the normal range and now Jan 22, 2022 · I had my follow up appointment today & baby’s heart rate was 136 (seems low) I’m 14W5D. I had an OB appointment just now, my little mans heart rate is normally 155-140, today it was 120. dng04. The fetal heart rate was 200bpm. My low this pregnancy Jun 18, 2013 · Please share your U/s at 8. 121 is a normal heart rate, especially in third tri. … Advertisement Bliner. We were able to see the fetal pole, yolk sac, and we even saw the heart flutter. Then it dropped down to about 135 and stayed there most of the pregnancy. I'm freaking out!! Has anyone experienced this? What was the outcome? Just a quick update. Baby's Mar 18, 2011 · At my last u/s a few days, I was 9 weeks 4 days and the heart rate was 182 bpm. But the midwives told that the FHR is just 88 and is not upto the required healthy range Nov 19, 2014 · Slow fetal heart rate 76bpm 7-8 Weeks. Both of my first were boys with yes some 170s for heart rates. 2 weeks, less than 120 bpm at 6. Your baby's heart develops from early in pregnancy through – and even after – birth. My dr wanted me to come in today due to some major cramping on one side, and he decided to do an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. You can't hear it yet, but her heart may be seen beating if you have a vaginal ultrasound around now. She's worried because she's turned to Google. Doctor said as long as it’s like 120-200 then it’s Sep 26, 2022 · The miscarriage rate for pregnancies in which a fetal heartbeat has been heard or seen is lower. Heart beat was measuring… Hi All, Went in for my 6 wk u/s yesterday to confirm heartbeat, etc. I was wondering what the normal fetal hb would be for 11 to 12 weeks? I was 5 weeks 5 days and the heart rate was 97. Everything was on track for 5 weeks 5 days My baby's heart rate was 117 at 6 weeks and 1 day. My Dr said everything was great! What's considered a normal fetal heart rate – and how this changes by week BabyCenter is designed for educational Jun 10, 2009 · I'm 24 weeks pregnant and today the doctor said my baby's heartrate is 170 she said that the normal is up to 160 but it's fine because some are 170 or 175,… We got to hear the babies heart rate for the first time. " a Sep 28, 2023 · Hey quick question to put my mind at ease. Last edited 05-22-20. At my dating scan at 8w3d baby had a heart rate of 181bpm. eacoombs1983. By the beginning of the ninth week of pregnancy, the normal fetal heart rate is an average of 170 bpm, up from about 110 at 5 weeks gestation. Posted 06-19-17. … Community Getting Pregnant Mar 3, 2019 · This was me a over week ago! I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and heart rate was 98 bpm and measuring 6 weeks. I am approx. I know I had high heart rates with my other pregnancies but… 4. Your baby has grown from an oval into a C shape as her features I was just barely 6 weeks last week. By around 6 weeks, the average heart rate is is 110, and the normal range is ~100-125. Baby’s was 117 bpm @ exactly 6 weeks and doctor saw no concern. 5-6 weeks pregnant. . I’m hoping some lovely ladies can ease my nerves. Ive been reading online that good prognosis is 120 and up. Melmc91. It seems a little on the low side and with measuring a few days under I’m a little worried. My HCG went from 15,000 to 17,000 over 48 hours. Posted 19-11-14. I was measuring 6 weeks 2 days… I just went in for ultrasound today and was told the heartrate was 109 bpm at 6 weeks, 5 days. 90 is definitely your heartbeat not babies. My baby measured right on time @9 weeks exactly. Even if I could I kind of want to wait till the birth May 17, 2023 · We just had our ultrasound, and baby is measuring 7 weeks (I'm technically 6 weeks + 4 days, and I did IUI so I'm very certain of the day). Posted 05-09-24. I recently had miscarriage and I dont want that to happen again 😔 I am worried. My baby boy’s heart rate was 152 at 12. Ladies, I am not an official member yet, just lurking since I'm prone to miscarriages. They don’t do measurements or give a due date at these types… Feb 6, 2024 · Fetal heart rate. I got my positive test on 3/24/24 . Is this okay? Should I be worried? … May 9, 2024 · No fetal heart beat detected at 6wks 1dy💔. Take comfort . Please share your U/s at 8. They… I’m 6 weeks 6 days today. Posted 09-01-16. 1 week ago i was measuring 6 weeks and 1 day , today i am measuring 6 weeks and 5 days. Please share your fetal heart rate around this time and your experiences. Found the heart rate and it was 54 bpm. Posted 02-06-24. Did your doctor suggest a follow-up u/s in a week or so to Baby's heart rate at 26 weeks? l. I just wanted to compared anyone else's HCG levels and fetal heart rate for those… The dr at the u/s said it was normal and that I don't need another u/s until the NT scan at 12 weeks but after looking online and seeing everyone else's posts… Sep 13, 2017 · Went back at 7 weeks 2 days. Add a comment. We saw our baby for the I use my at home Doppler and it said the baby’s heart rate was nearly 200 that’s really high isn’t it? It was super fast like the fastest I’ve ever heard it… Apr 5, 2023 · I had my first ultra sound at 8w 4d and the fetal heart rate was 174 bpm. Also a reason why the techs aren't supposed to tell you anything lol. Is that too high? The tech or Dr didn't seem concerned, I'm… Nov 3, 2009 · In the early stages, the fetal heart rate is approximately 80-85 beats per minute (bpm). She had an u/s around 6 weeks and heart rate was only 80. b. At 6 weeks 1 day, no heartbeat (no baby, no fetal pole). Jan 4, 2022 · Update: Today is 1 week after the original ultrasound. I had a dating ultrasound done yesterday and the baby was measuring at 6 weeks 1 day. Posted 08-18-16. Baby was probably hiding on you. Dec 14, 2023 · From LMP I must be 9 weeks pregnant but the scan shows just 6 weeks with sac,fetal pole and heart beat. They can order special ultrasounds to monitor the development of your baby's heart. Generally, the heart rate slows towards the end of pregnancy too and continues to slow throughout childhood, until we become “healthy” adults where our normal resting heart rate should be about 80bpm. My OB… Jan 7, 2024 · At 6 weeks mine was 122, 11 weeks was 172, 15 weeks (last appt) was 156. Posted 02-20-09. I neede your input, please. I was diagnosised with subchorionic hemorrhage last Monday. Posted 02-18-17. l. Is that normal? Baby's heart rate will rise and top off around 175-180 in the first trimester, then will level out somewhere between 120 and 160 for the duration of the pregnancy. Either 145 or 148 or 149? But really close. la fj eq zh hf eu tb ym rv an