Aita for telling the husband of a woman i was dating. Like I said, I had no idea who this woman was.

Yesterday, one of my tables was a woman, man, and what seemed to be their 6/7 year old child. Jan 30, 2024 · We have rarely heard from the woman since then until last week when she approached my husband at his workplace. The more your husband tears you down the easier it is for him to make you doubt yourself. Aged 18 I married my high school sweetheart. He shouldn't be engaging in flirty DMs with women that aren't his wife. Apr 28, 2023 · A woman refusing to raise her late ex-husband's affair child is being supported online. I met my husband when H was 2, I was the owner/director of the daycare/preschool he enrolled H in- needing extra help because H's biological mother had fled the state, leaving him to be a AITA for telling my husband no? i apologize if there will be any grammatical errors but english isn’t my native language. I was once the other woman and too gullible to figure it out, even though someone tried to tell me I automatically dismissed them because no way would he ever be like that. Traditionally the bride moves to the husband’s family and stays there. 21 August 2013 - Mansplaining (a blend word of man and the informal form splaining of the gerund explaining) is a pejorative term meaning " (for a man) to comment on or explain something, to a woman, in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner". Jan 8, 2024 · Karl still doesn't know her source of information about the dating app, and that I shouldn't ever bring this up with him (I wasn't planning to). He is also from the south, but I know a lot of people that's how it is. Btw she’s underage and I have no suspicions of my husband being a predator I just don’t care to hear about what the pick me girl at his job is doing to get everyone’s attention. I (40)f am married to my husband (41)m and every since Thanksgiving of last year my husbands friend TT (not his real name) has expressed an interest in dating my friend CR. Okay, So this happened last night while me (M23) and my family were visiting my brother's (M30) girlfriend's (F30) house for the first time. We share two kids H (f 8) and A (m 7). I grew up with a single mother who worked night shift at a motel. He’s married to me and only me! 8. My husband isn’t a morning person to the point where I had to tell him he can either be nicer to me when I wake him up, or he can be late and continue ignoring his alarms. As time goes on she is literally the only coworker he’s coming home and talking about, so I bluntly told him one day. AITA for telling my friend I'm not interested in a date with her friend because she's obese? I (25M) have a (28F) friend of mine try to put me on a date with one of her friends. 2. My husband and daughter have been frenemies from day one. I became angry, for how she treats me, how unfair she was to her husband and my parents, so I laid the truth on her, I told her I got matched with a better husband because I am a college educated woman with a respectable job, and that wealthy men using matchmakers don't want 19 years old highschool graduates, their standards are higher. He has a daughter (7 f) from a previous marriage that didn’t end well after his ex cheated on him. I work in construction and she works as a business manager at a school. This type of toxicity is septic to happiness. I wish you and your HUSBAND happy fruitful lives. As some of you suspected, Matt knew when we first met that I was Tony’s sister and started dating me to get close to Tony again. AITA for telling my husband he is an idiot? Not the A-hole. I’m just pretending to care because you NTA- you gave the old bag three chances to respect your and your decisions as a parent and she blew it all three times. My answer: NTA. Honest advice, distance yourself and fast. I have my sons over every weekend. NTA. A healthy mind comes from a healthy life. My husband grew up as a mommas boy but throughout our relationship that dynamic changed and he became more independent. Our side of the family dressed more formal. Throwawaystroub. Aita for telling my husband's friend to mind her own business when she commented on our married life? #redditaita #redditpost #aitareddit #reels #RedditAITA Now if your husband is abusive, immoral or unethical as a friend I would be obligated to tell you my concerns but that doesn’t rise to the petty level of this individual. I understand having desires, but I'm so tired of people characterizing sex as a need. However, Kelly insisted that she wanted to keep the baby and not give it up for adoption. Throughout those years on different occasions friends have told me this friend The whole situation is gross and so horrible for the woman. I'd personally go on strike and do NOTHING until he appologized and agreed to couples therapy. His advice did NOT incite abuse, rape, stalking or violence as some of the commenters have suggested. " Or something to that affect. May 4, 2022 · In the post titled "AITA for calling my fiancé a jerk?" the woman, 28, explained that her fiancé, 38, proposed last week after two years of dating. AITA for telling my husband that if he pays me my hourly rate I will do more housework. 3 months ago my Seriously. Don’t think that I haven’t noticed the way you are looking at my husband. Things started to change a couple months ago. I (32 F) and my husband (41 M) have been married for five years. Your husband should have shut down this behavior ages ago. The only innocent here is the woman you vaguely know. I decided that, if it were me, I’d want to know that my husband was seeing another woman, so I told her on Monday morning. ""My brother wants to cut me out of his life, his wife wants a divorce, and my husband is miserable, all because of something I said. We leave July 28th. When I was 7 my mom met her husband Matt and ever since he and my mom got serious I have known he has issues with my dad. We have 6 kids together (19M, 17F, 14F, 13M, 11F, and 10M). man, if this AITA is for real, than OP is one of the most naive women on esrth, seriously. If he's not willing to put in the effort, you cannot carry the entire relationship yourself. Then when I blocked her she tried harassing me using her moms FB. Throwaway. My husband and I just had our first child together after a couple years of trying and dealing with infertility. I gifted my husband some of my airline miles to buy his plane ticket. She knows I've been trying to get back out into the serious dating world after the dumpster fire of my last relationship 2 years ago. Oct 2, 2023 · According to Reddit, it’s the husband all the way — and OP should get out now. Ps the last time he blocked her she came after me in my dm’s calling me a lazy B and saying things like how dare I take her man away from her. Yes, your husband could have worded the “don’t listen to women” part better. I learned they were celebrating the woman's birthday. Like saying his girlfriend of many years had never really "moved him. His closest friend is one of them who live close to us (I consider her a close friend as well). I would because I would want someone to tell me in the reverse situation. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. Your husband needs to grow a real shiny spine and tell his mom. AITA for asking my ex-wife to stop making my kids jealous and flaunting. OP's husband is afraid that if his wife blows up at this woman, she will hear all the hurtful stuff he said about why he wanted to cheat in the first place. 6. This is the story of what happened: “At the beginning of quarantine my friend Bella (f/30) proposed open marriage to her husband Mike (m/28). Last night my husband fell asleep around 9:30pm after discussing our 3 year old schooling. Sharing her story with Reddit's Am I the A*****? (AITA) forum, user u/Better-Paint4891 explained that her ex AITA for telling a group of women to leave my son's hospital room so I could dress him in private? I guess my pain and my marriage just isn't important. May 9, 2024 · The diagnosed psychopath has explained the pros and cons of dating one, if you were considering it Community Man telling his girlfriend she should take his surname when married sparks debate Southern woman here. This is not her kid she does not get to say and how the baby is held or fed or anything at all. My friend was telling me this and I answered "uh-huh" and I guess she figured out I already knew that. You were simply stirring up shit because you felt like it. Jan 31, 2024 · Syncing up eating patterns with a partner is both one of the simplest and most complex parts of a relationship. You need to leave my husband alone. A is my biological child while H is my adopted daughter. I am a Steamfitter. I hadn’t met any of the other women in the group before yesterday. My husband has some traditional ideas about what women are suppose to be like and our daughter is the exact opposite. Despite the black tie dress code, most of the bride's family turned up in jeans and flannel shirts and the women just wore casual maxi dresses. AITA for telling my friend that my husbands friend has a girlfriend that he lives with. B is never the one home in the morning when I show up, it’s always A. My husband who I’ll call J (42m) is a manager for a large restaurant. No, its because your brother is an asshole LIAR. Maybe they can salvage it, maybe not. We went to a group gathering with some of my husband’s old friends. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! Mar 25, 2024 · "AITA for telling my husband good luck finding a thin supermodel girlfriend now that he's unemployed?" I (46F) have spent the past 21 years in a very emotionally repressive marriage with my husband (50M). Every situation has room for improvement, but still not asshole behavior. A couple months into them dating I guess he told her that he had been briefly married but it didn't work out. OP’s hubby had no AITA for telling my husband I no longer trust him. My husband hasn’t really given me a reason not to trust him since we have been married although he cheated prior to our marriage. informing her husband of their private messages You all need therapy and major lifestyle changes. Demanding he cease contact with this woman and 3. It started out slight enough. Husband is a misogynist who doesn't think lesbian sex is real sex. Me never being invited to their home or for any plans even with our common friends for over a year (even though I live 20 minutes away) is just a matter of chance. Time to focus on yourself, OP. Firstly the back story, I (f40) have been friends with my “best friend” for over 20 years. I really need clarity. Being angry my husband is texting I love you's to another woman 2. I had commented on a friends post who had just had a break up and was just offering support. Because instead of pulling the woman aside and telling her I think she may have taken an ovulation test, instead of a pregnancy test, I questioned her about it in front of a group shortly after she announced her pregnancy. Husband is now freaking out, because his wife had sex with one guy, and calling her a whore. After he got back he handed me the box of pizza and left upstairs to go to sleep. i, 30F, married my husband, 33M, after 5 years of dating, and now we’ve been married for 2 years. Not the A-hole. Well, some woman that I dont know and have never heard of messaged me in response to my comment saying "Dont give out relationship advice when your own relationship is trash. I noticed my husband sort of staring at one woman in particular. 7. It’s a group of women (about 10 of them). ” my husband then got very upset and told me that I (22 M) work as a server at a restaurant. In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for telling her husband she doesn't want to eat AITA for telling my husband my ex and I traveled to 56 countries together? I (44F) am turning 45 August 3rd. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. AITA for telling my husband to stay out of my relationship with my daughter? Okay, so I (33F) had my daughter Lourdes "Luli" (16F) when I was seventeen with my then boyfriend Kevin (18M at the time), and even though the relationship didn't last, we both worked hard to give Luli the best life we could, and we're good Jun 7, 2022 · A woman is being backed online for telling her father and brother to "beg" her husband "for forgiveness. We went to a chill brewery/ restaurant as we were eating our food, my husband pointed to a woman sitting at the bar and told me he thought she was hot. Here are some examples of this exploitation. I (42 f) met my husband (44 m) 6 years ago and we have been married for 2 years. He's checked out and the marriage is already over. Don't try to pass this off as an altruistic act. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Instead he is encouraging it and allowing this woman to disrespect you. My husband was actually going to go and visit the kid for their birthday this weekend. Two months ago my husband of 5 years (45M) surprised me and said he booked us a 10 day vacation to Italy. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I (27F) have been married to my husband (27M) for 5 years, together for 6 years. Since you've raised it several times and he's not willing to do anything, I think it's reasonable to consider separating. After I gave my husband space, I confronted him about his trips with my brother. With bonuses and incentives but not counting benefits I earn over $100 an hour. Mansplaining - Wikipedia. You weren't doing this for a woman you vaguely know. Vote and comment on others' posts. Hello, I am a fifty-six-year-old mother to thirty-three-year-old Kelly and grandmother to sixteen-year-old Opal. I’ll try to be as neutral as possible in telling this story. I also work out of town. "". The irony of any AITA post with an age-gap where the woman is the younger partner will always contain a clowncar full of posters who turn up for nothing else but to criticize the age-gap, implicitly or explicitly tell the OP that they are running their relationships incorrectly and offering completely unsolicited advice. His daughter rarely ever sees her mom as she constantly travels the world. We are expecting our first child and its a really tricky pregnancy for me. Please stop making advances on my husband – he’s not interested in you. He agreed to be honest with me about their relationship. AITA for dropping my friends for revealing my husband's infidelity? I've known for years that my (44F) husband (49M) cheats on me. The bride just wore a white knee length lace dress from h&m. He now is on board with divorce since I hurt his "friend. My brother doesn’t care for him much and my husband treated him kindly. Your husband’s friends don’t get to demand you be ok with this no matter their reason. He would tell people dad was "my wife's friend" and not that he was my dad. I feel for you so much. ) Telling my husband he was being selfish by buying tickets to his favorite band during the week I was planning a vacation for us for my 30th birthday. ) I should just be happy he got me a ticket to come with him and “share the experience” Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! TL;DR My female friend is convinced my husband is cheating on me because he fuckin loooooves fishing and goes on day trips frequently, and after years of hearing her doubts and showing proof that he's faithful, I snapped at her, insulted her taste in men, and spoke negatively about her dating history. He is funny and kind and just a really good guy. My husband told me that the woman wants him to be in the child's life and be a father figure to him, take him to sports games, play with him, go to school related things etc. Mom and dad were never together, always just friends, since my dad is gay, but it just worked. informing her husband of their private messages. My husband and brother’s relationship has been decent. Kelly became pregnant with Opal at sixteen. And we have two kids together (m12 and m10) I remarried a year late while she’s still single. I told him honestly “you’re not terrible but I could’ve made it better” I thought by telling him Atleast he’s not a terrible cook he’d be happy with that. I have told him a billion times my brother will always be my priority. “Quietly get a lawyer and live YOUR life with your daughters,” says one commenter. They’re the assholes for basically using their son as a bargaining chip in all this, and it’s frankly disgusting. I’ll make it short, but like 4 months ago he asked for an open marriage. Mar 12, 2024 · "AITA for telling the husband of a women I was dating about her affair after I found out she was married?" I (M52) met Jane (F56) through work. My husband knew this when we started dating. TT has asked me husband to tell my friend CR that he wants to take her out now at May 29, 2024 · "AITA for telling my in laws that my husband cheated and got someone else pregnant?" Big_Junket_8702 writes: My husband has this female "friend" that always made me uneasy. Other Redditors put in their own Asshole. " Here, an upset woman looking off while sitting on a bed. I told my husband I did not forgive him for his actions and he got upset Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. AITA for telling him he needs to block her again. Marriage requires work from both participants. We have a cat who he adores, he has a lot of cat accessories, he shares cat memes and AITA for being upset that my husband ate nearly half of my burger in one big bite after I offered him a taste/bite of my food upvotes · comments r/AITAH My husband is a biomedical researcher and a member of the NATO STO (Science and Technology Organization), which is a NATO organization comprised of scientists from various NATO countries. He's not a good husband. I (30f) have been married to my husband for a year. Edit:word Thanks for the award! Backstory: I am F (28) my husband is M (28), we'll call him J. She immediately became very angry at me for not telling her this. My husband, Eddy, and I have always believed in having the right to choose. I was devastated and i though something was wrong 5. Yea… Many people wanted an update, so here it is. I guess the bride price is a reflection of that and is thought of as “compensation”. Obviously this really upset she and her husband along with several other people who told me I handled the situation wrong. We were all sitting at dinner table and I remembered when my brother's girlfriend, who's a widow, saying that she keeps an urn of her late husband's ashes in the house. Like the other comment thread said women were generally expected to do all the domestic work, child raising, and to look after the elderly in the husband’s family. That includes proper sleep, healthy food, exercise, time in nature, reducing stress, etc. I walked in, took a deep breath, and just explained what I had seen. So reddit, AITA for 1. AITA for telling my husband the reason he went NC with his parents is silly? Asshole. I would not allow her in your house again. I made it my goal to give my kids a better life. Mar 22, 2024 · One divorce & 2 broken engagements are a HUUGGEE that I couldn't have got over in the 1st place. Something like this needs to have the approval of both partners in the marriage. If he rejects it, you can’t control him. r/AmItheAsshole. Your husband also invited her over to your house even when he knows how you feel about her. I'm trying to think how I'd do in this situation, but even if I was told "It may have started as a dare, but I truly did grow to love you" it would probably still be a 50/50. I did nothing to warrant any special attention, with most of my attention focused on the lady and the kid. Conversation let from one thing to another then, I looked at my brother and asked him AITA for telling my MIL and mother i'm not here to babysit my husband. She is extremely ambitious and our son is not at all despite our encouragement. AITA for telling my husband not to wear shirts from another woman. But he’d never lie and say he does more than he does to make himself look good because he knows how disrespectful that would be to me. There is no room for anyone else in our marriage so please stay away from my husband. But I've been at it for a while and I'm in supervision. So the kid is now in Virginia with maternal grandparents. Trying to control your use of or access to money you have earned or saved. AITA for telling my husband to talk to his mother re: our newborn. Our son came early, a month and a half - we spent three weeks in the NICU and it was a very emotional time for me/us. He’s also really into cats. . Emotional affair, gaslighting, emotional trauma which all eventually lead to a physical affair. Obviously. He loves his staff and they love him. Fast forward and we are now home and getting used It did become pretty obvious to my husband that he was not in a place mentally or financially where he could take full custody though. ”. " We weren't even seeing each other, so I can only imagine what he would have said if we were. Like I said, he was quite understanding. If they are getting a divorce why would he need to tell her who he is dating as long as he doesn't bring her around the kids ? Why do you assume the new girl doesn't know about the divorce ? She may be perfectly fine waiting for the divorce to finalize It's a different story if he was cheating and this new woman os the affair partner. “The timing was off, obviously, but she had thought about it a lot and she said it was the only way for her relationship with Mike to survive because she loved him dearly but felt unfulfilled. Today, we were talking, and he brought it up me being with a woman again in conversation to which I responded while laughing, “be careful what you wish for because if I do that, it’s about to be I then started singing this popular song where a man finds his partner in bed with someone else. The reception took place in a cabin by the lake which had animal head trophies hanged on the walls. He's manipulative and deliberate with the intention of destroying your self esteem. There always seemed to be something new that I fell short of. I didn't need to be in her wedding but was told that the only way I could be was if I was a server. therapy is a good place to start. But he just got up without saying anything and left to get the pizza. Edit: wow, my first gold! AITA for messaging the husband of woman my husband fb messages ''I love you to''. The boss may seem to be the issue but the real issue is that your husband is prioritising being his boss' callboy over his relationship and commitments to his actual spouse. We met in college when we were 21 and dated for 8 months before he asked me to marry him and I said yes. 1. She would never respect boundaries, and when we first started dating, she told everyone I was with him for his money. “Op, please choose YTA Listen, I love sex. FantasticAd4294. Yes, you could have reacted a little lighter to this. I just am - man or woman. He understood. Like I said, I had no idea who this woman was. 8. I feel awful that his daughter hasn’t had a good mother figure in her life so My husband knew this when we started dating. The issue was that I decided to just attend instead of serve guests. Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. I have a wonderful husband that would never expect any of that from me. The age gap is a little worrying, the older you get the less an age gap matters, like a 40 year old dating a 53 year old sounds fine, but an 18 yr old da… When a dating partner or spouse uses or controls the money you have earned or saved, they are exploiting your resources. My husband is a special ed middle school teacher so school is out until September. ADMIN MOD. Adding pressure to sex is and will always be a mood-killer for me, and I think if my spouse said "I'm not satisfied sexually so I'm thinking about finding it elsewhere" I would see that as a bigger problem than sex missing from a relationship. So I’ve (m38) been divorced from my ex wife (f35) for 10 years. Not to mention your husband has been present when this woman has been rude to you and he has said nothing to defend you. -Using your assets for their personal benefit without asking. Husband himself was a MASSIVE manwhore who fucked "half the girls in school" The giggly "best friend" who loves to spill your business to your husband. My husband has been serving with the STO for a long time now - ever since he was 30 years old (well, it used to be called something different back then before AITA for telling my husband not to talk our kids to my best friends birthday dinner. Yes, the women attending are his mom, sisters, cousins, aunts, grandma, and other women who are dating or married into the family. I have 3 further kids (f9, f7 f3). vw pp me kd sk np gp fg ok ek