What does fully colonized substrate look like

What does fully colonized substrate look like. Once you reach this point, it is now time to introduce the bag to fruiting conditions. Place your bucket inside the house or outside in the shade. Using micropore tape, re-seal the cut you made in the bag. Since the manure is already added to your substrate, there is no need to spawn with manure and risk contamination in this step. question: my quart jars just finished colonizing the outer surface area of the rye, top and bottom and sides and all around. Aug 24, 2023 · Once you’ve inoculated your spawn bag, keep it in an upright position and try not to move or disturb it during the colonization process. Primarily concerned with… I really don’t believe all to be necessary, I would recommend dialing some of that back. This might sound incredibly stupid, but essentially I’ve successfully colonized about 4 1/2 pint jars with B+ spores using PF Tek. Once each cake it out, rinse it off and then soak it in cold water for about 20 hours. 00. A completely colonized substrate will also have a hard, cohesive feel that resists light pressure without having any spongy or soft areas. You can leave it to colonize a few more days to go sure. Okay thanks so once it's fully white should it be good if I wait like 4-5 days or would you say a full week is necessary? As long as you think that it’s got all the bits you can’t see. The best way to test if it's good or not is to break it up when you are preparing to spawn it, open the bag and then smell it. In rare conditions sometimes it could take up to 2 weeks. After top layer colonization you can provide fruiting conditions (FC): fresh air exchange (FAE), high relative humidity and light. Yes, a casing layer is applied after it's colonized, however if this is your first time doing bulk I'd skip the casing layer, it's not necessary and just adds complication. Then take it out of the water and roll it in dry vermiculite to coat it. Once all the grains are visibly covered Shake the bag. Uncle Ben's® Bulk Spawn Ratios FINALLY DEMYSTIFIED // C. The MiniTub is the easiest, most cost-effective way to grow your own mushrooms! Use our MiniTub method, materials, and resources and learn how to grow your own mushrooms for the rest of your life. This will serve as the food source for your mushroom mycelium. Step 7: Dunk and Roll. It is cheap and effective, albeit a little messy. The tea towel helps to keep the humidity up. How can I tell if my spawn is fully colonized? May 17, 2023 · Firstly, flatten the substrate horizontally within the grow bag and create a uniform layer. Early mushroom pinning can be identified by the appearance of small, white, or brownish protrusions on the surface of First, breaking a fully colonized substrate breaks the complex mycelial network that they have built for weeks, which can make colonization slower. Because the mycelium tends to hold the substrate together in a clump, getting the clump out of a jar or even a bucket can be a real challenge. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Feb 2, 2022 · Incomplete preparations or failure to follow and adhere to a single procedure will increase the danger of contamination. You could look up a substrate spawn calculator online and try to work it out though. Make sure the spent substrate is laid down at least 5 cm thick. During the first stage where they are colonizing, you generally want to keep them in the dark. Before beginning the fruiting stage, ensure that Mycelium has completely colonized your Item #: SBC5. As a result, by the time a mushroom growing kit makes it to you, that bagged substrate is almost fully colonized by bright white mycelium—the fungal organism which ‘fruits’ by putting out loads of tasty mushrooms. Preparing the liquid culture solution. Fill it with enough water to submerge the straw completely. I'd watch it for a little longer. Reply. $18. But this is used for active species as far as I know. what has worked best for you? ^. Below are some indications that the mycelium has fully colonized the substrate and is ready to move on to the next phase: Dont water them three times a day…. May 10, 2023 · Just be patient. Comments. And they’ll feel hard all through out. Q & AMU Get Solid Answers From Solid May 6, 2023 · Compress the content: Gently pat the bags down to create a cube-like structure. With your sugar measured, add it to a mixing container, followed by 600 ml of distilled water. How Does Your Jar Look When Fully Colonized? When your jar is fully colonized, your mycelium—the body of the mushroom—will cover the entire jar. ) Once your mushroom grow bags are ready for fruiting, you have a couple of options. PF cakes are primarily a fruiting substrate but can be used as spawn for a bulk substrate, however they are not as effective as grain spawn. If it comes off easily, then it's likely contamination. Maintaining this temperature can significantly speed up colonization. In most cases, the bag will be moved to a fruiting room with a light source , high humidity and fresh air exchange. This includes an off-white coloration without any brown, blue, or green spots, and a strong, earthy mushroom smell. can influence this variation. lastknownthrowaway. For instance, I inoculate a quart with an entire petri dish, break in shake 4 days later, then break and shake at 60% colonization. Soy Hulls. Nov 12, 2023 · Visible pests: Look out for signs of worms or other pests within the mycelium. Mar 14, 2020 · Remove the cap from your spore syringe and flame sterilize until red hot. This will help hydrate the substrate and prepare it for fruiting. The substrate should go into your monotub at “field capacity” meaning if you pick up a handful of substrate and squeeze it tight in your hand (think making a fist with a hand full of substrate) water will come out. In essence, this stage involves expanding a small, fully-colonized mycelium culture into a larger substrate material. You don't even need to keep it in the bin if it's in a self-contained grow bag. Allow the needle to cool, then insert in the small hole and inject 1cc of spore solution into the bag. Im no expert im still new, so consult a second opinion for confirmation. Dec 16, 2022 · Tape up the cut area of the fruiting block being careful not to disturb the mould or you can remove the patch as per instructions above. Aug 12, 2021 · Once the substrate is fully colonized, “birth” the cakes. When colonization is about 30% complete, shake each bag to break up chunks. Change daily. If your humidity levels are right and you're promoting enough evaporation with fanning and misting, and enough FAE, you will have pins eventually. how long do you let it sit after this before spawning to substrate? I heard a week to just a few days. Nats and those get overlay a loti heard so a casing layer might help. They loook like this after a break and shake. It's a definitive way of knowing the mycelium is consolidated, but a week after the mycelium covers the bottom is sufficient. The mycelium should look like a fluffy, white cotton ball. Just keep adjusting it until you get enough airflow to prevent condensation on the top 2 inches of the bag and condensation everywhere else. About 90% colonization. Cut open the bag with a sterile blade. Our select casing comes fully hydrated and Oct 22, 2021 · The best way to avoid bacterial mushroom contamination like Bacillus spp. Personally, I use around 1:3 spawn to substrate ratio. Some mushrooms will fruit right in the jar or bag with no additional help, others have to be mixed with a bulk substrate like compost, straw, mulch or wood chips. This is 15 days after taking healthy, fully colonized WBS spawn and mixing with nothing but coco coir at about a 1:4 ratio. Let the bag sit until primordia (pins or baby mushrooms) appear on the surface of the block. I always expect it to be at least 2 weeks, and anything less than that is the result of good genetics/high spawn to substrate ratio. Sort of. Trying to speed through each stage will also result in a high failure rate. But on the other hand, the colonization time will be higher, leading to a higher chance of contamination. Typically, the first flush occurs 2-4 weeks after the Oyster Mushroom Grow Bag has completely colonized. Once the colonized grain spawn has fully colonized the mushroom fruiting substrate, you may notice some “pinning”. Make sure the spent substrate is in a shady place or add a thin layer of leaves Common Mushroom Substrates. Higher spawn ratios usually result in faster substrate colonization. in length I fear that I will reach this condition before my tub is fully colonized. Each species has its own optimal temperature range for mycelial growth. First, temperature plays a critical role. waiting around a week as stated above will ensure that the center is colonized and you should be good to go. If pinning is ever initiated you can only be certain that the spawn is fully colonized. Provides moisture-rich micro climate that promotes fruiting. If it is too wet, you can hand squeeze the water out (which is a PITA ha) and if its too dry add some boiling water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. I think they are more suited to growing outside. Hardwood Sawdust. Straw. Dec 10, 2008 · Coir is honestly a pretty tricky bulk material to work with since the weight of two hydrated bricks of coir is that of a gallon of water coming down on the lower portions of the substrate, also, the beneficial bacteria (I can never remember the name) in coir in conjunction with the heat generated by the mycelium can very easily get the core of the substrate to a temperature unfavorable to In this question, a substrate refers to a surface or material to which an organism grows. Light is a trigger mechanism to tell them to start producing mushrooms. Following a Colonization Timeline. 4. If you start earlier it takes more time for pinning, hence fruiting. In this way, the heat resistant endospores, if viable, will germinate and then be susceptible to the standard sterilization process. A place to discuss the growing, hunting, and the experience of magical fungi. The “pins” are the first fruiting bodies that begin to grow. I personally mix my spawn and substrate and then make sure I cover all of the exposed grains with substrate so that no grains are peaking through. If necessary, massage the bag as well. Sep 10, 2023 · substrate type used inside the bag. Allow your substrate to cool fully before inoculating it. Firstly, measure out one gram of your sugar. Information. It's the equivalent of seeds for mushroom growers. Dn’t be alarmed if the block doesn’t look fully colonized. When it's completely white it's done colonizing. The times and frequency with which you break and shake will influence colonization speed. Replace the needle cap and set it aside. Once all the grains are visibly covered with white mycelium, then the jar can be considered done. Wait for full colonization of the substrate in the monotub before introducing fruiting conditions. As soon as it’s exposed to fresh air, mushrooms will start to take form, as they need oxygen in order to grow. Yes, people do not like my advice as you can see by the downvotes, but I just assume they are oblivious. Therefore, you must find a balance between efficiency and speed of colonization. Quantity: Our top selling product every month! Midwest's Premium Select Bulk Substrate is the perfect combination of Coco Coir, Vermiculite, Hydrated Lime, Gypsum, ph buffers, ph stabilizers, mineral water and a few other choice ingredients. Still, relying on a pre-packaged grow kit isn’t the only way to grow mushrooms at home. look up how to grow. Dec 12, 2007 · Fastest growth to 100% colonization for me was achieved using: Half pint wide mouth jars multiple inoculation holes 1cc of solution per jar 82F TiT incubator temp When I used regular half pint jars and 2F higher temp, this resulted in metabolites in every jar and growth rate was unaffected, so I'm pretty confident anything over low 80's is unnecessary. So I have colonized 3 litre jars of brown rice grain spawn with my cubesis, I’m going to order the sterilized substrate soon, and have the monotubs all set up for growing. . They provide the key to knowing what factors to adjust to encourage the healthy production of mushrooms. 1) Discoloration – If you notice any discolored patches on the surface of your substrate (the material used to grow mushrooms), this may indicate an infestation by harmful organisms such as worms. I have never tried growing them myself, so I can't help you much, but from reading Tradd Cotter's book, it looks like Agaricus species are not beginner-friendly. Every spore has different genetics with mycelium that had its own growth patterns sometimes when it’s whisper, more rhizomorphic, it looks not fully colonized but actually is. --------------------. Stir & Wait: Post sitting, stir the mixture diligently. If you determine that your grow bag is Once inoculated, a fruiting block should be fully colonized within 2 weeks. All of these questions and MORE answered in the above post: "Can I use loose coco coir?" "How many Uncle Ben bags do I need for a 6qt shoebox?" "How much substrate does a brick of coir produce?" "I keep getting contamination with bucket tek pasteurization! Sep 11, 2019 · The spent substrate—or the fully colonized spawn, in the case of spawn bags—is easy to remove from a bag. And some jars will just be faster than others. G. These tiny pins will grow into marvelous mushrooms. It's important to note that opening the bags and mixing the substrate is not recommended, as this can introduce contaminants and increase the risk of infection. vit does look very dry too. On the other hand, if the blue substance is firmly attached and does not come off, it's likely bruising, which is a common occurrence during the colonization process. Colonization should begin as early as day two of the overall process. Preparing the ideal substrate for lion's mane mushrooms Nov 23, 2023 · The substrate is most likely fully colonized if the mycelium has completely covered the whole surface, leaving no open spaces or patches, and the color of the substrate is consistently white. Wait a few days after that to let it consolidate and then birth it. hey all. Nov 16, 2023 · Place half the vermiculite and gypsum on the bottom of the bucket. Substrate OVEN Pasteurization. Some of my varieties are fully colonized and ready to go in under 3 weeks. 25-1 in. This step may require breaking up any hardened colonized substrate to create a uniform layer. It will take approximately 5-10 days for the substrate to completely colonize with mycelium (you will be able to tell if it has completed colonization when the substrate has turned completely white). V. The substrate is mixed with colonized grains, and a thin casing layer is added on top, this layer is just substrate without grains, it retains moisture, and also helps keep contaminants at bay. You can check on it periodically, it usually take 2-3 days for the first pins (baby mushrooms) to start forming. That is, slide them out of the jars. Let it soak for 5 minutes, then dump the water out. A lot of the time coir+verm doesn't look fully colonized through the walls of your tub. Mix with colonized spawn in mono tub. Make sure you inject in multiple locations to help spread your spore solution. Jun 22, 2012 · Substrate is what you add your spawn to. Push the needle about 1/2 inch into the bag and inject about 1-2 cc’s of spores. If you don’t hear loose rice, and it feels completely dense, then it’s 100% colonized. Avoid compressing the bags too much, as this can damage the mycelium and inhibit growth. Oct 12, 2021 · Slime: A common sign of bacteria is a slimy appearance of mycelium or grains. I'm confused about those two statements. Most folks like to wait for the surface of the casing layer to be colonized anywhere from 70-100% before switching the tub to fruiting conditions. The substrate is colonized with the mushroom species of your choice, as we currently carry a variety. After the mushroom grow bag has fully colonized, look for pin formations on the substrate. However, the grain is still fully colonized and should be used within a month of receiving. this gives the mycelium time to colonize the inside as well, since it usually colonizes from the outside in. Hardwoods such as oak, beech and maple make for a great substrate for many types of mushrooms, especially when combined with a bran supplement. Next, cut a slit 1-2 inches above the substrate matching the width of the filter patch. If you need to wait or delay a bulk growing project, keep reading! This doesn't work with the standard half pint BRF jars, but any whole grain substrate. Quick Reply. It should smell like fresh mushrooms of the species you are growing Next time, make sure you trap a good pocket of air inside the bag (in your SAB or in front of your flowhood, obviously For this reason, knowing what to look for that signals that the mycelium is ready to fruit is important. Wrap the bucket in insulation wrap or towels to keep the tempreture higher I literally just cut the bags open and add 2 black binder clips to the top and leave the rest of the slits/holes open. Pull the needle halfway out, angle it in a different direction, and inject another 1-2 cc’s of spores. Lion’s Mane mycelium can be whispy and thin in places, and looks quite a bit different than something more robust like oyster or reishi. It's a Dyson swarm, so from the outside it "looks like" a huge fuzzy sphere or maybe ovoid that glows dimly in the infrared. May 23, 2021 · 1) Injecting LC into substrate directly never really worked for me. Oct 23, 2022 · Mycelium that has fully colonized the substrate exhibits distinct visual and olfactory signs. Also higher risks of mold contamination, because molds like uncolonised areas on top layer and develop faster than mycelium. Do Panaeolus cyanescens need a casing layer? Soaking Process: Transfer the straw (and gypsum mixture, if used) to a large pot or container. Apr 27, 2022 · Wait. Think of it like building a fire…you start with the twigs, then add the sticks, and then the logs. Mycelium pinning, also known as primordia formation, is the stage when the mycelium starts to differentiate and form tiny, initial structures called pins. The material will also look sludgy and thick, bacterial contamination often accompanies an odor of fermentation or decay. This is often done using grains, sawdust, or other also you should wait around a week after the jar is completely white. After a few days, tiny mushroom pins will appear on the surface of the substrate. 8 days at 45% is roughly average. Don’t put cardboard or fabric under it as this reduces the breathability between the substrate and the soil below. Grain spawn is sterilized grain that has been fully colonized with mushroom mycelium. Use a total of 3-5 cc’s of spores per spawn bag. • 5 yr. Like coco coir, and gypsum are perfect. Once the mycelium has fully spread, or “fully colonized the grain,” it will be ready for the next step: mixing it with bulk substrate. You may pasteurize the substrate by heating it to 140-160°F for 1-2 hours. This looks like more substrate just added over the colonized cake? Ive never dealt with a strain that needs a casing layer but like i just ordered P. Some strains can take 60 days+ to fully colonize while others can take as little as 25! Fully colonized 5-Grain spawn bag rotated on its side. With gourmet mushrooms, you want to limit the air to the mycelium except where you want fruits to form. 2. 3. Nov 13, 2012 · Quote: The Trees Knees said: The reason I ask is because my tub has a half dozen pins that are . Step 1: Make or buy mushroom grain spawn. Shop: Olympus Myco Sterilized Grain Bag for Spawn Injection Grain Bag, North Spore Mushroom Grow Kits & Cultivation Supplies. STEP ONE – Purchase your tub We recommend purchasing a tub already made for cultivating mushrooms like the MaxYield Bins , or you can choose to buy a large plastic tub similar to styles made by Oct 6, 2008 · Quote. Despite that tho, I believe you can achieve pinning with your current setup still by utilizing wax paper, or bubble wrap. Some people introduce fruiting conditions immediately and some people wait until the substrate becomes 100% colonized. The spawn stage is a critical phase in the mushroom cultivation process that serves as an intermediary step between the initial mycelium culture and the final fruiting stage. r/unclebens is a beginner-friendly community created by Shroomscout to share the "Ready Rice" technique…. While not required, if you have a BoomRoom II, Boomr Bin or another enclosed grow chamber, feel free to place your ShroomTek bag inside. Use substrate at field capacity. Let It Sit: Seal the esky with its lid and let the substrate sit for about 30-60 minutes. 6. only a few drops should come out. Pasteurized Straw is commonly used to grow oyster mushrooms. Sep 19, 2023 · Add the 2 liters of vermiculite into the esky. Unlike substrate jars, spores can react very different with whole grain. If it's got strong white mycelium, cut an X on the fresh side and start from that side. Sep 4, 2021 · Place your mushroom block on the brick so that it’s above the water and place a tea towel over the bucket. There’s a certain growth momentum you need to match to give the mushrooms a good enough chance to survive. Once your water is vigorously boiling, carefully pour it over the mixture of coir and vermiculite in the esky. Within 3 to 10 days of inoculation, you’ll start to see mycelial growth in the bag; this looks like a fluffy white substance growing between the grains of the spawn. When looking for signs of quality mycelium growth in an oyster mushroom kit or patch, you should look out for the bright white coloration that indicates it is growing properly. The thicker the more mushrooms you get. Sep 22, 2019 · Adviser (NSFD) Sep 22, 2019. Availability: In Stock. I have two 3lb bags of grain spawn that looks about 95% colonized. But spawn by itself fruits poorly compared to a properly prepared substrate. Once your substrate is fully colonized, crumble and case with 50/50+. $20. Dec 29, 2009 · btw, to tell if your bulk sub is at field capacity, grab a small handful and squeeze it. Just place your cased substrate into your humidity chamber and watch them grow! by ambrose & BJ. Place the coco coir on top. It colonized, and then fruits. Then, pasteurize the substrate to kill any bacteria or other microorganisms that could compete with the mushroom mycelium. Beyond substances that can be added to the substrate or agar, there are also several environmental parameters that can influence mycelial colonization rates. 5. is to soak your grains for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature before you begin the sterilization process. G o t u s e d t o t h e f e e l i n g o f f a l l i n g. The flexible bag makes it easy to mix the spawn thoroughly through the substrate; just squeeze. Only now have I…. Once fully colonized and consolidated there are many ways to get your grain spawn to fruit into actual mushrooms. Second, breaking the network of mycelia will expose the substrate to a higher risk of contamination. To prepare the substrate, mix it with water until it reaches a moisture content of 60-70%. Once your substrate is colonized, you want to mist it, and lay that sucker across. Jun 20, 2018 · Put the spent substrate straight on the soil. #9. Place the rest of the vermiculite and gypsum on top (this will mean it mixes better when hydrating). Pour boiling water over the CVG mixutre and close the lid on the bucket. May 6, 2023 · Hydrate the block: Gently open the top plastic above the filter patch using a sterilized tool and pour in a cup of distilled water. You can break up the grain and mix the contents of the jar once there’s been about 30% colonization. Ultimately in the end the sun itself will probably be disassembled or at least massively shrunk as it's burning inefficiently. Mar 23, 2023 · Using a sterile q-tip, gently swab the blue substance and try to remove it. Once fully colonized, the substrate will require proper environmental triggers in order to form nice and big mushrooms. It can be messy. Allow it to soak for a full 24-hours. Don't open it, don't fan it, don't do anything. First off, you'll need to get your mushroom grain spawn colonizing so it can be used in your monotub. If the mycelium looks slimy or wet, this could indicate that the substrate is too moist. Pinning is the process that initiates after mycelium has fully colonized the substrate. In regards to colonized spawn and substrate everyone does it a bit differently. This spreads the mycelium around more evenly among the grain and gets the jar colonized quicker. but a casing layer is not something the mycelium can colonize it's purely to help create the correct surface conditions i believe. Maybe try neglect tek, i think if it continues to colonize you will get overlay which can prevent pins from forming. Once the substrate has been fully colonized by the mycelium, it can be fruited (allowed to produce mushrooms. In microbiology, a fully-colonized substrate can result from inoculating a fungus or bacterium in a medium and letting them grow until mycelium can no longer be separated or a single colony cannot be isolated. This is a sign that the mycelium is healthy and colonizing the substrate. The bag should look like the picture above. Skip to main content. Let the bag (s) colonize somewhere out of the way and about room-temperature (colonization will be slower than for jars incubated in warmer conditions, but incubating on the cool side helps fight contamination). Spawn is used as an inoculant, and can be used to expand mycelium. The substrate dries out over time and leaves chunks of substrate attached to the walls of the tub. Apr 8, 2013 · That bag looks fine, use it. Place the fully white (colonized) bags or jars in a cool dark This bulk substrate is typically 1-10 times the volume of the spawn grain and significantly increases yield per given volume of spawn. Mar 10, 2021 · The all-in-one mushroom grow bag options we offer are 10 pounds of fully-colonized substrate, which consists mainly of organic red oak. In areas where substrate presses against glass and condensation is present brown-yellow slimy rings are often present around the grains. The more evenly the valleys of the casing are colonized, the more even of a pin set you will produce. Mushrooms grow at night and during the day. you can usually tell once the outside is fully colonized but you must worry about the center. Why would you subject your sub to open air without it being fully colonized? Assuming you fully "cook" your cvg with your bucket tek, you still risk contams, especially at the surface level. ago. Just let it go and you'll be fine. These pins eventually develop into mature fruiting bodies or mushrooms. Once they are around 50-75% colonized you can introduce light. We see a wide variance in germination rates and colonization times but this will not affect the end result. If you're unsure just wait 2 full weeks and birth it. You should begin to see mushroom colonization in no time. Turn the block around and see what the other side of the fruiting block looks like. Remember, do not refrigerate Pink Oyster spawn! You should not wait for the Pink mycelium to regrow because often times this does not happen - the quick, aggressive nature of Pink mycelium has already utilized all it can from the outer part of the grain That’s why we wait for full colonization, and then wait a week. ^ Yeah 4 1/2 pints is a really small amount to do a monotub with. Once your mushrooms have fully colonized the bag, you can either cut the holes or “x’s” in the side of the bag, or cut the top of the bag off entirely in order to fruit your Jul 23, 2023 · In conclusion, good mycelium looks like a healthy and vibrant white web of fungal strands. The kit comes in a plastic bag with a filter patch, which can be recycled once you are finished with it. Sep 5, 2018 · Many people don't realize that you can store fully colonized spawn bags and grain jars for 2-3 months after they are colonized. I'm sure you can find some info on how to proceed with that somewhere on the web. Give light their entire life. They need a microbial soil casing to fruit properly. Mushrooms are not like plants which need an abundance of light to grow. This soaking period ensures that the straw is fully saturated, making it a receptive substrate for colonization. Follow the grow guide: Now you're ready to follow the steps outlined in our "The Simplest Way to The bag allows you to easily mix your spawn after inoculation, and the filter patch allows your mushroom culture to breath while it grows throughout the sawdust. It will likely be white, although the color may vary. Once the mycelium appears in the valleys of the casing layer, meaning you can see mycelium strands beginning to poke through the casing layer, but the surface of the casing is not yet colonized, you should initiate pinning. A little tap on the bottom should do it. For most mushroom species, the recommended spawn to substrate ratio should be between 1:2 and 1:4. Step 2: Observe the Development of Mushroom Pins. The substrate if at field capacity should have enough moisture to throw two maybe three flushes without adding any water. Apr 5, 2021 · Alright, now with a fully colonized grain spawn bag and sterilized substrate ready to go, it is time to fruit your mushrooms using the monotub method. They may appear as small, moving organisms within the mycelium network. When should I see mycelium growth? Sometimes you can see mycelium growth a day or two after you knock up a jar but not allways. However, you can follow general guidelines to anticipate the first flush of fruiting bodies from these substrates. The substrate is usually not sterile, and the mycelium will die out. 315K subscribers in the unclebens community. If you see any other color, such as green or black spots, this could indicate contamination or mold growth. Jan 7, 2016 · Quote: George Sears said: Just relax man. Just be patent and put the jars in a dark innoculation chamber between 75-80 degrees and you will be fine. 703K subscribers in the shrooms community. Sometimes also if you put a thicker layer of casing over top of the substrate you have your spawn mixed in to kind of like a top soil layer you aren't going to see the top fully colonize or nearly as quick because of the ratio of spawn to substrate. gw bp ga qd pt xl bp dk gu no