Get token metadata solana. so. I tried it out in TypeScript with the @solana/spl-token library and was able to update the Token2022 metadata with the script below. First, we will create our createTokenAndMint function. S. 16, first add the solana-program dependency An important point to note: if your token is fungible, then according to the metaplex metadata standard, it must have a decimals value > 0. nft. I think we can't open 1k websocket connections to listen events. toml. Sep 12, 2021 · So in theory I should be able to update this filter to instead filter by the NFT's own address, but I'm not sure how to get the bit offset correct here to make the filter accurate. Improve this answer. Whether we want to mint a Fungible, Semi-Fungible or Non-Fungible asset, the overall process is the same: Upload off-chain data. Learn more The Metadata Interface specifies the following instructions: Initialize : Initialize the basic token metadata fields (name, symbol, URI). 1. It achieves this using Program Derived Addresses (PDAs) that are derived from the address of Mint accounts. The new standard to SPL token metadata is actually that the same of NFT's now. Requires resizing the account to accommodate for addition space. The JSON schema for the tokens includes: chainId, address, name, decimals, symbol, logoURI (optional), tags (optional), and custom extensions metadata. Create two files, wallet. 2. token symbol and name) Dec 15, 2023 · It implements metadata extension, but first I need to find a way to retrive metadata pointer related to this Mint using RPC or js SDKs. With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for May 15, 2022 · I have token X in solana with a token address and an associated token account. Essentially, this “ ultimate ERC20 token API ” makes fetching the balance of ERC20 tokens and native coins straightforward. On the next screen, select Self Managed and hit Next. Create folder and keypairs #. Upload new metadata. Jun 6, 2022 · const nftResult = await SolanaApi. So, I suggest you to use Metaplex's Candy Machine to make your own NFT with Metadata. 1 SOL) Wait 1 minute. If no metadata exists, check legacy token-list from @solana/spl-token-registry. fm shows Token Extensions metadata properly. In addition, make sure you log the results by adding “c onsole. Wrapped SOL. Click on Update Token and confirm transaction (0. Aug 24, 2021 · Given a token mint address, I'm looking for a way to get access to the metadata of an ERC721 token. Set primary_sale_happened bool on an NFT's metadata. How to get the tokens in data-search-meta-sol. I'm looking for guidance or suggestions on how to successfully update the token metadata. Once you have your list of "possible NFTs", you have to generate the pda for each one with findProgramAddress () and check if it has Oct 21, 2023 · It was the last day of the Hyperdrive Hackathon and I was stuck exactly at this problem. As token usage has evolved on Solana, it has become clear that there are more types of tokens than simply "fungible" and "non-fungible" tokens. Step2: add config to Anchor. PublicKey(&quot; Jan 18, 2024 · To get started creating tokens with token extensions, you can use the Solana Tool Suite to create tokens with a CLI. I can use cli if only I could find a guide or commands to do so. Token22 refers to the next version of the Solana Program Library's token program. Start by adding the following code for the setup. Instead, you: use Token Metadata extension to write the metadata directly to the token mint; use Metadata Pointer to point the mint to itself to find the metadata. Here we explain how to make a Solana Token Airdrop. First, get the NFT’s address. We'll use mint. This method is the fastest way to lookup NFTs (including metadata) on Solana. Next, you may create your Umi instance and install the mplTokenMetadata plugin like so. 4. This shows how to get the metadata, is on the token creator github. Delete Method. Including: airdrop, web3. Metaplex Token Metadata Program to attach additional data to Fungible or Non-Fungible tokens on Solana. Update the NFT. nfts(). 1. Feb 12, 2022 · I try to access the meta data of a solana token via the Solscan API. only). With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for Jul 7, 2022 · Stack Overflow Jobs powered by Indeed: A job site that puts thousands of tech jobs at your fingertips (U. The Metaplex Token Metadata documentation has a section on burning NFTs, which can be found here. A tool for finding and displaying token metadata (e. token_metadata_program. @solana/spl-token-registry. metaboss create metadata -a <mint_address> -m <metadata_file> When users interact with apps built on Solana, they usually want to refer to tokens by a simple name (like "USDC" or "wBTC"), rather than a 44-character-long token address. web3. Mint new NFTs from a JSON file or URIs. It is because in Solana SPL-token account would not carry the Metadata. On this page, we'll go over the process of minting these assets. How about in case we must listen from list of NFT Token (ex 1k nft tokens and still growth). Apr 22, 2024 · In the meantime as you note, solana. Connecting to cluster: const endpoint = clusterApiUrl('devnet'); let connection = new Connection(endpoint); const web3jsKeyPair = // load your key pair here. Dec 11, 2023 · Note: If you have experience building Solana programs, the PDA is seeded by: the public key of the token mint, the public key of the token metadata program, and the term 'metadata. The latter will let you see the results using your browser’s console (the “inspect” option). How do I create a token with token extensions? To get started, use the Solana Tool Suite to create tokens with a CLI. solana-cli. where -u m is dump from mainnet. Assets minted using this program can bring to life the promise of true programmability of money and The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. Updating the SPL token metadata is now as simple as updating Apr 24, 2024 · In this section, we'll walk you through a simple client-side implementation for interacting with the program. For both Sep 23, 2022 · Get Mint (Token) Create Account (Token) Get Account (Token) Mint To (Token) Get Balance (Token) Transfer (Token) Advanced. Setting Jan 24, 2023 · To implement the Solana Python API endpoints, we need to create a new “index. Oct 21, 2023 · Let’s Get into the Code: 1. Feb 29, 2024 · This is where the motivation to reduce the friction when working with Solana tokens came in, (ctx. 3. I want to add a metadata account to that token X, meaning token X will have metadata pointing to an off-chain (external) json file . Sep 9, 2023 · With the addition of token metadata to Token2022 and the SPL Token Metadata interface itself to the SPL library, we need to support this cool feature & interface in JavaScript! The goal here is to lay down a JavaScript library for SPL Token Metadata and then import it into @solana/spl-token for Token2022 metadata support. ' The Metaplex Metadata program has standards defined for NFTs, Fungible Tokens, and Fungible Asset/Semi-fungible Tokens (SFTs). First we create a new keypair that will be the owner of our token: solana-keygen grind --starts-with key:1. You can also customize the token, making it immutable, revoke freeze authority and revoke mint authority for an additional 0. Get an asset by its ID. Share. JSON response. Oct 27, 2023 · This is one of my favourite extensions for SPL Token2022: Token metadata. client. accounts. This allows developers the flexibility to create custom Metadata Programs while reducing the challenges related to ecosystem integration for their program. A list of the most common ways to get devnet and testnet SOL tokens for Solana development. Here's a reference initialize instruction that: initialize a mint. UpdateField : Updates an existing token metadata field or adds to the additional_metadata if it does not already exist. map((t) => ExtensionType[t])) When running the above, it returns an empty array which indicates you didn't enable the metadata pointer extension. Based on the extension you want to create, your Jan 17, 2024 · With a growing number of NFT standards on Solana, including the recent launch of compressed NFTs, it can be difficult to keep track of all the different ways to fetch NFT data. Jun 2, 2022 · Thank @Mark Sackerberg for your supporting. After I am able to read the nft metadata, next I need a code example for updating the metadata. With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for Jul 28, 2023 · If you get rate limited by the RPC endpoint your Solana CLI is configured to use, you can add -u "urlToYourRpc" to the any of these command to use a different RPC endpoint. We offer a robust suite of endpoints that allows you to access NFT metadata along with crucial components of our marketplace, including events, collections, listings, bids, and more. For this, we will discuss the case where the token uses the Token Metadata Standard established by Metaplex and the case where it does not. Assets minted using this program can bring to life the promise of true programmability of money and Sep 2, 2022 · Although its called the Nft model, it works for regular fungible tokens as well since metadata is associated with a token mint the same way. js library. so file from devnet, testnet or mainnet. const metaplex = Metaplex. symbol - ? token name -? Create folder and keypairs #. This can either be a keypair or the solana wallet adapter. Get Asset. so file you dumped before, address is address of program in localnet. Feb 8, 2024 · TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID, ) const types = getExtensionTypes(mint. LIbrary versions in use: "@solana/spl-token": "^0. Jan 17, 2024 · Checking out your link, solscan still doesn't show the picture correctly, so I think it's unlikely that the problem is it taking that long to populate. const getMetadata = useCallback( async (form) => { const tokenMint = form. With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for Apr 25, 2022 · The metaplex-token-metadata program is the backbone of NFT on Solana. Specify the existing mint address and path to a metadata file that contains the name, symbol and uri fields in a JSON format. With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for As we discussed in the Token Metadata overview, digital assets on Solana are composed of several on-chain accounts and off-chain data describing the token. To get started, you'll need to add the mpl-token-metadata dependency to your project. make(connection) const mintAddress = new PublicKey("TOKEN_MINT_HERE") const nft = await metaplex. From a terminal on the root folder of your project: cargo add mpl-token-metadata. In regards to mixing token extensions and metaplex - you don't need metaplex for Token Extensions tokens. CLI Flag. js? Create folder and keypairs #. Your wallet should be using the JSON standard Create folder and keypairs #. There is a new type of "token" called spl20, that are neither token or token22. 1 SOL. Mar 8, 2024 · 2. Create Nonce Account ; Get Create folder and keypairs #. Notice that I have Revoked ownership and revoked freeze authority. Based on the extension you want to create, your command flags may be different. Feb 1, 2024 · Step 1 - Create a New Token. This function will create a new token with our specified extensions and mint it to a new associated token account owned by the owner wallet we generated previously. Jan 24, 2024 · Comprising more than a dozen extensions, developers can now unlock advanced token functionality with remarkable efficiency, requiring only a fraction of the engineering time. Then we Dec 25, 2021 · OverflowAI is here! AI power for your Stack Overflow for Teams knowledge community. Otherwise you will not be able to update the token metadata. log(metadataPDA. SPL-Token's name, symbol, logo, and more can be retrieved today the following way: Get associated Metaplex Metadata Account to check for Metadata. Then you want to tell Umi which wallet to use. You can get to this page by clicking "View URI Metadata" on the "Metadata" page of your token. Verify a creator by signing the metadata accounts for all tokens in a list, for a given candy machine id or a single mint account Solana API Overview. Thanks for the help. With this common interface, wallets, dApps, and on-chain programs can universally access token metadata, and tools for Feb 21, 2024 · Step1: dump the target program to . tokenAddress; // Your token mint address const metadataPDA = await findMetadataPda(new PublicKey(tokenMint)); // You can use findMetadataPda method to get the PDA for token mint where metadata is stored console. You can remove the mint_to cpi from the initialize instruction for your use case. You can custom for your use. Reading Legacy Token-list. Solana Token Registry is a package that allows application to query for list of tokens. How you get this depends on where the NFT is coming from. Decode the metadata of a token mint account. Read JSON metadata for a token from Solscan. I have tried two different websites and even attempted to hard code the metadata, but none of these approaches have worked so far. The output file is tests/metaplex_token_metadata_program. ts file in Solana Playground, remove the placeholder code, and add the code snippets from the following sections. Set update_authority address on an NFT's metadata. where program is . answered Mar 8 at 5:18. We will cover three steps to update your NFT's metadata: Fetch the existing NFT. Fill in the token creation form. Below are the flags to add to create tokens with each type of extension. . The Magic Eden Solana API is designed to empower developers in creating innovative experiences using NFTs and our abundant marketplace data. 💹 Token Metadata API. creates a metadata account for the mint. Create Token Account ; Add Balanace ; Close Account ; Set Authority ; Get All Token Account By Owner ; Metaplex (NFT) Get Token Metadata ; Get NFT ; Mint NFT ; Durable Nonce . ts to mint a new SPL token and upload our token metadata. Specifically the URI field. spl-token: ERC20-like token program on Solana: spl-token-2022: Token program compatible with spl-token, with extensions: spl-associated-token-account: Stateless protocol defining a canonical "associated" token account for a wallet: spl-governance: DAO program using tokens for voting: spl-account-compression Token extensions enable the next generation of features for digital assets and stablecoins on the Solana blockchain by imbuing the assets with a native set of rich features ranging from confidentiality to token-gated access to required metadata. Assets minted using this program can bring to life the promise of true programmability of money and Create folder and keypairs #. spl-token. In order to support adding metadata information to Token-2022 mint Sep 1, 2021 · To display off-chain metadata of SPL tokens, the on-chain struct needs to contain a URI as described above, which will allow your wallet to find it. Assets minted using this program can bring to life the promise of true programmability of money and Token extensions enable the next generation of features for digital assets and stablecoins on the Solana blockchain by imbuing the assets with a native set of rich features ranging from confidentiality to token-gated access to required metadata. Jan 9, 2024 · It could be a Metaplex Token Metadata account, or it could point to the mint itself, which is what you would need to do for the spl-token initialize metadata you are trying above. Currently, the standard for the Solana ecosystem is a single GitHub To get started, you'll need to install the Umi framework and the Token Metadata JavaScript library. This will generate a keypair for you where the public address starts with "key". If you created it, note down the address of the NFT returned. At the top of that script, we import the above-installed packages: from flask import Flask, request from flask_cors import CORS from moralis import sol_api from dotenv import dotenv_values. An example is something the community is calling a "semi-fungible token", an SPL token with a supply greater than 1 but which has typical NFT attributes such as an image and an attributes array in the Jan 3, 2024 · I'm trying to create a program in python that takes the address of a Solana token and returns its metadata as a . Jul 1, 2022 · 2. The process may take a few minutes. run() The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. ts. Instead, you have to create another account to carry such data. Create Nonce Account ; Get Oct 24, 2021 · Create a metadata for an NFT token in Solana is quite complicated. To get started, navigate to the client. If your token has been set to decimal values 0 it will be displayed on UIs which comply with the metaplex metadata standard as an NFT even if it has supply > 1. Mar 5, 2022 · Hello to fetch all the NFTs in a collection using the symbol of the collection. Search jobs We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I have been trying to update the metadata for my Solana token, but I'm encountering difficulties. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to create a Mint Account that enables both the MetadataPointer and TokenMetadata extensions. Dec 11, 2023 · In this guide, you will update the metadata of an NFT on Solana's devnet from your terminal using the Solana Web3 library and Metaplex JS SDKs. Add the following code to your app. The cost of updating the Solana Token Metadata is 0. mints the token. Create a new project directory in your terminal with: mkdir mint-fungible-splcd mint-fungible-spl. Each token will have it's own token metadata account (which will need creating if token was created via the SPL Token CLI), in your case once was created for you if you used Strata to create the token. ts file: Sep 19, 2022 · Metadata. Assets minted using this program can bring to life the promise of true programmability of money and Jan 18, 2024 · Resources on the internet are limited at the moment. How should this be done? I have not found a way using @solana/spl-token library. toBase58()); const Create folder and keypairs #. It is a new standard that makes use of brc20 style inscriptions that use nfts. This setup simplifies the process of adding metadata to a Mint Account by storing all the data on a single account. 9" "solana/spl-token-metadata": "^0. Dec 20, 2022 · However, a quality fungible token metadata API, such as the Moralis Token API, will also fetch a token’s logo. to_account_info(), CreateMasterEditionV3 {edition: The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. I only familiar with cli and I didn't find any other tool enabling this request. We will use wallet. Nonetheless, the token metadata also varies based on token standards. Step 1: Create a node-fetch file Oct 18, 2021 · using getTokenSupply in solana web 3 i was able to get amount and decimals, how can get the name of the token and other metadata? let from_pairs = new anchor. py” file inside our “python-backend” folder. All tokens on solana use either token or token22. solana-program. Token. All within a customizable key-value data store directly on the token's mint account, reducing costs and complexity. Sep 23, 2022 · Get Mint (Token) Create Account (Token) Get Account (Token) Mint To (Token) Get Balance (Token) Transfer (Token) Advanced. To get started creating tokens with token extensions, you can use the Solana Tool Suite to create tokens with a CLI. Imagine you’d like to create an NFT for your art, essentially you need to: upload your art (digitized) to a permanent The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. 0. They give the following example of how to use the SDK to burn an asset on Token Metadata: The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. My suggestion is to try minting a new token using this tutorial and make sure it works as Aug 25, 2022 · I was wondering if there was a way to get the metadata for NFT tokens minted through the Metaplex standard? I was able to find the data for Solana fungible tokens using the code listed below and I want to find the same kind of data but just for Metaplex NFTs. If it is an Apr 27, 2023 · Since @solana/spl-token-registry package is deprecated, I have the question: how to get token metadata by contract address? decimals - can be obtained by getParsedAccountInfo method of @solana/web3. Then hit Next. If you are using a solana-program version prior to 1. getNFTMetadata (options); Yes, the “getNFTMetadata” is the key that enables you to get Solana NFT metadata. Moreso, it seems Solscan is parsing it incorrectly, as can be seen by this screenshot. In order for apps like Phantom or Serum to perform this translation, they use a token metadata registry. metadata. Is any API available that provides the data? SPL Token-2022 is the latest token program on the Solana blockchain that can be used to create fungible and non-fungible tokens. That's it, you can now interact with NFTs by using Jan 5, 2024 · Set Up Your Environment. Nov 22, 2023 · There is a lot of new terminology going around. Sep 12, 2023 · On Solana, transactions must be signed before they are sent off. This account is effectively a global counter for a specific token, and stores data such as: Supply: Total supply of the token. Since, I have worked with the previous versions of mpl-token-metadata, I was assured that I will be able to build this part in minutes but Umi came as the surprise and took a good two hours of mine. g. If you want to update the logo, name, or other metadata on a token, you must have the mint authority of said token. ts to create a new dev wallet and airdrop some Solana for testing. Nov 5, 2021 · Step 1: Get the NFT’s address. js, POW faucet, and more. Here is the final script. How to query the metadata for a token; Example: Get metadata for USDT token; Alchemy SDK (Recommended) Step 1: Install the Alchemy SDK Quickstart and create a file; Step 2: Write the token metadata querying script; Step 3: Run the code to get the token metadata with the Alchemy SDK; Node-Fetch. tlvData) console. ts and mint. It supports the same functionalities and structures of the SPL Token program, but also includes a set of extensions to add new functionalities. "The Metaplex Digital Asset Standard (DAS) API represents a unified interface for interacting with digital assets on Solana, supporting both standard (Token Metadata Apr 24, 2024 · With the Token Extension program , you can create NFTs and digital assets using the metadata extensions. log(`Extension Types`, types. Mint Account # Tokens on Solana are uniquely identified by the address of a Mint Account owned by the Token Program. Open a new terminal and create a new folder: mkdir nice-token cd nice-token. Extension. I know how to do it for ETH using the alchemy-sdk, when I found out the alchemy-sdk doesn't support Solana, I tried using a metaplex-sdk solution and a solscan solution, but metaplex-sdk only seems to work for NFTs and This tutorial aims to explain how to fetch the metadata of a token. 2" Code snippet: Feb 5, 2021 · If you are looking only for NFT's (not all tokens), you have to filter your results by supply == 1 and decimals == 0 in the tokenAmout field (returned in the data of the query), and make a list of possible NFTs. log (nftResults) ;”. Creating a Token and Updating the Metadata on Strata Protocol Token Launchpad (Beginner) Go to Strata Protocol, connect your wallet using the button in the upper right corner, and select Create New Token. Indeed, according to the date of creation of the token, it can not use this standard but use the Solana Labs Token List instead. Dec 30, 2022 · 4. I just want mutable = false. This means that first priority should be Metaplex Metadata, then @solana/spl-token-registry. Token extensions enable the next generation of features for digital assets and stablecoins on the Solana blockchain by imbuing the assets with a native set of rich features ranging from confidentiality to token-gated access to required metadata. Together, these extensions ( metadata pointer and token metadata ) allow you to put any desired metadata natively on-chain. In this section, we'll walk you through a simple client-side implementation for interacting with the program. This will all the latest version of the crate in your project's dependency list. Overview. Usage. Decimals: Decimal precision of the token. Update the initialize_token_mint instruction to also create a token metadata account. The Token Metadata Interface can be implemented by any program. Decorate an existing SPL token mint with metadata. findByMint({ mintAddress }). We also discuss the metadata pointer, what it is and why it can be useful. Is there an API in @solana/web3. . zd tq rv tq ew ut od ux py xs